Top 9 Apps Similar to iSupportU 愛支持

微头条 - 新闻快讯, 探店分享, 商家点评 2.2.37
Wei Toutiao - Personalized local news alerts, storeexplorationsharing, business reviews, Chinese radio stations,eating, drinkingand having fun, second-hand sales, businessreviews, yellow pagesservice, group sharing and group chat,recommended reading platformfor discount information of merchantsand supermarkets.
2U 2.0.5
2U is a revolutionary open-sourced Smart Instant MessagingApp.Thedevelopment team dedicated to cooperateinterpretationtechnologiesinto 2U that tackles language barrier;user inputslanguage inmother tongue and 2U delivers in recipient’snativelanguage. 2Uopens up a whole new level of social andbusinessnetworkingpossibilities by providing the communication toolthatconnectsevery individuals around the world. Furthermore, 2Uiscapable toextend its functionalities tohuman-to-objectcommunication. AsA.I. and IoT implementation becomespopular, 2U isready to adaptas a comprehensive platform to caterall sorts ofcommunicationneeds.
YUNYOBO V2.4.3.1
YUNYOBO is an APP developed by YUNYOBO(Beijing)CommunicationsTechnology Co.,Ltd. , which is committedtocross-bordercommunication networking solutions. ProductAdvantages: · Surfingthe internet abroad Roam worry-free · 100+countriesnetworkservice supported · Freely select destinationtelecom planon theexclusive APP · One button switch to the localnetwork whenyouabroad · International Call (IDD) Enjoy the lowrates · Enjoythelow call rates just feel like home · Stay connectedall thetimewith high-qualified signal · Multinational phone numbersall inoneSIM card · One-button switching different numbers ofmultination·Bring you ultimate convenience with just one card ·Removetheindustry barriers, realizing unbounded communication
超好看小說 4.1.0
Bingo Reading
Reading e-book reading artifacts of novels
百草进销存-多门店、库存、销售、财务管理 4.10.82
Hii Red 生理用品專賣店 2.19.6
Hii Red新式生理用品專賣店提供生理期絕對的選擇權,希望女生可以透過選擇,重新定義自己的生理期!‧全天24小時行動購物‧販售各式新式生理用品,豐富妳的生理期‧即時推播通知,不定期新品上架和優惠訊息‧衛生棉條品牌最齊全,凱娜商品供貨充足‧全台唯一月亮杯週邊全商品限量供應‧使用SSL 128bits最高安全等級信用卡加密‧支援超商取貨付款,全天候取貨更便利‧用Facebook帳號或手機號碼輕鬆加入會員‧手機和平板同步收藏商品和購物車HiiRed發現,「生理期」長久以來已經變成一個負面的代名詞,而不是可以掛在嘴邊的令人期待的事情,深感台灣女生在生理用品選擇權之缺乏、及相關常識取得不易,「HiiRed新式生理用品專賣店」因應而生,這裡擁有許多妳沒聽過的生理用品知識,也販售各式新式生理用品,並首度發表初經寶盒、月光寶盒、和好伴侶寶盒。「Hii」是當我們很興奮、想跟人打招呼時的用語,「Red」是我們台灣女生喜歡稱呼生理期用的代名詞小紅,月經來應該要是一件令人開心的事情,代表我們的生育功能健康良好,生理期對女孩來說是值得期待、喜悅的日子。台灣女生都不曉得「自己是有選擇權」的這件事,所以覺得不必要、不想要、不需要。每個女生一輩子會有400次的生理期。如果從初經開始,妳就有機會可以使用十種以上的生理用品,那妳的400次生理期會變得多不一樣?當女孩擁有所有知識和各式不同的生理用品,包含衛生棉、棉條、護墊,以及布衛生棉、布護墊,還有私密處的護理產品,就可以摸索出一條最適合自己的生理用品道路,重新定義自己的生理期。詳細資訊請上「Hii Red」官方網站
iViKi -- Simple money management app 4.4.0
Product Features: ---------------------------- *Supportmultipleledgers * Support foreign currency entry *Supportmemberaccounting * Support periodic accounting * Supportlocalbackup *Support WeChat bill screenshot * Support Webdav backup*Supportexport to Excel and CSV * Support theme color *Supportthemepictures * Support night mode * Support fingerprintunlock
Findjobs 找工 2.5.15
还在看报纸找工吗?那你就OUT了 找工App 旨在提供简单又高效的找工方式。 - 即下即用,无需登录 -上千新加坡工作等你来申请-自我推广,让雇主打来找你 ** 重磅推荐新功能 (仅限新加坡地区)***你喜欢抓小精灵吗?与其捕捉小精灵,不如试着捕捉你附近的工作吧 即刻下载找工手机应用程序,马上就开始轻轻松松的来找工
狮城论坛 2.3.61 (21121516)
新加坡狮城论坛的手机APP终于上线了!为了广大用户能够更好的在手机上体验,我们在APP里加入了即时聊天的功能哦!另外还有更多新的功能正在开发中,敬请期待!Singapore Lion CityForumMobile APP finally on the line!In order to be able to better experience the majority of usersonthe phone, we have added real-time chat function in APPinOh!In addition there are many more new features are being developed,sostay tuned!