Top 16 Apps Similar to Questions pour 1 Tsadik

Torah-Box Music 2.1.2
Torah-Box Music is the first 100% Kosher Jewish music platform ...
DICO LSQ (version gratuite) 2.0
RESO Surdite
Trial version of DICO LSQ - French-LSQ dictionary.
Ask the Rabbi 0.9.2
Have Jewish questions? Now you have a way to get answers atanytime!
Psychological concepts & terms 3.8.0
Psychological terms: Study&Educational. Psychologydictionary:The Psychologist
Torah-Box 300000.7
Torah Judaism & open access: current news, books, videos,parsha...
Daily chumash 7.0.2
yossi cohen
Daily Chumash with rachi.
Bible Louis Segond audio Bible 6.0
BIBLE LOUIS SEGOND 1910 Cette Bible permet aux lecteurs d’accéderàla Bible Louis Segond 1910 (LSG), la Bible la plus utilisée parleschrétiens et les protestants francophones. C’est l’équivalent delaKing James Version en anglais. La Bible Segond est unetraductionbiblique en français commissionné au pasteur etthéologien suisseLouis Segond en 1865. La traduction du NouveauTestament termine en1871 et la Bible complète en 1880. Elledevienne la Bible la pluspopulaire parmi les protestants français.Cette première version aété révisée et améliorée plusieurs fois, en1888, 1910, 1978, 1979,2002, et 2007. La révision de 1910 a eu unediffusion très large etdeviendra la traduction protestante la pluslue du XXe siècle.AUDIO BIBLE Une nouvelle façon d’accueillir laParole de Dieu!Téléchargez l’application et écoutez la Bible audioen français.Vous pouvez également changer la vitesse, le ton et levolume. PLUSDE FONCTIONNALITÉS: - Mode Hors-ligne: même si vous nedisposez pasd’une connexion internet, lisez et écoutez la Parole deDieun’importe où. - Téléchargement et usage gratuit -Naviguezfacilement à travers les différents livres, chapitres etversets -A appui long sur une verset vous permettra de l'ajouter àvosfavoris. - Partagez des versets avec les réseaux sociaux -Vouspouvez également ajouter des notes pour donner desclarificationsou des renseignements supplémentaires. - Activez leMode nuit pouréviter la lumière bleu (qui peut provoquer destroubles de lavision). - Changez la taille de la police pour unelectureconfortable - Fonction de recherche par mots-clés Uneapplicationdifférente, utile et intuitive qui rendra la lecture dela Bibleplus facile et plus agréable. Toutes ces fonctions sontaccessiblessans connexion Internet! Téléchargez maintenant etcommencez votrerelation personnelle avec Dieu. Division des livresde la Bible:L'Ancien Testament: Le Pentateuque: Genèse, Exode,Lévitique,Nombres, Deutéronome. Les Livres historiques: Josué,Juges, Ruth, 1Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Rois, 2 Rois, 1 Chroniques, 2Chroniques,Esdras, Néhémie, Esther. Les Livres poétiques de laBible: Job,Psaumes, Proverbes, Ecclésiaste, Cantique. Les GrandsProphètes:Isaïe, Jérémie, Lamentations, Ezéchiel, Jérémie, Daniel.Les 12Petits Prophètes: Osée, Amos, Michée, Joël, Abdias, Jonas,Nahum,Habacuc, Sophonie, Agée, Zacharie, Malachie. Le NouveauTestament:Les Évangiles: Matthieu, Marc, Luc, Jean Les Actes desApôtres LesEpîtres de Paul: Romains, 1 Corinthiens, 2 Corinthiens,Galates,Éphésiens, Philippiens, Colossiens, 1 Thessaloniciens,2Thessaloniciens, 1 Timothée, 2 Timothée, Tite, Philémon,Hébreux.Les autres Epîtres: Jacques, 1 Pierre, 2 Pierre, 1 Jean, 2Jean, 3Jean, Jude Livre de l’Apocalypse
Tout Pour Qu'Il Règne 2.0
Daily Biblical Thoughts "All That He Reigns" by Oswald Chambers.
