Top 27 Apps Similar to Watts Amps Volts Calculator

Prime Calc 0.6
PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator - 70functions,20mathematical constants and up to six variables - Newfunctionsandconstants can be defined by the user - Supports complexnumbers-Matrices, vectors, sets and calculations on them -Solvesthemathematical equations - Calculate the integrals andderivatives-Step-by-step calculations - And many moreSupportedfunctions,operators, and mathematical constants:Arithmetic:Operators +, -,×, ÷, % x^n - nth power of x √(x) -Square root of x√(n, x) - nthroot of x ln(x) - Natural logarithm ofx log(x) -Logarithm of x tobase 10 log(n, x) - Logarithm of x tobase n∑(f(x), imin, imax) -Summation of f(x) from imin to imax∏(f(x),imin, imax) - Productof f(x) from imin to imaxMathematicalanalysis: ∫(f(x)) -Indefinite integral of f(x) ∫(f(x),xmin, xmax)- Definite integralof f(x) from xmin to xmax ∂(f(x)) -Derivativeof f(x) lim(f(x), c)- Limit of f(x) when x approaches cEquationsolving:Representation of polynomial - x^2+3x-2=0 = -Polynomialequationoperator Numerical Functions: m mod n - Remainderof m ÷ ngcd(m,n) - Greatest common divisor of m and n lcm(m, n) -Leastcommonmultiple of m and n abs(n) - Absolute value of nround(n) -Integerclosest to n frac(n) - Fractional part of nfloor(n) - Floorvalueof n ceil(n) - Ceiling value of n Complexnumbers:Representation -5+2i re(c) - Real part of complex number cim(c) -Imaginary partof complex number c Statistics: median([a]) -Medianof [a]gmean([a]) - Geometric mean of [a] amean([a]) -Arithmeticmean of[a] randi(n) - Random integer from 0 to n randr -Randomreal from0 to 1 Number theory: harmonicN(n) - nthharmonicnumberCombinatorics: n! - Factorial of n binomial(n, k)-Binomialcoefficient multinomial(n1, n2, ...) -MultinomialcoefficientcatalanN(n) - nth Catalan number fibonacci(n)- nthFibonaccinumber Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x),tan(x)sec(x),csc(x), cot(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x),acot(x)Hyperbolicfunctions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)arsinh(x),arcosh(x),artanh(x) Matrixes: Representation -[[1,2],[3,4]][m1]⋅[m2] -Product of [m1] and [m2] tran([m]) -Transpose [m]ctran([m]) -Conjugate and transpose [m] inverse([m]) -Invert [m]det([m]) -Determinant of [m] tr([m]) - Trace of [m]mpow([m], n) -nth matrixpower of [m] Number sets: Representation -[1,2]union([a1], [a2])- Union of two sets intersec([a1], [a2])-Intersection of two setsmax([a]) - Largest element of [a]min([a])- Smallest element of[a] Constants: π - Number Pi e -Euler'snumber i - Imaginary unit∞ - Infinity γ - Euler–MascheroniconstantG - Catalan's constant A- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant φ -Goldenratio κ - Khinchin'sconstant C₂ - Twin prime constant ζ₃ -Apéry'sconstant B₄ - Brun'sconstant for prime quadruplets B₂ -Brun'sconstant for twin primesEB - Erdős–Borwein constant δ -Feigenbaumfirst constant α -Feigenbaum second constants BL -Legendre'sconstant M₁ -Meissel–Mertens constant
Hydraulic System Calculator 3.7
The app helps with calculations when designing a completeHydraulicSystem
Unit Converter All In One & Currency Conversion 2.21
If you are not good at conversions of one unit to another, hereisthe solution in the form of best unit converter app 2020-Bestunitsconversion wizard. This Unit Converter-All in One ProCurrencyConverter is accurate unit converter calculator orconversioncalculator app. This is very handy and useful unitcalculatorconversion app free to make unit conversions like areaconverterapp for area conversions, weight converter app forweightconversions, Imperial to metric converter app for imperialtometric conversions and many more. Enjoy converting with newunitsconversion wizard free for android and convert anything.Sometimesimperial to metric conversions and area units conversionconfuseyou; now don’t worry while doing conversions by virtue ofbest unitconverter calculator app 2020.This new measurementconverter appand currency calculator is here to help convert unitssuch as areaunits in your desired measurement conversions or SIconversionunits. The Scientific conversions will make your lifeeasier toconvert scientific units in labs very easily. By NewmeasurementConverter app, imperial units to metric units and metricunits toimperial units can be converted far more precisely.Download thebest unit converter-New unit calculator app tocalculate units ofmeasurements precisely. The feature thatdistinguishes this UnitConverter-All in One Pro Currency Converteris its ability toconvert not only the necessary unit but onecurrency to anotherwith latest currency rates. The standardconversions calculator appwill help you in daily life like landconversions by area unitsconverter app, cooking conversions or timeconversions in timeconvertor and helps