Top 50 Apps Similar to 新笑傲江湖-金庸正版

Jade Dynasty-Global 2.685.0
The game presents the traditional gameplay from Jade Dynasty.
Ice Cream Paradise: Match 3 3.0.4
RV AppStudios
Collect ice creams in the most delicious match 3 puzzle adventure.
武林外传-国际版 1.4.29
"Wulin Gaiden Mobile Game" is a 3DMMORPG mobile game producedbyPerfect World. The game is based on the classic sitcom"WulinGaiden", while inheriting the end game feelings, recreatingclassicscenes and core gameplay.
Sword of Shadows 18.1.0
Destroy enemies and steal the throne in this fast-paced martialartsadventure!
Mortal wrath can also kill gods
仙劍問情 - VIP3免费送 1.14
GooglePlay全新上線,立即下載,免費VIP、炫酷坐騎、永久時裝等豐富好禮等你拿!2020年全新仙俠國風MMOARPG手遊巨作《仙劍問情》強勢來襲!3D手遊引擎精心打造,帶你走進一個恢弘大氣的仙俠新世界。在這裏,你可以頓悟絕世道法,自由搭配技能,奪取遠古寶物,馴服洪荒異獸,碾壓諸帝驕子,甚至定義自己的愛恨情仇,肆意情緣。你,天生主角,一切放肆皆有可能,從今日起,新的仙帝之路由此而生...【遊戲特色】●3D引擎,完美特效●全3D打造仙城蓬萊、4座懸浮仙島,一山一木均精雕細琢,超爽打擊感,玄幻華麗特效,讓每一場戰鬥都酣暢淋漓!●真人社交,遇見傾心●尋找紅塵俗世中的另一半,贈予清晨薄霧中的一朵鮮花,設下絕世婚宴呼朋喚友,與愛人白頭偕老,奔赴世界之巔!●多樣對戰,豐富體驗●多種跨服玩法、3V3亂鬥、王者爭霸、單人競技、歷練魔境,豐富系統等你發掘!多樣對戰模式,多條成長路線,一次滿足你的征服欲望!●百變外觀,個性十足●人物、天神、寵物、坐騎、羽翼、法寶、等多種精美外觀選擇,還能各自進行培養,屬性和外形一手掌握!●自由交易,一夜致富●遊戲設有交易市場,交易定價自己決定,心儀商品一搜即達,隨時掛售,省時省力又省心,升級賺錢兩不誤!【聯繫我們】官方微信號:turingame Facebook:
Q version of Xianxia, ​​cute and cool collision; fairy talefate,games and love without delay
剑侠世界2-国际版 1.4.18542
Chinese style 3D martial arts world mobile game-new martialartbeggar gang debut
轩辕剑: 剑之源 国际版 2.0.3
ShiYue Joy
Xuanyuanjian authorized to place card rpg
魔天M 1.1
2019經典IP神還原3D MMO 逆天手遊!高度自由修仙,成仙成魔一念之間。我的修仙之路,我自己做主!【高度自由修仙,成仙成魔自己做主】玩家隨著劇情可以自由選擇成仙或成魔。高度自由修仙成魔,一鍵切換魔化,打出超高傷害,自己的修仙之路自己做主!【經典IP還原,3D修仙世界】遊戲完美還原經典IP修仙世界,打造修仙奇幻的3D場景。從萬里黃沙的南蠻之地,到冷峻輝煌的太清門,重現千奇詭變的修仙世界。【各種神裝系統樣樣具全】遊戲內有多種裝備,不論是神器、法寶、翅膀,或是華麗的坐騎,各具不同技能屬性!透過一身神裝,修仙之路絕對暢行無阻!【夥伴後宮,修仙不孤單】修仙之路豈能獨自修遠,有夥伴的協助必定事半功倍。千姿百態的女主角們將以夥伴的形式陪伴在玩家的身邊,隨著劇情和戰力提升,玩家將逐步與八大女主角簽訂契約,打造屬於自己的專屬後宮。【攜手仙友守護仙盟,稱霸天地兩界】攜手仙盟盟友並肩作戰,仙盟爭霸冠軍直接可以獲取王者神殿支配權,同時獲得大量獎勵。《魔天M》官方粉絲團即刻加入粉絲團獲得最新消息!還能搶先獲得實用虛寶道具、不定期限時活動好禮!※本遊戲依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。※您須年滿15歲始得使用本遊戲。※遊戲情節純屬虛構,請注意使用時間,切勿沉迷或不當模仿。※部分內容需另支付費用,勿用他人代儲以免觸法。※遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,內容涉及戀愛交友、暴力(戰鬥畫面)、菸酒,請勿模仿學習
"Dragon Babu Mobile Version" new expansion pack "Origin of Dali"isreleased today, and the new server "Dali City"debutssimultaneously! 100% restoration of Dali, the classic maincity ofend-game tour
烈火戰記 4.9.2
The picture that spans time and destiny unfolds here.
