Top 6 Apps Similar to Supa Thump

Inject 2 2.9.8
Rostami Magic
Inject a THOUGHT into their mind with THEIR PHONE!
iForce 1.03
Rostami Magic
As seen on Scam School. The number one magic app for iPhoneisnowavailable for Android! Search "iForce magic" onYouTube“TRULYASTONISHING!” - David Pogue, NY Times As seen on TV.UK's Ch.5‘The GadgetShow'__________________________________________"iForce issimplyBRILLIANT. Best Magic App EVER!" -MarcSpelmann_________________________________________ There’snothingquitelike seeing the look on people’s faces when youperformsomethingAMAZING. Then, there’s that cute girl or guy thatyou’vebeentrying to meet. With iForce, you've got the perfect waytobreakthe ice and get their attention. Imagine . . . You ask hertothinkof her favorite type of food . . . she’s thinkingSushi(Remembershe’s only THINKING Sushi!) After a deep look intohereyes, youdoodle what she’s thinking on the phone display, andleaveit facedown on the table. The moment she whispers herfavoritefood, yousmile triumphantly. The phone is flipped over andher jawdropswhen she sees that you had correctly predicted “SUSHI”!! Thisisjust one example of the infinite mentalism effects thatyouwilldo. iForce is a revolutionary performance toolfordazzlingfriends, colleagues and even clients. Capture attentionordraw acrowd at parties, events or trade shows. Everyone willwanttoknow, “HOW did you do that?!” You'll read minds . . .predictthefuture . . . and even engage in a little MINDCONTROL!There'snothing shady or harmful; it’s all magic . . . funandabsolutelyastonishing. Part of the illusion is the appitself.Disguised as asimple “Doodle” program, iForce is lurkinginside,unseen andundetectable. Everything is examinable, which addsto themystery.iForce is the ONLY product that lets you createon-the-spotcustomtricks that you perform instantly. Make this appuniquelyyours andput it to work in entertaining ways. So what areyouwaiting for,Master Magician? You don’t need any props . . .justdownloadiForce now. • Easy to do . . . learn with both writtenandvideoinstructions • Comes with several amazing effectsthatyou’llperform immediately • Anything that you can draw/writecan beyourprediction ... The possibilities are endless • Novoicerecognition(you can perform 100% silent) • Nowirelesscommunication (youdon’t need another phone to perform) •Impossibleto detect thesecret (since you’ll learn The DeepestDarkest Secretin Magic . .. ) *** PLEASE READ *** Do not asksupport questions ina review; Icannot respond to review postings.Email me at:[email protected] You, Greg Rostami
iPredict+ 1.7
Rostami Magic
From the creators of iForce and theory11comesthe next revolutionary magic app. Search "iPredict magic"onYouTube.A remarkable magic trick that can happen on your spectator'sOWNphone!Imagine you walk up to a friend and ask her to whisperANYplaying card in your ear. She whispers 'Queen of Clubs'. Youhaveno cards - it doesn’t matter. You pull out your phone instead.Youtell your friend about someone named Christen - someone youshareda crazy experience with. You pull up your contacts and askyourfriend to give Christen a call. She pulls out her OWN phoneanddials Christen's number.The phone begins to ring, but it goes to voicemail. Don'tworry.In the message, Christen explains that she doesn’t know whoiscalling but she can see your friend's thoughts. She sees acard.She sees the Queen of Clubs - at that point, the message ends.Thisall happens in the hands of the spectator!If your friend decides to text Christen, she will reply inadramatic way, the selected card.The phone call or text message looks completely real - becauseitIS completely real! On their OWN phone.Standard phone and text message rates to the USA may apply.iPredict+ is a simple magic trick that ANYONE can learn howtodo, because your phone does all of the work.★ Easy to do. Includes written/video instructions and aTrainingMode.★ Any card can be selected from a real or imaginary deck ofcards(No Force).★ NEW! With iPredict+ you can choose to have your audience callorTEXT.★ You can hand out Christen's number, before you start, toshowthere's only ONE phone number.