Top 30 Apps Similar to Check-in Manager

Wealthbase: Stock Market Game 1.3.8
Fantasy Stock & Crypto Trading.
Sesterce – Share Expenses 2.12.5
Stan Kocken
Share expenses with friends, roommates, family… for a trip orforlife!
Devolutions Workspace 2023.3.0
Manage all your credentials in one place!
OurCrowd - Equity Crowdfunding 3.2.2
OurCrowd is a leading global equity crowdfundingplatformforaccredited investors to invest in global startups.WithOurCrowd,investors build a diversified venture capitalportfolio ofstartupsand funds within a wide range of sectors,stages and worldregions.The OurCrowd App is your venture capitalinvestingexperience -anytime, anywhere. Get notified when newinvestmentopportunitiesbecome available, and access due diligencematerial inone click.Browse the curated startups, make investments,and reviewthestatus of your portfolio, all with the convenienceofyoursmartphone.
Finandemy - Learn to Invest in 1.0.7
Learn to Invest in Stocks, Options, ETFs, Forex, Bitcoin,Crypto,etc. for Free
Pleo 3.17.2
Work can be hard. Paying for things at work shouldn’t be.Pleohelpsforward-thinking teams buy what they need to do theirjobsbetter.It means people feel more valued, more trusted – andfreefromexpenses reports and paying out-of-pocket. [Taxis.Tacos.Tools.Whatever your business needs, Pleo it.] Our mobile appgivesyou thepower to: Get instant notifications when you buysomethingwith yourPleo card Capture receipts and categorisepurchases in afew secondsTrack and review your spending Make anychanges youneed to yourcard, like blocking it or changing the
Opposites in English
Through its database containing more 600 reverse andinterpretationof the Arab
SurveyStudio 2021.09.07-00
SurveyStudio - сервис дляпрофессиональныхисследователей,позволяющий проводить телефонныеопросы (CATI),веб-опросы (CAWI),а также личные интервью (CAPI /PAPI). МобильноеприложениеSurveyStudio обладает широким наборомфункций ивозможностей, средикоторых: - богатые возможностипопрограммированию логики анкеты; -большой выбор типов вопросовподлюбые потребности; - осуществлениеаудиозаписи целого интервьюилиотдельных его вопросов; -прикрепление к вопросамфотографийполученных на камеру устройства;- привязка интервью идажеотдельных вопросов к координатам иадресу (при наличии доступаксети интернет) ; - проверкаправильности определения координатпокарте при начале опроса; -возможность, принеобходимости,прикрепить к вопросу подписьреспондента; -откладывание интервью иего продолжение в любойудобный момент; -возможность демонстрацииреспондентамиллюстративного материала вовесь экран. Внимание! Этоприложениеиспользует разрешение"Администратор устройства". Эторазрешениетребуется приложением дляобеспечения защиты от подделкивременипроведения интервью. Никакихдополнительных прав доступа врамкахразрешения «Администраторустройства» не требуется.
