Top 17 Apps Similar to Official H-D Motorcycles

Harley-Davidson Ride Planner 1.5.0
The open road awaits. Build yourmotorcycleride on your desktop and take your route on the road withturn-by-turn map directions. Find Harley-Davidson® Dealers,motorcycleevents, gas stations, hotels and other points of interestalong theway. Use the H-D® Ride Planner app to:• View all your pre-planned bike locations, track your route onamap, and discover new roads and places tostop along the way• Download rides created by other motorcycle riders, so you canfindthe best roads• Share your ride and check-ins on Facebook and Twitteroremail• Check-in to restaurants, attractions and other locations nearby–then add trip comments and tips for otherriders• H.O.G.® members can access all rider check-ins to find themostpopular and rider-friendly hot spots andattractionsHit the road the right way by leveraging the millionsofcollective riding miles of Harley-Davidson® riders. Thisappintegrates with the recently redesigned desktopexperience,allowing you to make trip plans online and then takethem with youon your motorcycle ride. Download it today.
Kawasaki Connect 1.0
The Kawasaki Connect mobileappdeliversKawasaki vehicle information, promotions and more toyourmobiledevice by interacting with Bluetooth beaconsatparticipatingdealerships.
Ninja ZX-10R 1.1
Get closer to the New Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R.The Kawasaki Racing Team and Kawasaki factory in Japan forgedaperformance partnership to develop the new Ninja ZX-10R.Tested,refined and approved by World Champions Jonathan Rea and TomSykes,the 2016 Ninja ZX-10R is as close as it gets to being part oftheofficial Kawasaki World Superbike team.This app, developed explicitly for the launch of the 2016NinjaZX-10R, enables you to get closer to the Ninja ZX-10R ineveryaspect. The app offers you a rich experience of the NinjaZX-10Rhighlighting a 360˚ lap on the Portimao racetrack with 2015WorldSuperbike Champion Jonathan Rea. To make the experience evenmorethrilling you can set it on 3D mode and watch it with any3DVirtual Reality glasses.Due to the built in 360° experience, the app can onlybeinstalled on devices that have an accelerometer andgyroscope.Content of the app:• 360˚ experience on the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R with WorldSBKChampion Jonathan Rea. It can be experienced in 2D or 3D.• Complete set of pictures showing the Ninja ZX-10R inaction.• Additionally, in the video section there is an action packedpromovideo and a video explaining all the new features andtechnologiesin the Ninja ZX-10R.• The specs of the Ninja ZX-10R speak for itself and are listedforyou on the Technical Specifications page.• What colour do you like? The Ninja ZX-10R is available in3colours for 2016.• Kawasaki Racing Team - Stay connected with our officialfactoryrace team and follow them in their 2016 World Superbikecampaign onthe Ninja ZX-10R.• Want to know more about the new Ninja ZX-10R? Then leaveyourdetails and you will be contacted by your Kawasaki dealer foratest ride on the new Ninja ZX-10R.Get closer to the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R.
Locate Harley Dealers 3.3
Simple, Fast, and Ad Free app to visually locateHarley-DavidsonDealers world-wide. Also supports Dealer VisitLogging. Onstart-up, the app will display the 1600+ world-wideHarley-DavidsonDealer Locations on a Google Map. The app will thenzoom-in to yourlocation (assuming you have your device's LocationServicesenabled) to help you visually see the dealers in yourarea.Pan/Zoom to explore all the dealer locations. Tap a Dealermarkerand an info box will pop-up with all the Dealer's Info -Name,Address, Phone, Product & Services, Visit Log Entries,etc. Theinfo box also has helper buttons to Call, visit theDealer'swebsite (if they have one), fire up Google Maps withdrivingdirections (if possible), or Log a Dealer Visit. NEW inRelease 2.0- Dealer Visit Logging! This often requested capabilityis nowincluded. You can now Log a visit, with comments, at anyDealer onthe map. The map marker will display a check mark for anydealerwith one or more log entries. A new List menu option willdisplayall logged visits chronologically descending. SupportsExport andImport menu options for extracting/saving log or bulkloading asaved or manually created log. Use the Help menu optionfor fullexplanations of all logging capabilities. - This apprequires aninternet connection (Cellular or Wireless) for theGoogle mappingservices. - This application requires Google PlayServices on yourphone (it will let you know if you don't) - Thisapplicationrequires your device's Location Services to beenabled.Additionally, it requires APP-level permission to use theLocationServices. For phones running Android 6.0+, App-levelpermissionwill be requested at run-time. Prior versions of Androidwillrequire permission at install-time. - Dealer Visit Log residesonlyon device with app and is not visible to anyone else. - Apponlydisplays official Harley-Davidson dealerships, as can be foundonthe Harley-Davidson web site. - Markers with RO indicate anHDretail merchandise and accessories only store (i.e. nomotorcycles)- The dealer information is pre-loaded into the app andwillreceive updates periodically with new releases. - The Publisherofthis app is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson. FeedbackWelcome!
