Top 12 Apps Similar to GSM ALARM

GSM Alarm Manager 1.4
** This is the free version, there is also a payed version namedGSMAlarm Manager PRO without ad's **This app works as a remote control for home burglar alarmsystemsthat can be remote controlled by sending sms to theirphonenumber.So if you have an alarm system that uses textmessages (sms)forremoting, this app might be for you.In the settings page you add your alarms phone number andthetext messages that control the alarms functions.For example: If I send the text “1234ARM” to my alarm systemitwill activate the alarm, and I get a text message back thatsays“Host is activated”.1234 would in this example be my pin code for the alarm.Different vendors may have different schemes for how themessagesshould be. Consider your user manual for the alarmsystem.WARNING: If someone else gets hold of your phone they candisableyour alarm, if you configure this app incorrectly it don’twork asintended. You should check your configuration by testingthat thealarm really gets activated.If you decide to use this app remember to change youralarmpin-code if you lose your phone or it gets stolen.* If you want to remote your alarm with your Smart Watch(AndroidWear) we also have an app for that - "GSM Alarm remote"*
GSM Smart Alarm System 3.0
APP GSM Smart Alarm System, is astrongapplication to control a branded alarm system. App is basedon GSMfunction, every operation means sending SMS to the hostpanel. Youcan arm/disarm/stay arm/ emmergency call/, you can remotecontrolmany setting about time, schedule, phone number, and smsnumber.Turn on/off the relay.Every model name has a seperate APP, special and unique.APP GSM SmartAlarmSystem, is a strong application to control a branded alarmsystem.App is based on GSM function, every operation means sendingSMS tothe host panel. You can arm / disarm / stay arm / emmergencycall/, you can remote control many setting about time, schedule,phonenumber, and sms number. Turn on / off the relay.Every model name has a seperate APP, special and unique.
G5 Alarm 9.0
Winner of 2013 IFSEC & FIREX Awards for intruder alarm withitsunique design
GSM alarm 1.1
Setting, disarming, check GSM alarm.Turningthe alarm on the phone, in the case of GSM alarm.
Home Secure GSM Alarm Manager 1.0
GSM Alarm manager applicationtoremotelycontrol your GSM home / office alarm system.Features include:1) Alarm status feedback.2) Support of Arm, Disarm, Home / Stay, Cancel AlarmandStatuscommands.3) Define your own home / office alarm system set-up.4) Customise your own zones, to help with easyidentificationoftriggered zones.5) Log of all messages sent & received, which can beexportedviaemail.How to … Define your own alarm1) Navigate to settings->Alarm Setup-> Add / Edit2) Enter the Make & Model3) In “Command Mask” define the command formatyouralarmunderstands. The application will substitute “#passcode”withthepasscode defined in settings and “#command” withthemappedcommand. For example: “PWD:#passcode CMD:#Command”, willsendthealarm the command “PWD:1234 CMD:ARM” on arm4) Map the commands your alarm understands. Hence, if youthecommandfor arming the alarm is then map “AA” to “Arm” (checkyourusermanual)5) SaveHow to … Define your own zones1) Navigate to settings->Define Zones2) Tap “Add Zone”3) Supply a “Zone Identifier”. This need to match the Zonethatissend by your alarm. Hence if you alarm sends you amessage“Alert:Zone 01 Entry / Exit”, then the Zone Identifier is“Zone01”.4) Supply the corresponding “Zone Description”(i.e.FrontDoor)5) Tap “Ok”There are three pre-configured alarms, send us an emailwithyourset-up and any suggestions for improvements and we'llincludeinfuture releases.
Alarm4home 2.0
Alarm4home is a service that allows youtocontrol your wireless GSM alarm system from your smartphonewherever you are in the world. You can easily arm, disarm, andarmstay your alarm system. Also there are two buttons 1 & 2whichcan be customized with different functions according toyourspecifications.
