Top 14 Apps Similar to RAY App for Visually Impaired

OneStep Reader 3.1
OneStep Reader reads any printed text aloud to you.
SwiftBraille 2.0.5
Swift Braille Soft Keyboard ●→●→● Connect The Dots
MBraille 1.6.5
MBraille brings Braille input to themodernworld.MBraille is the most versatile Braille keyboard app foryourAndroid device.With the freely available functionality you can send textmessagesto your contacts, directly from the Braille keyboard andshare yourmessages in social media.With the full version you can also use braille to* send email* call your friends with .dial* fire away google search queries* open web addresses with .web* write documents in MBraille, store them locally or in yourDropboxfor easy access.* check and correct spelling as you type* create macros from the keyboard,* the text typed is automatically put to clipboard when youswitchapps.all directly from the MBraille keyboard.An experienced blind MBraille user can easily surpass thesightedtypists using the built in virtual keyboard.MBraille 1.6 supports contracted and uncontracted Englishbrailleand includes spelling correction with simple gestures.Things to know:User interface translations to other languages isinprogress.*contracted Braille is supported for English, Danish andTurkish.Uncontracted Braille is supported for Arabic, Bulgarian,Croatian,Danish, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German,Hungarian, Italian,Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,Russian, Slovak, Spanish,Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese.Spell checking is supported for English, Czech, Danish,French,German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Swedish,Spanish, Russian, Turkish and Vietnamese.
ARTI (trial) for blind users 7.62
This is a fully functional 14 day trialversionof our ARTI software. It is intended to give a good idea ofARTI'sfunctionality.ARTI is especially made for visually impaired users. Ifoffersmore than 2000 speech- and menu-driven features. Formoreinformation please refer to This app starts up automatically. To close it, touchthemicrophone symbol and say "Close program" or touch the screenforabout 7 seconds until you hear "Close program".
Launcher for Blind People 1.4
Arthur Zaczek
This Launcher is intended for blindpeoplewhoare looking for a very easy way to use basic functionsontheirphone. This Launcher is not a Google's Talkback replacement.This Launcher was inspired by the eyes-free shellandsolvesthings differently.Currently, the following features are implemented:* Calling Phone Book numbers* Enter phone number & call* Read SMS* Read missed calls* Start Apps* Announce TimeThe following functions are planned:* Status WLAN* Status Lock-Screen
7 Braille Keyboard 1.0.1
7 Braille Keyboard is a digital takeonpopularBraille typing method for people with visual impairment.This keyboard app provides a simple and easy way fortypingontouch screen based devices for blind and visuallyimpairedusers.The keyboard integrates seamlessly across operatingsystem,usercan use this keyboard in all typing scenarios suchasmessages,browser, chatting, Watsapp, Facebook etc.Please note we are improving its experience whenusedwithVoiceOver.For installation and tutorial please followthefollowinglinks:Installation:
Fleksy + GIF Keyboard 10.2.5
Fleksy is the most fun, customizablewayto type, and officially the fastest keyboard in theworld.Fleksy is the only keyboard that allows you to find andsendGIFs, and customize your keyboard withpowerfulExtensions and beautiful themes.Use Fleksy Extensions like: GIFs, Android Launcher, Editor,NumberRow, Keyboard Shortcuts, Invisible Keyboard, and RainbowKeyPops• "This is much better than your standard input methodsandpredictive text engines." - TechCrunchPOWERFUL EXTENSIONS FOR CUSTOM FUNCTIONALITYUse Fleksy Extensions to customize your keyboard withincrediblypowerful features. Have more fun with the ONLYKeyboard with GIFsupport. Navigate apps right from yourkeyboard with Launcher.Copy/paste, control your cursor, and morewith Editor. Or,customize Fleksy with an easy-access Number Row,quick KeyboardShortcuts, or a fun Rainbow Pop effect when you type.Fleksy givesyou 3 slots FREE, so you can mix, match, and try all7!THE FASTEST, MOST ACCURATE KEYBOARDFleksy keyboard uses next-generation autocorrect so accurate youcantype without even looking, and type with record-setting speedusingintuitive gestures! Type faster and save more time for thethingsyou love.BEAUTIFUL DESIGN. 