白髮謠 12.3.0
——念之亂,驟起一生癡纏,只願亂世愛無憂 ——愛恨交錯,轉頭成空,滿頭青絲盡成雪,幸不負卿意【遊戲背景】西北兩國交鋒不止,為平息戰亂,失憶少女被遣送至敵國和親。為解身世之謎,少女隱姓埋名,卻未料身陷一場皇室陰謀亂鬥之中…他陪她品茶對弈,以情意騙取少女的秘寶,怎料情愫漸生,愛意在心卻不能言明。她為他日暮笙歌,步步陷入早已設計好的情網之中,原以為尋得一生摯愛,最終卻淚滿春衫袖。愛恨情仇一剎間,少女手持刀劍直指心愛之人,為愛迷失心智,為情仰天悲鳴,滿頭青絲寸寸成雪…亂世作伴,為愛白髮,是甜蜜的陪伴,還是…宿命的摧殘?你的抉擇,將開啓截然不同的雙生劇情...【遊戲特色】※為愛青絲終成雪,雙生劇情共渡劫 七次轉生七道輪迴,無論最終結局是苦亦是甜,也將永恆守護這份絕世虐戀※策略致勝,締造傳說對決領地戰場硝煙再起,策略致勝開啟劍與遠征,萬眾一心眾志成城,從此再無團隊邊緣人※體驗多重情緣玩法,攜手譜寫浪漫篇章真人大頭照帶來最真實社交,實時語音聊天,享受輕鬆互動,結識好友邂逅最愛,攜手打造完美世界※自由市場自由買賣,人人賺錢發大財各種武器寶石材料均可在線交易,密碼交易價格鎖定,零氪神裝不是梦※開宗立派,歡樂組團溫馨浪漫泱泱武林開宗立派,共同組建一個團結溫暖的家園,創造溫馨回憶,結伴闖江湖※玩法創新,一見傾心靈源探索融入特色音遊玩法,雙生聖靈全速來襲,考驗絕對手眼協調能力;更有全天候雙倍收益,等級財富迅速累積【溫馨提示】※本軟體依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級 ※本軟體免費下載,內有部分付費內容 ※切勿長時間持續使用,並請適度休息
战歌凯旋-原始传奇海外版,热血复古1.76版,一起笑傲沙城 2.4.4
Re-engraved classics and full of memories. The classic bosses ofthecorpse king, the dragon god, the white boar, and the zumaleader arewaiting for you to challenge. Overseas brothers gather,the imperialcity rekindles fierce battle!
