Top 16 Apps Similar to NEW 보이스매치 Ⅱ - 목소리 궁합, 이미지, 닮은꼴

니온 얼굴인식 체험판 - 얼굴나이, 닮은꼴연예인 1.6
니온의 얼굴인식 기술을 활용해당신과 가장 닮은 연예인을 찾아드리고,얼굴나이는 몇 살인지 알려드립니다!- 시스템 개발자 : 서창영 ([email protected])- 공식 웹사이트 : 어플리케이션 서포트 : Robin Seo 님#얼굴나이 #닮은꼴연예인 #얼굴인식 #니온#얼굴분석 #얼굴평가 #연예인닮은꼴 #연예인#미남 #미녀 #얼굴인식 #얼굴평가어플 #얼평#니온얼굴인식 #닮은꼴찾기 #연예인얼굴----개발자 연락처 :02) 701-7482
동물 닮은꼴 카메라 1.0
당신과 동물의 닮은 정도를 평가해 드립니다.얼굴인식으로 얼굴을 판별하여 비슷한 동물을 찾아줍니다.당신의 연인 가족 친구와 같이 사진을 찍고비슷한 동물을 찾아보세요.카메라로 찍어서 저장하기 바로 전에 측정 할수 있고미리 저장되어 있는 사진을 가지고 측정할수도 있습니다*주의사항1) 너무 작게 찍으면 안되요. 정확하게 측정하기 어렵습니다.2) 얼짱각도는 안되요. 정면을 보아주세요.3) 모자나 선글라스는 착용하신 사진은 얼굴검출이 어렵습니다.3) 닮은 평가의 수치를 너무 심각하게 생각하진 마세요.얼굴의 각도나 표정에 따라서 실제값하고다르게 나오는 경우도 많습니다.또한, 복잡한 수식은 최대한 배제하고 빠른 속도를 위해 간단한 수식을이용했습니다You willevaluatethedegree of resemblance of the animal.Face to face recognition by determining finds similar animals.Your lover to take pictures with friends and familyFind similar animals.Pub - just before the camera can measure and storeWith pre-stored photos may be measured* Caution1) When taking too far can not. It is difficulttomeasureaccurately.2) good-looking angle can not. Please seen the front.3) you wear a hat or sunglasses photo facedetectiondifficult.3) resemble the levels of evaluation do not think tooseriously.Depending on the angle of the face and facial expression,andtheactual valueThere are also different from the case.In addition, the complex formulas and fast as possible to ruleoutasimple formula forHave used
닮은꼴 가족 붕어빵 1.1.43
우리는 아이가 부모 중에 누구와 더 닮았나를 항상 비교하면서 스스로 멘붕시너지를내곤합니다.심지어 아빠가 누군지도 모르는데 “아빠 많이 닮았나 보구나”라는 이야기가 달갑지 않을 때도 있죠.붕어빵얼굴인식기술은 안면윤곽을 아주 정밀하게 분석할 수 있는 차세대 엔진입니다.아빠, 엄마 중 누가 더 닮았는지 붕어빵이 딱! 정해드립니다.이렇게 변화해가는 아이의 얼굴을 소중하게 보관하여 추억을 다시 꺼내볼 수 있도록 붕어빵이 도와드립니다.옆집아저씨, 이모, 친구, 연예인 사진으로 비교하시면 더욱더 자괴감에 빠질 수 있으니 유의 바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :070-7805-5821서울시 강남구 삼성동 53-1 현빌딩 4층We wouldgrowthemselvesmenbung synergy with children who are alwayscomparedwith theparent more look alike.Even when you're dad who do not even know the story, "Dadlot-Ohlook alike" that would welcome. Taiyakifacialrecognitiontechnology is a next-generation engine that cananalyzefacialcontours with very high accuracy.Dad, who looks more like that of the mother Taiyaki isperfect!Wedecided.So Taiyaki is helping change the face and kept in a safeplaceforkids to go out to see back memories.Please note that neighbor uncle, aunt, friend, if youcomparewithcelebrity photos, it may fall into more jagoegam.
