Top 9 Apps Similar to Gray Awareness Ribbon Clock

Awareness Ribbon - Pink 1.0
Proudly display this Pink AwarenessRibbonwidget on your smart phone.Pink awareness ribbons have been used to bring awarenesstobreast cancer and childhood cancer.Other awareness ribbon widgets available include AmericanFlag,Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Periwinkle, Pink andBlue,Purple, Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement Officers MemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
Awareness Ribbon - Black 1.0
Proudly display this Black AwarenessRibbonwidget on your smart phone.Black awareness ribbons have been used to bring awarenesstomelanoma (skin cancer), POW/MIA awareness and to convey grieformourning as in the case of the Virginia Tech massacre orHurricaneKatrina.Other awareness ribbon widgets available include AmericanFlag,Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Periwinkle, Pink, Pink andBlue,Purple, Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement Officers MemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
Awareness Ribbon - Pink & Blue 1.0
Proudly display this Pink and BlueAwarenessRibbon widget on your smart phone.Pink and blue awareness ribbons have been used to bringawarenessto male breast cancer, Pregnancy and Infant LossRemembrance Day,SIDS, genital integrity, testicular cancer andpro-life views.Other awareness ribbon widgets available include AmericanFlag,Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Periwinkle, Pink,Purple,Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement Officers MemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
Green Awareness Ribbon Clock 1.0
Proudly display this Green SupportRibbonClockWidget on your Android device.Green awareness ribbons have been used to bringawarenesstobipolar disorder, celiac disease, cerebralpalsy,childhooddepression, missing children, gastroparesis,HIV/AIDStesting,kidney cancer, lyme disease, lymphoma,mitochondrialdiseases,organ donation/transplant and Tourettesyndrome.Other awareness ribbon clocks available includeAmericanFlag,Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Orange, Periwinkle, Pink,Pink andBlue,Purple, Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the SusanG.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement OfficersMemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
American Flag Ribbon Clock 1.0
Proudly display this American FlagRibbonClockWidget on your Android device.American flag ribbons have been used to bringawarenesstowardpatriotism, troop support and the victims and heroesof9/11.Other awareness ribbon clocks available includeBlack,Blue,Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Periwinkle, Pink, PinkandBlue,Purple, Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the SusanG.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement OfficersMemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
Awareness Ribbon - Orange 1.0
Proudly display this Orange AwarenessRibbonwidget on your smart phone.Orange awareness ribbons have been used to bring awarenesstoracial tolerance, human rights, humane treatment ofanimals,leukemia, motorcycle safety, multiple sclerosis, melanoma,hungerand lupus.Other awareness ribbon widgets available include AmericanFlag,Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Periwinkle, Pink, Pink andBlue,Purple, Rainbow, Red, White and Yellow.A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G.Komenfor the Cure, the National Law Enforcement Officers MemorialFund,or the Red Cross Liberty Fund for victims of 9/11.
Komen Tyler Affiliate 2.0.201410
The Tyler Affiliate of Susan G. Komen fortheCure® is dedicated to combating breast cancer at every front.Get our app to get all the up to-dates about the Race fortheCure and how you can participate and volunteer.
Susan G. Komen 3-Day® 6.0
Do your fundraising on the go with your Susan G. Komen 3-Day app!
iHelped 3.0
iHelped is a simple way to helpthecharitiesthat you have a fondness for but have a hard timetodonate to.iHelped doesn’t have you donate any money just youandyour phone’stime. No running, walking, calling, or sharingyourpersonalinformation is needed. Just run the application fromyourphone.Exercise is not necessary but is encouraged.How does it work? Advertisers pay developers money forusingspaceon their application to promote their product to you.Thatmoney iscollected by the developer at certain intervals. Themoneycollectedfrom this application will be sent from thedeveloper tothecharities. There is no limit to how much can begenerated andgiven.The more people that use the application themore revenueisgenerated and collected. **More details below***Run this application while you charge your phone at work,homeorwhenever you feel like it.*Enjoy seeing the progress of the other users and yourselfbyknowinghow much has been raised and donated withintheapplication.*A convenient share button will let others know that youhaveusedthe application with support with Twitter, Google Plus,SMStextmessages, Email and more.*Keep track of how long you have used the application withthebuiltin timer.*Progress is based on how often non-evasive ads are viewedonyourdevice from this application.The Charities that this application raises money for areSusanG.Komen, Ablegamers, Red Cross, , St. Baldricks,andWoundedWarriors.**Facebook does not allow automated text forsharingfromapplications and unfortunately until they decide tochangetheirpolicy sharing to Facebook will only generate a blankmessageforyou to fill out. Sorry for the inconvenience.~~~~~~~~This application is ad supported and will NOTinstallanyapplications to your phone nor donotificationadvertisement.New installed copies might take a while to load ads.Thisisexpected with ad companies when producing ads.The application will work with both carrierbasedinternetconnection or Wi-Fi connections.80%-90% of all funds paid by the ads will be donated tothecharitiesand 10%-20% or (preferably) less will beusedformaintaining/updating the application and tax purposes.While all attempts are made to make the updates asaccurateaspossible some updates might take some time to golive.The charities are not affiliated with iHelped or DTXandusingthis application is based on personal choice. If youarenotsatisfied with the application you can uninstall itatanytime.If you personally want to donate money directly to anyofthecharities visit their respective websites.This application raises money passively not actively sonocalls,emails, or text messages will be sent to you to askforanydonation.The ads that support this application generate revenuethatiscollected into an account and is then transferred tothecharity.Using applications that blocks ads will impede theabilityto raisefunds.If you have any questions feel free to email DTX at [email protected] money raised does belong to the creator of theapplicationandis given to the charities at own free will. The liveupdateswindowon the home screen of the application will indicatewhen themoneyhas been donated to any charity.If you wish to join any of the charities pleasevisittheirrespective websites.~~~~~~~~DTX would like to thank those that open their hearts tohelpraisemoney for a good cause. Together we can help make achange.If youknow of any charity that you would like to add to thelistplease letus know by emailing the DTX team email at [email protected]