Top 13 Apps Similar to Татарская кухня

Рецепты - Кухни стран мира 2.114
SE Develop
Кулинарные рецепты - Кухни стран мира. Блюда из разных стран.
Ossetian cuisine 1.4.1
Macrobit LLC
Recipes of national osetian cuisine. The modern interface,easynavigation.
Salad recipes 6.8
All recipes with step by step photos
Main Dish recipes 6.9
All recipes with step by step photos
Казахская кухня 1.2
Казахская кухняКраткий обзор национальной казахской кухни. Автор программынепретендует на полноту описания, а лишь хочен познакомит читателяснекоторыми аспектами национального чревоугодия.бешпармак, казы, баурсакUrl: cuisineAn overview of the national Kazakh cuisine. Author ofthisprogram does not purport to describe, but only hochen acquaintthereader with some aspects of national gluttony.beshbarmak, kazi, baursakUrl:
Funny Kitchen: Recipe 2.3
Dark Side
Good afternoon!Your attention is given:- More than 5,000 recipes- For people who have to count calories Kalorizator.- Timer for easy cooking.- Cuisines of the world- A variety of recipes- Comfortable categories- Dietary cuisine- Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories- Calculation PFC and calories per 100g of food- Search by name and ingredients- Ability to change the graphical interface with a text- Continuous addition of new recipes- Liked recipes you can add to favoritesWe are ready to listen to any of your ideas and wishesforfurther development of the application.Here you will find snacks, sandwiches, toast, burgers,soup,borscht, salads, pasta, meat dishes, kebabs, chicken, pork,fish,sushi, rolls, sauces, canned, pancakes, muffins, pizza,pies,muffins, cakes bread, cakes, muffins, cookies, cakes,cheesecakes,quiches, cakes, ice cream, candy, coffee, cocktails anddrinks.We will help you prepare your favorite dish =)
Турецкая кухня. Рецепты 2.1.1
Добро пожаловать! Если захотелось приготовить традиционное,вкусноеблюдо, то стоит обратиться к рецептам Турецкой кухни! У нассобранысамые интересные рецепты такой замечательной страны, какТурция!Все кулинарные рецепты собираются из открытых источниковтолько сфотографиями и описанием. + Приложение работает безподключения кинтернету; + Выбор самых интересных и популярныхрецептов, многокатегорий; + Все рецепты с фотографиями; +Интересные статьи ссоветами; + Удобный дизайн. В приложениисодержится реклама.
Guide for Toca Kitchen 2 2.9
If you like toca kitchen 2,tocakitchen2games,toca boca kitchen 2,toca boca kitchen 2 games,tocakitchen12 and 3. Download this Guide for Toca Kitchen 2 and alwaysbe uptodate with Latest Information and Tactics.DISCLAIMER:This application is an unofficial Toca Kitchen 2 guide only,itisnot authorized or created by the creator of the game.
Sauce recipes 6.9
All recipes with step by step photos
Русско-Турецкий разговорник 6.0.0
Russian Turkish phrase book with clear pronunciation.