닮은꼴 카메라 1.0
당신과 당신옆 사람의 닮은 정도를 평가해 드립니다.얼굴인식으로 얼굴을 판별하여 두 사람의 유사도를 측정합니다.흔히 서로 닮아야 잘 산다고 하잖아요 ...당신의 연인 가족 친구와 같이 사진을 찍고둘의 유사도를 측정해보세요.카메라로 찍어서 저장하기 바로 전에 측정 할수 있고미리 저장되어 있는 사진을 가지고 측정할수도 있습니다2명이상의 사람이 사진안에 있어야 합니다.(3명, 4명 상관없습니다)단, 혼자서는 할수 없어요사진을 불러오면 얼굴을 2개 선택해주세요.그러면 두 얼굴의 유사도를 알려줍니다.The person next toyouandyou will be assessing the extent of the resemblance.Face to face recognition to determine the similarity ofthetwomeasures.'re Supposed to resemble each other, often well lived ...Your lover to take pictures with friends and familyTry measuring the similarity of two.Pub - just before the camera can measure and storeWith pre-stored photos may be measuredMore than one person must be in the photo. (3 or 4 peopledoesnotmatter)However, I can not be aloneWhen you load a photo, please select two faces.This tells the similarity of two faces.
Celebrity checkup & collages 21.0
This is a new, super high quality version of the popularfacecheckupapp!! It utilizes the same face authentication systemusedforsecurity based on identity verification to detectthecelebritiesthat look like you. Even if you think you do notlookalike, sincethese results are detected by the system, theremustbe at least somefeature that looks similar. If you think thisisnot true, please goahead and take a picture of a celebrityfromthe internet and carryout a checkup for them! Now, let’s see.Whodo you look like? AKB48,Momokuro!? A Johnny’s personality suchasthose from ARASHI or NEWS!?For example popularActor(JohnChristopher "Johnny" Depp II,LeonardoWilhelmDiCaprio),Idles(Justin Drew Bieber,OneOneDirection),POPStar(LadyGaga, MichaelJjackson), Or do you lookmorelike a comedian, or apopular announcer!? If you get a name thatyoudo not know, checkit out by tapping on the button to look upthecelebrity on Yahoo.Maybe you can use it when you doyourself-introduction next timeyou go to a party to meet newpeople^^Below is the amount offacial data for target celebrities asofJanuary2015. Male data:2092 / Female data: 2412 There aremanytypes of targetcelebrities: actors and actresses,singers,comedians, athletes,Korean stars, announcers, childactors,Taiwanese celebrities, andeven Hollywood stars! We add newdataevery day, so if you keepdoing checkups, you may findcelebritiesthat look more and morelike you! Other features includedetectingyour face out of thepicture taken to add it to a funnycollage! Theapp also includes afunction to share the results ofyour checkupwith your friends byemail or LINE, and of courseFacebook andTwitter too!!! Try it outwith yourfriends!◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ How to use 1. Launchthe app andchoosewhether you want to do a celebrity checkup ormake a collage.2. Ifyou are doing a celebrity checkup, choose thegender: female,male,or neutral. (By choosing neutral you allowcelebrities ofbothgenders to become search targets.) 3. Thecamera app willbelaunched. Take a picture of your face and clickon the words“Usepicture” at the bottom of the screen. 4. You willbe prompted totheface selection screen. Click on the greensquare. 5. If youaremaking a collage, you can choose to usepictures from your cameraoralbums. Afterwards, the steps tofollow are the same as withthecelebrity checkup. 【Attention】・This app is not supposed toprovidea correct match. Please use itto liven up the atmosphere andhavefun. ・Due to the large amountof facial data registered on theapp,you may get differentcelebrities that have similarexpressions.・Pictures taken withthis app will not be saved on theserver oryour device. Pleaserest assured of this, and enjoy.
