Top 16 Apps Similar to 폭풍면접(취업, 취준생, 면접 스터디, 면접 후기)

Interview Tips 1.0
This application is developed byEmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaThe best job interview tips, techniques and advice tohelpensurejob interview success including how to practice, how togetready,and what to bring to an interview. These interview tipswillhelpyou cover everything you need to know to successfully aceajobinterview.Sample:1) What questions should you ask in an interview? Thisshouldbefairly simple since now you are at the end oftheinterviewprocess.2) Plan Ahead - Do a little homework! Research the companyandtheposition if possible, as well, the people you will meet withattheinterview.Interview tips including how to answerinterviewquestions,looking at your strengths, your CV andcompetency basedinterviewadvice.Your source for interview tips and strategies to helpyoufindemployment in today's competitive job market.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: Dr. Nivedita
101 Smart HR Answers Lite 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
You look good. Your resume is impressive.Youfit the job description perfectly. But that's not enough to getthejob you want.Tough interview questions are inevitable in today'scompetitivejob market.Here is "101 Smart Answers to the Toughest InterviewQuestions".It has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpointwhat employersare really asking with every question, and moreimportantly: whatthey want to hear in response.This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage thetrickiestquestions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefullywithcomplicated case interviews, various personality types, andevenpotentially illegal questions - all while avoidingcommonmistakes.Get the expert answers employers are looking for!** By A CustomerI personally recommend this App. When I interviewed withMicrosoftseveral years ago, I was astonished at how IDENTICALtheirinterviewing process was with that described in this App.Afterreading the App, I was not surprised at ANY of the questionsthatwere thrown at me. And I could tell exactly when theinterviewerwas trying to "drill down" to catch me off-guard. Ihighlyrecommend this App to anybody who is interviewing for thefirsttime, or for anybody who has had a job for a decade or moreand isjust now venturing out again. Interviewing tactics havechangedradically since a decade ago.** By PaperbackThis App can rehabilitate you and may indeed place youwhereyou'd like to be. I have been on both sides of theinterviewprocess over many years and it's amazing, in retrospect,that I'vemanaged to work or have any decent employees. From themost basicpreparation, (something I've never done- except to fretover myoutfit,) to practicing, seems like a no brainer- I speakformyself.EVERYBODY knows you're not suppossed to dis a pastemployer,right? I've known that for years, and I just did it lastweek. Iknew when I was doing it, that it was wrong; but I couldn'tdig myway into a more positive response. In fact, that's why Ibought theApp. Fry takes you around those stumbling blocks with avariety ofapproaches, even with regard to keeping a flow in thefacts thatyou are putting forth.Of course, you have to do the work. As with every manual,itisn't a novel, it's behavior, and practice, not how well,(again,in my case,) you `understand' it.You can't go wrong with the material here. It's sound, it'sbeentested and it's completely common sensical- it just doesn'tcome byosmosis. Do it, it helps. Good luck.
