Top 16 Apps Similar to Chuyển pháp luân (PLC)

Phap Luan Cong 2.0 1.0
Bui Ngoc Sang
Pháp Luân Đại Pháp (còn gọi là PhápLuânCông)là môn tu luyện Phật gia thượng thừa, do ông Lý Hồng Chí,Sưphụcủa pháp môn sáng lập. Pháp môn lấy [việc] đồng hoá vớiđặctính“Chân Thiện Nhẫn” của vũ trụ làm căn bản, lấy đặc tính tốicaocủavũ trụ làm chỉ đạo, là chiểu theo nguyên lý diễn hoá của vũtrụmàtu luyện. Các bài giảng của Sư phụ Lý được trình bàytrongnhiềukinh thư, trong đó có Pháp Luân Công, Chuyển Pháp Luân,ĐạiViênMãn Pháp, Tinh tấn Yếu chỉ và Hồng Ngâm. Các tác phẩm nàyvàcáctác phẩm khác đã được dịch thành 38 ngôn ngữ, và được xuấtbảnvàlưu truyền trên khắp thế giới.Pháp Luân Phật Pháp là trực chỉ nhân tâm, trong đó tu tâm vàniệmcủamột người, hay “tâm tính” (Xinxing) là điểm then chốt đểtăngtrưởngCông lực. ‘tâm tính cao bao nhiêu, công cao bấy nhiêu’,đólà chân lýtuyệt đối trong vũ trụ. Tâm tính gồm có đức (đức làmộtloại vật chấtmàu trắng) và chuyển hoá của nghiệp (nghiệp làmộtloại vật chất màuđen), bao gồm [việc] xả bỏ các dục vọng vàtâmchấp trước trong ngườithường; còn phải chịu khổ trong nhữngcáikhổ, còn bao gồm rất nhiềuđiều cần phải tu [trong các] phươngdiệnnâng cao tầng.Falun Dafa(alsocalledFalun Gong) is a Buddha school practice Ultimate, byMr.LiHongzhi, the Master of the founding disciplines.Disciplinestake[the] identified with characteristics of"Truthfulness,Compassion,Forbearance" as the basis of the universe,taking thehighestcharacteristic of the universe as directing, ispursuant totheprinciple of the universe manifest cultivation. ThelecturesofMaster Li is shown in many scriptures, including FalunGong,ZhuanFalun, the Great Perfection France, Essentials and HongYin.Theseworks and other works have been translated into 38languages,andpublished and circulated around the world.Falun Buddha Fa is directly just heartless, whilecultivatingthemind and thoughts of a person, or "mood" (Xinxing) iskey togrowthCong force. 'How high mood, the higher this much', istheabsolutetruth in the universe. Xinxing include faith (faith isawhitesubstance) and industrial metabolism (now is ablacksubstance),including [the] let go of attachments and desiresofeverydaypeople; longer have to suffer in the suffering,alsoincludes a lotof things need to cultivate [in] terms ofraisingstories.
Falun Dafa 1.0
Bui Ngoc Sang
It is a discipline in which “assimilationtothehighest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan,Ren(Truthfulness,Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundationofpractice. Practice isguided by these supreme qualities, andbasedon the very laws whichunderlie the development of thecosmos.”Master Li’s teachings areset forth in a number of texts,amongwhich are included Falun Gong,Zhuan Falun, The GreatPerfectionWay of Falun Dafa, Essentials forFurther Advancement,and Hong Yin(The Grand Verses). These and otherworks have beentranslated intothirty-eight languages, and arepublished anddistributedworldwide.The focus of Falun Dafa practice is the mind, with thecultivationofone’s mind and thoughts, or “Xinxing,” being singledout as thekeyto increasing Gong energy. The height of a person’sGong isdirectlyproportionate to that of his Xinxing. The conceptof“Xinxing”encompasses the transformation of virtue (a white formofmatter) andkarma (a black form of matter). It alsoincludesforbearance,discernment, and abandonment—that is,forsakingordinary humandesires and attachments, and managing toendure themost trying ofordeals. Much is encompassed by theconcept.Falun Dafa also includes the cultivation of the body,whichisaccomplished by performing specific exercises. One purposeoftheexercises is to strengthen thepractitioner’ssupernaturalabilities and energy mechanisms by meansof his or herpowerfulGong force. Another purpose is to develop manylivingentities inthe practitioner’s body. In advanced practice,theImmortal Infantwill come into being and many abilities willbedeveloped. Theexercises of Falun Dafa are necessary forthetransformation andcultivation of such