40+ COLORFUL THEMES. 3CUSTOMIZABLESIZES.Show your style on Fleksy’s beautiful keyboard with over 40colorfulthemes, including favorites like Frozen, The Hunger Games,andmore.TYPING THAT’S ACTUALLY FUN!Express yourself with GIFs, Stickers, over 800 Emoji, 40+themes,and Rainbow Key Pops. Then, earn fun Badges and rewards forusingFleksy! Who said typing had to be boring?WHY ARE WE BETTER THAN OTHER KEYBOARDS?The only keyboard with custom Extensions. No keyboard ismorecustomizable.The only keyboard that holds a world record for typing speed.Nokeyboard is faster.The only keyboard that lets you find and send GIFs. No keyboardismore fun.The most beautiful design, custom themes, and sizes. No keyboardismore beautiful.*************************************************************************************************************MULTILINGUAL TYPINGSeamlessly switch between languages while typing. Fleksysupportsover 42 languages including:• English• Italian• Indonesian• Portuguese (Brazilian)• Russian• Spanish• ...and many more!!Vote for your language at http://languages.fleksy.comLanguages with the most votes will be released faster!LAYOUT SUPPORTQWERTY, AZERTY, QWERTZ, even DVORAK or ColemakPRIVACYFleksy does not collect any personal data without yourexplicitpermission. We take privacy very seriously.The warning message that says Fleksy may be able to collect "allthetext you type, including personal data like passwords andcreditcard numbers" is part of the Android operating system thatappearswhen any third party keyboard is enabled.Happy Typing!NOTICE ABOUT IN-APP PURCHASEFleksy includes optional in-app purchases for premiumcontent.Join Fleksy Beta - Join our Beta to get new languagesandfeatures first: http://beta.fleksy.comTechnical Support - Go to http://feedback.fleksy.comfortechnical support.Press - If you are a member of the press, write to [email protected].
Minsky - Assistente Virtual 0.5.6
Minsky é um assistente virtual parasmartphonese tablets Android desenvolvido com a intenção defacilitar a vida dousuário. Para isso o aplicativo oferece umainterface simples quedispensa configurações e tenta fazer uso datecnologia dereconhecimento de voz e inteligência artificial(A.I.) para trazerrespostas e realizar tarefas diversas sem o usodas mãos à exemplodo famoso assistente Siri, do iPhone.O desenvolvimento do aplicativo ainda está em estágio inicial,ouseja, em fase Alpha. Isso significa que, apesar de funcional,eleainda tem bugs e ainda há muito o que fazer para torná-loumassistente realmente inteligente.No entanto o app já é capaz de reconhecer uma série decomandosde voz e realizar várias tarefas como discar para númerosna agendade contatos, abrir aplicativos, pesquisar na internet eobterinformações sobre letras de músicas, sinopses de filmesesignificados de palavras.IMPORTANTE!!!O aplicativo requer TRÊS componentes para funcionarcorretamente:VOZ, RECONHECIMENTO DE VOZ DO GOOGLE e conexão com aINTERNET.Caso o dispositivo não disponha de uma engine de voz (Conv.detexto em voz) deve ser baixado a do Google, que estádisponívelgratuitamente noendereço outras opções, a maioria são pagas, como o SVOX(Luciana) ouVoz TTS Brasileira Gabriel. Além disso, também épreciso ter oaplicativo de pesquisa por voz (VOICE SEARCH) doGoogle instalado.Caso não venha com o aparelho é preciso baixar daPlay Store. E casojá estejam instalados, uma boa ideia é atualizarpara a versão maisrecente.Se tiver tudo certo, e mesmo assim não funcionar pode serprecisomudar as configurações do dispositivo e mudar o IDIOMA paraoPortuguês. O local exato depende