★ Print Christen's biz card on your printer. (link included)★ Customize Christen's contact with your own unique name, photo,andphone number.★ Camouflage iPredict+ to make your phonecompletelyexaminable.★ No voice recognition.★ They can use THEIR PHONE !?!? (mobile or landline)READY TO BE THE LIFE OF THE PARTY? Download iPredict+ now."iPredict+ is a VERY COOL trick using new methods to achieveanorganic effect. HIGHLY recommended!" - Angelo Carbone (OutofOrder, Floating Card, Magic SMS)"This is a MUST HAVE for any performer. Simple, Powerful,REALMagic!" - Eric Ross (Crush, Rizer, Election)"The reactions of iPredict+ are PRICELESS! THEIR card onTHEIRphone! It doesn't get any better." - Bob Kohler (Aces InTheirFaces, Human Phone Number)
iPredict Pro 1.0.5
Rostami Magic
A mind-crippling prediction from a borrowed cell phone!Fromthecreators of iForce comes the World's FIRST professionalmagicapp.Search "iPredict Pro" on YouTube. For instructionspleaseemailGreg at: [email protected] Imagine . . . You want toleaveyournumber with someone. For example, her name is Linda . . .she'sablonde, wearing a red sweater. "I'm going to be leavingforavacation tomorrow. I've already recorded my 'going away'messageonmy voicemail." "Before I ask you anything, please punchinmymobile number on your phone." "Here's a list of the citiesIwasconsidering for my vacation on this napkin. Why don't youpointatyour favorite city." Let's say she points at London. "WOW,youwentstraight for it! Hit 'Send' on your phone and call me."Yougiveyour phone to her, she calls your number, and rejects thecallonyour phone so it goes to voicemail. Here's your voicemail:"Hi,Ifyou're trying to reach me this week, I'll be on vacation.I'mgoingto be in London, England. So, if you're the blonde withtheredsweater, AND if you like my city, perhaps you should joinme.Leavea message after the beep." This is one of an infinitenumberofapplications of iPredict Pro. You can also haveyourspectatorscall/text a third party (psychic, friend, etc). Iftheytext thisthird party, he/she will reply with the correctpredictionin atext message (this is great for loud environmentswhere aphonecall is hard to hear). The phone call or textmessagelookscompletely real, because it IS completely real! Ontheir OWNphone.Standard phone and text message rates may apply. ◆Easy todo.Includes a Training Mode. ◆ Includes two preseteffects(cards& numbers) so you can start performingimmediately. ◆CustomizeiPredict Pro to use your voice/text messages. . .thepossibilities are ENDLESS! ◆ Your spectators can call ortextfromTHEIR phone! ◆ You can perform anytime (no need for anyprops).Ifyou have your phone, you can perform. ◆ You need to haveanyaccessto the internet, either through Wi-Fi or cellular data(3G,4G,etc.) ◆ iPredict Pro uses ONE number. You can hand outthisnumberbefore you begin. ◆ You can choose (on the fly) ifthatnumber isYOUR mobile number or another number. ◆ If youperformwith YOURnumber, when your specs call you, THEY will rejectthecall tovoicemail. ◆ Since iPredict Pro uses a voicemail server,youcanhave ALL of your spectators call you at the SAME TIME!◆CamouflageiPredict Pro to make your phone completely examinable.◆No voicerecognition. No assistants or stooges Voicemailservicesareavailable in these countries: United States,UnitedKingdom,Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil,Bulgaria,Canada,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, DominicanRepublic, ElSalvador,Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong,Ireland,Israel,Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,Mexico,NewZealand, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico,Romania,Slovakia,South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, TheNetherlandsSMS(Text)services are available in these countries:United States,UnitedKingdom, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Norway,Poland, Spain,SwedeniPredict Pro is NOT a TOY. It was designed fortheprofessionalmagician that demands pro quality, AMAZINGeffectandcustomizability in a powerful utility that worksANYTIME,ANYWHERE,without ANY props. Are you ready for the ULTIMATEphoneeffect?Download iPredict Pro now.
