Top 20 Apps Similar to Traffic Light Changer Pro

Traffic Light Changer Ad Free 1.3.10
"One of the top 10 hottest apps on AppBrain"-AppBrain*** NO Ads ***Use Traffic Light Changer Pro to trigger a preemptive sensor onatraffic light that causes it to change from red to green.Sometimes called a MIRT, these devices are usually giventoindividuals who operate emergency and police vehicles.Now YOU can have TOTAL CONTROL of your intersections. Justpointand click!This application is meant for entertainment purposes only.Like Roardog Development on Facebook!
Traffic Light Change Prank Pro 1.4
Kar Mobile Apps
This is the perfect app to make a prank toyourfriends. It is designed to trick your friends that you canchangetraffic lights from red to green! The rules of Traffic LightChangerare quite simple: you will see a simple device on thescreen. Whenyou press a button in the middle, a sound andanimation will beplayed. When you synchronize pressing with thestreet lights youwill make an illusion that you can actuallychange it!This is a PRO version of the app, without ads.
HELO TC 3.02
NOTE: This app requires either Griffin’sHELOTC, HELO TC Assault, or HELO TC Hawk Touch-Control Helicopter.The HELO TC app transforms the Multi-Touch display ofyourAndroid device into a remote control for HELO TC.The HELO TC and HELO TC Assault touch-controlled helicopterscomecomplete with chopper and Flight Deck. The Flight Deck plugsintoyour Android device's headphone jack and translates yourcommandsinto infrared signals that beam to the helicopter.Fly in either of two ways:• Joystick: Use a virtual joystick to maneuver HELO TC.• Motion: Tilt your Android device to move HELO TCforward,backward, and side to side.Record and store up to three Flight Plans so you, oranotherpilot, can easily repeat a favorite flight pattern. Make uproutesamong the furniture, missions to fly, obstacles to avoid,goals toachieve, and replay them later with your friends.The controls are intuitive and easy to learn. Thehelicopter'stwin-rotor design makes for stable, controlled flight,so you canconcentrate on having fun (and on getting the jump onfamily andco-workers).
Touchsquid GR PRO Remote 5.51
The Ultimate Universal Remote Control appfordevices with built in IR, and other devices using an externalIRblaster. Controls up to 15 devices in a room, unlimitedroomprofiles. Up to 15 activities per profile. Touchsquid bringsthefunctionality of a high end programmable remote controllikeLogitech Harmony, Creston, Control 4 or URC to your phoneortablet.This is a completely new version with many great new features:Now works in over 40 Languages! Built in contextsensitivehelp.Magic Sync -- Synchronizes two or more Touchsquidremotescontrolling the same profile, so they remain in thesameactivity.Online database, the largest in the industry, is updated dailywithnew devices as they become available.Pull Down and Popup menusReusable macrosUser settable screen backgrounds, use any photo or graphic asabackground.Full Screen -- Full function widgets work on Lock screens too.IP and Serial port control of many newer TVs and AV ReceiverslikePioneer, Denon, Marantz and Yamaha. Also DirecTV Set topboxes.Too many remotes? This will be the only one you need!30 Day Risk free Money back guarantee! Take your time and get itsetup properly.Control of a PC over WiFi requires our server The device is under the MediaManagercategory, brand Touchsquid.ACTIVITY BASED means one button to switch on all devices andsetinputs for a particular activity. Typical activities are WATCHTV,PLAY DVD, and MEDIA MANAGER.Supported devices with built in IR:Samsung Galaxy S4 and S5 smart phones, including MiniandMegaGalaxy Tab 2, Tab 3 and Tab 4HTC One M7 and M8Samsung Note 3 PhoneSamsung Note tablets, all modelsMedion Lifetab 7852LG G3 Superphone.If your tablet lacks a built in IR blaster, you will needanexternal wireless device to do the same job. This app supportstheGlobal Cache IP2IR, WF2IR and GC-100. It also works withKeeneKIRA, and IRTrans LAN I/O devices.Control of a PC over WiFi requires our server The device is under the MediaManagercategory, brand Touchsquid.You get unlimited free upgrades to support new devices, andfreetechnical support.Getting Started: Before you can see the remote control screen,youmust configure at least one device and one activity.Whencompletely configured you will see a green light beside theitem.If it has a red light it is not configured yet.Features:40 screens of 24 favorites each. Favorites can be a channel,websiteor a user defined macro button.RUN APP feature allows you to run other apps from insideTouchsquid.Great for program guides and specialized remote appslike GoogleTV.Magic Sync synchonizes two or more apps on separate androids.Aslong as they have thee same profile loaded it should work.Activateit in the Advanced Settings.
