Top 2 Apps Similar to QuickSwitch

The Auto Screen Turn On & Off 2.24
This is Screen Auto On/Off app. It runsasaservice and is very easy on the battery. On newer systems(4.0-Ice Cream Sandwich and above) it will use less than 2%ofthebattery power. In fact, it doesn't even appear in thebatteryusagescreen.The AutoScreen will automatically turn your phone's(ortablet)screen on when you pick it up from a flat surface suchasyourdesk, and turn the screen off when you put it back, orwhenyouslide it in your pocket or handbag. It does this byusingtwosensors on your device - the accelerometer andtheproximitysensor, without you having to manually press thePowerbutton.1. To turn the screen on, there are several options.Ifyourdevice is on your desk, simply pick it up and point ittowardyou(as you would naturally do when picking up your phoneortablet).If it's in your hand, you can place it inhorizontalposition (+/-10 degrees) for a second or two and thentilt ittoward you. Ifyour device has a proximity sensor, as mostphonesnow do, you canjust move your hand above the sensor to wakeyourscreen up (thisis useful feature for when you are in aclass,meeting, boringdinner with in-laws, etc). This app alsorecognizesthe shakegesture, so you can also shake your device towake itup.2. To turn the screen off, simply place your device Screen-Uponaflat surface, such as your desk. When the screen is about togobackto sleep, the app will display "Touch to keep screenON"button for afew seconds. If you ignore it, the screen willbeturned off. If youtouch it, the usual screen timeout willapply(usually 1 to 10minutes, as specified in System's DisplaySleepsettings), so you canuse the calculator or read a newsarticlewhile your device lays flaton your desk. If your device hasaproximity sensor, placing yourdevice in a pocket, handbagorScreen-Down will also cause the screento go to sleep.What's really nice about The AutoScreen is that it hardlyusesanybattery power. In my tests on various Jelly Bean devicesitdoesn'teven appear in the battery usage screen, which meansthatit usesless than 2% of the battery power. This should be thecasefor allthe devices running Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) andaboveversions ofAndroid. For devices with older Android versionssuchas MotorolaDroid X running Gingerbread (2.3.4) it appears tobeusing between 2and 6 percent of the battery power, whichstillisn't too bad.However, on the 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab runningFroyo(2.2.1) it againdoesn't even show up in the battery usagescreen,which means thatfor devices with larger battery capacitiesitapparently uses lessbattery power than other apps do(below2%).Please be aware that there are some apps that will trytokeepyour device's screen on while they are running. Theyareusuallyvideo players and some games. Therefore, for the screentoreliablyturn off each time, I recommend that you exit orputintobackground any apps that you were using.If this app doesn't work for you, please let me knowratherthanleave a bad review. I will try to fix it if you let meknow oftheproblem. Please submit all bugreportsto"[email protected]". Provide the devicemodel,Androidversion (it's in the "About phone" under Settings)andadescription of the problem you are experiencing with thisapp.
Lock Screen Now 1.0.1
Daniel Ling
Have your power button gone cranky? Perhaps you are unable tolockyour device smoothly every time you press your power button.Thisapplication may be your answer. It does what it does simply.Lockyour device. Note that this application is NOT a replacementforyour power button. Only requires Force Lock rights fromDeviceAdministrator to function. All other rights are not needed,this isstated clearly during the first request for DeviceAdministrator.To use this app, after installing, you only have toopen the app tolock your device instead of using your power button.You can keepthis app in your Home Screen, Applications Screen orlike me,activate the app base on a prefix gesture. =D To uninstallthisapplication, you have to first remove the DeviceAdministratorrights for this application. When you choose touninstall thisapplication, it will prompt you to remove the DeviceAdministratorRights. If not, please go to Settings > Security> DeviceAdministrator > Uncheck this application. This appuses theDevice Administrator permission.