Kitchen Countertop Design 1.1
Lucent Beam
Have you recently made the choicetoremodelyour kitchen? If so, what would you like to remodel?Thereare somehomeowners who only choose to have certain parts oftheircookingand eating area remodeled, but then there are otherswhowanteverything changed. Whether you want to only upgrade asmallpartof your kitchen or if you want a totally differentlookinggalley,there is a good chance that you may be looking for anewcountertopfor your kitchen. If so, have you decided on thespecifictype ofcountertop you would want?When it comes to picking a new countertops for yourkitchen,thereare a number of important factors that need to betakenintoconsideration. One of the most important things toremember isthecabinets in your kitchen. Countertops are almostalways placedontop of kitchen cabinets or cupboards. If you arelooking toremodelyour cabinets as well, it may be a good move topick out allofyour supplies and materials at once same time. Thiswill helptomake sure that your new kitchen countertop not onlylooksgreat,but that it also goes well with the kitchen cabinetsthat youwillhave put in.The most important thing to consider when choosingyournewcountertop is the price. Laminate countertops areoftenconsideredthe cheapest. And despite being the most affordable,theyare oftenconsidered boring. If you are looking to not onlychangearoundyour kitchen, but improve the way it looks, you maybeormarble.Although it is smart to zone in on the eye appealandoveralllooks of a countertop, it is also important to makesurethat youcan pay for it. If you are reworking your wholekitchen, itmightbe a good move to make a list of materials that youwill needorwant, in addition to a budget. If you mistakenly throwawaytoomuch money on kitchen countertop materials, you may findittoughto afford to remodel the rest of your kitchen.While there is a chance that you may already know thetypeofcountertop you would like to have in your kitchen, there isalsoapossibility that you may not. If this is the case, you areurgedtostart shopping. Whether you look for kitchencountertopmaterialson the internet or in one of the local homeimprovementstores,there is a likely chance that you will encountera wideselectionof materials, all with different designs andappearances.Shoppingor at least looking around is one of the topways to getideas. Infact, doing your shopping and browsing at theplace whereyou planon purchasing your remodeling supplies from is agreat wayto getprice estimates, which are essential when kitchenremodelingisbeing done a budget.Once you have chosen which type of materials you wanttoutilizefor your kitchen countertops, whether they be atraditionalwhitelaminate or a beautiful green granite, you willneed to decidehowyour kitchen countertop will be put in. If youwant, askassistancefrom a professional kitchen remodel design ideasexpertor ageneral contractor; however, you may want toinstallyourcountertop yourself. With a set of good instructions,youwilldiscover that it is relatively simple to install yourownkitchencountertop, even if you do not have any experiencewithhomeimprovement. Many kitchen countertop materialscomewithdirections, but if not, you could easily buy a guidebookforarelatively affordable price, or find one online for free.Here are some ideas for your countertop and your backsplash:- You could try ceramic tiles on both areas. It isthemostcommonly used material in the planet. It has got alltypesofdesigns and colors that would suit your kitchen.- Murals are new stuff and basically few homes have thisbutitwould be very elegant to look at, stylish even. It would beagreatthing to put the mural on the backsplash, notonthecountertop.- Granite, marble and engineered stone is also asmartchoice.Durable and naturally elegant and good looking.Canwithstand thetoughest situation.
Быстрые и легкие рецепты 4.5.0
Приготовление пищи -процесстворческий,требующий положительного настроя и наличиясвободноговремени. Акак же быть, если времени "в обрез", аполуфабрикатамипитаться нетжелания? Наше приложение может быть Вамполезно ввыборе вкусных ибыстрых рецептов приготовленияразличныхблюд.Для того, чтобы хорошо питаться, необходимо, какминимум,уметьготовить. Научиться можно всегда, начиная тренировкиссамыхпростых и быстрых блюд. От Вас требуется только желаниеисовсемнемного времени. Начните свои эксперименты с салатовизакусок: онисамые легкие. Так, постепенно, Вы разнообразитесвойрацион.Еда может и должна быть одновременно вкусной, полезной инеслишком"тяжелой". Возьмите это выражение за правило, инашибыстрыерецепты смогут Вам в этом пригодиться. Вы легкосоставитеграмотноеменю: вкусное и отлично сбалансированное, а Вашежедневныйрационбудет блистать разнообразием.Cooking -acreativeprocess that requires a positive attitude andtheavailability offree time. But what if the time "running out"andhave no desire toeat semi-finished goods? Our application canbeuseful to you inthe selection of delicious and quick recipesforvariousdishes.To eat well, you need to at least be able to cook. Learningisalwayspossible, starting training with the most simple andquickmeals. Youonly need the desire and a little time.Startexperimenting withsalads and appetizers: they are the light.So,gradually, youdiversify your diet.Food can and must be both delicious, useful and not too"heavy".Takeit for expression generally, and our quick recipes youcancome inhandy in this. You easily make a competent menu: tastyandwellbalanced, and your daily diet will shine diversity.
Soup recipes 6.8
All recipes with step by step photos