アプリで稼ごう!/サクサクお小遣いが稼げるポイントアプリ 1.0.7
カンタンなお仕事でポイントを貯めて交換しちゃおう!業界最高水準の【ポイントバック率】に加え【amazonギフト券との交換は50円~】という抜群のサービス!他のお小遣いアプリと比べてみてください♪さらに【独自案件】もたくさんあるから稼ぎやすいですよ!■アプリの紹介毎日更新される簡単なお仕事をこなすだけでポイントがたまっていくよ♪ポイントを貯めて簡単アルバイトしちゃおう!ギフト換金時の会員登録は一切不要。難しい操作はないから初めておこずかいアプリを使う人や、初心者です…という人でも簡単に始められます!毎日ログインボーナスをもらえるのも嬉しいですよね!もうこれ1本で大丈夫!ヒマな時間にお金稼ぎしちゃいましょう!■特徴・ギフト券の在庫切れ一切無し!・圧倒的な還元率(ポイントバック率)!・ギフト券との交換は50円から即日交換OK!・ログインボーナス他、ボーナスポイントも盛りだくさん!■こんな方におススメです・お小遣いが欲しい方・時間をかけたくない方・即日換金したい方・在宅でアルバイトしたい方・へそくりを貯めたい方お仕事は毎日更新されるよ!毎週最低1000円稼げるアプリを目指して頑張りますので、宜しくお願いいたします。+.゚(*´∀`)b゚+.゚ ョロチクゥ※は、本プロモーション/プログラムのスポンサーではありません。※Amazon、 および のロゴは,Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。
お金稼ぎならタダギフト/お小遣いが稼げるポイントアプリ 1.0.4
■タダギフって何?■タダギフは、通勤・通学の電車の中や寝る前などの空き時間を利用して超簡単にお金稼ぎができるポイントアプリです。アプリの中で紹介されているおしごとにチャレンジすることでポイントが貯まっていきます。貯まったポイントはAmazonギフト券やPeXポイント、Vプリカなどの人気のギフトコードに交換することができます。24時間いつでも在庫切れ無し。面倒な認証や待ち時間もなく、即時発行されます。■アプリの使い方・稼ぎ方■1.タダギフをインストールして起動します2.アプリ内のおしごとを選んで、ポイントを貯めます3.ポイントが貯まるとギフト券に交換できます4.ショッピングやゲームアイテムなどにギフトカードを利用しましょう■タダギフの特徴■・ポイント還元率は業界最高水準・1ポイント=1円分でわかりやすい・ギフト券は即時発行、SMS認証不要・ログインボーナスあり・友達招待ボーナスありなんとAmazonギフトカードは50円から交換可能という親切設定。抜群に稼ぎやすいアプリを目指しています!■こんな方におすすめ■・無料で魔法石(パスドラ)・モンストオーブ・ツムツムルビー などのアイテムが欲しい方・お金稼ぎやおこづかい稼ぎに興味がある方・いま使っているポイントアプリに不満な方・LINEスタンプを無料で手に入れたい方・スマホゲームのガチャを無料で回したい方・タブレットを使って簡単に稼ぎたい方・お得にショッピングを楽しみたい方・へそくりを貯めたい方お小遣いがもっとほしい!という方を全力で応援します!ギフトコードを無料で簡単にGETするなら【タダギフ】で決まりですね♪※本アプリにおけるプレゼントは「タダギフ」が独自に行うもので、米Google社は全く関係ありません。※は、本プロモーション/プログラムのスポンサーではありません。※Amazon、 および のロゴは,Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。※Amazon ギフト細則についてはをご確認ください。※本アプリは「LINE(ライン)」を運営しているLINE株式会社とは全く関係ありません。※Vプリカ(ブイプリカ)は、ライフカード株式会社が提供するネット決済専用のバーチャルVisaプリペイドです。※本キャンペーンにおけるVプリカの商標・ロゴの使用にあたって、ライフカード株式会社の許諾を受けています。
ポイントアプリで根こそぎ稼ぐ!無課金で課金アイテム大量ゲット 1.0
ポイントアプリを使って根こそぎ稼ごう!初心者でも簡単で安心!短時間でささっとポイントを貯めて、現金や楽天Edyをじゃんじゃん手に入れよう♪これまで手に入れられなかった課金アイテムも、無課金で大量ゲット!★手順はとても簡単3ステップ★インストール後開始の準備!(1分程度)手順に従ってじゃんじゃんポイントを貯める貯めたポイントを現金やウェブマネーと交換★交換できるものは下記の通り★現金楽天EdyT-Point TポイントiTunesカードamazonギフト券WebMoneyVプリカ課金アイテムやレアガチャを手に入れたい場合や、欲しい洋服や家電がある場合など、活用できる場面が沢山♪是非、お気楽にお試し下さい!