공무원 모의면접 Pro 1.2.2
공무원, 군무원 면접 준비자의 필수 어플공무원 모의면접, 군무원 모의면접 제공면접 준비의 가장 기초이자 지름길은 수많은 연습과 모의면접입니다.다양한 질문을 접하여 어떠한 질문에도 떨리지 않고 답변할 수 있고, 한두번으로 외워지지 않는 나의 답변을반복하여녹음하고, 재생하여 나의 것으로 만들어보세요.공무원 모의면접 어플리케이션과 함께 수많은 모의면접을 겪고 나시면 실전에서도 자신감 넘치는 자신을 발견하게될것입니다.이 어플리케이션에 활용된 질문 답변은 제작자의 실전 면접의 노하우가 섞여있는 예상 질문 (예상문제)과답안입니다.공무원 면접에 특화되어 일반 사, 공기업의 면접 질문보다 공직에 대한 질문이 특히 많습니다.또한 군무원 면접 질문들은 어떠한 질문이 있을지 예상하기 상당히 까다롭습니다.엄선하여 고른 공무원과 군무원 모의면접 특화 100여 문답을 확인해보세요.시사 및 상식과 관련된 질문과 답변은 2014년을 기준으로 하고 있으며,본 어플리케이션의 예상 질문과 그 답변은 예시답안으로, 개인의 관점에 따라 답안에 차이가 있을 수있음을알려드립니다.공무원 모의면접은 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.1. 공무원 5대관 + 군무원 면접 예상질문 포함, 총 116문항 및 답변 수록공직관: 18문, 업무관련: 19문, 국가관: 20문, 인생관: 39문, 윤리,사회관: 6문, 군무원: 14문총 116문 116답2. 면접관의 목소리를 재현하여, 실전과 같은 모의 면접을 가능하게 합니다.3. 자신의 목소리를 녹음하고, 확인하여 혼자서도 자습이 가능합니다.4. 공무원 면접, 군무원 면접 경험자의 노하우가 담긴 답변이 수록되어 있습니다.이 어플리케이션은 9급 공무원, 7급 공무원, 9급 군무원, 7급 군무원 공통입니다.아래는 향후 지원 예정 어플리케이션입니다.공무원 모의고사 종류 : 공무원 국어, 공무원 한국사, 공무원 국사, 공무원 영어, 공무원 시험,공무원기출군무원 모의고사 종류 : 군무원 국어, 군무원 한국사, 군무원 국사, 군무원 영어, 군무원 시험, 군무원 기출----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636
101 Smart Interview Answers 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
You look good. Your resume is impressive.Youfit the job description perfectly. But that's not enough to getthejob you want.Tough interview questions are inevitable in today'scompetitivejob market.Here is "101 Smart Answers to the Toughest InterviewQuestions".It has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpointwhat employersare really asking with every question, and moreimportantly: whatthey want to hear in response.This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage thetrickiestquestions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefullywithcomplicated case interviews, various personality types, andevenpotentially illegal questions - all while avoidingcommonmistakes.Get the expert answers employers are looking for!** By A CustomerI personally recommend this App. When I interviewed withMicrosoftseveral years ago, I was astonished at how IDENTICALtheirinterviewing process was with that described in this App.Afterreading the App, I was not surprised at ANY of the questionsthatwere thrown at me. And I could tell exactly when theinterviewerwas trying to "drill down" to catch me off-guard. Ihighlyrecommend this App to anybody who is interviewing for thefirsttime, or for anybody who has had a job for a decade or moreand isjust now venturing out again. Interviewing tactics havechangedradically since a decade ago.** By PaperbackThis App can rehabilitate you and may indeed place youwhereyou'd like to be. I have been on both sides of theinterviewprocess over many years and it's amazing, in retrospect,that I'vemanaged to work or have any decent employees. From themost basicpreparation, (something I've never done- except to fretover myoutfit,) to practicing, seems like a no brainer- I speakformyself.EVERYBODY knows you're not suppossed to dis a pastemployer,right? I've known that for years, and I just did it lastweek. Iknew when I was doing it, that it was wrong; but I couldn'tdig myway into a more positive response. In fact, that's why Ibought theApp. Fry takes you around those stumbling blocks with avariety ofapproaches, even with regard to keeping a flow in thefacts thatyou are putting forth.Of course, you have to do the work. As with every manual,itisn't a novel, it's behavior, and practice, not how well,(again,in my case,) you `understand' it.You can't go wrong with the material here. It's sound, it'sbeentested and it's completely common sensical- it just doesn'tcome byosmosis. Do it, it helps. Good luck.