do aparelho e da versão doAndroid.Uma das opções é "Configurações" > "Idioma" &"Entrada" >"Conversão de texto em voz" para a VOZ e"Configurações" >"Idioma" > " Inserção" > "Fala" >"Pesquisa de voz" >"Linguagem".E, por fim, o último componente necessário para oAssistenteMinsky é uma boa conexão com a INTERNET. Sem ela oscomandos de voznão funciona. O mesmo vale para a maioria dosrecursos, quedependem de capturar dados externos como letras demúsicas esinopse de filmes.Comandos disponíveis=================Diga seu nomeVeja cotaçõesConverta escalas de temperaturaToque músicas com a vozVeja letras das músicasVeja sinopses de filmesEncontre informações sobre qualquer assuntoDescubra o significado de palavrasFaça traduçõesVeja a data e a horaVerifique como está o tempo na sua cidadeFaça cálculos usando a vozDescubra distâncias entre dois pontosVerifique o nível de carga da bateriaControle o brilho da telaControle o volume do dispositivoLigue e desligue o GPS, Wi-Fi e o BluetoothFaça ligaçõesEnvie SMSEnvie e-mailTire fotos rapidamenteDefina alarmesLocalize lugares e obtenha informações de estabelecimentosVeja as últimas notíciasConsulte horóscopoOuça piadas e charadasOuça frases inspiradoras=================================E muito mais deve ser acrescentado em breve.Minsky is avirtualassistant for Android smartphones and tablets developed withtheintention to facilitate the user's life. For this, theapplicationprovides a simple interface that eliminates settings andtries tomake use of voice recognition technology andartificialintelligence (AI) to bring answers and perform varioustaskswithout the use of hands to the example of the famousassistantSiri, the iPhone.The application development is still at an early stage, ieinAlpha stage. This means that although functional, it still hasbugsand there is still much to do to make it a reallysmartassistant.However the app is already able to recognize a series ofvoicecommands and perform various tasks such as call numbers intheaddress book, open applications, search the internetandinformation about lyrics, synopses of films and meaningsofwords.IMPORTANT !!!The application requires THREE components to functionproperly:VOICE, GOOGLE VOICE RECOGNITION and connection to theINTERNET.If the device does not have a voice engine (Conv. Of textintovoice) must be downloaded from Google, which is availableon Although there are other options, mostarepaid, including SVOX (Luciana) or TTS Brazilian Gabriel Voice.Inaddition, you must also have the search application Voice(VOICESEARCH) Google installed. If you do not come with the deviceyouneed to download from the Play Store. And if they arealreadyinstalled, a good idea is to upgrade to the latestversion.If you have everything right, and still does not work youmayneed to change the device settings and change the LANGUAGE forthePortuguese. The exact location depends on the device andAndroidversion. One option is "Settings"> "Language" &"input">"text-to-speech" for VOICE and "Settings">"Language">"Insert"> "Speak"> "Voice Search"> "language. "Finally, the last component necessary for the Minsky Wizard isagood connection to the INTERNET. Without it the voice commandswillnot work. The same goes for most features, which rely onexternaldata capture as lyrics and synopsis of movies.Available Commands=================State your nameSee pricesConvert temperature rangesPlay your music with voiceSee lyricsSee synopses of filmsFind information on any subjectDiscover the meaning of wordsMake translationsSee date and timeCheck how the weather in your cityMake calculations using voiceDiscover distances between two pointsCheck the battery charge levelControl the screen brightnessControl the device volumeTurn off and unplug the GPS, Wi-Fi and BluetoothMake callsSend SMSSend an emailTake photos quicklySet alarmsLocate places and get information establishmentsSee the latest newsSee horoscopeListen jokes and riddlesListen inspirational phrases=================================And many more to be added soon.