things. Acomprehensivemind-body cultivationsystem such as this requiresbothself-cultivation and physicalexercises, with cultivationtakingpriority over exercises. Aperson’s Gong simply will notincrease ifhe or she merely doesexercises while failing tocultivate Xinxing.The exercises arethus a supplemental means toachieving spiritualperfection.Falun Dafa involves the cultivation of a Falun, or “lawwheel.”TheFalun is an intelligent, rotating entity composedofhigh-energymatter. The Falun that Master Li Hongzhi plants inapractitioner’slower abdomen from other dimensionsrotatesconstantly, twenty-fourhours a day. (True cultivators canacquire aFalun by readingMaster Li’s books, watching his 9-sessionlectureson video,listening to his 9-session lectures onaudiocassette, orstudyingtogether with students of Falun Dafa.) TheFalunhelpspractitioners to practice automatically. That is, theFalunrefinesthe practitioner at all times, even though he orsheisn’tperforming the exercises at every moment. Of allpracticesmadepublic in the world today, only Falun Dafa has managedtoachieve astate in which, “the Fa refines the person.”The rotating Falun has the same qualities as the universe, andistheuniverse’s miniature. The Buddhist Falun, the DaoistYin-Yang,andeverything of the Ten-Directional World are reflectedin theFalun.The Falun provides salvation to the practitioner whenitrotatesinward (clockwise), since it absorbs a great amountofenergy fromthe universe and transforms it into Gong energy.TheFalun providessalvation to others when rotatingoutward(counter-clockwise), for itreleases energy that can saveany beingand rectify any abnormalcondition. Being in the presenceofsomeone who practices thusbenefits a person.Falun Dafa “brings a person to a state of wisdomandharmoniousexistence. The movements of the practice are concise,asa greatway is extremely simple and easy.” Falun Dafa is uniqueineightways:
The Guide to Better Decisions 2.0
"Yes" or "No," from the #1 New YorkTimesbestselling author Spencer Johnson, presents a brilliantandpractical system anyone can use to make better decisions, soonandoften -- both at work and in personal life.The "Yes" or "No" System lets us:focus on real needs, versus mere wantscreate better optionssee the likely consequences of choicesand identify and then use our own integrity, intuition, andinsightto gain peace of mind, self-confidence, and freedom fromfear
法轮大法洪传APP 1.0.2
法轮大法洪传 APP 电子书 由禁书书编译制作,非法轮大法官方出品。一. 法轮功在中国讲法、办班56次,修炼者过亿二. 印度学校课本编入法轮功经文,上千师生体育课集体炼法轮功三. 大陆各界肯定法轮功四. 大陆媒体对法轮功的正面报道五. 超越民族及国界,洪传逾100国六. 法轮功洪传世界 东西方人皆喜爱(图文)七. 获得全球褒奖超过2000项八. 大法神迹,运化万千 – 法轮大法洪传二十一年的五大神迹九. 大陆民间5大神奇预言与法轮大法洪传十. 法轮大法在台湾十一. 法轮大法在亚洲十二. 法轮大法在欧洲十三. 法轮大法在加拿大十四. 法轮大法在美国十五. 法轮大法弘传世界十六. 举世同庆“世界法轮大法日”(一) 加拿大总理、部长祝贺法轮大法洪传世界二十二周年(二) 加国部长国会议员贺法轮大法洪传22周年(三) 加安省各市政要 贺法轮大法洪传22周年(四) 法轮功洪传22周年庆 加拿大十余部长议员到场盛赞(五) 佛光普照台湾自由广场(图)(六) 法轮大法弘传台湾十七周年志庆(图)(七) 瑞典庆祝法轮大法洪传世界21周年(八) 法轮大法洪传世界 全球反迫害(九) 墨尔本学员庆祝法轮大法洪传22周年(十) 法轮大法洪传22周年 悉尼举行盛大游行庆祝(十一) 明真相感恩 蒙特利尔庆祝法轮功洪传22周年(十二) 法轮大法洪传22周年 新西兰学员谢师恩十七. 法轮大法在河北定兴县洪传十八. 云游僧人揭示外星人之迷十九. 转轮圣王慈悲下走救众生 莫失机缘二十. 弥勒佛和弥赛亚:末劫时期东西方的救世主二十一. 安贫小姊妹会六位修女的神奇故事二十二. 人神同在的日子已经到来?二十三. 六位修女的神奇故事和复活节惊世预言二十四. 佛教协会会长的曲折修炼路二十五. 历史的天空:东周大道修炼之无极法门二十六. 著名武术气功大师李有甫从大师到徒弟的传奇二十七. 法轮功风靡印度:五百名学生和铁路部官员趋之若鹜二十八. 加拿大少女体操冠军修炼法轮功的故事二十九. 美国高科技创业家修炼中国气功的故事三十. 走出“渐冻”绝境的生命奇迹(图)
NWT Bible - Pro 0.5.7
New World Translation of theHolyScripturesSimple and easily readable application allowing you to readtheBible everyday.Benefits of app:- Swipe your finger across the screen in order tochangepages.