Finger Scanner Simulated Prank 4.0
Wuua Apps
Finger Scanner Simulator is a prank appthatsimulates the finger scanning. It is just for fun. You can useitto play game.
ポイントアプリで高額お小遣い♪課金アイテムも無課金大量ゲット 1.0
高還元&即交換!お小遣い稼ぎポイントアプリぽよたん 1.0.0
Trenders, Inc
『ぽよたん』は無料でポイントが貯まるポイントアプリ。\ぽよたん独自の貯まる仕組み/①毎日確実にポイントゲット!毎日配信されるデイリーニュースで確実にポイントゲット!②毎日抽選で最大10,000GPゲット!デイリーニューズをtwitterでシェアして抽選にチャレンジ!8回に1回の確率だから、けっこうあたると評判♪最大10,000GPが当たります!③ぽよたんを育ててボーナスポイントGET!案件を獲得していくとぽよたんが成長。成長達成するとお祝いでボーナスポイントをプレゼント!キャラのパターンも豊富でクセになるかわいさ(・´з`・)\もちろん100%即交換可能!/貯めたポイントは、現金への換金はもちろん、各種ギフト券と交換可能。また、その他のポイント交換を経由することでTポイントにも交換できます。1日5分でらくらくポイントが貯まる、「楽しさ」と「お得さ」と「可愛さ」がつまっています。※本アプリにおけるプレゼントはぽよたん運営事務局が独自で行うものであり、米グーグル社は全く関係ありません。※AmazonおよびAmazonのロゴは、, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。"Poyotan" pointappthatpoints collect for free.\ Poyotan own the accumulation mechanism /① surely point get every day!Surely point get in the Daily News that will bedeliveredeveryday!② maximum 10,000GP Get daily lottery!The challenge to the lottery by share the DailyNewsintwitter!Because it is one of probability to 8 times, quite thehitandreputation ♪Maximum 10,000GP you hit is!③ bonus point GET Grow the Poyotan!Will continue to win projects and Po is good was'm growth.Get the bonus point in the celebration to grow achievement!Character of the pattern also become rich habit cuteness(·'з`·)\ Course 100% ready-exchange! /Points you earned is, redeemed for cash, of course, canbereplacedwith various gift certificates.In addition, you can exchange to T point by going throughtheotherpoints exchange.Points collect Ease 5 minutes a day, "fun" and "deals of","cute"isjammed.※ gift in this application is intended Poyotan Secretariatmakesitsown, the US Google Corporation does not matter at all.※ Amazon and the Amazon logo,, are trademarksofInc.or its affiliates.
