Top 3 Apps Similar to Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior 1.0
Upon successful completion of this course,youwill be able to:define organizational behavior (OB);analyze and identify the current trends fororganizationalbehavior;explain the benefits of diversity;describe the cross-cultural challenges of the workplace;explain how work attitudes affect workplace behavior;identify the key attributes that are relevant forperformance;explain how motivation affects performance;describe various approaches to job design;compare and contrast groups vs. teams;describe and identify group development and group dynamics;define power and recognize the sources of power;describe and identify the factors of organizational politics;describe the various types of conflict;explain how to effectively manage conflict;describe and identify negotiation strategies;define organizational structure; anddescribe organizational change.
Lost Person Behavior 1.13.0
Search & Rescue companion app to the acclaimed book –LostPerson Behavior
Psychology Facts Collection 1.0.0
This is a psychology facts collection app for everyone withhugecollection