stocker - stocks and crypto manager 3.9.0
Nani Studio
HK, US, CH, SG and TW stocks all in one investmentmanager-Stocksfrom HK, US, CH, SG, TW, JP, AU and crypto stockmarkets canbeadded into the same combination set -Graphicsandstatisticsavailable at ease for your analysis -index:CBOEVolatility index,Buffett indicator, ... etc. -Valuation model:CashFlow Model,Growing Model -Profit compare --Profitgraph-Cash-Market valuegraph -Cash flow graph -News about stockmarketsreadily available-Convenient conversion between HKD, USD,SGD, GBP,CNY and TWD-Calculate also the commission fees, dividendsand scripdividends-Never lose control of your financial conditionUsing thisappmeans you agree the statement below Some of theinvestmentproducts(e.g. derivative instruments or structuredproducts such asequitylinked note) and trading services may not besuitable forallmembers of the public. Investors shouldthereforecarefullyconsider whether such investment products andtradingservices areappropriate in light of their experience,objectives,financialresources and other relevant circumstances.Price andyield of theinvestment products as well as any incomegeneratedtherefrom mayexperience upward or downward movement.Pastperformance does notguarantee any future performance. There isaninherent risk thatthe investment products may evenbecomevalueless. Investmentproducts denominated in foreigncurrencies mayalso involvecurrency risks. Investments should not bemade withoutreference tothe offering documents, which providedetailedinformation of theproducts, as applicable. Informationposted onthis website is forreference only and should not beconstrued as anoffer, invitation,inducement or representation ofany kind or formwhatsoever. We donot warrant the accuracy andcompleteness of theinformationcontained herein or provided by meansof hyperlinks tootherwebsites or to other sources and assume noliabilities arisingoutof or incidental to the trading of anyinvestment productsifinformation contained herein is relied upon.In case thementionedservices have tax consequences, investorsshould consulttheir owntax advisers regarding any applicable taxconsequences.Noliability can be accepted for personal taxconsequences takenfromthis website nor for the effect of future taxorlegislativepolicies. The contents and information in thewebsitewill besubject to change without further notice. It istheresponsibilityof any persons who access the informationcontainedherein toobserve the applicable laws and regulations oftheirrelevantjurisdictions. If investors are in any doubt about anyoftheinformation contained herein, they should consulttheirlawyers,accountants or other professional advisors. It ispossiblethatdata being damaged/lost .We don't take anyresponsibility ofdatalosing/damaging Stocker has the right to stopor discontinuetheservice under any circumstances. All ads content,text andimagedescriptions, sample displays or other salesinformation thatyouview on our are designed and presented bytherespectiveadvertisers and suppliers of products and services.Youshouldexercise your own discretion and judgment as to theaccuracyandcredibility of the advertisements. Stocker iscommissionedtopublish these advertisements and is not responsiblefortheadvertisements. You agree to authorize We toprovidenecessarymember information to partners (third parties) forproperusewithin the scope of the agreement. If You do not agreetohavetheir information listed in the list of products orservicesofpartners (third parties), they may notify Stockertoremoveinformation from the list. You agrees that we maycollect,process,preserve, transmit and use the personalinformationregistered orretained by the member for the purpose ofprovidingotherinformation or services to the user, or forstatistical dataof themember, or for conducting surveys, or for anylegitimate use.
Numbrs - Swiss Wallet 6.0.2
Numbrs Swiss Wallet. • Connect and use all your bankaccounts,cryptowallets, and loyalty cards with the Numbrs SwissWallet.Numbrs wasfounded in Switzerland. The Swiss Wallet wasdevelopedin compliancewith Swiss standards for quality, dataprotection,security, andneutrality. More than 1.8 million accountsarealready connected tothe Swiss Wallet. • With the NumbrsCryptoWallet you can store andmanage your crypto currencies andstablecoins, as well as your goldand silver tokens etc. inSwitzerland.Switzerland is 100% neutraland offers the best privacyprotectionin the world. The NumbrsCrypto Wallet is the most securesolutionfor managing cryptocurrencies. • Thanks to a large numberofAI-controlled functions,you get a very detailed andinformativeoverview of all yourfinances. Find out if you aregetting paidappropriately, how muchmoney you have left this month,how longyour savings will last, andwhen you will be able to affordthatdream trip. • 100% neutral.Numbrs does not advertise, nor dowesell or share data. Numbrs isnot a bank and does notcooperatewith any bank. We do not sellbanking products and we donotreceive any finder's commission. •100% Swiss data protection.Alldata used in Numbrs have 100%end-to-end encryption, areprocessedon our multi-certified serversand are never sold to thirdparties.• Transfer money directly fromthe app. Quickly and safely.•Numbrs Swiss Wallet supports more than3,500 banks in Germany,allmajor banks in Great Britain and Spain aswell as cryptoaccountsat Coinbase and Bitstamp.