공무원 모의면접 1.2.2
공무원, 군무원 면접 준비자의 필수 어플공무원 모의면접, 군무원 모의면접 제공면접 준비의 가장 기초이자 지름길은 수많은 연습과 모의면접입니다.다양한 질문을 접하여 어떠한 질문에도 떨리지 않고 답변할 수 있고, 한두번으로 외워지지 않는 나의 답변을반복하여녹음하고, 재생하여 나의 것으로 만들어보세요.공무원 모의면접 어플리케이션과 함께 수많은 모의면접을 겪고 나시면 실전에서도 자신감 넘치는 자신을 발견하게될것입니다.이 어플리케이션에 활용된 질문 답변은 제작자의 실전 면접의 노하우가 섞여있는 예상 질문 (예상문제)과답안입니다.공무원 면접에 특화되어 일반 사, 공기업의 면접 질문보다 공직에 대한 질문이 특히 많습니다.또한 군무원 면접 질문들은 어떠한 질문이 있을지 예상하기 상당히 까다롭습니다.엄선하여 고른 공무원과 군무원 모의면접 특화 100여 문답을 확인해보세요.시사 및 상식과 관련된 질문과 답변은 2014년을 기준으로 하고 있으며,본 어플리케이션의 예상 질문과 그 답변은 예시답안으로, 개인의 관점에 따라 답안에 차이가 있을 수있음을알려드립니다.공무원 모의면접은 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.1. 공무원 5대관 + 군무원 면접 예상질문 포함, 총 30문항 및 답변 수록공직관: 18문, 업무관련: 19문, 국가관: 20문, 인생관: 39문, 윤리,사회관: 6문, 군무원: 14문총 116문 116답(Pro Ver)2. 면접관의 목소리를 재현하여, 실전과 같은 모의 면접을 가능하게 합니다.3. 자신의 목소리를 녹음하고, 확인하여 혼자서도 자습이 가능합니다.4. 공무원 면접, 군무원 면접 경험자의 노하우가 담긴 답변이 수록되어 있습니다.이 어플리케이션은 9급 공무원, 7급 공무원, 9급 군무원, 7급 군무원 공통입니다.아래는 향후 지원 예정 어플리케이션입니다.공무원 모의고사 종류 : 공무원 국어, 공무원 한국사, 공무원 국사, 공무원 영어, 공무원 시험,공무원기출군무원 모의고사 종류 : 군무원 국어, 군무원 한국사, 군무원 국사, 군무원 영어, 군무원 시험, 군무원 기출----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636
윙스인터뷰:승무원 면접 3.0
★ 녹음/녹화 기능으로 혼자서도 연습이 가능합니다.★ TIP기능으로 애매하고 어려운질문에 대한 고민을 해결하세요.★ 외항사 대비 영어인터뷰 및 영어 토론 문제포함★ 항공사 정보와 입시정보, 지상직정보 제공★ 개인 맞춤형 컨설팅 기능★ 다양한 기출/예상 문제에서부터 각 항공사의 다양한 정보와 지식까지 모두 제공해 드립니다.★★★ 윙스인터뷰와 함께 멋진 승무원의 꿈을 이루세요.도움이 필요하시면 [email protected]으로연락주세요.----개발자 연락처 :[email protected]★ Recording /Recordfunction can practice alone.★ Please address the concerns about vague and difficult questiontoTIP functionality.★ OAL including English interview preparation, andEnglishDiscussion Questions★ airline information and admissions information,providinginformation jisangjik★ personalized consulting capabilities★ All offers diverse items as soon as they become / fromtheexpected problems to a variety of information and knowledge oftheairline.★★★ fulfill your dream of a great crew with Wings interview.If you need help, please contact the [email protected].
