Top 3 Games Similar to Add Up!

ADD UP 6.0
ADD UP is a fun game designedtotest/enhanceyour arithmetic skills. You will be presented withascrambledplaying grid, filled with random number tiles(numbersrange from 0to 9) and empty space tiles. You will also bepresentedwith a 1 x1 grid of numbers at the bottom of the screen.The ideais to clearthe playing grid. You can put a number in theempty tileof theplaying grid by touching the empty tile. Only thefirstnumber thatappears in the 1x1 grid can be put in the emptytile ofthe playinggrid.In order to make make numbers disappear, you have to addthesumof the numbers surrounding the empty space tiles. If thesumisequal to the first number in the 1x1 grid, then you canmakethesurrounding numbers disappear by clicking on the empty tileoftheplaying grid. If the sum is 2 digits then only the 2nddigitcounts(for instance if the sum is 28, then you take 8 as thesum).Youhave to complete each level within the given time frame.Scoreisthe number of empty tiles. There are 5 levels. Grids getbiggerineach level. Highest possible score is 255, which meansthatyouhave beat the game. Have fun! ADD UP!!!!For feedback/technical issue, kindly send email to [email protected]
add up 1.0.14
'Add up' , it's fun, easy and simple,it'sonlygoal is to reach the number 24 with the supplied cards.Thepointsyou get for each answer dependes on it's difficulty.With Google Play you can share your score, or, evenalltheconquered achievements.How to Play:-After you get 4 cards, between 1 and 9, andthearithmeticoperators, you should find the right place for eachcardand theproper operator so that the final outcome is 24.-The is how it works:Cards : 2 5 3 61) 5 x 6 = 302) 2 x 3 = 63) 30 - 6 = 24Easy, right! Maybe not so easy :)Available in:-English;-French (Nathalie Martins);-German (Sofia Inês)-Portuguese.Enjoy it :)
FIVES - Add up Twos and Threes 1.01
FIVES - A math puzzle to ad upTwosandThreesSwipe finger to move blocks of number.2+3=55+5=1010+10=20......Different Game Shapes:- 4X4- 5X5- 6X6- 8X8- Irregular shapes.Different Game Modes:- Endless- Time limited- Moves limitedUnlimited challenge full of fun.