Face Symmetry (얼굴 대칭) 2.5
Hyun-Soo Han
The beautiful woman means perfectsymmetryofher faceThe more left side and right side of the face are perfect,themoreshe's able to become beautifulNow, Check your beautytake a photo without leaning your face to makeaccuracyhighIf the photo is somewhat on the lean, you will enjoyafunny.^^webpage(bottom)
내 생일과 같은 연예인은? 1.0
안녕하세요 totoro입니다.내 생일과 같은 연예인 누가 있는지 궁금하시죠?지금 바로 검색해드립니다.다운 받으시고 생일만 입력해보세요!----개발자 연락처 :+821055850440
Mixo - Face affinity score 1.1.8
Mixo - The easiest way to determinetheaffinity score of two faces.Enjoy a variety of fun facial synthesis method!How to use:1. Touch [+] button and add a facial photo. you can usecameraapp(like cymera, line camera etc.) or gallery app.2. Basic, Eye, Line-Pixel, Half-Mix, ... check out varietyfacialchemistry score!3. Share your mixo score to Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc..- Left photo is a anchor point. So, the order of photo willbeaffected a score.- The opposite sex will get a higher score.- Exact face-point-allocate will get the more accurate score.Features:- Face warp and morph- Face blending- Eye compare and blending- Half-Mix-Face
얼굴로보는 첫인상 테스트 (얼굴인식) 2.4
Is my impression score is myeotjeom other people think? Findoutexactly as face recognition feature!
얼굴로보는 연애운 테스트 (얼굴인식) 2.3
What is love luck hiding my face ?? Find out exactly asfacerecognition feature!
Facial Plastic Quote test 2.5
Where necessary part of the molding from my face, thisfacerecognition?
연예인 직접 만나기 1.0
내가 좋아하는 연예인과 직접 만날 수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마세요!★ 회원수 약 2만 3천명을 보유한 네이버카페 '연예인 직접 만나기'의 공식앱 출시!카페에 올라오는 정보 중에 핵심 정보만을 가장 빠르게 전달해 드립니다!★ 매주마다 연예인의 팬사인회, 무대인사, 팬미팅 일정을 푸쉬 알람으로 알려드립니다!이제 내가 좋아하는 연예인들을 만날 수 있는 기회를 잊지말고 챙기세요!★ 게릴라 콘서트나 갑작스럽게 정해진 일정도 알려드립니다!특히 인기가 많은 연예인의 팬사인회 소식 등은 알람을 통해 가장 먼저 접할 수 있습니다.지금 바로 다운로드하세요!Artists that I likeanddonot miss the opportunity to meet directly!★ 'meeting directly Artists' membership of about 20,000NaverCafe3000 people held a formal launch of the app!Key information during the information that comes up only inthecafewill deliver the fastest! ★ Please note the fan meet, greet the stage, fans ofthecelebrityweekly meeting schedule to push the alarm!Now do not forget the opportunity to meet artistsIloveGather! ★ guerrilla concerts and suddenly set schedule also willtell!In particular fan signings news of many popularcelebritiesareaccessible via the first alarm. Download it now!