취뽀캠퍼스 1.9.0
취업을 준비중인 구직자라면 '취뽀캠퍼스' App을 만났다는것은행운입니다.지금까지 쉽게 볼 수 없었던 동영상과 자료가 주기적 업데이트를 통해 무료로 제공되며, 우수한 무료 강연,할인쿠폰,무료로학습할 수 있는 취업 정보 등을 지속적으로 제공 합니다.※ 이 서비스는 스폰서 계약이 체결된 대학교에 제공되는 취업 컨텐츠 App으로 본인의 학교가 스폰서 계약이되어있는지여부는 취업 지원실로 문의 바랍니다.[취업 컨텐츠 구성]- 업종선택, 직무선택 방법 동영상- 금융권 지원자를 위한 핵심 특강- 전자공시 시스템으로 기업분석 동영상- 합격자 자기소개서- 자소서 역량항목 작성비법- 실패경험 선정 및 작성 노하우- 500자 자소서 작성의 2가지 방법- 영문 자기소개서&커버레터- 직무적성검사(30 여개 기업) 모의테스트 및 동영상- 직무별 1분 자기소개 동영상- 인성면접, 토론면접 동영상- 이외 다양한 컨텐츠 제공- 면접에 필요한 각종 동영상- 이외 다양한 컨텐츠가 주기적으로 업데이트 됩니다.Copyright@취업뽀개기( All Rights Reserved..※ 서비스 키워드취뽀, 취업뽀개기, 취뽀스터디, 자기소개서, 자소서, 합격, 면접, 면접질문, 직무적성검사, 인성검사,적성검사,SSAT,싸트, 삼성직무적성검사, SKCT, CJ CAT, DCAT, HMAT, NHAT, L-tab,직무적성검사자료,직무적성검사 후기, 초대졸 싸트, 초대졸 SSAT, 삼성, 삼성그룹, 현대자동차, LG, 입사전략,취업전략,취업스터디,채용, 모의테스트, 모의시험, 무제한, 무료, 합격자, PT면접, 합격, 인성면접, 역량면접,토론면접,면접자료,지원동기, 첨삭, 채용설명회, 밀착취재, 성공스토리, 영어 자기소개서, 영어 커버레터, 취뽀플러스,기업분석,취업,취뽀캠퍼스The lucky thing ismetwith'chwippo campus' App is coming soon, if the jobseekers.Periodic updates are provided free of charge through easy sofarhavenot seen the video, and data, will continue toprovideexcellent freelectures, discount coupons, jobs, etc. thatcan belearned for free.※ This is the school that I have a job App content providedtotheuniversity signed a sponsorship contract serviceagreement,pleasecontact the Employment Support Office sponsor ornot.[Job Content Configuration- Choose an industry, job, select how video- Key Topics for the financial sector applicants- An electronic disclosure system Industry Analysis Video- Biographical candidates- Jasoseo secret writing competency itemsSelected experience failure and create knowledge- Two ways of writing 500 words jasoseo- Biographical & cover letter in English- Job Aptitude Test (over 30 companies) practicetestandVideos- Job In 1 minute self-introduction video- Personality Interview, Talk Interview Video- Provide a variety of other content- Required for various video interview- Other various contents are updated regularly.Copyright @ Work Pokettokoirumattoresu solar( Reserved ..※ Care KeywordsChwippo employment Pokettokoirumattoresu solar,chwippostudy,self-introduction, jasoseo, acceptance,interview,interviewquestions, job aptitude test, personality test,aptitudetest,SSAT, ssateu, Samsung job aptitude test, SKCT, CJ CAT,DCAT,HMAT,NHAT , L-tab, job aptitude test data, job aptitudetestreviews,chodaejol ssateu, chodaejol SSAT, Samsung, SamsungGroup,HyundaiMotor, LG, incident strategy, career strategy,employmentstudies,recruitment, practice test, mock test, unlimited,Free,passer, PTinterview, acceptance, personality interviews,interviewskills,interview discussion, interview data,supportsynchronous,cheomsak, recruitment sessions, coveringadhesive,success stories,English self-introduction, English coverletter,chwippo Plus,business analysis, job , chwippo campus
English for Job Interview 1.0
You need a well-paid job, but yourEnglishnotso good?Maybe you are good at English, but you don't know how togiveasmart answer for a job interview question?If so, this app will help you!English for Interview application provides hundreds ofthemostCOMMON QUESTIONS & ANSWERS that will help youACHIEVEyourDREAM JOB!!The app also contains AUDIO for you to practiceLISTENINGandSPEAKING skills in job interview.Beautiful easy-to-use interface that helps youconcentrateonpreparing for your new job interview.
꿈날개 모바일 면접시스템 1.6.7
Mock interview recording practice and video interviewserviceprovided!