Dumpster: Undelete & Restore Pictures and Videos 3.15.408.0b66
Backup photos & videosTired of accidentally deleting important photos and videos fromyourdevice? Download Dumpster, the free Android recycle bin. Onceyou’veinstalled the app, it will automatically backup and save allof yournewly deleted data, allowing you to easily undeletepictures andvideos, and instantly restore them to your phone. Youcan think ofDumpster as the keepsafe for all of your personalphotos andinformation.Safeguard your picturesPersonal photos and videos are meant to remain private. Keepsafeyour deleted pictures from outside viewers with the helpofDumpster’s premium app lock capabilities. External viewerswillneed to get past your 4 digit lock screen access code in ordertoview any of your Dumpster data.Instantly restore deleted appsApp recovery is simple and instantaneous with Dumpster! Justenteryour Dumpster recycle bin, click on the app you wish toundeleteand voila - it will instantly reappear on your device.Dumpsterprovides backup for all deleted applications, pictures,videos,documents and more. No matter what you need to undelete,Dumpstercan instantly restore it to your device.Cloud storageFree up valuable storage space on your device. Dumpster cloudbackupis a premium feature, enabling users to save all theirdeleted itemsto the Dumpster cloud. Pay for as little or as muchcloud storage asyou require. Dumpster premium users will alsoenjoy the added bonusof an ads free experience, free personalizedthemes and app lockcapabilities.Key features:✔ Effortlessly backup your Android✔ Instantly retrieve important files, photos, imagesandvideos✔ Restore accidentally deleted pictures✔ It’s free✔ Auto clean option available✔ Cloud storage - premium✔ Lock screen capabilities- premium✔ Custom themes & designs- premium✔ Support for 14 languagesQuestions?Check out Dumpster’s FAQsection: contact us at: [email protected]
Noah Voice Assistant Beta 0.05.3B
Interact with calls and messages just with your voice. DISCONTINUED
Fale o Que Quiser 0.0.11
Tiago Torres
"Fale o Que Quiser" allows you toperformcommontasks on your Android device using only voicecommands!The application was developed specifically fortheBrazilianPortuguese language, so the command recognitionenginetakes intoaccount specific aspects of the Portugueselanguage.One of the goals of the application is being able tointerpretasmany variations of voice commands as possible. This way,theuserwill be able to say what he/she feels like instead ofhavingtomemorize lists of commands.This is the ad-supported version of the app. If you usetheappand would like to contribute to the project,pleaseconsiderpurchasing the ad-free version:Fale o Que Quiser (No Ads)
Automatic Call Recorder for Me
Apalon Apps
Call recorder is a simple no-frills appthatallows recording all phone conversations directly toyourAndroid.Hearing is believing!Don’t hesitate to receive important calls in traffic jams. Noneedto memorize phone numbers and street addresses. Forget aboutpilesof papers while making notes or preparing your shopping list.Useauto call recorder to capture tender words from yourlovedones.How to record a phone call on your Android? The easiest way istochoose Automatic Call Recorder for Me - smart callrecorderapp with a nice sleek design!KEY FEATURES:- Manual and auto recording options- Share option to send your records wherever you want as quick asawink- PIN code protection for your recorded calls- Automatic call recorder for incoming/outgoing and for callswithunknown numbers not included in your Contacts- Playback through speaker or earpiece on your phone- Auto sorting by date or by contactSome extra goodies for you:- Tab Favorites for high-priority calls and convenient Search bartosave you time finding the contact you need at the moment.- Bookmarks to mark key points within a call and addyournotes.More impressive features are coming soon...The simple setup, easy-to-use interface, and basic pluscustomchoices to record phone calls will make the call recorderyourindispensable go-to app.If you have any questions or suggestions on how we could makeourproduct better, feel free to contact [email protected]:
GesType(Beta) 2.0
GesType is an Android keyboardexclusivelyforand visually-impaired users. Instead of touch, swipeand tapareused to generate characters. Swiping and tapping ataparticularportion in the keyboard will generate characters basedonthe keyassigned.With practice, visually-impaired user can type textusingoutseeing the keyboard. GesType is the only keyboard onplaystorefocused on blind and visually-impaired users.