to determine foreign moneyexchange ratesthrough currency calculator converter as well. Notonly thisconvertor asset can be saved and shared for further use inbestweight converter app 2020. Get ready to have the bestunitconversion calculator for accurate and precise unit conversion..This forex rate calculator can be used for offline conversionsandis updated daily with the new exchange rates. Categoriesincludedin this unit convertor-Unit calculator converter are:GeneralConversions in unit convertor are: i) Area Conversions ii)CookingConversions iii) Currency Conversions iv) Fuel Conversionsv)Length Conversions vi) Speed Conversions vii) TemperateConversionsviii) Time Conversions ix) Volume Conversions x) WeightConversionsScientific Conversions in New Unit convertor app: i)AngleConversions ii) Energy Conversions ii) Data Unit Conversionsiv)Power Conversions v) Pressure Conversions vi) Speed ConversionsHowto use convertor app: 1. Download the Unit Converter All in OneProCurrency Converter 2020 from store. 2. Open the simplemeasurementconverter app. 3. Choose the category of unit conversionwizardfree. 4. Convert the measurements to units which you require.5.You can also convert one currency to another by bestcurrencyconverter calculator app. Features:  Easy to use unitconvertercalculator.  Simple and convenient user interface forfastmeasurements.  Eye catchy graphics of best convert unit app2020. Precise and accurate unit converter calculator app.  Bestunitconverter calculator - all in one with currency converter free.More than 30 categories for unit conversion. Conversioncalculator for weight conversion, metric conversion,imperialconversion etc.  Accurate conversion chart in fastconversioncalculator app.  Various important conversions such aspressureconverter and area converter.  Free unit converter appwith shareand save features in new units conversion wizard.  Freeunitcalculator with online conversion length within a few taps. Byvirtue of this best all in one pro unit converter, youcancalculate measurements of foreign money exchange. DownloadUnitConverter - All in One Pro-weight Converter app!
Electrical Calculations 9.2.1
This app is essential for an electrician
Instrumentation & Automation 2.21
Application for specialists in instrumentation and automation
TXV Superheat Tuner 2.1.0
Danfoss A/S
Take the guesswork out of your superheat adjustments.TXVSuperheatTuner, part of the Danfoss CoolApps Toolbox,enablesservicetechnicians and HVAC installers to optimize superheatwithjust oneor two adjustments on most thermostatic expansionvalves.What usedto take hours now takes you only minutes. Simplyentersome basicinformation about the system you are working on, andtheTXVSuperheat Tuner app will provide you withvalve-specificadjustmentrecommendations. Using this information,you can optimizea coolingsystem in less than 15 minutes and boostits energyefficiency. Theresult: your customer saves money onenergy costsand you winrepeat business. TXV Superheat Tuner uses aset ofadvancedalgorithms to make its optimizationrecommendations.Thesealgorithms, developed and approved by some ofthe bestengineers atDanfoss, take multiple factors intoconsideration,beyond the basicsensitivity of each valve. You nolonger need touse manuals andpressure-temperature conversion toolsto performtrial and erroradjustments. TXV Superheat Tuner enablesyou to makepreciseadjustments from the start, saving you time anddelivering abetterresult. Support For app support, please use thein-appfeedbackfunction found in the app settings or send [email protected] Engineering Tomorrow Danfossengineersadvancedtechnologies that enable us to build a better,smarter andmoreefficient tomorrow. In the world’s growing cities,we ensurethesupply of fresh food and optimal comfort in our homesandoffices,while meeting the need forenergy-efficientinfrastructure,connected systems and integratedrenewable energy.Our solutionsare used in such areas asrefrigeration, airconditioning, heating,motor control and mobilemachinery. Ourinnovative engineeringdates back to 1933 and today,Danfoss holdsmarket-leadingpositions, employing 28,000 people andservingcustomers in morethan 100 countries. We are privately heldby thefounding family.Read more about us at TermsandConditions applyfor use of the app.
Electrical Cost 5.0.6
Calculation of theoretical energy spending based on power usedbyappliances.
Percentage 1.3.1
Simple percentage calculator.
Field service report 1.1.70
Register your field service report, define hours goals forthemonth, year
Unit Converter PRO 1.41
2000+ units in 90 categories. High quality. Favorite categoriesandunits.
Ref Tools 6.29.0
Danfoss A/S
The all-in-one mobile app for air conditioning andrefrigerationtechnicians
ElectriCalc Pro Calculator 10.4.7
The ElectriCalc® Pro for Android from Calculated Industries.
