Top 10 Apps Similar to EMeetings

Triumph In Truth 6.2.1
Subsplash Inc
Welcome to the official Triumph In Truth app!
NetAngelio 1.3.2
Mensajes inspirados en la Palabra de Dios, útiles paraenseñarnosloque es verdad y para hacernos ver debajo de la letra,comotambiénenseñarnos lo que está mal en nuestras vidas. La PalabradeDios noscorrige cuando estamos equivocados y nos enseña a hacerlocorrecto.
Lenovo Smart Frame 1.5.0315
Lenovo Smart Frame Companion Phone App
TCM Clinic Aid 2.3.5
TCM Clinic Aid is a reference guide for TraditionalChineseMedicine.
Medicos Surgery : History and 1.0.7
History and clinical examination for Surgery ward &commonsurgical instruments
IAL - Interaction Log Global 1.9.0
Interaction Log is an application that facilitates the controloflogbooks.
Medicos Medicine: Clinical Approach to medicine 1.5
“Medicos Medicine” is an internal medicine app based onthecollection of Student's Note. Completely free for all, thisappwill allow any physician, resident or medical student toaccessup-to-date medical information and guidelines quicklyandefficiently.It is is a handy and useful tool to learnproperhistory taking and clinical examination for learningmedicalstudents, nurses and practicing doctors embedded with textwrittenin easy language for students, attractive and high qualityimagesand videos related to respective topics there is no otherplatformbetter than this to improve your clinical skills onmedicine. appincludes everything from the beginning form propercommunicationtechniques for students while having bedside classesto teachinginternationally accepted format of general historytaking andclinical examination techniques for students and doctorsalsoprovides skills and reference to measure and interpret vitalsignsuch as temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiratoryrateswith attractive figures and useful video related to the topicsithas a BMI calculator, pack per year calculator andcagequestionnaires for alcohol consumption making it easy forstudentswhile examination of patients the app also has a referencerange ofnormal value of most common indicators such as ureaandelectrolyte, ABG arterial blood gas analysis, hormone invenousblood, common analytes in urine, CSF, faeces,haematologicalvalues, blood glucose level and many others afterhistory takingand vitals the app also provides a step to step guideto do generalexamination of patients including pallor jaundice/icterus lymphnode examination cyanosis clubbing oedema/ edemadehydration theapp teaches us how to access them and understandthem with the helpof text images and videos after generalexamination app alsoprovides system wise history taking andexamination process Appinclude Almost Complete system of human bodyand Especially Focuseson The Examination of system such as :respiratory systemcardiovascular system gastrointestinal systemendocrine systemcentral nervous system motor system renal andgenital genitourinarysystem This might help Medical student duringrevision and wardvisit.The whole description and images are basedon the commonlypracticed clinical examination methods all aroundthe world. —FEATURES — • Concise: edited to be useful at thebedside. • Fast:advanced catch eye description • Direct link to thereferences onyoutube. • BMI calculator and pack year calculator isadded •Perfect for studying for board exams! We hope that this apphelpsto make the educational process both fun and learning.As theskillsrequired of a physician and medical student cannot be learnedfromany single source, We encourage User to make use of as manyotherreferences as possible. A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISRESPONSIBLE FOR INDEPENDENTLY REACHING ANY MEDICAL JUDGMENT,ANDFOR ANY RESULTING DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTS, NOT WITHSTANDINGANYUSE OF THE CONTENT BY SUCH MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. BY USE OFTHISAPPS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE INFORMATION ON THISAPPSMAY CONTAIN INACCURACIES AND OTHER ERRORS. Practitionersandresearchers must always rely on their own experience andknowledgein evaluating and using any information, methods,compounds orexperiments described herein. Because of rapid advancesin themedical sciences, in particular, independent verificationofdiagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extentofthe law, no responsibility is assumed by the app for anyinjuryand/or damage to persons or property as a matter ofproductsliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use oroperation ofany methods, products, instructions, or ideas containedin thematerial herein.
75Health EHR/EMR 2.1.1
75Health cloud-based EHR/EMR software
Radio Huayacocotla La Voz de L 8.2.3
Listen to the Voice of Los Campesinos from your mobile
Grateful Dead Concerts 1.1.2
Bemind Music
Created by Deadheads, this app helps you enjoy the mostexcitinglive recordings from Grateful Dead. Download this app andput yourheadphones on - have a good trip! Once labelled “thepioneeringGodfathers of the jam band world”, Grateful Dead havenever allowedtheir recorded material dictate live shows. The bandwould quiteregularly allow the atmosphere of a crowd, venue orlocationdictate their rolling performances which, typically, meantthatnone of their concerts were the same. Having performed playingmorethan 2,300 concerts during their active years, GratefulDeadmanaged to build a community spirit like no other duringtheirtouring days. With a devoted fanbase which became known asthe‘Deadheads’, the band would play just about anywhere for anybodyaslong as their music was appreciated—and it was. Having enteredtherecord books for their commitment to live music, the GuinnessBookof World Records triumphed the band and selected the GratefulDeadto take the title of “most rock concerts performed”.Thiscollection consists of both audience and soundboardrecordings,hosted by To share the music legally, thisapp followsthe band’s policy of allowing free access to liverecordings. Youwill find no studio recordings from here. Pleaseread the belownotice carefully if any concern. Or send me an emailif any morequestions. From “Grateful Dead has come upwith thefollowing statement and guidelines regarding the use of ourmusicon MP3. We want to make sure that the artists' rights as wellasyour privacy are not compromised. We have tried to addressallthose issues in the statement.” STATEMENT TO MP3 SITE OPERATORSTheGrateful Dead and our managing organizations have longencouragedthe purely non-commercial exchange of music taped at ourconcertsand those of our individual members. That a new mediumofdistribution has arisen - digital audio files being traded overtheInternet - does not change our policy in this regard.Ourstipulations regarding digital distribution are merelyextensionsof those long-standing principles and they are as follow:Nocommercial gain may be sought by websites offering digital filesofour music, whether through advertising, exploitingdatabasescompiled from their traffic, or any other means. Allparticipantsin such digital exchange acknowledge and respect thecopyrights ofthe performers, writers and publishers of the music.This noticeshould be clearly posted on all sites engaged in thisactivity. Wereserve the ability to withdraw our sanction ofnon-commercialdigital music should circumstances arise thatcompromise ourability to protect and steward the integrity of ourwork. Pleasedrop an email if any comment or feedback, Thank you!Email:[email protected]: