Top 9 Apps Similar to DIY Portable Garage

Garage Design Ideas 3.0
Most of us have the impression that nothingcanbe done with the space left out inside garage after parkingthevehicles. So, we pile up all the broken, rejected items ofourhouse in the garage. Thus, it becomes a neglected part of thehousefull of dirt and debris. Though the fact remains you canutilizethat space and covert it into something more than just astoragespace for tools and rubble. Even if the area of your garageis notthat large, you can organize things inside that garage andwill besurprised to find that it provides enough room at yourdisposal.The basic idea behind designing a garage is to organizethingskept inside it to create some extra space and improve theoverallvisual appearance of its interiors. Prior to that, you needalittle bit of planning. While doing so, the first thing thatyouhave to decide is the budget for garage designing. The purposeforwhich you want to use the garage is also important so that yougetan idea about the primary requirements of the design. Therearethree different aspects which are the indispensable part ofagarage. They are as follows:Let us start with some designing ideas for storage. Agarageoften has a messy look because most of its spaces areoccupied byuseless and unwanted things. To put them in properorder, you needgood storage options. Thus you will get sufficientfree spaceinside the garage that can be engaged for some usefulactivities.Garage cabinets, shelves, hooks, pegs and pegboards aresome of theessential items which are needed for this purpose.Fix up some J hooks to hang heavy garden tools likeshovels,hoes, brooms and mops. Use a pegboard to put those toolswhich arerequired for regular use. Small hardware materials likenails andscrews can be kept in jars of different sizes. Shelveshave to befixed on the walls to keep these jars and storage bins onthem.Cabinets are required to store chemicals and otherliquidsubstances as they should be kept in locked condition forsafetyreasons. Hanging cabinets are preferable as they do notoccupy anyfloor space. Cabinets made of laminated plywood looksvery stylishand attractive. However, if you are looking for cheaperoption,then you can go for plastic cabinets. The biggest advantagesofthese cabinets is that they do not get damaged by water or rustandcan be cleaned easily.The options for covering floor is quite diverse. Startingfrompolyvinyl mats to rubber tiles to epoxy paints. Your choiceforflooring should depend on the way you want to utilize the area.Thecheapest flooring option is of course, the use of epoxypaints.Make some beautiful designs with the paint to enhance thelook ofthe interiors. However, epoxy makes the floor a bit slipperyandhence should be used only if you do not have to walk intothegarage frequently. Polyvinyl floor covering is good becauseithides all cracks, holes and other defects. It can alsoofferprotection from stains, grease and other dirt that arecommonenemies of the floor. Rubber floor tiles is a soft floorcoveringthat comes in various shapes and sizes and are easy toinstall.This is an ideal choice if your garage is exposed to highfoottraffic as it can be cleaned very easily.
Garage Workbench Design 1.4
The garage workbench is a mustforeveryhomeowner who has a 'do-it-yourself' attitude. Consideryourfutureprojects, and assume the ideal working area in yourgarage.Thenbuy or build the perfect workbench for your needs.Choose the optimum spot for your garage workbench. Ifyouparkvehicles in the garage, place your workbench in alocationthatallows you maximum work space. If your house andgarageareattached, your choice in placement may be limited.Puttingthegarage workbench against a shared wall is a good idea foreaseofelectrical outlet installation. It will also be the areatogiveyou the most warmth during cold months. Some insulationforsoundshould be considered so the folks in the house arenotbothered bythe noise. If your garage stands alone, you may finditeasier toselect an area. Ideally, place your garage workbenchalonga barewall in order to have plenty of room for cabinets andshelvesonone or both sides of the workbench. By positioningyourworkbenchon the opposite wall of a window, you will beprovidedwith themost natural light. If space is an issue, afold-upgarageworkbench takes up little room when not in use. Theyareoftendesigned with cabinet space to hang tools and hardware,andthehinged bench folds into that space with its legs tuckedunder.Whenyou need to work, simply unfold the top, prop up the legsandgetto it. Select one with a leg system that is sturdy enoughforyourneeds. Make sure to allow adequate space to work in whenthebenchis laid out.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application,andfindout many luxurious idea of garage workbench design.Justdownloadthis application of garage workbench design ideas andfindmanywonderful things for decorating your garage. You can saveallthepictures into your card and make it as your phonewallpaper.Moreover, you can share all the pictures to your friendsthat havethesame purpose as you; to find the most amazing andstylishdesign ofgarage workbench design idea and to decorateit.Enjoy and makes your imagination come true!
A perfect garage interior designisveryimportant for building or redesigning a home. Thegaragedesignshould be planned well ahead without any flaws. Youcaneithercreate your own garage interior design or hire anexpertinteriordesigner for the job.You may require the garage for various purposes likestorageofyour vehicle, workroom for doing it yourself, safe playareaforyour kids or to keep gardening tools. You may convenientlyusethegarage as a storage room for accumulating personalbelongings.Thedesign to be created by you should solve all yourstorageproblemsthat you may have to encounter in future.The interior garage decision should meet yourfunctionalrequirementsof the present as well as the future. Thespaceavailable inside thegarage should be adequate enough to meetallthe purposes whether itis for keeping the vehicle in asecuredposition or for othermultiple purposes. You should make thebestuse of the spacesavailable inside the garage, includingfloor,ceiling and wall.Use the garage cabinets for keeping paint, tools forcarmaintenance,items meant for safe storage, lawn, garden andinsectchemicals. Theunused space in the garage ceiling can be usedforinstallation ofoverhead storage, where seasonal items likeholidaydecorations,sports equipment and any other thing thatcannot beplaced at thefloor. While designing the interiors, youshouldfocus attention notonly on the garage floor but also on thespacesabove it.When you are thinking of a good garage design idea,considerthefollowing:1. Location.Where do you plan to build your garage? Most homes eitherhavefrontor side garage. Either way, garage should beconstructedwhere houseand the driveway are most accessible.Location alsoplays animportant role on the overall design of yourgarage. Thespaceavailable determines how the garage interior shouldbeconstructedin respect on the functions you want your garagetohave. Once youhave determined the "where", everythingiseasy.2. Function.How will the garage be used? Before, the garage is usedsolelytokeep the vehicle secured. But garage nowadaysservesmultiplepurposes from storing house and gardening tools toworkingspacefor do-it-yourselfers.Your garage walls can accommodate most of your hometoolsandgardening equipment including your brooms, extensioncords,hoses,garden tools, ladders, bicycles, balls and bats, golfbagsandaccessories, food coolers, coats, shoes, hats, andotherworkshopand general house tools and accessories. Installverticalstorageon the wall for additional storage space.So what are you waiting for? How your garage will looklikeisimportant. For ideas on home garage design download thisapp.Ourapplication is the best way to get the perfect ideasofgarageinterior design from around the world! Create yourowngarageinterior design!
Garage Work Bench 1.0
carmen masci
The garage workbench is a mustforeveryhomeowner who has a 'do-it-yourself' attitude. Consideryourfutureprojects, and assume the ideal working area in yourgarage.Thenbuy or build the perfect workbench for your needs.If your house and garage are attached, your choiceinplacementmay be limited. Putting the garage workbench againstashared wallis a good idea for ease of electricaloutletinstallation. It willalso be the area to give you the mostwarmthduring cold months.Some insulation for sound should beconsideredso the folks in thehouse are not bothered by the noise.If yourgarage stands alone,you may find it easier to select anarea.Ideally, place yourgarage workbench along a bare wall in ordertohave plenty of roomfor cabinets and shelves on one or both sidesofthe workbench. Bypositioning your workbench on the opposite wallofa window, youwill be provided with the most natural light.If space is an issue, a fold-up garage workbench takes uplittleroomwhen not in use. They are often designed with cabinetspace tohangtools and hardware, and the hinged bench folds intothat spacewithits legs tucked under. When you need to work, simplyunfoldthe top,prop up the legs and get to it. Select one with alegsystem that issturdy enough for your needs. Make sure toallowadequate space towork in when the bench is laid out.A workbench should be higher than a desk, as you must beabletostand and work comfortably, with your arms bent at therightangle.Some experts suggest that the table top's height shouldbe atthelevel of your navel or at the crease of your wrist. Othersfinditmore comfortable and usable at a higher level. If youwantextrawork room and support, consider the height of your tablesawandplace both together as a unit. You can set up a prototypebenchbyplacing a sheet of plywood on some blocks in ordertodeterminewhich height works best for you.Build your Own? Various garage workbench designs areavailableonthis app. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Sowhat areyouwaiting? Find many ideas of garage workbench inourfinestapp!Enjoy our app!