Land of Doran - get free VIP 1.1.0
Land of Doran, a massively multiplayer online, role-playing setinafantasy open-world. Enter the epic conflict betweendarknessandlight and fight to control the fate of Land of Doran.Withafantastic and addictive gameplay, and excellent visualsmakethegame awesome and amazing to play and enjoy.▶Pre-registerGiftCode: dnyyy543 ▶ Login the game, click【Welfare】,typethecode:dnyyy543 claim it, you will get mount: Alaska.★★★LandofDoran Gameplay★★★ ▶ 3 various character categories:Warrior,Mage,and Archer, each of these three Classes has its ownset ofuniqueskills and abilities. ▶ Cross-server battles: fightplayersin andaround your server to dominate the Land of Doran. ▶Realm ofGods:transform yourself from a fledging warrior to anunstoppableGod! ▶Boss battles: challenge epic world bosses 【KeyFeatures】 ▶StunningVisuals Immerse yourself in beautifully 3Dgraphics,grandbattlefields, and a breathtaking fantasy world.Highlydetailedcharacters and fluid animations keep the combat fastandfurious. ▶Endless Customization Hundreds of Items andEquipmentprovidesunrivaled character customization. UnlocklegendaryWrathwings andwatch them transform in battle to grantdevastatingpower. ▶ FreeTrade Market Large scale boss fights,random itemdrops, freetrades with no limit. ▶ Real-Time MassiveBattles Battleotherplayers in thrilling real-time, open-field PvPbattles.Unleashyour skills and claim awesome rewards in PvE battlesandbossfights. Defend the honor of your Guild in glorious GuildWars.▶Forbetter gaming experience, please allow permissionrequestsbelow:Allow Land of Doran to access photos and files. It'susedforsaving game data on your device, which ensures yousmoothgaming.【Contact Us】Fanpage:
World of Eternal Love 1.0.6
World's Best XIanxia RPG MMO
WuXia World 9.8.10
Dust Gaming
A fresh take on the idle Wuxia word RPG in the open world!
暗黑覺醒 9.0
The 4th Anniversary Celebration begins, and the new HornedRaccoondebuts!
Idle Cultivation-magic king 1.2.20
classic immortality Cultivation,Cool appearance,Differentfirerefining
永恆守護-戰神歸來 1.21.3
Popular magical MMO, the eternal guardian of 800,000 warriors,justwaiting for the return of the God of War!
異界之鑰-夏日狂歡 48.0
Adorable and rich professional characters, together to explorethefuture world of brilliant technology X magic. Encounter sweetlovein this parallel world, a love over time and space, guard thestarcontinent on the verge of collapse, and defend the BOSSattacktogether!
Breaking the monotony and boringness of traditional MMObattles,innovating the "wuhun" form of gameplay, seamless switchingofeclectic weapons, bringing a new multi-combat experience!
iYoYo Game
Romantic fairy MMORPG
Idle Legend War-fierce fight h 2.1.105
Idle Legend War-fierce fight hegemony massive multiplayeronlinegame
Perfect World Mobile 1.628.0
Goddess Archer the Skyshatter
Put the hang up to repair the road, do you want to open ittogether?!
RPG:The Legend of the Three Kingdoms
The most fun strategy RPG war game of Romance of the ThreeKingdoms,
神命:天選之人 1.4.19
【遊戲特色】●Unity3D傾力打造,畫面精雕細琢●遊戲場景美輪美奐,卻又風格各異,九幽魔海,冰天龍谷,凌霄城,鏡月湖等,每一畫面都是精雕細琢,傾力打造東方神魔大千世界!●化形天神,扭轉乾坤●玩家在戰鬥中可獲得怒氣值,怒氣值爆滿可化形天神,瞬間戰力暴漲,逆轉戰局!蚩尤,女媧,軒轅等上古天神正在尋找天選之人,而你,將被誰眷顧?●神寵坐騎,飛天遁地●遊戲提供多種多樣的酷炫神寵坐騎,傲嬌的人魚公主,嬌媚的狐仙,許你一生一世,雲海鯤鵬,赤炎金猊,超凶但可愛,陪你遨遊天際!●神魔之戰,生死一念●遊戲提供多元化pvp玩法,你可以選擇單打獨鬥,決戰青雲之巔,也可以尋找志同道合的盟友,勇闖至尊神殿,爭霸一方!●人人都是窈窕佳人,翩翩公子●遊戲內提供風格各異、種類豐富的精美外觀,或時尚,或古典,或唯美,力求讓每一個玩家都是窈窕佳人,翩翩公子。●浪漫仙侶奇緣,讓你遇見一個對的人●遊戲全方位打造唯美古風婚禮,絕版仙侶稱號,真實子女養育,專屬情緣副本,獨佔同心鎖飾品,趕快找一個相愛的親愛的人來告別單身吧!【溫馨提示】●本軟體依遊戲軟體分際管理辦法分類為輔12級;●本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務;●本遊戲內容涉及暴力(打鬥)、遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾;●請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷 。【聯絡我們】●官方Facebook主頁:●客服郵箱:[email protected]
明月之時 10.0
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game 1.2.28