お手伝いでポイントをためよう! おしごとポンタ 1.0.1
■お小遣い稼ぎアプリの最新版!!おしごとポンタアプリでおしごとPをためて、Pontaポイントに交換しよう!おしごとPは、毎日参加できるゲームやキャンペーン参加などでぽんぽんたまるよ♪とってもお手軽♪Pontaポイントは、ローソンやケンタッキーなどでつかえるよ!まだまだあるよ!友達を招待すると、おしごとPプレゼント!★★お小遣いアプリの最新版!★★ためたおしごとPは、Pontaポイントに交換可能。つかい方は簡単!アプリを起動してゲームをしたり、「ためる」ページにあるおしごと一覧から選んでおしごとをするとおしごとPがもらえる!■遊び方1.アプリを起動!2.おしごとをする!3.おしごとPがたまる!4.Pontaポイントに交換する!■特徴1.無料でおしごとPがもらえる!2.懸賞で一攫千金のチャンス!3.おしごとPがぽんぽんたまる!さぁ、早速「おしごとポンタ」で、おトクにためちゃおう!※注意事項・初回起動時に、Ponta会員IDが必要です。・android OS 2.3以上が対応OSとなります。
Emergency Lights 1.0
This is the ultimate Police Carsimulator.Simulates the flashing lights with siren sound report.WithEmergency Lights, you can use your device to simulate aPoliceCar!!Great for tricking your friends, scaring neighbours, orcrashingparties!!!Flashing lights includes:- Red Lights: Entire screen flashes red- Blue Lights: Entire screen flashes blue- Red & Blue: Top of screen flashes blue, bottomflashesred- Alternating: Entire screen flashes red and then flashes blue.Attention: Do not use in real life or for reallifeemergencies.Sounds include:- Wail: Sound of a police car siren- Yelp: Another siren sound- Everything: Sound of several different police cars- European: Sound of a European police car- German: Sound of a German police car- Italian: Sound of an Italian police car- French: Sound of a French police car- Japanese: Sound of a Japanese police car- Dutch: Sound of a Dutch police car- None: No sound
Police Siren and Lights Simula 1.5
Simulate police lights and siren sound effects on your phone.
Police Lights & Siren Ultimate 1.21
Games & Fun
Police Lights and Siren is the best police siren and flashinglightsprank app
Peel Universal Smart TV Remote Control
Use your smartphone to control your TV, Cable/Satellite box and many more devices! Peel app can control almostallpopular brands of :TVs - Samsung, LG, Sony, Vizio, Toshiba etc.,Cable/Satellite boxes - Comcast, Dish, DirecTV, etc.Media players - Apple TV, Roku, XBox, ChromecastHome appliances ( AC and Heaters) - Samsung, LG, Panasonic.etc.Peel remote uses built-in IR hardware on phone models such asLGG2/G4/G5, Huawei Honor 7 / 8, Xiaomi Mi 4 / 5 / Redmi andmanymore. For phones without the IR hardware such as Samsung S8 andS7,Peel uses WiFi to discover and control devices.Find Something Good to WatchPeel provides smart show recommendations and TV guide listingsbasedon your preferences and past viewing behavior, all organizedin aneasy to navigate interface. Best of all, the more you“Peel-in”, thesmarter it gets.Easy to Set Up. Easy to Use.Peel is super simple. No matter where you live, what brand of TVorset-top box you own, or who provides your service, it’s easy as1,2, 3. Confirm your location from 110 different countries,chooseyour TV provider, and then pair Peel Smart Remote with allyourhome electronics. It can replace your Samsung TV remote, LGTVremote, Sony TV remote, Vizio TV remote, Roku remote, Dishremote,DirectTV remote, Apple TV remote and more. Peel supportsmore than400,000 devices. This is the only universal remote controlapp willever need.Never Miss Your Favorite ShowsWith the Peel Smart Remote you can easily set a calendar remindersoyou never again miss a favorite show, movie or sports event.Simplytap on the reminder notification to “Peel-in.”Peel-in to Your FavoritesCustomize your Peel Smart Remote by selecting your favoritechannelsand shows. Finding out when and where your favoriteprograms andmovies are available to watch on TV has never beeneasier.Personalize Your TV Program Guide & ListingsUnlike other universal remote controls, Peel Smart Remote allowsyouto easily personalize your TV channel listing to match yourlocalover-the-air, dish or cable provider or streaming service.The bestTV guide you can get is here!!Easily Discover Streamed ContentPeel Smart Remote allows you to discover your favorite showsandmovies on your streaming video services. Whether youpreferNetflix, Hulu, Roku, Apple TV or dozens of other digitalcontentproviders, Peel will help you find something good towatch.The More You Use, the Smarter it GetsPeel is the world’s most popular smart remote with 140million-plusregistered users worldwide and more than 10 billionsmart remotecommands a month. No more worrying about what to watchon TV, howto find your favorite content, or where your remote ishiding. Themore you tune-in with Peel, the smarter it gets.Help and Support is Close ByGo to for FAQs or email [email protected]. Youcanalso visit, follow us onTwitter( andFacebook( for the latest appupdates.You can also go to Ad choices.