Celebrity Look Alike App Free 4.21
What celebrity do you look like? Takeaphotoand Face Compare will find your celebrity match indozensofcategories.Try the all-new, free Face Compare look alike app forfindingwhatcelebrity you look like!Find your doppelganger and celebrity look alike now - 100%free-with new faster comparisons, improved accuracymorecategories.With the Face Compare look alike app, you cananswerquestionssuch as:- Which celeb do I look most like?- find my look alike- Which celeb is my twin?- Which famous person do I most resemble?Download now and let the games begin!This fast, fun and free app helps you find what celebrityyoulooklike, and compares your picture to 1000’s offamouscelebrities tofind your best match.It is simple, fast and fun - using realfacerecognitiontechnology to analyze your face and features andcomparetothousands of celebrities in dozens of categories.Take a selfie and the Face Compare look alike app does therest-by comparing your photo and showing fast results!Share on Facebook or Tumblr, try with differentphotosanddifferent looks.New categories added weekly - it is fast, easy, free andfuntouse the celebrity look alike finder app.Take unlimited pictures, find what celebrityyouresembleunlimited times.Key features include:- celebrity face recognition and matching- what celebrity do I look like generator- what celebrity do I look like results to Facebook- no questions or quiz, just upload a photo andcomparetocelebrities- easily find your celebrity lookalikeIt is fast and easy, and best of all free to compareyourphotosto celebs and see what celebrity you look like. Downloadthebestlook alike app today and start comparing with yourfriends!Wonder Which Celebrity You Look Like? Find Out Here For Free“Which celebrity do I look like?” or “Who do I look like?”Most people are curious if they look like someone else, oriftheyhave a possible doppelganger running around. Have youeverhadsomeone walk up to you and tell you that you look familiarbuttheycan’t figure out who it is you look like? Wouldn’t it befuntowhip out your smartphone and have a look alike app thatscansyourface on the spot and reveal who you do look like?Wouldn’t it be exciting to discover which celebrity youlooklikewithout having to take a quiz or answer any questions?Youknow itwould!Snap selfies and scan your face and use realfacialrecognitionprogramming to show you just which celebrity isyourlook alike andquite possibly your doppelganger. It uses acelebrityfacerecognition and matching program.With the Face Compare app you can find the answers tolife’smostimportant questions! Questions like which celebrity ismytwin? Whatcelebrity do I look like and who is my celebritydouble?Wonder nolonger because this ‘what celebrity do I looklikegenerator’ willanswer all of these truly lifechangingquestions!Once you discover your celebrity look alike you canshareyourresults on Facebook or Tumblr. You can also have even morefunbytrying out different photos, using different posesorevendifferent hairstyles to see if you get a differentresult.It’sgreat entertainment when hanging out with your friendsaseveryonechecks to see who their celebrity look alike is,addsomeexcitement by trying to guess who eachperson’scelebritydoppelganger will be.The Face Compare app has dozens of categories andaddsnewcategories every week, gives you 1000 celebritypossiblematchesand best of all it is free and very easy to use!There is nolimitto the numbers of photographs you can take and useand nolimit tothe number of times you can find which celebrity isyourlookalike.Take unlimited pictures, find what celebrityyouresembleunlimited times. Let the party begin!Legal Note: All images used for comparisons are labeledforreuseby owner, public domain, Creative Commons (NC) orlicensedfor useunder
Vocal exercises 1.1
Application is vocal exercises.Input with voice pitch frequency and pitch exercises to helpyoutocompare programs.The multi-touch keys are supported. Section 6 octavekeyboardwiththe scrolling and zooming of the keyboard in arealisticlevelpossible.As applications continue to rise version continues to evolve.
BIBIDI - Age Detector 1.4
[Introduction]Have you wondered how old you look?BIBIDI appeases your curiosity with an accurateagedetectionsystem.Just take a picture or choose any from your gallery and find out![Features]* Start BIBIDIUse high quality face detection system to figure out howoldyoulook.* ShareShare the result with your friends.[Requirement]Android 4.0 ~[Contact]Technical issues, bug reports: [email protected]
외모측정카메라 1.0
당신의 미모는 몇점인가요?얼굴인식으로 얼굴을 판별하여 미모를 측정하는 카메라입니다.카메라로 찍어서 저장하기 바로 전에 측정 할수 있고미리 저장되어 있는 사진을 가지고 측정할수도 있습니다*주의사항1) 너무 작게 찍으면 안되요2) 얼짱각도는 안되요. 정면을 보아주세요.3) 미모의 점수를 너무 심각하게 믿지 마세요.이건 그냥 가볍게 재미로 하는것입니다.Your beauty, yourscoreisthe?Face recognition by determining the face is a camerathatmeasuresbeauty.Pub - just before the camera can measure and storeWith pre-stored photos may be measured* Caution1) When you take out too far andoeyo2) good-looking angle can not. Please seen the front.3) good looks do not believe the score too seriously.This is just for fun, is to lightly.