Monific - Budget and Expense Planner 1.0.46
NY Dev
Keep your personal finances under control with Monific.Whetheryouneed a money manager or a monthly bill reminder –MonificFinancialPlanner app lets you chuck your tediousnotebooks,bookkeepingrecords & helps you track spendingconveniently.Moneymanagement can be complicated, and often youwonder whereyourmoney went. With Monific, you can stay on top ofyour finances,anytime, anywhere. Key features: • Track Spending andIncomesGetinformative insights on your finances, based onyourCategories,Sub Categories, and Accounts. • ScheduleTransactions,RemindersThe app comes in handy as a bill reminder.Get remindedwhen yourbills are due; set recurring transactions forautomaticpayments. •Scan your receipts The financial tracker applets youcreate newtransactions by simply taking a picture of areceipt. •MultiCurrency Use Common and Crypto currencies. Choosethe currencyofyour income and expenses to get started. • Syncacrossmultipledevices This financial planner app allows you toconnectanunlimited number of devices for data sync. • Offline modeKeepalldata on the device only, if needed. A money manager app thatisnotentirely dependent on the internet. • PasswordProtectionProtectyour data with a Password or Fingerprint. Keepyourfinancialinformation safe with an extra layer of app security.•NoAdvertising, no limitations We created an ads-freecleanuserexperience with limitless usage. • Dark Mode Saveyourselfeyestrain with the night mode theme of the bill reminderapp.•Backup, Restore & Export Never lose your datawiththefunctionality of backup and restore. Export your data tosave itonyour devices.
Money - Family Budget 2.5.2 (19236)
It is a financial application that helps you keep yourassetsundercontrol. *) Stores the daily expenses, collections.*)Customizingvarious types of accounts and expenseswithsub-categories. *) Itis possible to define a monthlyforecastbudget for expenses andreceipts. *) Customization of typesofoperations. *) Import andexport data on files in csv format.*)Backup with automaticscheduling on sd and optionally onGoogleDrive and / or Dropbox.*) Monthly, Annual and cumulativeReports *)Pie chart and balancesheet histograms. *) Balance sheet*)Protection with password orfingerprint. *) Synchronize datawithanother device *) You canchoose the dark, light or automaticthemeand in different colors
Thriv - Savings Goal Tracker 4.8.1
Ever dream of having a flagship smartphone, fancy ride,travelaroundthe world, or luxury goods? Let's make it happen withThriv– SavingsGoal Tracker! Thriv is personal Piggy Bank now inyourhands!Motivate yourself to turn your dreams into reality withthispiggybank app. Visualize your savings goal, make itmeaningful,and manageyour budget and expense. Use this powerfulpiggy bankapp to set yoursavings goal, build habits in savingmoney, andtrack your progress.Make your piggy bank thrive withthis savingstracker app! All in onesavings app Shortly, thissavings app is aPiggy Bank tracker,Savings Planner, BudgetPlanner, Money Tracker,and Expense Manager.It simply helps you tomotivate yourself tosave up money and keep ontrack for the thingsyou want to achieve!Start your saving journey!Worried that youmight forget aboutsaving money for your goal? Don’tworry! Thissavings app couldgive you reminders to save up money soyou cankeep progressingtowards your goal. What’s even more excitingisthat you can addlinks to online stores or other sources, addcustomimages, title,description, and custom target for your goal.As asavings trackerapp, it provides you with a clear list ofrecordsand calendar viewfor your savings progress. You can alsoanalyzeyour progress froma comprehensive chart easily by using thissimpleyet powerfulsavings app. How to use Thriv – Savings GoalTracker •Download andlaunch the savings app • Create your goal,make it boldwithpictures, description, and links • Set target foryour goalandstart saving money • Manage your expense with walletand budget•Write down the records and analyze how good you are insavingmoneywith comprehensive charts • Motivate yourself to saveupmoney,maintain your saving habit, remember your savings goal,keepsavingand unlock your life goal to enjoy life to thefullest!Features ofThriv – Savings Goal Tracker ☆ Simple and easysavingsapp withsmooth controls ☆ Add up to five savings goaltrackers andtwowallets in the free app version ☆ Customize savingsgoal byaddinga title, price tag, images, description, and links ☆Varioustargettype to choose (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.) ☆Variousprogresscolor to pick ☆ Easy to write down savings recordswith tag☆ Viewand track your savings records on a list or calendar☆ Viewsummaryof your savings target ☆ Analyze your performance insavingmoneyon a line, bar, or pie chart ☆ Manage your expense withwalletandset daily/weekly/monthly budget ☆ Custom reminder toremind youofyour savings goal ☆ Set currency and target display ☆Personalandsafe savings app to track savings goal and manageexpense ☆Backupdata with Google drive Are you ready to boost yourmotivationinsaving money by using a savings tracker app and achieveyourgoal?If yes, this simple yet powerful savings goal app is heretohelpyou save up money for your goal. Start your savingjourneywithThriv – Savings Goal Tracker!
