Top 10 Games Similar to Game Boom

“BOOM!” - телевизионное интерактивноешоуновогоформата на 7 канале! Народный сезон, где восновномпринимают участиетакие же простые люди, как вы! Второйсезон,второй экран!Впервые в истории казахстанского телевидения вы,какзритель,можете выиграть суперпризы, “не слезая с дивана”,простоиграячерез смартфон при просмотре телевизора во времяшоу!С 15 марта каждое воскресенье в 17:00 включайте шоу“BOOM!”на“Седьмом канале”, одновременно запустив приложениеиначинайтебороться за суперпризы! Нужно просто обрезатьневерныепровода,оставляя лишь один правильный!Ваш смартфон станет джойстиком от ТВ:вопросы, прозвучавшие в эфире, показываются навашемсмартфоне,синхронизируясь с ним по звуку. Играя вместесучастниками шоу, выможете выиграть путевку в теплые страныот, айфоны иединицы себе на мобильный! РозыгрышпризовЕЖЕНЕДЕЛЬНО!Впереди - 14 увлекательных выпусков и множество бомб!Ведущийшоу,который будет “мешать” вам играть - блистательныйРинатСафаргулов!Более того, мы ввели “антигугловские” правила - увасвсего 30 секундна ответ, а не минута!!!Ничего страшного, если вы взорвались -вашаиграпродолжается!Рассказывайте друзьям об игре и приложении,взрывайтесьивыигрывайте!Если вы опоздали к эфиру, играть также можночерезпросмотрвыпуска на Youtube через сайт, но балловзаигру взаписи будет даваться значительно меньше, чем припросмотречерезвторой экран во время шоу.Играть могут участники любых возрастов, но призы получатлишьте,кому больше 16 лет - лица, способныепредъявитьудостоверениеличности для получения приза."BOOM!" -TVinteractiveshow new format on channel 7! People's seasonwheremainly attendedthe same ordinary people like you! Thesecondseason, the secondscreen!For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan'stelevisionyou,as a viewer, you can win super prizes, "withoutgetting offthecouch," just by playing through the smartphone whilewatchingTVduring the show!On March 15 every Sunday at 17:00 the show include"BOOM!"To"Seventh Channel" while running the application and starttofightfor super prizes! You just need to cut the wrong wire,leavingonlyone right!Your smartphone will become the joystick from the TV:questions sounded on, displayed on yoursmartphone,synchronizingthem with the sound. Playing along withtheparticipants of theshow, you can win a trip to the warmcountriesof,iPhones and units currently on the mobile!Raffleprizes everyweek!Ahead - 14 exciting issues and a lot of bombs! Host oftheshow,which will "disturb" you play - brilliant RinatSafargul!Moreover,we have introduced the "antiguglovskie" rules -you haveonly 30seconds to answer, and not a minute !!!It's okay if you blow - your game continues!Tell a friend about the game and application explode and win!If you are late to the airwaves, you can also playthroughthepreview release on Youtube through the site,butpointsper game in the record will be given significantly lessthanwhenviewed through the second screen during the show.Play can participants of all ages, but prizes willreceiveonlythose over 16 years - those able to provideidentificationtoreceive the prize.
Classic Bomber 1.0.1
Become superhero bomber. You are inanunequalbattle. Large and powerful enemy, the alone. But inthehands ofpowerful weapons you have. It's the bomb.**************************************************************+ Find the way, bombs destroy all monsters+ Find the key to open the door and move through thenextgamescreen.+ Amazing sound and effects
Bomber Rocket
Bomber Rocket - help the hero deal withenemiesand obstacles. Place bombs and explode everything that'spreventingyou from reaching your goal. Fight a variety of enemiesin the mazesof this game for Android******************************************- Great graphics and sound- Simple controls- Many levels- Different bonuses and boosts- Fun gameplay
Bomber Evil 2
Bomber Evil 2 is type of genrebombgamedestroyed the beast to find the key to open the doorthroughthenext challenges. In this new version bomber game, wedevelopedsomefeatures that allows players countervailing trend.Playersmustplace bombs to destroy the remaining players withfunctionsandroles for the players are the same. In each challenge,playerspickup items while breaking the walls to power up toincreasefighting.Who among the players killed all the remainingplayers onthe map,it will win.
Bomb Me 2016
Kepler Game
Bomb Me 2016 - help the hero deal withenemiesand obstacles. Place bombs and explode everything that'spreventingyou from reaching your goal. Fight a variety of enemiesin themazes of this game for Android******************************************- Great graphics and sound- Simple controls- Many levels- Different bonuses and boosts- Fun gameplay
Bomber Reborn 1.0
Bomber Reborn - move through the levelsandplace various bombs to blow up your opponents. Be careful anddon'tget blown up by enemy bombs yourself! Blow up your friends inthisAndroid game! Place your bombs and catch your opponent inanexplosive trap. Be careful and try not to get blown up on yourownbombs.**********Game features:**********- Battle other players- Many types of bombs- Amazing gameplay
Bunny Boom Boom! 1.2
sparlok apps
Bunny wakes up in a battlefield!Run, bunny, run!Bunny BOOM BOOM!This endless runner has you jumping minesanddodgingbombs......How long will you survive?
Bomber Crazy new 2016 1.3
App play free
Bomber Crazy new 2016 is a freegameonlineIf you were familiar with the Boom on PC, this would be themobileversion.The whole characters and images are refreshed with unique chibiartstyle, built from the "fruits, farm products" extremely fun.Thegame comes with easy controls "Touch - claw" to move, "Click"toset boomdestroy - destroy the enemy.Rich tasks set out in each table you will find both familiarandmarvelous.Besides the game is easy upgrade to version online. (Leaguegamesplayed per room).**Feature50 unique table games20 attractive achievementsfeatured ranking6 cute chibi characters6 Tools support for table games6 attractive Item vip
Cutting Boom 1.3
Bigxu Studio
WATCH! One mistake will lead toanexplosion!Let experience "CUTTING BOOM" and test your concentration, speedandflexibility skills! The higher and higher challenges willappearcontinuously, require your attention in all time. The gamewillattract you by the simple in how to play but difficultyincompleting every level. You may want to complete each ordealasfast as possible to shorten your time and save high score inyourphone, that still means overcoming yourself.Press 4 buttons in your phone and handle with booms step bystep,let play game to know how the four basic colors make youconfused^^Now, We "cut boom" now!
Bomb Trick 1.0
- Welcome to the Bomb Trick game.- Become a great hero to save the world.- Super challenging, but fun for any age!* The terrorists appeared in the city and now theythreatenentirepopulation. Act as a defender of the people. Usequantumweapons ofhigh level to eliminate nuclear weapons. Becomethe mostcourageousand fearless hero! After all, soon as you arecapableprotect thecity from offenders!