Top 3 Games Similar to РМ Доставка

InSales Курьер 1.0.1
InSales Курьер позволяетвладельцаминтернет-магазинов на платформе InSales автоматизироватькурьерскиедоставки и печатать кассовые чеки в полном соответствиисзаконодательством РФ.Ваш курьер устанавливает приложение и видит в немполнуюинформацию о назначенных на него доставках. Выполненныедоставки иотказы курьер фиксирует в приложении. Данныеавтоматическипередаются в основную базу InSales. Менеджер магазинавсегда вкурсе, сколько доставок выполнил курьер, какую собралвыручку икакие товары нужно вернуть на склад.Интересные особенности приложения:— Разграничение доступа (курьер видит только свои доставки)— Учет доставок (в работе, выполненные, отмены, частичные иполныеотказы)— Возможность подключить мобильный фискальный регистратор ипечататькассовые чеки— Учет смен, наличной и безналичной выручки, товарных остатковукурьера— Офлайн-режим - не требуется постоянный доступ к интернету— Возможность в 1 клик воспользоваться навигацией, позвонитьклиентуили менеджеру магазинаПеред запуском мобильного приложения нужно установитьприложениечерез веб-интерфейс InSales (в бэк-офисе вашегомагазина).Подробное описание и инструкция по быстрому запуску —наСократите сроки доставки, избавив курьера отрутинныхопераций!InSales Messengerallowsowners of online stores on the platform to automate InSalescourierdelivery and print cash receipts in full compliance withthelegislation of the Russian Federation.Your Courier installs the application and sees it ascompleteinformation on designated him for delivery. Completeddelivery andcourier fixes failures in the application. Data isautomaticallytransmitted to the main base InSales. The storemanager is alwaysaware of how much courier deliveries performed,which collectedrevenue and what products should be returned to thewarehouse.Interesting features of the app:- Access control (Courier sees only their delivery)- Consideration of deliveries (in the work carriedout,cancellation, partial and full waivers)- Ability to connect your mobile fiscal register and printcashvouchers- Accounting changes, cash and non-cash revenue, cash balancesatthe Courier- Offline Mode - do not need constant access to the internet- Ability to use 1-click navigation, call the customer or thestoremanagerBefore starting a mobile application you want to installtheapplication via the web interface InSales (in the back officeofyour store). Detailed description and Quick Start Guide the time of delivery, courier relieved fromroutineoperations!
Track-POD Proof of Delivery - ePOD for drivers 2.58.03g
Track-POD is advanced electronic Proof of Delivery app(ePOD)thatallows your field staff, drivers, carriers to receiveroutewithorders or jobs and lets you submit instantdeliverynotificationseasily, report performance online. It makesreal-timedeliverytracking and route planning effortless andeffective.Systemconsists of two parts: delivery driver app anddashboard inthecloud. Please register businessaccountat then add accounts for yourdriversorcarriers as you need. Features of our Proof of Deliveryapp:-Works anywhere & anytime - in any industry, inanycountryaround the world -Works both online and offline(resubmitsuponre-connection) - Extremely easy to use and free foryourdriversand carriers - Display all routes for driver orcarrieronsmartphone - List of sites and expected time slots ofdeliveries-List of orders/waybills/tasks - Delivery details(SKU,description,q-ty, unit measure, weight, packages and etc) -Neworders,waybills or jobs online - Mass POD - sign once, submitallselected- COD (Cash on Delivery) payment - Display notesfordriver-Vehicle check & Safety check features: *Managevehicledetails*Defect reporting *Record multiple checks againstvehicles-Possibility to call direct from app - Navigatetodestinationdirect from app (support Google Maps, SygicGPSNavigation, HereMaps, OSM maps, Yandex navigation withVoiceGuidance) - Multipledeliveries and collections (pick up) atthesame location/site -Support multiple depots or "depart from"points- Delivery statusnotification in real time automatically -Capturenon-deliveryreason - Capture eSignature (Captures SignatureandName), photo -Support partial delivery - Capture rejectedquantityand reason forevery rejected item - Putting driver'scomment - ScanQR / barcodesto capture serial numbers for everydelivery and everydeliveryitem - Instant updates on delivery issueswith photos -Sync photosand documents with back office portal -Comprehensivedeliverytracking, capture geotags & timestamps toknowwhen/where ePODsare received - Send POD documents in real time-Two-waycommunication - lite chat - GPS tracking withtrackrecording -Registering arrival and departure time-Registering/checkingodometer broken down by truck/trailer-Registering/checking fuel -Workflow for shipment/loading -Workflowfor returnable containersand other equipment - Summaryreport ofgoods for delivery andcollection Benefits for yourbusiness: -Increase productivity by30% with efficient scheduling-Administration costs reduction by50% - Sending information inrealtime for faster invoicing -Paperless and reduced calls -Customerservice quality improvement- Full workflow management andcontrolin real time - Improvementof operations management -Fasterresponse time to incidents -Reduced customer support calls -Lessmistakes and no discrepancyacts - No upfront investment - Easytodeploy - BYOD Applicationareas: Logistics, Distribution, 3PL,CargoService, ServiceIndustry, Manufacturing, Construction, Tradeandother industrieswhere many employees work on the field *Somefeatures notavailable in all countries. * Please registerbusinessaccount at and add logins for yourdriversorcarriers.
iikoDeliveryMan 6.4.4
iiko Software
Mobile application for couriers of the delivery service