Nudge for clients 6.6.3
Nudge Coach
The support you need to reach your goals is just one tap awaywithNudge.
Snappii Mobile Forms 2.0.3
Use this App to fill out any form you use today 5 timesfasterthanwith pen and paper. Every form is optimized forcompleting onasmartphone or tablet, so that you can just type orspeakyouranswers. Upload your own PDF forms or use ready touseformtemplates for General Business, Construction,Vehicle,Equipment,and Building Inspections, Electrical and PlumbingTrades,FieldService Transportation and Logistics, etc. SnappiiMobileForms Apphas the following features: - works with anyexistingpaper form -remembers your answers so filling out the sameformagain is reallyfast - sends out completed forms as ifcompletedthem by hand -saves completed forms on device and thecloud forfast access -upload and convert forms you use today -automaticallydiscoversand fills in location and address - usesvoice to text sothat anyform can be completed with voice commands -invite othersto usethe forms - receive forms to complete from otherpeople -ready touse template form library for many industries andtasks -uses afamiliar paper form tabs metaphor for ease of useUsers canconvertpaper forms for use in this
CostPocket - scan receipts and invoices 2.2
Forget collecting paper receipts, making Excel reports andbringingthem to your accountant. Download the app and start sendingall thereceipts digitally! Just make a photo of the receipt, addsomerelevant information with a few clicks and that’s it! You canalsosend invoices (expense documents) from your email, justforwardthem to our system. Each company has their own emailaddress, allinvoices and receipts can be sent there from youremail. CostPocket(a.k.a. Cost Pocket) will digitize all thenecessary informationand your accountant will see it all inaccounting software or withPDF / Excel expense reports. CostPocketenables companies, bothsmall and large, to streamline their expensereporting processesand save up to 70% of time spent on expensereporting! CostPocketis available in five languages: Estonian,English, Finnish, Russianand Latvian. Business owners like: -Clearoverview of employees'expenses and reimbursements -Never lose asingle receipt again -Appwill generate expense reports for you-Your accounting will be upto date. Accountants like: -All receiptsare digitally archived -Noneed to constantly notify clients aboutmissing receipts -Allnecessary data from each document isdigitized: Gross amount, Netamount (without VAT), VAT amount,currency, issue date, suppliername, supplier registry number anddocument number -Each receiptcomes with additional information:submitter name, payment type,reimbursement information -No need tochange accounting entriesbecause of late receipts
Money by QuickBooks—business banking & payments 1.2.0
Intuit Inc
Best for new businesses or freelancers, Money by QuickBookshelpsyoumanage business money with a mobile bank account andbusinessdebitcard, plus payments, bill pay, and free same-daydeposit(ifeligible).** Banking for your business • No monthlyfeesorrequired minimum balance.** • With your QuickBooksVisa®DebitCard, you can access your cash fee-free at over19,000AllpointATMs.** Move money and get paid • Get paid the wayyouwant,whether it’s by debit card, credit card, or ACHbanktransfer.** •Payments in the app lets you sendpaymentrequests—fromanywhere—and schedule bill payments to alwaysbe ontime.** • Ifeligible, you can see your money sooner withfreesame-daydeposit—including nights, weekends, and holidays.**Knowhow yourbusiness is doing • Easily track spending,separateexpenses, andmake smart financial decisions with a fullview of howyou’re doingall in one place. • Stay connected to yourcustomers bykeepingtrack of their contact info and managing anyoutstandingpayments.