Top 7 Apps Similar to Board Exam Result Prediction

10th 12th Board Result 2023 6.7.27
All Board Result 2023, 10th & 12th Board Result , AllIndiaResults ,Fast Result
Education Board Results with 5.0
Get your grade First without buffering and easily find.
SLC Result with Marksheet 1.0
Nepal Droid
Download FREE app to checkyourSLCresult.You can check pass/fail or full marksheet of your exam result.You don't have to send SMS or pay any amount to checkyourresult.You can just enter your symbol number and checkpass/fail.OR getready with symbol number and date of birth toviewyourmarksheet.
Board Exam Solutions: 10 & 12 3.1.4
CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 Board Paper Solutions
University Of Mumbai 3.0
From 2017 onwards University ofMumbaihasextended its automation and e-Governance initiativestofacilitatethe Students and other users. In addition tovarioussecurityfeatures adopted by University of Mumbai on itsprintedDegreeCertificate, it has decided to print an Encrypted QRCode.This QRCode is securely encrypted and can be accessed and usedonlytheMobile App published by University of Mumbai.Using this mobile app, the student or any other user oftheDegreeCertificate (such as employer, bank etc.) can scantheEncrypted QRCode. Mobile app will validate the Encrypted QR Codetoensure thatit is indeed issued by University of Mumbaionly.Further,University of Mumbai has hosted on its serverthecorrespondingDigital Mark Sheet of the concerned student andthesame can beaccessed using the Mobile App. The app willsecurelyread theEncrypted QR Code and direct the User to theUniversity ofMumbaionline server and fetch the Digital Mark Sheetof theconcernedstudent. The Digital Mark Sheet of the concernedstudentwill beshown to the User on the Mobile phone as a PDFdocument.This willfacilitate students of University of Mumbai withanytime,anywhereaccess to their Digital Mark Sheet. Users can alsoview theDigitalMark Sheet to be assured of the credentials.
School Connect 2.8
School Connect School Connect APP -Connecting SchoolsandParents/Students made easy. Login to see the demodetails(username/password is [email protected]/welcome) The onlysleekMobile APP that lets the school administration &teachersconnect with parent & student community efficiently.schoolconnect App is making its stamp as a niche productexclusivelydeveloped for school segment, offering a multi-facetedsolution toall, the school administration, teachers and parents.Benefits forParents • Helps parents to be in touch with schoolactivitiesthrough School Connect Apps, thereby helping them to knowwhat isgoing on! • Frequently getting mobile alerts forschoolnewsletter/Circulars/Weekly Updates and so on • Get realtimeTracking of bus pick up and drop off times • Helps them to knowtheupcoming school events and PTM, especially good for workingparents• Parents get informed when events are rained out , orchange inweather condition , or unscheduled school closure therebyavoidingfrustration • Get Notified when grade/marks is entered intothesystem • Get Notified incase of any emergency Benefits forSchool •Saves school time spent on constant answering of the phonecallsand often unnecessary questions. • Separate LoginforTeachers/Staff are available. • Helps to support and sustainaharmonious relationship with parents. • Helps in eliminatingthepaperwork or printing of newsletters, thereby enhancesthefinancial benefits. • Mobile App increase the Parentsengagement.Survey suggests that the performance of the school isdirectlyproportionate to the parent’s engagement. Schools performsbetterwhen it has highest level of parent engagement. • Class notes&reminders are communicated securely by school staff to theparentvia School Connect apps thereby eliminates frustrations ofnotesbeing missed out. • School can integrate their socialMediaplatform like FB/Twitter/LinkedIn for parents to view from theAppitself. School Admissions info, school Promotion/advertisementispossible using Refer to friends and family feature. Parentscanshare about your school information and admissions amongtheirfriends and family circles. • It gives out categorized anditemizedsections for o Newsletters o Circulars o Events o CalendarsoWeekly updates o RSVP o Meals Menu for preschool o TImetableoMarksheet o Attendance o Chat o Instant notifications -Schoolwise/Class Wise/Parent Wise. o Unlimited Storage for PhotosandVideos o The bus tracking system is an innovative way in whichtheparent will be able to monitor the movement of the school businwhich their kids are travelling. This app will perfectlysuitstandalone or franchise/chain schools with single monitoringsystemfrom a head office. Instant notifications and being able toaccessthe content in offline mode is a feature which the parentswouldlove to have. The app is stable and is perfect to becustomized toany school from all over the globe. The build of theproduct isvery user friendly and it would need minimal time for theapp usersor administrators to adapt to. Schoolmanagement/admin/teacherswant to register your school click on thisurl Contact us to discuss Contact infoPh:9845805278,9036005278Email:[email protected] FEEDBACK Wewelcome your feedback andquestions. Email us or like us
10/12th Exam Result prediction 1.0
Vvani Apps
One of it's kind application which willhelpyoupredict your 10th or 12th std examination result. Theappwillcalculate using advanced formula to predict what resultyouwillget in your given 10th or 12th board examination.Just follow few easy steps given in the application and theappwillprovide you with the best possible predictionofyourpercentage.You need to enter your name, roll number, your board,yourstandard10th or 12th, select the papers your haveappearedfor.After selecting all these basic informations, you just havetoselectone option from the given 4 option of Very Good,Good,Average or Badfor each paper your have appeared foryourexam.You need to select the right and true option togetbestprediction.Befor you get your board examination result, try thisapplicationandcheck how much you will score for this 2017examinations.