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game, AFK ClashEmpireAdventure War . [The Three Kingdoms in times of trouble,Unifytheworld] The Three Kingdoms are in turmoil. You can lead thegreatgeneral guan yu through five passes and beat six generals,fightingthe enemy like mowing grass! Or incarnated lv bu, and sablecicadaexperience life and death parting rear however awakening,fightingforce extraordinary five tiger general can not enemy! Morethan 100heroes, follow the switch! The world will be martial,challenge on,you can be famous in the world? [massive benefits,login and sendVIP privileges] · carry out high welfare in the end,it isnecessary to play cool! New players will get the VIP5 +millionscoins when they come online. The first recharge big rebate,SSR godwill give the hero wei yan. Open service seven days to enjoyorangebig Joe, a large number of coins, commanders, artifact onlinesend![god will form, and great minds will gather at the firstplace] ·hundreds of martial arts generals will meet your collectiondesire,liu bei, guan yu, zhang fei, zhaoyun, cao cao, sun quan,dong zhuogenerals will wait for recruitment, and SSR generals willwait foryou to command! Wei, shu and wu three forces, civilofficials andmilitary will gather, only such as the Lord to send,even if theunknown soldiers after careful training, can also becomparable tolv bu sanying! Prestige soul breakthrough limit,choose the bestgeneral, cloth battle array! [a fierce woman, amatchless lv budominates the battlefield] · in addition to a seriesof militarygenerals for you to fight on the battlefield, but alsohavepowerful women, leading lv bu to fight in the south! Doubleactiveskills, multi-point group attack injury, the enemy instantlyashesto ashes, super strong combo help you clear customs! Washandpractice special effects, wake up the strongest defenseskills,dominate the battlefield, gallop freely, break through thelimit!Rich skills and combination match, let your fighting forcegreatlyenhance, truly enjoy the deployment of troops, brandishingthewind! [female hero and lv bu dominates the battlefield] ·inaddition to a series of military generals for you to fight onthebattlefield, but also have powerful female hero, leading lv butofight in the south! Double active skills, multi-point groupattackinjury, the enemy instantly ashes to ashes, super strongcombo helpyou clear customs! Wash and practice special effects,wake up thestrongest defense skills, dominate the battlefield,gallop freely,break through the limit! Rich skills and combinationmatch, letyour fighting force greatly enhance, truly enjoy thedeployment oftroops! [life star medicine, to help you through] ·refiningelixir, training life star meridian, forging special magicweapon.Diverse gameplay to create the strongest fighting force,enhancecharacter attributes, being the world's top! A variety ofcopieswaiting for you to fight! Inherit the glory of The ThreeKingdoms,the achievements of the king! [brothers and friends playtogether]· make friends in different social situations, andbuildrelationships in the three countries! Group copy, manypeoplecampaign, the establishment of the corps trade union,recruitheroes, common construction home. Participate in thereal-timegroup meeting challenge battle, the central plains,brotherhood,love marriage, a total war peak. Close friendsrighteousness knotjinlan, next to each other and feelings fullhome! Together acrossthe server battle, brothers heroicachievements three domineeringindustry! [easy operation, freehands] · adopt automatic combatmode, no operation is required, andsay goodbye to tedious tasks.Daily, task, dungeon all through a keyoperation. Only need to putout the strongest fighting force, thenyou can play a good game.Fun but not tired, play whenever andwherever even on the bus andsubway!
Place the gods on an adventure journey, 5V5 fair battle,DIYpainting goddess intimately follow, refuse to crushnumericalvalues, genre is a flexible strategy, temple experiencefunadventure, five artifacts accompany combat, on-board benefitsarebursting, super high-yield godsend god will.