**Product Information: QuickBooks and Intuitare atechnologycompany, not a bank. Banking services provided byourpartner,Green Dot Bank. QuickBooks Payments: QuickBooksPaymentsrequiredto use Money by QuickBooks account. QuickBooksPaymentsaccountsubject to credit and application approval.QuickBooksPayments’Merchant Agreement applies. Money by QuickBooksaccount:Money byQuickBooks account opening is subject toidentityverification andapproval by Green Dot Bank. Bankingservicesprovided by andQuickBooks Visa Debit Card is issued byGreen DotBank, MemberFDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A.Inc. Visais aregistered trademark of Visa InternationalServiceAssociation.Money by QuickBooks Deposit Account Agreementapplies.QuickBooksproducts and services are not provided by GreenDot Bank.Debitaccount is not a savings account and money in it doesnotearninterest. **Features: Free Same Day Deposit: SameDayDepositallows you to have near-real time deposits sent to youonapredetermined daily schedule (up to 3x a day,MondaythroughSunday, including holidays). Same Day Deposit isanadditionalservice offered by QuickBooks Payments subjecttoeligibilitycriteria, for no extra fee for Money byQuickBooksusers. Money byQuickBooks payment request fees apply forACH andcardtransactions. Once batched, eligible deposits will besent toyouraccount, and will be available in up to 30minutes.Fortransactions after 9:00 PM PST, funds will be eligiblefordepositthe following morning. Deposit times may vary forthirdpartydelays. No monthly fees: Other fees and limits applytothebusiness bank account. Bill Pay: Bill pay services poweredbyMeliowith funds held by Evolve Bank & Trust or SiliconValleyBank(members of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve).Fee-freeATMwithdrawals: Fee-free ATM access applies toin-networkAllPointATMs only (up to 4 withdrawals per statementcycle).Forout-of-network ATMs and bank tellers, a $3 fee willapply, plusanyadditional fees charged by the ATM owner or bank. Seeappforfee-free ATM locations. Free to download andnomonthlysubscription fee. Available on iOS and Androidonly.Terms,conditions, pricing, special features, and serviceandsupportoptions subject to change without notice. *Over 7millionsmallbusinesses use QuickBooks: Based on number ofglobalQuickBookssubscribers as of Jan 2020. $5 Incentive Reward:Rewardvalid fornew Money by QuickBooks customers only. An automaticACHtransferfee of 1% applies, and Intuit will deposit paymentintoyour Moneyby QuickBooks Deposit Account in up to 30minutes.QuickBooksPayments Account and Money by QuickBooks DepositAccountmust beopen and in good standing to receive payment. Limitonepercustomer.
PocketGuard: budget, bills and money management 4.20
PocketGuard is a free budgeting app for people who want to beontopof their money. Personal finance made simple bysmartalgorithms,which means budgeting with PocketGuard is so easythatyou don'thave to spend your entire life crunching numbers. Wetakecare ofall the routines like expense tracking and billmonitoringso youcan clearly focus on money management operations.Alwaysknow what'sin your pocket! Basically, a budget is adifferencebetween incomeand expenses. If it's positive - you'redoing well.In any othercase, the budget is unbalanced and needsattention.This is wherethe "IN MY POCKET" feature takes action. Howmuchdisposable incomedo you have after paying your bills, savingforyour goals, andsetting aside enough money for needs andwants?PocketGuardbudgeting app does those calculations for you!Alwaysknow theactual safe-to-spend amount so you can fit yourmonthlybudget.Comprehensive analytics! Budget and expense trackingarejust a partof the story. If you wanna do money managementtheright way youneed to learn from the data you track.PocketGuardfree budgetingapp provides you with various reports tolet you seepersonalfinances from different angles. Learn about yourspendinghabits,make necessary adjustments, optimize your monthlybudget.Billtracker and subscription manager! You can usePocketGuard as abillorganizer. Once you connect bank accounts theapp startsworking asa finance tracker. All your bills andsubscriptions willbeidentified automatically and included in yourmonthly budget.Thebill organizer will help you never miss the duedate again. Doyouwant to lower your bills? Of course, you do!PocketGuardbillorganizer gives you an easy way to negotiate batterrates withyourprovider. So you can optimize your budget by cuttingcostsonservices you use. PocketGuard subscription manager will helpyoutofind subscriptions you might have forgotten about. Thisisanothermoney management trick - stop paying for services younolongerneed. Set and reach your financial goals! Goals are akeyconceptof budgeting. As was mentioned before, expense trackingisjust apart of the story. Personal finance is made of goals.Let'ssay youwant to spend less on shopping or to save more