PrepApp : Lycée, Bac, Prepa, 4.4.7
3rd, 2nd, 1st, Terminale, Avenir, Access, Sesame, Bac, MathsSup,Spé, ECG
Tehilim en Français - תהילים 4.0.0
Téléchargez gratuitement notre application Tehilim survotreSmartphone, Vous pourrez profiter en automatique du calculduTehilim quotidien ou alors parcourir le Tehilim par chapitre.Grâceà cette application, Le Tehilim étant source de bonheurquotidiense trouvera toujours dans votre poche pour vous protégeret vous
wingwave 1.13.0
You want to reduce stress, inspire success, increase yourgeneralsense of well-being? Wingwave self-coaching enables youtostrengthen your inner balance, your mental potential andyourgeneral performance. Functions: • Use wingwave music foridealinner balance • Use ‚Magic Words‘ to convert stress intopositivetarget energy • Learn about different wingwave exercisesforvarious self-coaching topics Wingwave In addition to itsbalancing,positive melodies wingwave especially takes effect viaitsleft-right beat, which auditively ‚touches‘ the two halves ofthebrain alternately via the headphones thus ensuring idealpulsationof all areas of the brain. Your App provides this effectandaccompanies you in your individual self-coaching. If you wishtointensify the effect, your local wingwave coach will support youintopics such as test fitness, improving performance,confidentappearance, positive motivation, conflict stabilityandcommunication fitness: Severalstudiesconducted by universities show: three to five hourswingwavecoaching can cause lasting positive effects for suchtopics. Allinformation on methods is available atwww.wingwave.com Words are the mightiest drugs used by man! (RudyardKipling,author of ‚Jungle Book‘). Make use of the positive powerof wordsfor your wingwave self-coaching! Magic Words combined withwingwavemusic provide support for a presentation, an upcomingtalk, everydaylife such as clearing the desk, improving sportsperformances – andin many other issues. The wingwave App is aproject of theBesser-Siegmund Institute, Hamburg Besser-SiegmundInstitut GmbHMönckebergstraße 11 D-20095 Hamburg Germany Phone: +49 (40) 3252849 - 0 Email: [email protected] Managing Director with powerofrepresenatation: Lola Ananda Siegmund The psychologistCoraBesser-Siegmund and Harry Siegmund have been developingtailor-madeshort-term concepts for the objectives of your coachingandtraining clients from the fields of business, sport and healthatthe heart of Hamburg for over twenty years. More than15specialized books have been published on the work of theinstitutein which the reader can learn about ‚brain-compliant‘andpractice-oriented information on the linking of systemicpsychologywith neuro-biological know-how. The institute has beencooperatingwith various universities for many Years to monitor andtest theapproaches applied. • The BESSER-SIEGMUND-INSTITUT iscertifiedpursuant to DIN EN ISO 9001 for the scope: Execution andconceptualplanning of Training and Further Training • CoraBesser-Siegmundand Harry Siegmund are founders of the wingwavemethods which areavailable worldwide. Both have been awarded as‚Coaches of TopQuality‘ by the Volkswagen Group More and visit the Cora-Blog
nacfaq 2.0.19
Questions and Answers on the New Apostolic Catechism
sympto Plus
sympto Plus In 2018 we are celebrating 10 years: we were thefirstfertility charting program on the web and have fullyintegratedsensiplan! sympto Plus is stand-alone, requiring aninternetconnection only for occasional synchronization of yourdata. symptoPlus indicates your daily fertility status bycorrelating andinterpreting your relevant biomarkers, temperatureand cervicalfluid, or cervix examination. It executes thesymptothermalcross-check according to the synthesis of the mostwell establishedmethods, Rötzer/NFP Sensiplan. Your data is linkedto an onlineaccount (Premium Access) where you can purchasecounseling optionsto become competent to chart on your own. Naturalcontraception isguaranteed when used correctly after six months oftraining with acertified sympto counselor. When you first createyour account inthe app, please also visit and sign inwith your logincredentials created in the app to receive 15 days offree personalguidance by a natural family planning counselor, aswell as 15 daysof free Premium Access via the sympto web portal.You can decidelater to subscribe to future months of additionalcounseling, or tobuy Premium Access without counseling. sympto Plusallows you totrack your fertility with the most effective naturalfamilyplanning method available. No hidden costs. Introductionvideoshelp you get started. No predictive calculations: ovulationsarefickle and cannot be forecast! This all natural method iseasy,free and scientifically proven, (see app comparison and can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy.Onsympto, the most well researched methods have been put into anewsynthesis to facilitate online learning, increase effectivenessandenhance user-friendliness. *Special functions built infor:pregnancy, breast-feeding and perimenopause. **Pilot modeoptionguides you through your first cycle with instructionalpromptsevery step of the way. This can be turned off when you aremoreadvanced. **Easy-to-use icon language with detailedexplanations torender your observations into relevant categories.**Billings- orTemperature-only modes can be activated. **Qualifiedcounselors ina number of languages **Our free Guide is translatedinto severallanguages. Note: when used correctly the symptothermalmethod hasbeen proven 99.4 P.I. effective in accurately identifyingyourfertile window including for pregnancy avoidance as cyclegoal.Incorrect or incomplete use may lower the effectiveness ofthismethod. Visit for more information and to seeallthe offers, including The Complete SymptoThermal Guide freetodownload.
Learn Hebrew Vocabulary Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Hebrew travel phrases, slang,businesslanguage...
Culture générale pour concours 109.1
Review the general culture for a successful contest!
Louis Segond French Bible FREE 2.1.0
This is the classic French equivalent of the EnglishKingJamesVersion. The Louis Segond Bible or LSG Bible was publishedin1910by Alliance Biblique Universelle. Louis Segond (October 3,1810–June 18, 1885), was a Swiss theologian who translatedtheBibleinto French from the original texts in Hebrew and Greek.Hewasborn in Plainpalais, near Geneva. After studyingtheologyinGeneva, Strasbourg and Bonn, he was pastor of theGenevaNationalChurch in Chêne-Bougeries, then from 1872, ProfessorofOldTestament in Geneva. The translation of theOldTestament,commissioned by the Vénérable Compagnie des PasteursdeGenève, waspublished in two volumes in 1871 (Meusel has 1874asthepublication date), followed by the New Testament, translatedasaprivate venture, in 1880. The text was then reviewedbyexperts.The result is the 1910 revision that is nowfreelyavailable onInternet. This app consists of all 66 books inthePremierTestament and Le Nouveau Testament as follows:GenèseExodeLévitique Nombres Deutéronome Josué Juges Ruth 1 Samuel2Samuel 1Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras NéhémieEstherJobPsaumes Proverbes Ecclésiaste Cantique des CantiquesÉsaïeJérémieLamentations Ézéchiel Daniel Osée Joël Amos AbdiasJonasMichéeNahum Habacuc Sophonie Aggée Zacharie Malachie MatthieuMarcLucJean Actes Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 CorinthiensGalatesÉphésiensPhilippiens Colossiens 1 Thessaloniciens 2Thessaloniciens1Timothée 2 Timothée Tite Philémon Hébreux Jacques 1Pierre 2Pierre1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Apocalypse Get closer toJesus andGodwith this Bible app. Download this free Bible apptodayandexperience a richer fuller Bible study wherever you go.