혼자서 할 수 있는 공채 승무원 면접 준비 1.0.0
공채 승무원 면접 준비를 위해 어떻게 준비해야 할까요?면접관에게 몇 가지의 질문으로 나란 사람은이 회사에 필요한 인재인지 아닌지 평가되어 집니다.나란 사람은 도대체 어떻게 보여질까요?어떤 인상을 주는지,내 미소는 어떻게 보이는지,내 목소리는 어떻게 들리는지,답변 내용은 어떤지,누구보다 자신이 잘 알고 있어야 합니다.자신만의 매력적인 모습과 답변 내용을 준비해야 하며그 과정에서 자신의 현재 모습은 어떠하며어떤 점들을 보완해 나가야 할지 점검하고 보완해 나가야 합니다.이 앱은 혼자서도 충분히 면접 준비를 할 수 있도록기출문제를 중심으로 스스로 가상 면접 동영상을 찍고전체적인 코멘트를 참고하여 자신의 모습을 점검,보완해 나가도록 하고 있습니다.언제든 동영상은 다시 찍을 수 있으며 예전 답변 모습과 내용을 비교하며 자신의 발전과정을 스스로 확인할수있습니다.이제 자신의 꿈을 위해 더욱 더 철저한 스스로의 매니저가 되세요.당신이 얼마나 귀하고 아름다운 사람인지 확인해 가며 더욱 더 자신감있는 자신을 완성해 나갈 것입니다.궁금한 사항은 메일 [email protected] 로 보내주세요.★ 이 앱을 이용하기에 적당한 휴대폰 용량은 16기가입니다.★ 설정 -> 화면 -> 화면조명시간 / 을 5분으로 설정하시면 끊김없이 이용하실 수 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :+82-2-6326-0192What should I dotopreparefor the Bond crew interview preparation?Side by side with some of the people asking theinterviewerWill be assessed whether the necessary talent to the company.People would come side by side to show how the hell is that?What an impression, how my smile looks,Hear how my voice, what answer information,He must know better than anyone.To prepare an attractive look and content of yourownanswersandTheir current state in the process, and there'sI'm gonna need to get out to check whether complementandsupplementsome point.This app will help you prepare to interview enough aloneThe items as soon as they become problems themselves mainly totakeavirtual interview videoCheck yourself to see the whole commentComplementary to and get out.Movies can be taken at any time once again and comparetheresponseform and content, and you can see for yourselftheirowndevelopment process.Now, more thorough Become a manager for their own dreams.Through checking whether you know how precious andbeautifulpeoplewill continue to complete yourself moreconfident.If you have any questions or concerns, [email protected].★ suitable handset capacity to take advantage of this appis16GB.★ Settings -> Display -> If you set the backlight time / ato5minutes are available without interruption.
SelfView - Practice Interview
EnhanceU Inc.
1. Students Practice Mock Interviews: Anytime, Anywhere,OnDemand,and Performance Score SelfView provide access toover17,000pre-recorded interview questions in 13 languages andmorethan4,500 samples and tips for more information. Studentscanpracticetheir own interviews and SelfView automaticallyprovideaperformance score for each interview, allowingstudentscompeteagainst others on a leaderboard. 2. StudentsGetInterviewCoaching: Convenient, Fast, Efficient, andPersonalizedStudentscan record their answers right into the cameraon theirmobiledevices or PC anywhere, anytime. They can easilyshare a linktotheir response to career center professionals,professors,andanyone they want to get personalized feedback from.3.FacultyMembers Prefer Digital Interview and Coaching:MoreStudents,Better Quality, and More Efficiency. WithSelfViewevaluation toolsand analytics, faculty members quicklyevaluate andassessstudents’ interview skills. They can coach morestudents inlesstime with better quality.