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
Goddess: Primal Chaos - MMORPG 1.121.103101
Collect and strengthen exclusive Goddesses! Facing powerfulenemies!to Battle!
屠龍法則-放置傳奇私服掛機手游,沙城屠龍破曉,天命戰歌神獸熱血龍城 8
Uyoo Network
歡迎您來到我們臉書專頁交流:真正回收裝備,VIP超值贈送,零儲亦可以當大佬;彩蛋BOSS掛機邂逅,福利贈送滿熒幕拿到手軟;全新的打金傳奇遊戲,掛機就可賺回收,火爆全網。 ✾遊戲特色✾1、郊外pk,精品的武器收集,共創沙城戰鬥吧。2、豐富多彩的劇情,充滿熱血的戰鬥快感。3、很多的高爆團本和boss讓你更高的掉寶率,輕輕鬆松得到各種各樣頂尖武器裝備。4、很是經典挑戰的方法,獎勵的副本的挑戰,超視覺的戰鬥體驗。✾遊戲亮點✾1、完美再現了端游的經典畫風,所有的地圖和主要城市都得到了完美的修復。2、與數萬名玩家同屏戰鬥,帶來酣暢淋漓的遊戲體驗。3、最好的裝備無限掉落,你可以獲得更好的裝備來武裝自己。4、隨著等級的提升,你可以解鎖更多的技能以及劇情。 ✾遊戲優勢✾1、在戰場只有弱肉強食,利用實力擊敗你的對手吧。2、福利免費送,上線就有VIP,金幣元寶天天有。3、一地的光柱隨你撿,自己搭配神裝,打造強大戰力。4、掛機玩法讓你放輕鬆,就算離線也能獲取大量經驗和裝備。 ✾遊戲評測✾1、全新引|擎打造精美畫質,炫酷的特效為你帶來一場場精彩的戰鬥,各種宏偉的建築一-還原,歡迎你再次感受傳奇的獨特魅力。2.各種福利讓你獎勵拿到手軟,上線就有各種金幣元寶贈送,大量的活動和每日不停歇,讓你隨時可以參與獲取大量材料。3、爆率全開爽快無比,-地光柱隨你撿,強大的套裝屬性很容易就能湊齊,打造強大的戰力征戰八方吧。4、經典玩法複刻,再次集結兄弟們前往沙巴克,展現實力的時候到了,擊敗你的對手,告訴他們誰才是這裡的王!
神戒M-口袋修仙(God Of Ring) 1.0.97
Biu Game
The new magical ARPG masterpiece "The Ring M" is coming!Breakthrough the tradition, explode red envelopes, explode ingots,andfill the earth!
Legend of Empress 1.1.0
The most addictive game about a tangled love affair in theChinesepalace ever!
Legend of Eudemons
Legend of Eudemons is an Idle Vertical RPG Game, free yourhandswith the assist of Auto-Battle Mode. You can choosedifferentclasses, collect hundreds of different Eudemons,experience fieceimmersive combat with your Eudemons, kill kinds ofmonsters byusing ultimate XP skills. ⋇FEATURES⋇ ALONG WITH EUDEMONSCOMPANYEudemons, as the game is named for, refer to the robust petsystemthat allows players to hatch, evolve, train, and enter battlewithover two hundred different Eudemons, bringing up to threeintobattle at a time. Collect over two hundred unique Eudemonsfreelyor get rare one from shop. They will be the best companioninCronus world. JOIN THE LEGION YOU LIKE Competition betweenlegionsis getting fiercer every day, with larger and more powerfullegionsswallowing smaller ones and fragmenting into smallerfactions. Joinup with a Legion and participate in the game’s LegionWars whereLegions duke it out for the top ranking, or participateintournaments to raise your individual rank. Two kinds of LegionWarbring you different feeling every week! ULTIMATE XP SKILLS XP isasystem which allows you sweep away monsters in second. There arealot of kinds of XP skill, many of them are very powerful, andyoucan kill redname or even blackname monsters easily and get lotsofexperience and valuable items. Let's experience therefreshingfeeling of killing monsters in huge fantasy map! FANTASYCLASSESYou can choose to be a mage or a warrior. Mage is thecontrol ofthe great magic power, warrior can use blade and sword toattackevils. Different class has different skills and style.[Contact Us]If you have any questions about the game or want toprovide us withvaluable suggestions, feel free to contact us.CustomerService:[email protected]:
Dynasty Legends:Warriors Unite 13.6.600
4th Anniversary is open. Explore Grotto Realm for tons ofrewardsand honor.