GARAGE Mag 9.0
Augmented reality is about to getaugmented.Download the GARAGE Mag App to view the extra content, byscanningits pages, within GARAGE Nº10, as well as keepingup-to-date withthe latest content from special-edition cover and interactive feature, apartnershipbetween internationally renowned artist Urs Fischer andglobalsuperstar Beyoncé, can be accessed through the GARAGE MagApp.GARAGE Nº10 also collaborated with global, entertainmentpioneer,Marvel, and delivered a dynamic and bold set of animatedcovers inthe style of five female superheroes.—GARAGE Magazine is the groundbreaking art and fashionbiannualfounded and directed by Dasha Zhukova; each issue brings tolifethe most original and ambitious collaborative projects acrossthecreative fields.
Garage Interior Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Most people hire the services ofcontractorstomake a garage plan for them. But if you prefer tobuild yourown,coming up with a garage interior design idea isreallynotdifficult. While technical expertise is important, therearebasicfactors which should make things easy for you.Where do you plan to build your garage? Most homeseitherhavefront or side garage. Either way, garage shouldbeconstructedwhere house and the driveway are mostaccessible.Location alsoplays an important role on the overalldesign of yourgarageinterior. The space available determines howthe garageinteriorshould be constructed in respect on the functionsyou wantyourgarage to have. Once you have determined the"where",everything iseasy.How will the garage be used? Before, the garage is usedsolelytokeep the vehicle secured. But garage nowadaysservesmultiplepurposes from storing house and gardening tools toworkingspacefor do-it-yourselfers.Your garage walls can accommodate most of your hometoolsandgardening equipment including your brooms, extensioncords,hoses,garden tools, ladders, bicycles, balls and bats, golfbagsandaccessories, food coolers, coats, shoes, hats, andotherworkshopand general house tools and accessories. Installverticalstorageon the wall for additional storage space.Garage cabinets can store your insect, lawn, andgardenchemicals,paint, other small tools used for car maintenance,andthe rest ofthe items you want to keep hidden forsafetyreasons.Overhead storage can be installed to maximize the unusedspaceofyour ceiling. Here, you can securely keep seasonal itemssuchassports equipment, holiday decorations, and other thingsthatcannotbe kept at the floor.Functionality is your main concern when thinking of agaragedesignidea, should you be worried with the aesthetics? Yes.Howyourgarage will look like is important. Colors of the wall,designofthe cabinets, types of materials used, and even the themeofthegarage should be carefully planned.So what are you waiting? A perfect garage interior designisveryimportant for building or redesigning a home. Thegaragedesignshould be planned well ahead without any flaws. Youcaneithercreate your own garage interior design or hire anexpertinteriordesigner from our app. Find the design of GARAGEINTERIORhere,takes the perfect design for our garage!Download and enjoy!
Modern Detached Garage 1.1
Planning is key to undertaking a majorbuildingproject. Before diving into the building process it isimportant toconsider your needs, as well as the things you want ina finalproduct. If you're specifically searching for a way to addmorespace to your home without actually building right ontoyourexisting house detached garage plans offer the versatilityforwhich you may be searching.There are a variety of types of garages available to choosefrommaking it easy to find plans that directly suit your needs.Fromplans for an RV garage to layouts for garage apartments,lofts,boat storage and many other options, you can find outlinesforalmost any storage and living or working combination.Determiningyour needs is one of the first, most important steps youcan takewhen choosing a plan for your garage.First, decide the number and size of vehicles you will be parkinginyour garage. Map your dimensions correctly so that you'll havetheroom you need for the vehicles that will be housed in yourbuilding.This includes cars, trucks, boats and motor homes. Whensearchingfor RV garage plans you may even consider installingfront and reardoors for an easy drive through option, whicheliminates the need toback your vehicle in and out of yourgarage.Also consider what your other requirements are. You mayneedadditional living space, a workshop, extra storage, orotheraccommodations. Determining these needs will also helpyouestablish details including heating and cooling, the numberandplacement of windows and doors and electrical outlets. If yourneedis primarily additional storage, consider the items you arestoringand whether or not they require climate control. If it islivingspace you need think about who will occupy the quarters andwhattheir needs are.Constructing a building apart from your home also meansconsideringdetached garage plans that will complement your existinghome. Ifaesthetics are important to you you'll want to make surethat thestructure you build coordinates with your house. Buildinganattractive yet functional garage is also an easy way toincreasethe value of your property. You may use your garage simplyforadditional storage but with a modern layout and look you havetheability to offer much more for potential buyers.Certainly not last on the list, it is also essential toconsidercost when it comes to choosing the detached garage plansthat arebest for you. Staying within your budget is one of the bestthingsyou can do throughout the construction process. Knowing whatyouneed in a garage, what you want, how you want it to look andtheamenities you need to include are all important factorsforbuilding a garage but being financially prepared for this typeofproject should be top on your list.For your residential garage take your time as your sortthroughlayouts for garage apartments, lofts, workshops, storageareas, RVgarage plans, tandem garage outlines and others. Make surethelayout you choose encompasses your needs and the comfortsandconveniences you want, all while staying within yourbudget.A garage isn't just a place to store your cars anymore. What usedtobe a grungy, cold building used to house not only vehiclesbutdiscarded toys, tools and other miscellaneous items unworthyofoccupying your home, garages are now warm, inviting havenswhereyou can work, play times a modern detached garage plan can complement yourhomeboth cosmetically and structurally. These buildings arebuiltalongside your house or elsewhere on your property andoftencoordinate with your home's building style and paint job.Dependingon the intended use for your garage this coordination canbeespecially important if you are searching specifically forgarageapartment plans. When you are planning to use your buildingforliving space as well as storage it is often importanttosynchronize the look of your house and garage.
Portable Metal Garage 1.1
Portable metal buildings are widely used asthealternative of wooden and traditional cement buildings. Thoughsteelis not a considered a metal made of steel are alsocategorized underportable metal buildings. Most of these buildingsare made ofaluminum which gives hundreds of benefits. Due to thesebenefits,people are inclining to utilize portable buildingsinstead of onemade of wood.There are two types of advantages offered by these portablemetalbuildings...economical and environmental. The economicalbenefitsinvolve the money you have to spend while having abuilding. Thisthing appears as a blow to your pockets. Portablebuildings havecut off you from these concerns. Second benefit isenvironmentalinvolve the security and atmosphere which is providedby a portablemetal building against outer threats. These threatsinvolve fireburning, storms and natural calamities which are verymuch expectedin America and European countries.The portable building is good for both residential andcommercialuse. At commercial level, these buildings includeschools,colleges, hospitals and similar other place and at domesticlevel,garages, and houses. The normal cement building costs highand notas much durable. Similarly, you have not as much safety. Ifthefire burns in your