English for job interview app 1.3.5
Innovative K
Effortless English speaking for job interview by Englishvocabularyand examples
글자수 세기-자기소개서 자동저장 1.4
스마트폰에서 긴 글을 쓸 때 파일로는 저장되지 않아 당황하신 적은 없으셨나요?또는 힘들게 쓴 글을 저장해야 하는데 앱이 종료되어 글을 통째로 날리지는 않으셨나요?이제 스마트폰에서 자기소개서와 같은 긴 글을 쓸 때 느꼈던 불안감과 압박감에서 해방되세요.파일 저장은 기본, 자동저장 기능까지 여러분이 원하는 그 모든 기능을 하나에 담았습니다.★ 주요 기능 ★첫째, sd 카드 내의 모든 텍스트 파일를 불러올 수 있습니다.둘째, 불러온 파일, 입력한 파일 모두 sd카드/글자수 세기 폴더에 저장되어 원본 손실을 방지합니다.셋째, 최근에 편집한 문서를 간단하게 불러올 수 있습니다.넷째, 띄어쓰기, 줄바꿈 계산 설정이 가능합니다.다섯째, 최소 1분 단위의 스마트한 자동 저장 기능으로 작성한 자기소개서를 날리는 끔찍한 일을 방지합니다.여섯째, 글자수 초과 경고 기능이 있습니다.Did you write a longposton my smartphone is not stored in the file you are nolessembarrassing?Or written to be hard to write the app store shut down anddidnot have to blow the whole article?Have now free from anxiety and pressure felt when writinglongposts like personal statement and your smartphone.The one that housed all the features you want bydefault,auto-save feature to save the file.★ ★ Key FeaturesFirst, you can load a text File, all in the sd card.Second, the input file to the loaded file, both stored in sdcard/ letter of the original loss prevention centuries folder.Third, you can simply call up the last document editing.Fourth, it is possible spaces, line breaks arecalculatedsetting.Fifth, to prevent blowing a personal statement written by oneofthe units of the smart auto-save feature at least 1minuteterrible.Sixth, the number of characters exceeds the warningfunction.
면접다이어리 1.0
GM Dev
면접을 본 후 날짜와 내용을 간단하게 기록하여관리하세요!취업에 관한 팁도 제공해 드립니다.당신의 취업을 지속적으로 도와드리겠습니다.By simply record thedateand details after the interviewManage!Also it provides tips on employment.We will help you to continue in employment.
Speaking TEST - Edge Speaking 3.0.1
Mobile. Test Prep.For the first time ever, speaking test practice is availableonmobile phones.EDGE SPEAKING is speaking test preparation applicationPractice in a real test setting.*Excluding optional professional editing and test scoringA FOCUSED APPROACHPerfect your speaking. Re-record as many times as youlike.Purchase coins for premium features: EDGE Grammar EditingService,EDGE Score Report, EDGE Scripts: text files of youraudiorecordings.Now, get your edge with Edge Speaking.
EDGE Picto 2.0.4
=============================================================EDGE Picto is an editing app where short sentences are editedbynative speakers.=============================================================EDGE Picto is an app providing real time editing serviceAfter you describe pictures in English (300 word limit), anativespeaker will edit your sentences right away.EDGE Picto is going to help anyone who wants to practicecorrectEnglish, such as students who write English diaries tostudyEnglish, students who have to write an essay to studyabroad,workers who have to write documents or emails in English,andpeople who want to communicate with foreign friends.When I want help editing my English compositionWhen I am sending an email in EnglishWhen I am studying EnglishWhen I am preparing for the TOEFL and TOEIC writing tests,All you need is internet access to receive editing servicesbynative speakers from anywhere in the world.You can improve your writing ability by detecting yourshortageand supplementing by comparing yours and editedone. EDGE Picto can improve your writing skills by identifyingyourshortcomings and comparing your submissions with theeditedversions.*The menus ""Previous message"" and ""View Gallery"" andtheeditingservice (300 word limit), which were previously only for prousers,will now be available to all users.**You can access all kinds of editing services with points.(1points for 1 professional editing service)*** Previous Picto Pro users' point balances will be convertedtothe new system at a rate of up to one-to-two.※Internet access is required to use this app.※ To report any problems or errors, please contact us [email protected] All image categories have been integrated. You can reviewyourprevious images in the [View All Edited Messages]menu.- You can access all kinds of editing services with points.(1points for 1 professional editing service)- The menus ""Previous message"" and ""View Gallery"" andtheediting service (300 word limit), which were previously onlyforpro users, will now be available to all users.*** Previous Picto Pro users' point balances will be convertedtothe new system at a rate of up to one-to-two.- Solved a problem in which the user couldn’t see thetranslationtips at first.- Changed the category order.- Modified Push Notifications- Solved other bugs.