GSM Alarm Manager Pro 1.4
This app works as a remote control forhomeburglar alarm systems that can be remote controlled by sendingsmsto their phone number.So if you have an alarm system that uses textmessages (sms)forremoting, this app might be for you.In the settings page you add your alarms phone number andthetext messages that control the alarms functions.For example: If I send the text “1234ARM” to my alarm systemitwill activate the alarm, and I get a text message back thatsays“Host is activated”.1234 would in this example be my pin code for the alarm.Different vendors may have different schemes for how themessagesshould be. Consider your user manual for the alarmsystem.WARNING: If someone else gets hold of your phone they candisableyour alarm, if you configure this app incorrectly it don’twork asintended. You should check your configuration by testingthat thealarm really gets activated.If you decide to use this app remember to change youralarmpin-code if you lose your phone or it gets stolen.
ZDAS-Q8 GSM Alarm System 1.7
ZDAS-Q8 Panel with Touch keypad + LCDscreen+Built-in Siren, Calender, extra SMS/Alarm controloutput,elegantcutting edge design.- GSM / telehone auto switch,- 100 alarm logs,Advance zone attribute,user-friendlyzonenames- Support entry & exit delay,Timing Arm/Dis-Arm- Automatically Arm /Disarm- Support iOS APP and Android APP Remote Control- 30 wireless + 4 wired zones, each zone can put 4pcssensor,10pcsremotes can be coded.- Makes phone call and receive call from alarm panel- Intelligent door sensor included (with door/windowopen,closesignal)- Temperature display and signal output- Support 1 Wired Relay output- Remote control by App, phone call, or SMS- Built-in Speaker & Microphone, support2-wayintercomfunction- Recording Voice memo for 10 seconds- 3 Quik alarm + 2 Speed Dial key on panel- SMS alert, when system: Arm / Disarm, sensor's lowbattery,ACpower failure/recovery, phone line disconnect.- Support 5 Alarm call + 1 Alarm Center call- Panle Tamper protection- Support user code and installer code,inquirysystem'sstatus.- Backup rechargeable battery,last more than 24 hours- User define the alarm zone's name- Work with CCTV system, IP camera.- Quad band: GSM850/900/1800/1900MHZ- Compatible with CONTACT ID protocol
Kim Kardashian 2.2
Russell Mckee
#1 Kim Kardashian Trivia!!! You Think You Know Kim Kardashian?Areyou really a fan or a faker? How well do you really know her?Areyou her #1 fan? If you are clear all 50 questions!!! Compareyourresults with others who claim to be her #1 fan!!!
GSM Control 1.1.3
Contains highest home security technology and modernindustrialdesign .
GSM Remote 1.5
GSM Remote
GSM Remote - приложение дляуправленияGSMконтроллерами, GSM розетками, GSM сигнализациями илюбымидругимиустройствами, которыми можно управлять посредствомSMS.Приложениепозволяет управлять устройствами, отправляя SMS как сSIMкартысмартфона, так и через интернет (необходимозарегистрироватьсянасайте и получить api_id).Доступноуправлениеустройствами по расписанию. Для таких GSMконтроллеров,как CCU6225, CCU 825 и CCU 422 есть готовыепредустановки,которыезначительно упростят работу сприложением.Инструкция по работе с приложениемнасайте Remote-applicationfor managing GSM Controller, GSM rosettes, GSM alarmandany otherdevices that can be controlled via SMS. Theapplicationallows youto manage the devices by sending SMS from theSIM card asa smartphone, or via the Internet (you need to registeron the siteandget api_id). Available devicecontrol onaschedule. For such GSM controllers as CCU 6225, CCU CCU825 and422have a ready-made presets that greatly simplify the workwiththeapplication.Instructions for using theapplicationonline
GSM Trinket 4.3.4_(Google_Play)
Oleg Zakharov
Control all your GSM-devices by simple tap on trinket's buttoninthis app