Peel Smart Remote
This Remote Changes Everything!Peel Smart Remote revolutionizes your home entertainmentexperienceby combining universal remote control and live orstreamed TVlistings into one simple-to-use app. This is the onlyremote and TVguide you need.Universal Remote ControlReliably control your TV, set-top box, DVD player, Blu-ray,Roku,Apple TV, audio system, and home appliances like airconditionersand heaters, using the built-in infrared IR blaster onyoursmartphone.Find Something Good to WatchPeel provides smart show recommendations and TV guide listingsbasedon your preferences and past viewing behavior, all organizedin aneasy to navigate interface. Best of all, the more you“Peel-in”, thesmarter it gets.Easy to Set Up. Easy to Use.Peel is super simple. No matter where you live, what brand of TVorset-top box you own, or who provides your service, it’s easy as1,2, 3. Confirm your location from 110 different countries,chooseyour TV provider, and then pair Peel Smart Remote with allyourhome electronics. It can replace your Samsung TV remote, LGTVremote, Sony TV remote, Vizio TV remote, Dish remote,DirectTVremote, Apple TV remote and more. Peel supports more than400,000devices. This is the only universal remote control you willeverneed.Never Miss Your Favorite ShowsWith the Peel Smart Remote you can easily set a calendar remindersoyou never again miss a favorite show, movie or sports event.Simplytap on the reminder notification to “Peel-in.”Peel-in to Your FavoritesCustomize your Peel Smart Remote by selecting your favoritechannelsand shows. Finding out when and where your favoriteprograms andmovies are available to watch on TV has never beeneasier.Personalize Your TV Program Guide & ListingsUnlike other universal remote controls, Peel Smart Remote allowsyouto easily personalize your TV channel listing to match yourlocalover-the-air, dish or cable provider or streamingservice.Easily Discover Streamed ContentPeel Smart Remote allows you to discover your favorite showsandmovies on your streaming video services. Whether youpreferNetflix, Hulu, Roku, Apple TV or dozens of other digitalcontentproviders, Peel will help you find something good towatch.The More You Use, the Smarter it GetsPeel is the world’s most popular smart remote with 140million-plusregistered users worldwide and more than 10 billionsmart remotecommands a month. No more worrying about what to watchon TV, howto find your favorite content, or where your remote ishiding. Themore you tune-in with Peel, the smarter it gets.Help and Support is Close ByGo to for FAQs or email [email protected]. Youcanalso visit, follow us onTwitter( andFacebook( for the latest appupdates.You can also go to Ad choices.