- Easy access to books and chapters- References and footnotes (available in 22 languages atthemoment)- Audio player: 18 languages, online version, ability to workinginbackground, play/pause/stop buttons, seek bar- Advanced & easy search- Bible Topics for Discussion- Bookmarks- Multi-language support: rapid switch between two languages,viewchapter in two languages at the same time in landscape mode(fortablets as well as mobiles)- Option to copy/share verses- Night/day mode- Ability to change font size- Ability to select/lock screen orientation- Option to adjust the screen brightness- Option to text alignment: left, justify- Full screen option- Working on latest mobiles as well as tablets- Special view designed for tabletsHighlighting option is not supported yetTo activate Audio Player:Please go to Preferences > select "Set languages,references,audio" > select "Audio" and then please tap the iconon theright side to get information about the books with audio.Afterthen audio player will be available above the content ofchapter inthe main screen.References and footnotes:References and footnotes are not available automatically. Pleasegoto Preferences > select"Set languages, references, audio">and then if "References and footnotes" option is activeforselected language press it to download itHow to switch between two languages?:- Portrait or landscape mode: if you have set two languagespleasego to menu (top right screen corner) and select "Switchto[language]".- Landscape mode with dual view (selected option: two languagesatthe same time): press the icon《》on the top bar to swap betweentwolanguages.Supported languages: 33• English (1984 Edition) - references (+), footnotes (*), A -audioplayer• English (2013 Revision, +*, with Outline of Contents)• Afrikaans• Albanian• Armenian - Հայերէն• Bulgarian - български• Czech - Česky (+*A)• Cebuano• Chinese (Simplified) - 汉语(简化字) (+*A)• Chinese (Traditional) - 漢語(繁體字) (+*A)• Danish - Dansk (+*A)• Finnish - Suomi (+*A)• French - Français (+*A)• German - Deutsch (+*A)• Greek - Ελληνική (+)• Hungarian - Magyar (+*A)• Iloko• Italian - Italiano (+*A)• Korean - 한국어 (+A)• Nederlands - Dutch (+*A)• Norwegian - Norsk (+*A)• Polish - Polski (+A)• Portuguese - Português (+*A)• Romanian - Română (+*)• Russian - Русский (+*A)• Serbian - Српски (+*)• Slovak - Slovenčina• Slovenian - Slovenski• Spanish - Español (+*A)• Swedish - Svenska (+*A)• Tagalog (+)• Twi (Akuapem)• Twi (Asante)Application requires Internet connection in order todownloadepub files from jw.orgIn order to improve this app we collect anonymous statisticsusingGoogle Analytics.This is not official app.
法鼓文化繁体版 2.2.7
In hundreds of Buddhist works, is to lead all beings toBuddhahoodguide from Bono. Dharma Drum Mountain authorized agent.
JW All in one 1.0
Jw unicos
Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARYandJehovah'switnesses
Canciones gozosas 1.3.3
efrain garcia
Songbook without sheet music
The Bible 1.5.6
The Bible - is a convenient application for reading the Bibleandquickly navigate through it
Floating Bible 3.5.19
Floating Bible is an electronic version of the New WorldTranslation(NWT) Bible
Memory Training. Bible Study 3.1.8
Dictionary for each of the major biblical themes, collected poemsbythe topic
TextoDiario2024 1.6.2
efrain garcia
Simple Daily Text based on the book examining the Scriptures.
Cantemos alabanzas 3.0.7
efrain garcia
Kingdom songs, catemos with joy
JW Music- all songs 1.0
Jw unicos
All for Jehovah's witnessesContains JW online LibraryVocal, orchestral, and instrumental music are available.
JW What's New 2016.12.13.1
⚫ First, open app and selectlanguagestosubscribe JW.ORG.⚫ Notify you when JW.ORG has new articles or newsforselectedlanguages.⚫ Click on notification to open the web page of new article.⚫ Free and no advertisements.⚫ Please rate or +1 if you like this app.⚫ To subscribe TV.JW.ORG (JW Broadcasting), pleasetrythisapp: app not working anymore:⚫ If your device has functions likebatteryoptimization(Samsung,HTC) or auto-start manager(Asus), youhave to"turn off" or "allow"this app in the list, otherwise, thisappwon't work properly.After that, open app to make itrunningagain.⚫ App may also be killed by some system boost ormemoryclearfunctions, and does not work anymore. You can add thisapp tothewhite list to avoid it being cleared.⚫ If app is still not working, or any suggestion,pleasemailme:  [email protected]⚫ I'm sorry this app may not work in Russia.
JW Library online 1.0
Jw unicos
All for Jehovah'switnesses,jw.orgcontent.