Celtic Heroes: World Boss Raid 4.1.1
Enter a huge 3D MMORPG world!
Onmyoji Arena 3.102.0
NetEase Games
As Heian-kyo marks its 4th birthday, many thanks for yoursupportand for accompanying us through this journey! In the pastyear, thestories of Heian-kyo have expanded in the variousparalleluniverses. Even more possibilities are to be revealed inthe comingyear! Concluding the past year and welcoming the new yearis theincoming 4th Anniversary! Celebrations commence with thearrival ofthe new shikigami Ungaikyo, and no Anniversary will becompletewithout the Anniversary themed Royal Skin! Kaguya, KyonshiImoto,and Hako Shoujo will all change into fresh outfits todelivery youthe cheerful festivities! Gold Daruma, unownedShikigami, Sealeffects, unowned Skin, as well as more generousgifts will bepresented to you during the Anniversary! Completequests to unlockepisodes of different universes, and enjoy thecelebrations withyour beloved shikigami! Dear onmyoji, join in thefun in Heian-kyo,fill your Package with generous rewards as youexplore the infinitepossibilities! From NetEase's well knownOnmyoji series, OnmyojiArena is true to the original characterswhile bringing players abrand new MOBA experience. Replacing theconventional paid runesystem with a completely free Onmyodo system,the game allowsplayers to fully enjoy fair 5v5 battles. Whileretaining itsdelicate Japanese settings, Onmyoji Arena furtherdiversify its artstyle by expanding with School, Fairytale,Steampunk and other skinseries, appealing to a wider range ofaudience. There's also theaddition of Mahjong chess, ShikigamiDefense, and 3v3v3 RoyalBattle. Download now to have fun in thevarious game modes! —Beautiful Shikigami with original voice castto replicate the Heianworld with perfection. Onmyoji Arena retainsthe elegant Japaneseaesthetics from Onmyoji as well as its stellarJapanese voice castto give players a more authentic gamingexperience. Gorgeous 3Dmodels. Awesome Shikigami ultimates. Whatare you waiting for?Summon your favorite Shikigami into battle now!— A fair game withno amulets required. Prove your strategic prowesson thebattlefield now! Onmyoji Arena does away with the amuletsystem,and all players can now create their own combinations ofOnmyoji'sabilities (Onmyodo) for free. Based on their strategy,players canfreely mix and match the abilities in Onmyoji, addinganothervariable to the game. Moreover, there is no paid systemthataffects combat stats. Now all is truly fair in battle and lore!—Balance of power. Tons of skills. Battle to your heart'scontent!Onmyoji Arena carefully evens out the distribution of powerin thegame, so that each Shikigami is equally strong yet possessesuniquecharm. Now there's a useful role for everyone. Shikigami have4abilities and 2 general spells, allowing for more combinationsofabilities and tactics. Unique ability sets bring aboutgreaterpossibilities. Innovative map designs and the Fog of Warsystemmake strategy even more critical, so that players canfullyexperience this new mobile MOBA. At the same time, the gameisrevolutionary in that it connects top players from all overtheworld to test their might. — Innovative Battle Royale forathree-party showdown The first ever 3v3v3 battle mode,BattleRoyale, incorporates new features like multi-teambattles,competition for resources, and fast-paced combat. Playersaredivided into 3 teams of 3 for an exciting newmulti-teamexperience! In the Battle Royale mode, players will spawnfromthree locations on the map with the combat zone located inthecenter. The first team to seal 30 Shikigami shall reign supreme!
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