Top 15 Apps Similar to Countdown to Christmas

Jamie's 20 Minute Meals 1.3.4
Hi Guys,My app is all about giving you the tools and inspirationtocreate really great-tasting food easily at home.You’ll find 65 mouth-watering recipes to try, each onetakingaround 20 minutes. Every recipe has stunningstep-by-stepphotography, so you really can't go wrong!As well as all that you'll find 21 videos with usefultips,tricks and kitchen skills from sharpening a knife to choppinganonion.There's also a cool shopping list - it sorts your ingredientsbyaisle so you'll be really speedy in the supermarket too.Invite your mates over and give it a go- happy cooking!Big LoveJamie O xxx
Food Network Kitchen 7.29.0
Enjoy on-demand cooking classes, trusted recipes, and so much more.
15 Minutes Meals Recipes Easy 1.4
SP Developer
Free 15 Minutes Meals recipe for quick recipes, healthyrecipes,easy recipes
Jamie Magazine Polska 3.3.0
Magazyn JAMIE to proste, oryginalneipyszneprzepisy, które każdy może z łatwością wykorzystać wswojejkuchni.Na stronach czytelnicy znajdą przepisy wykreowanenapodstawierecept z całego świata, z uwzględnieniemnaturalnych,sezonowych idostępnych w polskich sklepach składników.JAMIE –esencja zdrowejkuchni.JAMIE magazineissimple,original and delicious recipes that anyone can easily useinyourkitchen. On the pages, readers will findlocationsestablishedrules based on recipes from around the world,includingthenatural, seasonal and available in Polish storesingredients.JAMIE- the essence of healthy cuisine.
SmartChef 1.0.3
TalkBack Labs
SmartChef is a recipe app. Its voiceassistantguides you step by step through the recipe, and helps youbyanswering your questions about the recipe. This way you cancookwithout disruptions, and just ask SmartChef whenever you forgothowmany eggs you should use, what you were supposed to do withthoseonions, or just want to know what you should do next.You can import to SmartChef recipes from other recipewebsites.Supported websites: Allrecipes, BBC Food, JamieOliver.
30 minute meals 2.1
NMN Apps
There are 50 full mouthwatering mealsbythefamous chef Jamie Oliver.Each recipe is described step-by-step and in thesmallestdetailso that you can never go wrong when cooking.Also there is a list of all the necessary ingredientsandsortedfor each meals separately for all recipes.If you want to cook a tasty and tasteful just downloadthisappand start.
MyAdvent 1.7.0
Easy & personal online advent calendars for 2022!
Advent Calendar 2019 3.2
You love Christmas period, especially for itsdecorations?Hangingthese decorations on your Christmas tree is aunique momentforyou? This application will delight you bydisplaying aChristmastree embellished with festive decorationsthroughoutDecember. Suchan advent calendar, a new decorativeelement is addedevery dayuntil the celebration of December 25th.Customize your ownXmaxtree: you can now place each decoration itemwhere you want ontheChristmas tree. And to make the most of yournew Christmas tree,donot hesitate to install the widget on yourscreen! In fact,thisapplication provides you with a widget, sized2x2, that willfiteasily on your desktop.
Jamie's Italian Australia 1.1
The Jamie’s Italian App for Australiaishere!Skip the queue and book your table on your mobile,hearaboutspecial events first and book your tickets directlythroughtheapp.Check out our delicious menu, find restaurants,followsocialchannels and so much more!Features include:· Get special monthly offers and a surprise birthdaytreateveryyear.· Make booking a table quicker and easier, plusreceiveconfirmationemails.· Access the latest news and in-restaurant offers, be thefirsttohear about special events and book tickets directlythroughtheapp.· View the latest menus, find your nearest Jamie’sItalianrestaurantand get directions.· Buy Jamie's Italian gift cards – fast, secure and easy.· Keep up-to-date with Jamie’s Italian through ourin-builtsocialmedia feeds, with easy access to share or comment.Plus,followJamie on Food Tube and get access to loads of fun newrecipesforthe family.· Entertain the kids with our Veg Patch game – perfectforlittleones aged 4-12. Help Cornelius the crow hunt forvegetables,avoidthe critters and tap the veggies to score! Sunbursts andpowerrain help you grow extra vegetables. Play againstyour friendsandsee your score on Apple Games scoreboard.
Nativity Advent 2023 v2.4
Build and customize your own Christmas manger
Inspired Food 1.0
Boom Network
Food, what can I say about food thatyoudon’talready know? We spend most of our lives eating,there’sbreakfast,lunch and dinner. Sometimes we eat more, sometimesless.Food canbe found at the base of the world’s greatest cultures,taketheItalians for example. Their food and lifestyle are basedonsimple,fresh and seasonal produce. Then we look at Moroccowherethe foodis influenced by all the travelers that havepassedthrough,although Morocco is a melting pot of manycountries,Moroccan foodis uniquely Moroccan. Food defines who weare and whowe want tobe.If I could, I would spend most of my daysin thekitchen,creating, learning, eating and sharing my stories.I’dspend mytime out of the kitchen in a room filled from floortoceiling withcookbooks. I’d also spend time with mybeautifulgirlfriend. Shegets the best and worst of being in arelationshipwith someone wholoves food as much as I do. On the plusside shegets to be thetaste tester (I guess this could also be abad?) andthe negativeside, usually by the time I’ve taken “just onemorephoto” the foodhas gone cold, sorry about that.Hi my name isMatt,I figured itwas about time to stop rambling and actually tellyouabout me. Ilive in Perth, Western Australia. I work full-time inacompletelynon-food related role and I’m completely addicted tobothcoffeeand cookbooks. I’ve created this blog not only to storemyrecipesand ideas for myself, but for you as well. I want toinspireyouall to enjoy more time in the kitchen, create new dishesandshareyour stories. I want you all to be inspired, and hopefullyIcanachieve this through my ramblings. I am notaprofessionalchef/cook/anything related. Everything I havelearnedhas come fromwatching Jamie Oliver, reading cookbooks andspendingcountlesshours surfing the web, and yes I still set thesmokealarms off.Asfor the photographs on this blog, well this is anewjourney forme. I’ve had my camera for just a little longerthanI’ve had theblog. I’m still learning how to use it, but I’mlovingtheexperience. I believe that the photos should tell halfthestory,as amazing as the photos in food magazines andcookbookslook,sometimes I find them a little too clinical andplaced. If Ifeel aphoto of Pork Carnitas will benefit from therustic natureofadding a little film grain well that’s what I’ll do.If apictureof a steak sandwich needs an over exposed background…wellyou getthe point.Thank you for stopping by and reading allaboutInspiredFoodCreate, inspire and share your journey. recipes 2.0.0
Your must have cooking companion! From Australia's favouritefooddestination.
Christmas Advent Calendar 2011 1.0
Advent 2014 is available for FREE now
Weihnachten 2022 2.7
Christmas countdown Advent and Wishlist