Top 15 Apps Similar to App to SD card mover

Move Apps to External SD Card 1.1.8
Gosi Team
The phone's internal memory haslimitedcapacity. You only install some games or heavy applicationand thememory of the machine has already been full. Don't worrywith theprogram to move apps to external sd card will help youquickly tomove games to SD cards, move app to sd card to increasethe memoryin your phone.Excellent application that helps you easily transfer apps to sdcardand clean your phone. Our software will automatically listtheapplications that are on the phone and take out the list ofthoseapplications and game which can move to sd card for free . Andyoucan choose the application that need to move to sd card managerandwith only one touch you have been able to move applicationstomemory card without root easily.The application is designed with a simple interface and easy touse,it is a useful application that helps you quickly move my appsto sdcard to increase the capacity of your phone, help the phonerunfaster.Features:- Support to move apps from phone to sd card, install apps tosdcard- Move back and forth between memory card and internalmemoryeasily- Support for uninstalling applications- Sort list of applications- Backup app to sd card- Allow to select multiple applications at the same timetomove- Simple interface, easy to use phone storage move to sd card- Free of chargeReviews of 5 * If you love our free app to move apps to sd cardandsupport developers.
Move Apps Phone to SD card 2.0.1
Expert Zone
Move Apps Phone to SD card is a utility app to move appsfromyourphone to SD card. This Move Apps phone to SD Card is likeanappmanager you can manage your apps in the phone SD card.Whenyouphone is running out of space you can move your apps toSDcard.There is lot of more option when you click on the appname.You canalso use these features for example Uninstall App,ClearData,Clear Cache and see the app details like size, dataetcFeatures 1.Very Easy to Move apps, 2. Just Select the app fromtheapp list 3.Click on Move SD Card Button and free your phonespaceDownload andShare this Move apps phone to SD card app withyourfriends andfamily.
Mobile To SD card Mover 1.4
Aquasol Tools
Mobile To SD card MoverSometime your phone memory or your SD card are full not spacetomove the data phone to SD card to use this application.App Mobile To SD card Mover application through you movesyourimportant data phone to SD card and SD card to yourphone.You transfer data App to SD cards this application gives thesmallnotification related your data.Also store the some information like how many MB, GB memorydatatransfer with time or date with package name or size.
Move Application To SD Card 2.1
This application help you to transfer your applications to sd card.
SD Card Manager For Android
A great tool help you to manager and explorer the SD card!
SD Card Monitor 2.0.2
A small application to monitor how many times the SD card hasbeenmounted, unmounted, badly removed, removed or ejected fromthephone.This app will help you know if the card is defective or not,assometimes bad SD cards are unmounted/mounted in the backgroundandyou are unaware of it, which is causing the "Media" process toscanthe card every time the card is mounted, hence consumingthebattery significantly.If by any chance you saw this notification: "sd cardremovedunexpectedly", I recommend to install this app and monitorhow manytimes it has been mounted/remounted in the background.Also if you noticed the "Media" process is eating yourbattery,give it a try too.Note:Please note that everytime the you restart yout phone, you willsee1 unmount and 1 eject in the counts and in the logs, so this isanormal Android behavior and NOT a bad SD card.
SD Scanner 3.0.1
Burrows Apps
Force Android to scan your storage to find your media files!
SD Card Finder 1.01
The Harris SD Card Finder scans yourdeviceforavailable external memory. This is particularlyusefulfordevelopers who want to find the path to the externalmemorydevice.Since the file system path is defined by the manufacturer,nottheAndroid OS, this path can be difficult for a developer orusertofind.This tool finds those paths for you!
Sd Card Scanner Pro 1.0
If you are in trouble no see theaudio/imagesin the device, you can solve this problem by using thisSdCardScanner Pro. This tool will trigger a scan for SdCardmanually.How to use- Select directory want to scan- Press scan
SDSync (SD Card Update) 1.1
Simple Tool to Synchronize SD Card(ExternalMemory).Added images or musics are not appeared in Gallery?The reason is SD Card is not updated properly.You can resolve this problem just One Click SDSyncAppWidget!That's ALL!! Really Simple and Quick Solution!!Have a nice day! and please review,Media Scanner.
SD Card / Memory Check 1.0
This app is an easy to use diagnosis toolforSD-Cards and built-in external memories in Android devices.Check your memory status and get advices about what to do ifanyproblem is detected.