稼いでいいとも!~無料でお小遣いが貯まるポイントアプリ~ 1.3
【お得キャンペーン増刊中】今だけ50~500円GET!?稼いでいいとも!は500円~1,000円分のVプリカ&iTunesギフトが無料で必ずもらえる!毎日確実に稼げて開始5分~即日でカンタン換金!友達を誘って今スグ稼いでくれるかな?□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■▼アプリの特徴▼1:業界トップレベルのポイント還元率!2:会員登録なし!利用料金無料!個人情報不要!3:即日交換可能!回数制限一切なし。4:レギュラーボーナスで毎日ポイントが必ず貰える!5:ギフト交換時にはボーナスポイントあり。▼運営スタッフからのメッセージ▼365日、毎日更新/即日交換で運営中です。在庫切れなし。無料で必ずギフトコードが貰えるよ。今日もお得に稼いでくれるかな?▼ご利用の流れ▼*****************************************【1】ログインで稼ぐ!*****************************************毎日ログインすることでレギュラーボーナスをゲット!起動するだけでポイントが増えるチャンス!最大5ptプレゼント!面倒な操作は不要!プレゼントキャンペーンなども随時実施します!*****************************************【2】ポイントを貯める!*****************************************たくさんのポイントを稼ぐことができます!無料のサービス利用や会員登録、話題のショッピングを利用するだけで、カンタンにポイントが貯まります!*****************************************【3】貯めたポイントを交換!*****************************************ギフトコードと交換!1ポイント=1円相当で、500ポイントからカンタンに交換が可能!!***********************************************※iTunes及びiTunesギフトカード、各種ロゴは、Apple Inc.の商標です。50-500 yenGETonly[profit] in the special edition campaign now?With a good earning! Of 500 yen to 1,000 yen worthAlways get free replica V & iTunes Gift!Easy cash in 5 minutes to start the same day as surelyearneveryday!Can you earn us now immediately and invite a friend?□ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■▼ The characteristic of app ▼Point reduction rate of the industry's top level: 1!None Membership: 2! Use free of charge!Personalinformationrequired!Replacement can be sent out the same day: 3! No limit anynumberoftimes.Always get every day at regular bonus point: 4!There are bonus points for a gift exchange: 5.▼ messages from the operating staff ▼365 days, it is operated in the update / replacement samedayeveryday.None of stock. Get a gift code always free.Can you me to earn money today?▼ flow of the use ▼*****************************************I earn in [1] login!*****************************************Get regular bonus by making a daily log in!Chance to point increases just to start!Maximum 5pt gift! Troublesome operation is unnecessary!I will be carried out at any time, such as gift campaign!*****************************************I Earn [2] point!*****************************************You can earn a lot of points!Membership and use the free service, the topicSimply use the shopping, easyPoints collect!*****************************************[3] replace the points you had saved!*****************************************Exchange and gift code!1 point = 1 yen worth, easy from 500 pointsCan be replaced!***********************************************※ iTunes Gift Cards and iTunes, various logo are trademarksofAppleInc..
無料ポイントアプリでギフト券やゲオクーポンをゲット!タメポチ 2.3
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Little Light for Destiny 5.1.1
With the help of Little Light for Destinyanyguardian will be able to better manage their inventory, seetheirstats, create loadouts, and check their weekly progress!You can move your weapons, armor, materials, and consumablestoyour vault or any other characters you have! Evaluate your gearandequip your Destiny character from your phone and use thatsavedtime to do more missions.Easily check which activities you've completed this weekandwhich ones are left, for all your characters! You can alsocheckwhich Exotic items you have and which ones you are stillmissing.It's the perfect way to keep track of your progress!Whatever you need to do, Little Light for Destiny can helpyou.Get the most out of Destiny with this app. Good luck,Guardian!NOTE1: I am not affiliated to Bungie, therefore I cannotpredictwhen their servers will be under maintenance, so duringthoseoutages the app will most likely not work for a couple ofhours.This will probably happen a couple of times during thedeploymentof the House of Wolves and any subsequent majorupdates.NOTE2: This is not a finished product, so check backregularlyfor updates. This is a personal project from a fellowGuardian, soif you like the app please rate it and considersupporting itsdevelopment. If you find a bug please REPORT it togive me a chanceto address the issue before you decide to give alow review.