Ducati Multistrada News 1.1.2
Ducati Motor
Discover the new Ducati Multistrada withtheMultistrada Link App!All the features and the news about the new Ducati bike readytoface different roads without any compromise. Each card willpresenta feature of the bike and you can comment, rate and share!Send usyour ideas and stay tuned for all the updating ready to comeeveryweek!
Harley-Davidson Barcelona 1.0.3
Somos tu concesionario oficialHarleyDavidsonen Barcelona desde hace más de 24 años. Ennuestrasinstalacionespodrás encontrar una gran variedad de motosnuevas yde ocasión yun servicio técnico con personal cualificado.Ademástenemos a tudisposición una boutique de ropa y complementosasícomo unaextensa gama de recambios y accesorios.We are yourofficialHarleyDavidson dealership in Barcelona for over 24 years.At ourfacilitiesyou will find a variety of new and usedmotorcycles anda technicalservice with qualified personnel. Wealso have aboutique of clothingand accessories as well as a vastrange ofspares and accessories atyour disposal.
「かわさきアプリ」は、川崎市が提供するアプリケーションや、市民の利便性向上につながる各種情報へリンクするためのポータルアプリで、利用者に分かりやすいインターフェースを無料で提供します。また、事前に使用許諾契約書及びプライバシーポリシーを確認し、同意の上、利用してください。なお、本アプリは川崎市からの委託により富士通株式会社が開発し、Google Playに登録しています。【主な機能】○アプリケーションの起動 川崎市が提供する「かわさき子育てアプリ」、「かわさき防災アプリ」、「川崎市ごみ分別アプリ」等をワンタップで起動することができます。起動したいアプリケーションが端末内に存在しない場合は、アプリストアページへ誘導します。○お知らせ情報の配信 川崎市民にとって有益な情報をお知らせ情報として配信します。○プッシュ通知緊急性が高く市民生活への影響が大きい情報をプッシュ通知としてタイムリーに配信します。○避難場所への誘導 災害時などは、端末の位置情報と連動して、最寄りの開設避難所や避難施設へアプリが誘導します。○メニューの並べ替え ユーザは、「かわさき防災アプリ」を除き、メニューの並び順を自由に替えることができます。○メニューの表示・非表示設定 ユーザは、普段利用しないメニューを非表示に設定変更することができます。【利用規約】 「かわさきアプリ」利用規約(以下、「本利用規約」という。)は、川崎市が提供するスマートフォン用アプリケーション「かわさきアプリ」(以下、「本アプリ」という。)及び本アプリに関するサービス(以下、「本サービス」という。)について、利用者が遵守する事項等を定めたものであり、本アプリ利用者は、本利用規約にしたがって本アプリ及び本サービスを利用することとする。第1条(適用範囲) 本規約は、利用者と川崎市との間の本アプリ及び本サービスの利用に関する一切の関係に適用されるものとする。第2条(禁止行為) 利用者は、本アプリ及び本サービスを利用するにあたり、以下の行為を行ってはならない。 (1) 法令または公序良俗に違反する行為 (2) 犯罪行為に関連する行為 (3) 本アプリに関するサーバまたはネットワークの機能を破壊・妨害する行為 (4) 他のユーザに成りすます行為 (5) 本アプリもしくは本サービスを利用して、反社会的勢力に対して直接または間接的に利益を供与する行為 (6) その他、川崎市が不適切と判断する行為第3条(本サービスの提供の停止)   川崎市は、以下のいずれかの事由があると判断した場合、利用者へ事前に通知することなく、本サービスの全部もしくは一部の提供を停止または中断することができる。 (1) 本サービスに係るサーバ等の保守点検またはシステムの更新を行う場合 (2) 地震、落雷、火災、停電、その他天災等の不可抗力により、本サービスの提供が困難となった場合 (3) 本サービスに係るサーバもしくはそのネットワークが事故により停止した場合 (4) その他、川崎市が本サービスの提供が困難と判断した場合第4条(本アプリ及び本サービス内容の変更等) 川崎市は、利用者へ事前に通知することなく、本アプリ及び本サービスの内容を変更することができる。第5条(免責事項) 1 川崎市は、第3条の規定による本サービスの提供の停止または中断により、利用者または第三者が被ったいかなる不利益または損害について、その理由に因らず、一切の責任を負わないものとする。 2 川崎市は、第4条の規定による本アプリ及び本サービス内容の変更により、利用者または第三者が被ったいかなる不利益または損害について、その理由に因らず、一切の責任を負わないものとする。 3 本アプリ及び本サービスにより提供される情報は、内容の正確性、完全性、信頼性、最新性を担保するものではなく、提供された情報により発生した、不利益または損害について、その理由に因らず、川崎市は一切の責任を負わないものとする。 4 本アプリ及び本サービスの提供は、プログラム上の瑕疵(エラーやバグ等)がないことを担保するものではなく、その瑕疵により発生した不利益または損害について、その理由に因らず、川崎市は一切の責任を負わないものとする。 5 川崎市は、本サービスに関して利用者とその他の利用者、もしくは、第三者との間において生じた取引、連絡、それに伴い発生した紛争等について一切の責任を負わないものとする。第6条(利用規約の変更) 川崎市は、必要に応じて、利用者へ事前に通知することなく本利用規約を変更することができる。第7条(通知または連絡) 本アプリ及び本サービスについて必要となる通知または連絡は、川崎市のホームページもしくは、本アプリのプッシュ機能を利用して行うものとする。第8条(問合せ窓口) 本アプリの利用者情報の取扱いに関する問い合わせは、次のとおりとします。 1 問合せ窓口:川崎市総務企画局情報管理部ICT推進課 2 問合せ方法:電子メールにより行うものとします。 3 連絡先:[email protected]第9条(準拠法・裁判管轄) 1 本利用規約の解釈にあたっては、日本国の国内法を準拠法とする。 2 本アプリ及び本サービスの利用等にあたり、紛争が生じた場合には、川崎市を管轄する裁判所において必要な解決を図ることとする。【推奨環境】 Android端末(AndroidOS ver 4.1以上) ※機種や環境により推奨環境下でも正常に動作しない場合があります。 - Motocykle 4.7.2
Motorcycles, news, routes. The best motorcycle app for android!
Heavy Duty Motorsports 4.5.4
We have a wide range ofHarley-Davidson,CFMOTO,4x4, Performance Vehicles and Prime Movers- Sales andService, partsand accessories, clothing and merchandisefor sale.We provide servicing of late model cars and motorcyclesfromourwork shop in Oxley, Qld Australia. We also caterforperformanceand custom work.Download our app and be the first to see our latestvehiclesandbikes for sale and keep in the loop for all our specialeventsandrides.- View all of our vehicles and bikes in store now- Book in for a service- Be notified of our special events and rides- In app finance calculator- and much more
Jetting for Kawasaki KX 2.2
Easily set up Kawasaki KX's carb to get max performance inanycondition & track
Aprilia Apparel Collection 1.4
Il catalogo presenta i capi dellacollezioneApparel Aprilia e Aprilia Racing 2013-2014. Contienevideo,immagini e codici. Tutti i capi sono disponibili presso larete divendita ufficiale Aprilia.The catalog presentsacollection of garments and Apparel Aprilia ApriliaRacing2013-2014. Contains videos, images and codes. All itemsareavailable at the official Aprilia dealer network.