RA 1.3.1
Rostami Magic
From the creators of iForce and teleFotocomesthe most amazing any card at any number.The magician places a deck of cards, out of the box, face downona table."On your phone, please go to this website and enter any cardandany number".The magician turns his back.The spectator uses their device to go to the website and enters(forexample) 17 and 2 of clubs."Don't show anyone your card or number. The website willdisplaythe odds of your card appearing at your number"."Wouldn't it be amazing if we could make those impossibleoddscome TRUE?""Please cut the cards on the table a few times".The spectator freely cuts the cards.The magician turns back around, picks up the cards andspreadsthrough the deck face up."Before we continue I wanna show you these are regular cardsthathave been thoroughly shuffled".He gives the cards back to the spectator."I want you to count, face down, to the number you'rethinkingof".The spectator counts 17 cards and stops."I guess your number is 17. This is the 17th card in thedeck.For the first time, what was the card you were thinkingof"?"2 of clubs""Please turn over the 17th card".To everyone's astonishment the 17th card IS THE 2OFCLUBS!!!RA features:• VERY EASY to do ... perform 5 minutes after downloading• Instant Reset• It's really ANY card at ANY number• The magician does not know the card or the number!• The spectators NEVER SAY ANYTHING to the magician• They always count from the top of the deck• Their card is always at their number• Uses ONE regular deck of cards• Use your favorite stack• They can cut the cards as often as they like beforetheycount• No memorization• No math• No card box• No sleights• No gimmicks• No stooges• Everything can be fully examined• Perform sitting or standing, completely surrounded• Everything is fully customizable• The magician touches the cards only once during the trick• And most importantly ... They use THEIR phone (device)!!Please note - you must have an internet connection toperformRA.
Words are too weak to describe the lovebetweenSouth Florida media personality/ philanthropist/bilingualcommunicator Supa Cindy and the cities for which sheserves. “Ilove what I do,” says Cindy. “I’ve always lovedentertainingpeople, putting a smile on their faces, helping themand making adifference. "For over a decade Supa Cindy has tirelesslyentertained,enlightened and assisted in the well-being of heraudience, fansand supporters. Born in Miami to a Haitian father andDominicanmother, Supa Cindy’s passions for entertainment beganearly on.Cindy gained her big break after she landed aproductioninternship at South Florida’s most popular hip-hop radiostation,99 Jamz-WEDR FM. A year out of college Cindy got her shoton airwhen she was told that they were bringing in a guy fromSouthCarolina to do a show. That “guy” turned out to be Big LipBanditand soon the two would be dubbed “Double Trouble” becomingone ofthe most-recognizable voices in South Florida.​“That whole time was amazing,” but that amazing time came to anendin 2008 when the show ended. Supa Cindy then became the DirectorofContent for multi-platinum rapper Pitbull’s media company,PlanetPit, managing the company’s website, social media accounts,fanclub and online merchandise store.Her next accomplishment was to launch her company Cin DMedia,through which she does hosting, appearances,voiceovers,promotions, marketing, consulting. Cin D Media alsoproduces hernew webisode show “Just Being Nosey with Supa Cindy”for, where she asks celebrities daring questionsthat fans aredying to know.​As a co-host on Miami’s 99 Jamz radio station, she became oneofthe most-recognizable voices in the city. As host to suchcivicevents as Broward is Greater Than AIDS, the Broward BlackTreatmentAdvocates Network and the Haitian Compas Fest. Supa Cindyhashelped shed light on many much-needed causes within thecommunity.Supa Cindy has gone over and above her call of duty andas founderof non-profit organization Supa Friends, Inc., shementors youngadults on enhancing their personal lives.​​​There is no wonder why Supa is her first name.​