neighborhood, it will also affectyousimultaneously. In the case of wooden buildings and garages,thecase becomes more severe. This type of building has killedallthese concerns and provided ample security to every one whohasthis shelter. It is cost effective and reusable. Ion this waythesebuildings give shelter at domestic as well as commerciallevel.That is why; the trend of portable metal building isachievingpopularity by leaps and bounds.Choosing the right garage kit for the do it yourself garage canbequiet challenging to say the least. However, the more info youknowabout the various types of garage kits available on themarkettoday, you will be better equipped to select the right kitthatwill meet your needs, and all the while saving someseriouscash!What Are The Different Types Of Garage & GaragePackagesAvailable.There are basically three types of garages available - Theyare:metal, fabric, and vinyl. All three have their advantagesanddisadvantages.Metal Garage Kits - Garage kits that are metal are the mostcostlyof the three and often times require a contractor toconstructafter obtaining the approved building permits. They dohave theiradvantages though! Metal garages typically last longerthan othermaterials and come in a large variety of sizes and colorchoices.Kits made of galvanized steel and bolt together hardwarecan bebought from various manufacturers and most come with a 15yearwarranty. Garages that are made of metal will provideprotectionfor your auto's and investments and typically complimentand addvalue to your residence. Most homeowners will pour a slabandconstruct it on the concrete.Fabric garages - (aka: portable garage kits) These type ofportableshelters are made of first quality rip stop fabric in a 9ounce or10 ounce covered top and come with a galvanized steelframe. Thesetype of canvas garages are the least expensive and canlast forseveral years. Boat and RV owners love these type ofgaragesbecause they are ideal for storing a boat or camper duringdownseason. These mobile shelters are ideal where portabilityisessential. The most common sizes range from a one car garage,twocar garage, and much larger. The most common colors aregreen,grey, and tan. Most come with a two yearmanufacturerswarranty.Do it yourself garage kits that are fabric come witheverythingneeded for assembly and detailed instructions are alwaysincludedwithin your kit. Typical installation time is approximatelytwohours and requires minimal tools.Vinyl Garage Kits - These kits are identical to metal garagesyetare made of vinyl siding.
Garage Storage Wall Systems 1.0
Is your garage a haven or a horror? Too often, we just shutthedoorand forget it when we walk into the house. But it’s somucheasierto keep a garage organized if there are places to putthingsaway.Our garages are full of tools, sports equipment,gardeningand lawnparaphernalia, and hopefully, the family car.Start yourgarageorganization by utilizing every surface— floor,wall, andceilingspace. Shelves, racks, and cabinets can help youefficientlyuse wallspace. Pulley systems can lift bikes, skis, andotherthings rightup to the ceiling, so they’re out of the way untilyouneed them.Whether you decide to use individual units, or anentiregarageorganization system, you’ll enjoy having a placeforeverything, andeverything in its place. Take a look at some ofthebest garagestorage ideas. You might actually park your car inthegarage now!Let’s face it. For most of us, the garage serves asadumping groundfor old paint, broken toys, and boxes ofclothesawaiting a ride tothe local thrift store. No wonder ourvehiclesfeel thesqueeze—provided they can fit inside the garage atall. Ifthethought of organizing your garage fills you withdread,takecourage. Here’s how to break the task into three steps,so youcancurb the chaos once and for all: 1. CLEAR THE CLUTTERBegin withaserious cleaning, if possible hauling everything ontothedriveway.Group items you’re eliminating into four piles:toss,recycle,donate or sell. “Be brutal when you are sorting,”advisesErinGentry, Associate Public Relations and ConsumerEngagementManagerat Rubbermaid. “Get rid of anything you haven’tused in thepastyear.” If parting with perfectly good items provesparalyzing,findmotivation in a moneymaking garage sale or gainsatisfactionfromhelping a favorite charity. 2. MAKE A PLAN Now thatthe garageisempty, avoid the common mistake of hastily rushing outtobuyorganizational products. First consider whether thespacecouldbenefit from a fresh coat of paint. 3. CHOOSETAILOREDSOLUTIONSNow that you have a plan, put it into actionwithsmartorganizational products that require minimal effort touse.Thegood news is there are plenty of options, frominexpensiveDIYhooks and chrome racks to customized,professionallyinstalledsystems priced in the thousands. Wallsystems, wrap any orallsides of your garage with panels that can beoutfitted withyourchoice of accessories, including ball holders,bins, cabinetsandhooks. Though some systems can be priced in thethousands, theydooffer excellent flexibility and get everythingorganized andoffthe floor. Models that use tracks or rails areeasiest toinstall.