forvacation.Theseare financial goals. PocketGuard budget app gives youallthenecessary tools to set them properly. Set up yourdebt-payoffplan!Nobody's perfect and almost anyone has debt to payoff.Thequestion is: do you have a plan? Connect all your creditandloanaccounts and we'll show you the way to a debt-freefuture.Oursmart algorithm calculates the most profitabledebtrepaymentstrategy so you'll save hundreds or even thousandsbypaying lessin interest! BANK-LEVEL SECURITY We use the same256-bitSSLencryption as all major banks to ensure yoursensitiveinformationis safe and sound. The PocketGuard app alsouses PINcode andbiometrics, like Touch ID & Face ID, as anadditionalsecuritylayer. Currently, PocketGuard connects to U.S.andCanadianfinancial institutions only. PocketGuard offersapremiumsubscription - PocketGuard Plus - which gives youaccesstoadditional features. PocketGuard Plus is optional andnotrequiredto use PocketGuard.
SCF Mobile 4.0.0
With the official app of State CollegeofFlorida, stay connected anytime, anywhere. SCFmobile placesusefulSCF information in the palm of your hand. Get instant accessto thecollege directory, maps, courses, athletics, events, news,libraryand more.Features include:Directory: Find faculty or staff member contactinformationinstantly.Maps: Find buildings and locations in Bradenton, LakewoodRanchand Venice.News: Read the latest SCF news.Athletics: Check the latest news, schedules and scores fortheSCF athletic teams. Go Manatees!Events: Browse a wide variety of College events.Getinvolved!Courses: Access class schedules, including times, locations,andinstructors. Register early!Library: Access library services and resources.State College of Florida (SCF) is the region's first andlargestpublic college, serving 30,000+ college credit studentsannually atcampuses in Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch and Venice, andvia onlinelearning opportunities.Another 25,000+ participants annually attendprofessionaldevelopment and personal enrichment classes. As of2012, theCollege has graduated over 39,000 students since 1960.SCF athletics include five intercollegiate sports teams:men’sbasketball and baseball and women’s softball, tennisandvolleyball. The Manatees’ winning history has produced morethan1,000 athletes who have gone on to play sports at theuniversityand professional level.
Checkbook - Account Tracker 2.0.28
An easy & quick way to manage your dailyfinances!Checkbookkeeps track of your credit card charges,cashexpenditures...etc.With the Checkbook application, it cantotallyreplace your papercheckbook register. You can createmultipleaccounts with a startbalance, save recurring transactions,transferfunds, view reports& graphs, export data...etc. You canevensearch for thetransaction by crossing your finger on thecalendar!All details ofthe Checkbook are well designed to provideanexcellent experience.And, Produced by Polycents FEATURES*Exportyour ledger in CSVFormat *Calendar -Show all yourmonthlytransactions as points onthe calendar. -Track transactionsbytapping a date on thecalendar. *Recurring Transactions -Saveatransaction to be usedrepeatedly(daily, weekly, 2 weeks,monthly,tire monthly), withoutretyping all the details. *MultipleAccounts-Track as manyaccounts as you need. *Categories -Supportsmultiplecategorieswith beautiful icons to choose from. *Payee &Note-All detailsyou need to keep track of your transactionsareincluding. *Search-Quickly search for transactions by accountname,payee, notes, andcategory. -Search and edit transactions onthesame screen.*Transfer -Transfer funds from one account toanother.*ReconcileTransactions -Reconcile your transactionsbyeditingcleared/un-cleared status *Reports & Charts -Reviewallyourexpenses & income by category or account withbeautifulgraphsand reports. -You can set the time period to daily,weekly,monthly& yearly. *Passcode -Protects yourprivateinformation.*Currency -Supports multiple currencies.*Elegant,Powerful &User-friendly interface If your have anyproblems orsuggestionsplease send a mail to [email protected],you willget theresponse in a short time. The free version isanad-supportedversion, we also offer an ad-free version whichisavailable as anin-app purchase. Permissions Overview: 1.Storage:Checkbook needsthis permission to store the backup file onyourdevice 2. Contact:Checkbook needs this permission to readyourGoogle account whenyou choose to save the backup file toyourGoogle Drive 3. Camera:Checkbook needs this permission to usethecamera to scan docs.Follow us on Twitter: @Appxy_official Likeuson Facebook: AppxyFollow us on Google+: Appxy
