Top 5 Apps Similar to Indonesia 2017 Kalender adFree

Kalender Indonesia 2022, 2023 1.3.1
A complete Indonesian calendar application that containsinformationon national holidays
Indonesia 2021 National Holidays Calendar 4.0
Indonesia 2021 calendar year, including national holidays.Theappalso offers additional features: - DAILY NOTES. Writeyournotes,choosing a background color (among 4 available)foritsidentification. You can edit or remove them every time youneed.-ANUAL NOTES. Mark birthdays, anniversaries... and withthisoptionthey will be marked for every year. Like the daily notes,youcanidentify them with a background color and edit or removethemeverytime you need, or even convert them to a daily note.-MULTIDAYNOTES. You can select some days at once, so you canincludethesame daily note for all of them, and identify them asusualwiththe color you want. - NOTIFICATIONS. Set a notificationonthenoted event and get an alarm at the time you choose. Also,youcanmodify the ringtone of the scheduled notification orusecustomizedtones according to your preferences. - NOTESSUMMARY.Check a listof every note you wrote. - WEEK START DAYCHANGE. Youcan changethe day the week starts, Monday or Sunday. -SAVE DATA TOSD. Savein your SD Card all your notes. You can save asmanybackups as youwant giving them the name you choose. - LOADDATAFROM SD. Get yourpreviously saved data back from your SDcardeasily. Please e-mailus if you have any comments ourdoubts.Clicking ads, you helpkeeping apps like this for free. Thankyoufor the support.
Kalender 2020 2.9
Kalender Indonesia 2020
Kalender Kita 1.18
Kalender Kita adalah kalender sederhana yang memuat hariliburdancuti bersama di Indonesia. Untuk kedepannya, kamimaumembuataplikasi ini sebagai sarana sosial untuk berbagiinformasidenganteman atau rekan dengan cara yang lebihmenyenangkan.Kalender Kitais a simple calendar containing holidaysforIndonesia. In thefuture, we would like to improve theapplicationto be able toshare your calendar between friends andcolleagues ina fun way.
Kalender Indonesia 2023 8.02
Aksa Networks
Indonesian Calendar 2023 Complete with the Latest PublicHolidaysand Leave