Top 9 Apps Similar to Korean - Indonesian dictionary

Indonesian English Translato 5.1.3
With this translator you can easily translate from IndonesiantoEnglish.
Korean Dictionary & Translator 8.6.0
English to Korean, Korean to English dictionary &translationapp
Indonesian-Korean Kamus Deh 1.1.2
Practical Indonesian-Korean-English Dictionary with36,000wordsKamus deh is the most useful dictionary for you tofindIndonesianwords that match the words in Englsih and Koreanandvice-versaKamus deh has almost all Malay-Indonesian words thatyouwant tofind. PLUS! You can even get the information ofKoreanRestaurantsin and near Jakarta !!! PLUS PLUS!! Kamus deh canbeused withoutInternet connection. Kamusdeh adalah aplikasikamusoffline untukmenerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa InggrisatauBahasa Koreadan sebaliknya. Kamusdeh juga dilengkapidenganinformasi tentangrestoran Korea yang terkenal di jakarta.Maupintar Bahasa Inggrisdan bahasa Korea, pakailah Kamusdeh.
Korean-Russian Dictionary 2.6.3
Korean - Russian dictionary, with words, example sentences andaword trainer
English Chinese Translation 23.5.5
English and Chinese online fast translation, a good helperfortravel exchange
Korean-Vietnamese Translator 2.3.1
Translator from Korean to Vietnamese and from Vietnamese to Korean
中印尼翻译 | 印尼语翻译 | 印尼语词典 | 中印尼互译 1.0.26
hhll tools
A Chinese-Chinese dictionary software that supportstranslationbetween China and Indonesia, real-time translation andonlinetranslation.
Learn Indonesian | Indonesian 22.2.9
Quickly learn Indonesian everyday vocabulary and phrases, simpleandpractical
English Korean Dictionary 10.2.5
Both English to Korean and Korean to English Dictionary Offline