Splid – Split group bills 1.3
Nico Jersch
Perfect for vacations, roommates or your relationship,Splidhelpsyou to stay on top of your expenses and settle up inaneasy,relaxed way. No more fiddling about with change,lostreceipts, ordisagreements about the balance. Simply enter allyoursharedexpenses and Splid shows you who owes how much to whom.Andthebest thing: Splid works on and offline. Create an offlinegroupandget splitting costs under control within seconds. Or,activatethesync to enter expenses together. It's simple, andthere'snosign-up required. Even complicated bills can be splitquicklyandeasily with Splid: – Emma paid the supermarket billbutLeocontributed $10? No problem. – Your travel expenses areindollarsbut you want to settle up in euros? Done.  – Hannahhadtwomore drinks than everyone else? Easy-peasy.  Allfeaturesat aglance: ✔︎ Clean interface that's super easy to use.✔︎Sharegroups online to enter bills together (no sign-up needed).✔︎Alsoworks perfectly offline. ✔︎ Download summaries as PDForExcel*files that are easy to understand. ✔︎ Choose from morethan150currencies and let Splid automatically convert theamount(perfectif you are on vacation or travelling). ✔︎ Handlesevencomplicatedtransactions (for example, adding multiple payeesorsplittingbills unequally). ✔︎ Minimal payments: You'll handleasfewpayments as possible because Splid always finds the easiestwaytosplit your bills. ✔︎ Universally usable: Split costsonvacations,with roommates, in relationships, or with friends&family. ✔︎Total cost: Find out how much everyone in your grouphasspent intotal. *Excel export available via in-app purchase.
Streetspotr 4.10.4
The app that pays you. Earn money with your smartphone!
Mvelopes Budget App
Easy to Get Started :Start today by downloading the Mvelopes budget app and use itforfree for 30 days, add your financial institutions and come upwitha budget that will keep you on the path to financial freedom.Youwill get all your transactions sent to your Mvelopes accountandyou will easily be able to track all your account balances inoneeasy to use app. Mvelopes uses an envelope budgeting method tohelpyou plan and track your household or personal budget. Youcanassign and manage your budget, as well as receive feedback onwhereyou have spent your money and how much you haveremaining• Mvelopes is an A + Rated Business with the BetterBusinessBureau• Tool for Tidying Up Your Budget - Credit Karma• Named best app for “Over Spenders” - Kiplinger’sPersonalFinance• App That Makes Budgeting Fun - WiseBread• Best Online Money Management Tool - Nasdaq• Budget App for Recent Graduates - NerdWallet• Right Tool for Keeping Financial• App That Helps Manage Your Student Loans - SoFi• Budget Tool for the New Year - Chicago TribuneGet The Most Out Of Your MoneyUse the Mvelopes budget app to help make more informedbudgetingdecisions and future plans. Track your bank accounts andcreditcard balances alongside your budget to help pay off your debtandincrease savings faster. Create a financial plan for the futureandmake it happen.Save time with the Mvelopes budget app and its access to over16,000financial institutions, so you can focus on managingfinances andnot entering transactions. Be secure with in-appsecurity settings,a four-digit PIN or your Mvelopes username andpassword.Mvelopes Features:• Import your bank and credit card accounts and track yourspendingwithin Mvelopes• Unlimited envelopes and financial institutions can be used inyouraccount• Use digital envelope budgeting system to organize andsimplifyyour finances• Easily access or adjust your budget on the go• Categorized spending helps you make informed decisions whenyoushop• Inbox-style transactions makes it easy to stay on top ofyourbudget every day• All-in-one accounts screen lets you view your checking,savingsand credit card balances in one place• Assign transactions to envelope categories, includingsplittingindividual transactions into separate categories• Complete, real-time synchronization with the Mvelopes web• Money saving tips, ebooks, and videos inside the app
Spendesk 2.37.1
Smart, trackable spending.