H-D Events: Daytona 4716.522.4
Get your official guidetoHarley-Davidsonevents at Daytona as we celebrate the start ofthe2016 ridingseason at the 75th Annual Daytona Bike Week inDaytonaBeach,FloridaHarley-Davidson’s display at Daytona International Speedwaywillberocking from Saturday, March 5 to Saturday, March 12,withfreemotorcycle parking and a wide range of displaysandactivitiesincluding 2016 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle line-up,Freetest rideson the 2016 H-D bikes, Genuine MotorAccessories,Harley-DavidsonMotorClothes, H-D1 Fit Shop, H-D Visa,MDA Women’sRide, Willie G.and HOG merchandise, and much more.Stay on top of where you want to be and who you want to seewiththecomplete Daytona Event Schedule, Map, HOG activities,andlocalDealer Information. This app puts you in the center ofalltheaction at Daytona. It’s made for riders, by riders. Andit’sfree,like the open road. Download now and don’t miss out onthebestDaytona Bike Week has to offer, including pushnotificationupdateswith the latest info you need to get the mostout of yourDaytonaexperience!
MOTORRAD Online 7.4.0
News from the motorcycle scene with you at any time.
Lazy Boyz Harley-Davidson Oslo
Denne App lar deg se våre sykler, kontakteossdirekte, sjekke våre Facebook bilder, lese våre nyheter og se påetutvalg av deler til Harley-Davidson.This App allows youtoview our bikes, contact us directly, check our Facebookpictures,read our news and see a selection of partsforHarley-Davidson.
TSI Harley Davidson 4.5.5
Connecticut's Premier Harley-DavidsonDealerhas gone mobile. It’s all about convenience to you. You’realwayson the go and we want to stay connected with you on yourterms andon your time schedule. This app does just that. One-Touchcontactwith our store saves you valuable time when looking foranswers. Bethe first to get updates on new arrivals in bikes,clothing, andaccessories. Get instant access to our full inventory,events andmuch more.We want you to join our TSI family and experience theTSIDIFFERENCE! We have been family owned and operated by thesamefamily for over 40 years! Our owners Harry and Kelly Levesquetakepride in making you feel welcome and at home within ourdealership.They are here at least 6 days a week to make yourexperience theBEST it can be! Stop by for a complimentary cup ofcoffee, browseour huge showroom of bikes and full HD line ofclothing andaccessories.One-Touch Call or EmailView Upcoming EventsSchedule Test RideEnroll in New Rider’s CourseSpecial OffersLatest PromotionsTSI Loyalty ProgramsUpload Photos to our Photo GalleryService AppointmentsFacebook
Core Prime Wallpapers 2.1
Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper's Backgrounds HDhashit 70,000+ Downloads worldwide!- Oh yes, it’s true that we’ve been loved by over 7,00,000peopleworldwide !- Backgrounds HD has received reviews from 1,600,000 peopleratingaverage of 4.6/5.0- Check out Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper's great selection ofover8,000 wallpapers.- Daily updates of beautiful wallpapers :DBackgrounds HD features? Google material design- We offer you Android 5.0’s simple interface andminimizeddesigns.? Simple, fast and light- Backgrounds HD more focuses on wallpaper image itself, tomakegreater performance.- You would never have to worry about your memories orbatteryrunning out.? Picking wallpapers- Brand new, beautiful wallpapers updated everyday.- Check out the hottest wallpapers selected byusersworldwide.- Easy search system with 30 categories and keyword search.- All the images include artist’s information, license detailsandURL of the artist’s webpage.? Setting wallpapers- Cropping images, filters and various set as wallpapersmodes(standard, entire, fixed, scrollable and more)available.- Keep the favorite images by easily saving them to yourowndevice.- Share images to anyone and any other applications insimpleway.? Favorites and histories- Keep your own favorites and histories.- Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s Facebook page- Don’t miss Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper HD’s newest updates onourFacebook page.- Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s Flickr group- Please join Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper HD’s flickr group!You’llhave chance to share your own works to the people all aroundtheworld.Translation contributors- Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s translation workintoEnglish is done by Jangwon Choi. Thank You.- If you're interested in helping us to translate our servicetoyour own language, please email us with your Name andLanguageavailable [email protected]@gmail.comCopyright © 2011-2015 Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper Corp., Inc.Allrights reserved.