Move app to SD Card 1.0
A must have tool which allows to copyanyfilefrom any application to any folder on the SD card.Savephonememory by identifying and listing all applications thatcanbemoved to SD Card!A great UI with features that makes it easy toIt have two screens:- Internal: apps on internal phone memory that can be movedtoSDCard- SD Card: apps already moved to SD CardPlease note, not all devices support this feature,i.e.SamsungS3. Xoom DO NOT support moving apps to SD Card, becauseitisalready share memory with system. And this featuredisabledbymanufacturer of your device.Feature• Move apps to SD card• Move apps to phone internal storage• Sort app by movable, name, size and time• User can custom [Install time] [Package name] [Apk path] toshowinlist• Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.• Open app
Move Apps to SD Card Quikly 1.1
★ Move Apps to SD Card Quikly is atotallynewdesign app that provides the following components:★ Move apps: moves apps to either internal or externalstorageforgetting more available app storage●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●Are you running out of application storage?Do you hate having to check each and every app if itsupportsmovingto the SD card?Do you want an app that automatically does this for youandcannotify you when an app can be moved?●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●we’ve all been there. You get fast and easy find movableappsandmove them to SD Card to free some space on your phone. Moveappinthe easiest way. It works with your devicefilesystem,includingfilesystem on internal device memory and/or SDcards.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●●●● Feature ●●●● Move apps to phone internal storage●● Non-Movable Apps to SD Card●● Move Apps To External SD Card●● Transfer Data Between SD Card●● User can custom [Install time] [Package name] [Apk path]toshowin list●● Choose any folder on SD card●● Move apps to SD card●● Move apps to phone internal storage●● Sort app by movable, name, size and time●● Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.●● Search in website by apk name, package name, app name●● Choose SD card●● Internal Memory to SD Card●● How to Backup your application, Data files, Pictures,AudiosandVideos●● Pictures from Android to SD Card●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●●●● Move to SD Card Application is movement of apps toonyourdevice's external or internal storage throughyourdevice'sSettings. This application guide you to move datafiles,photo orapplication between your phone and SD card if you’veeverseen yourdevice complain that it is out of memory, especiallywhentrying toinstall a new app, don’t feel too bad .●●● This component streamlines the movement of apps toonyourdevice's external or internal storage throughyourdevice'sSettings. With this, you'll have more control overyoureverexpanding collection of apps. This is crucial to anyonewhohasmemory management issues.●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●Note* Move apps function may not work on your deviceasmanufactureremoves the function of moving apps to SD fromAndroidsystem
Multi Mount SD-Card 2.60
You go to your sdcard in your phone and PC simultaneously.
Disk Speed / Performance Test 1.0.2
Test your disk or sd card speed & performance withthissimplebut powerful tool. You can test your storage atvariouslocations(auto-detected or manually entered) using defaultorcustomizeddata's size. With this performance-testing tool youcanbenchmarkany of your phone's storage locations. Appauto-detectsfollowinglocations: ★ Internal Storage: Device'sinternal storage.Bydefault, files saved there are application'sprivate files.★External Storage: On various devices it may be partofinternalstorage or external storage (for example SD card).★(Optional -varies with device) Secondary Storage: One ormoreusuallyremovable external storage that are addition toprimaryexternalstorage (SD card, USB, etc). App may also performtest oncustomlocation: Test with custom path and data's size maybeperformed.Path may be entered manually or selected by browsingtoit. Data'ssize is changed by moving the slider. Pleasenote:->benchmarked location should be writable (on some devicesyoumayneed extended permissions to access tested locations).Features:★Simple but powerful tool for Disk speed test. ★Checksbenchperformance of different internal / external disks (SDCard)ordevices (USB). ★ Configurable benchmark methods. ★ Easy touse.★Location's free space statistics. Useful Information:Ifdata'ssize is too small system may read from cache (in RAM whichisa lotfaster than permanent storage) instead of disk whatmakesresultsunreliable. Default benchmarks try to use 2x of RAMsize toperformquick and reliable enough tests. It's recommended tousedata'ssize 5x or more of RAM size for better results.It'srecommended touse less than 80% of available free space attestedlocation -default benchmarks do. App tries to read total RAMofdevice atlaunch. If you want to benchmark your external SD carditisusually available as External Storage or one ofSecondaryStorages.For maximum performance disk shouldn't do anybackgroundoperationswhile benchmarking. Secondary Storage optiononly listscurrentlywritable disks / devices, if your devicesupports USBstorages thenit won't show them until they areconnected. How to:Just run appand tap one of default tests and waitfor result. Ifyou want touse custom path or different data's sizetap the "CustomLocation".More information is available aftertapping "?" button.Ads: May beeasily ignored if you don't want tosupport this app.They appearon exit.