Treamer 141
Treamer Oy
Treamer matches work with people who want to work
CityFALCON Financial Content 12.4.3
Personalised content from 13k sources for stocks,cryptos,commodities, and more
TipRanks Stock Market Analysis 3.12.1prod
Stock analysis, portfolio, stock tracker, screener, charts,ETF& stock news
ExpensesTracker MyMicroBalance 1.45
Meike OG
It's all about the monthly rate, isn't it? Yah, but do youreallyknow how much stuff you spend the livelong day? Track yourexpensesnow exactly when and where they occur. Do it on your couch,duringlunch time, at the office or at even at the restrooms – checkyourfinances and be up-to-date at any time! This budget planner apphasbeen designed to help you adding new expenses quick andeasy,provide powerfull statistics as well as charts and keepyouinformed about your private financial status at any time.Moreoverthere is no need to just do it by your own. Share youraccount withyour family, within your club or to a project partnerand corporatein keeping track of your money. Free features: *Create anunlimited number of accounts, categories and entries overseveralyears * Differentiate between individual and reoccurringexpenses *Group your income and expenses by individual categories *Show andhide carry-over of previous months * Pie chart bycategories *Analyze accumulated categories by month * Bar chart byincome andexpenditures * View your monthly income and expenditureson a map *Share your account with other users * Personalize colorsandbackground image for login * Full-screen-mode to hide toolbars*How-To-Videos (German only) * Portrait and landscape useExtendedfeatures enabled via in-app-purchase: * Interactive piecharts toenable details on categories * Interactive bar charts byincome,expenses and by categories * Interactive map by income,expensesand by categories * Dictionary to provide a faster wayadding newexpenses * Add accounts and categories without internetconnection(offline) * Add individual income or expenditures withoutinternetconnection (offline) * Automatically synchronization andofflinestatistics * Pre-calculate new expenditures based onforeigncurrencies * Add new expenditures by voice (internetconnectionrequired) * Search box enables filtering byexpenditure-name orcategory-name * Show or hide balances by day *Fast scrollbar toscroll quickly to a specific day
PerfectRoom 2.0.24
The dynamic environment of hospitality has typically madethemanagement of room inventory and personnel a true challenge intheHousekeeping department. Real-time communication is crucialtomaximize efficiency and deliver the best possible servicetoguests. The PerfectRoom(TM) application module ofSynergyMMSprovides the tools necessary to help Housekeepers stayfocused onthe most critical tasks while creating real-timecommunicationbetween managers and staff members. PerfectRoomincludes amultilingual interface with streamlined information thatmakes fora comfortable and focused user experience. Housekeepersreferencetheir list in order and the status of their work isupdated inreal-time. Managers can push changes in priority up tothe devicesso staff members always have the latest priorities inhand. Guestinformation can be included to personalize theexperience forcustomers. The application included the followingfeature set:•Rooms list in priority order •Iconic navigation/statusupdates•Productivity timer •Break timer •Status updates passed inrealtime •Room Rush initiation/indication •Icon-based work requesttool•Supervisors inspection module •Productivity/efficiency ratingsperstaff member PerfectRoom helps ease the process of ensuringguestsexperience the “perfect room” by removing layers ofcommunicationand providing real-time access to criticalinformation.
WorkIO (Working hours)
The easiest way to compute your work time