Immagini Frasi di Buonanotte 5.9
In immagini con frasi dibuonanotte'lltrovare una collezione eccellente con la migliorefrasi dibuonanotte in immagini, che è possibile condividere con gliamici,la famiglia e l'amore della tua vita.Non c'è modo migliore per dire che la persona ciò che sivuoletrasmettere, con una immagine, scegliere la frase che megliosiadatta ciò che si vuole trasmettere in immagini di buonanotteeutilizzare il pulsante di condivisione.Características:★ Gratuito È l'applicazione che si puòscaricaregratuitamente.★ Velocità E 'stato completamente ottimizzatoappositamenteper l'applicazione senza intoppi.★ Navigazione Tutto rapido è intuitivamente posizionatoinmodo da poter personalizzare l'applicazione come piùsidesidera.★ Condividi La funzione che si desidera, èpossibilecondividere via SMS, messaggi multimediali, facebook,twitter,whatsapp, viber, line e le reti più sociale con lasemplicepressione di un pulsante.★ Qualità Le immagini vengono selezionate per offrirelamigliore qualità.★ Lingua L'applicazione è al 100% in spagnolo,dimenticarequelle applicazioni che si trovano in diverse linguealla tua, quisi trova di tutto la lingua.★ Scarica È possibile scaricare le immagini che tipiacesemplice, è sufficiente premere il pulsante.★ Intuitivo Per cambiare passando da un'immagine all'altraènecessaria solo per far scorrere un dito e tutti loro sipuòaccedere; tutto è posizionato in modo che l'applicazione èfacileda usare in modo che tutto quello che dovete fare ègodere.★ Compatibile Questa applicazione è compatibile conitelefoni e tablet (reattivo); funziona anche con le varieversionidi Android non dovranno preoccuparsi di nulla,l'applicazione siadatterà al dispositivo per dare la miglioreesperienza.★ Ti aiuta a esprimerti A volte troviamo le parole giusteperesprimere ciò che vogliamo trasmettere parole; Questaapplicazioneti aiuterà a trovare l'immagine, il testo appropriatoda fare pervoi.Extra:► Con questa applicazione è possibile condividere le frasi conilmessaggio che ti piace, come potrebbe essere: "buonanotte amore"o"sms buonanotte".► Costantemente aggiungendo nuove immagini e miglioramentiperl'applicazione, di volta in volta inviare un aggiornamento,quindinon esitate ad aggiornare e sempre stare al passo conimigliori.► Speriamo che vi piaccia l'applicazione, se c'è qualcosa chesipensa potrebbe essere migliorata, si prega di lasciare uncommentoo e-mail; e se ti piace come funziona ci può beneficiare inmodo dapoter continuare a lavorare sempre di offrire ilmeglio.In images withphrasesbuonanotte'll find an excellent collection with the bestphrasesgoodnight in images, which you can share with friends,family andthe love of your life.There is no better way to say that the person that you wanttoconvey, with a picture, choose the phrase that best fits whatyouwant to convey in pictures goodnight and use thesharebutton.Características:★ FREE is the application that you can download for free.★ Speed ​​ It 'been completely optimized specifically fortheapplication smoothly.★ Navigation Everything is quick intuitively positioned so youcancustomize the application the way you want.★ Post The function you want, you can share via SMS,multimediamessaging, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, viber, line andmore socialnetworks with the push of a button.★ Quality The images are selected to offer the best quality.★ Language The application is 100% in Spanish, forgetthoseapplications that are in different languages ​​to yours, hereisall of the language.★ Download You can download the images you like simple, justpressthe button.★ Intuitive To change during frame is only required to run afingerand all of them can be accessed; everything is positioned sothatthe application is easy to use so that all you have to doisenjoy.★ Works This application is compatible with phones andtablets(reactive); also works with various versions of Android willnothave to worry about anything, the application will adapt thedeviceto give the best experience.★ It helps you express yourself Sometimes we find the right wordstoexpress what I want to convey words; This application will helpyoufind the image, the appropriate text for you to do.Extra:► With this application you can share the phrases with themessagethat you like, as it could be: "goodnight love" or"smsgoodnight".► Constantly adding new images and improvements to theapplication,from time to time send an update, so do not hesitate toupdate andalways keep up with the best.► We hope you enjoy the application, if there is something thatyouthink could be improved, please leave a comment or e-mail; andifyou like how we can benefit so you can always keep working toofferthe best.