Lighting Calculations 5.4.3
All calculations concerning the lighting
AutomateIt Pro - Automate task 4.0.286
Turn your smartphone into a genius-phone!
Resistor calculation 3.1.30
Calculate the value or color code of a resistor
SLD | Electrical diagrams 3.54
Easily draw single-line electrical diagrams
Calculator for oil enhanced 1.9.8
Oilcalcs just got better! Now also calculates using table53(A,B,D).
The BITZER REFRIGERANT RULER enables easy and fastdeterminationofrefrigerant data. The app contains allcommonrefrigerants,including key fluid properties, safetygroupinformation, globalwarming potential (GWP), ozonedepletionpotential (ODP), andinformation on choice of oil type forthecompressor. Furthermore,additional information onrefrigerants,links to relevant onlinedocuments and otherinformation aredisplayed (under "More..." inthe menu bar). The toolprovides anintuitive user interface foreasy andaccuratetemperature-to-pressure conversion, whileallowing easy useandswitching between different metric (SI) andimperial (IP)units(under "Settings"). // CURRENTLY AVAILABLEREFRIGERANTS // ▸The appcontains data and information on morethan 100 natural andsyntheticrefrigerants, which can also bepreselected by filterfunctions(under "Search"). ▸ For comparisonpurposes and also forpracticaluse in service and operation ofolder existing systems,informationon previously usedrefrigerants, which may have beenaffected byusage restrictions,are also provided. // MAIN FUNCTIONS// ▸ Searchfilters andfavourites: Under the navigation item"Search" or viapredetermined"Search filters" or manual entry in thetext field theappropriaterefrigerant can be found and, ifnecessary, added to thefavouritesby tapping the "star symbol". Witha simple touch on theselectedrefrigerant, the slider for thepressure-temperatureconversion isdisplayed. ▸ Ruler: By means of aslider, the valuesof pressure,dew and boiling (bubble) temperatures(temperatureglide resultingfrom the difference) for the selectedrefrigerantcan bedetermined. Pressure and temperature values canalso beenteredmanually - either by tapping on the respective fieldor viathesymbol "123". When installing the app overpressurevaluesarepreset. With this setting, the atmospheric pressure canbeenteredeither manually on the upper ruler or via the"barometersymbol" tocorrect the pressure values. A change toabsolutepressure valuesis possible under "Settings", theatmosphericpressure correctionis then inactive. Further function:By tappingon the refrigerantname, direct access to "Search"(refrigerant listand searchfilters) is also possible. ▸ Settings:Under this menuallimportant parameters for the determination oftheatmosphericpressure as well as for temperature and pressurevaluescan beadjusted. Other functions allow for a change todefaultsettingsand a repeated display of the “Tutorials” in therulerview. ▸Automatic Barometer: The app offers the possibilitytodeterminethe current altitude above sea level and/or theactualatmosphericpressure to correct the corresponding dew andbubbletemperaturesin case of overpressure settings. Depending ontheconfiguration,the analysis for the location in questionisoptionally carried outautomatically via GPS or barometer ifthecorresponding terminalhas the aforementioned sensors.Manuallyentering the atmosphericpressure or correction is possibleasdescribed under “Slidercontrol”. ▸ Temperature /pressure:Temperature and pressure unitscan be freely selected andcombined,if necessary, a mix of SI andIP units is possible as well.Foroverpressure (or negativepressure) bar (g) or psig / inHg canbeselected. In the Settingpsig / inHg displays theoverpressurevalues in "psig" and thenegative pressure values in"negative inHg"(e.g., -7.5 inHg). ▸Further information onrefrigerants: Generaland additionalinformation can be found underthe information symbol"i" in theheader next to the refrigerantname. These include, forexample,GWP and ODP values for therefrigerants, safety group,chemicalcomposition or components inmixtures, CAS number,molecularweight, triple and boiling (bubble)points, criticaltemperature,critical pressure and information onthe type of oilfor thecompressor.
Convert Units Plus 1.3
Alan Mrvica
Convert Units Plus - Unit & Currency Converter - Metric&Imperial
Trouble Shooter 4.0.0
Danfoss A/S
The Trouble Shooter is based on the popularandinformative Fitters Notes that you can find on theDanfosswebsite is available to download as part of the DanfossCoolApp™library, which already includes the very successfulRefrigerantSlider. Trouble Shooter gives you instant access toknowledge aboutrefrigeration applications and their functionssupporting your dayto day work when servicing your customers’systems.How to useWhen starting up Trouble Shooter, you will be presented toarefrigeration system divided into four main areas: lowpressure,high pressure, compressor and liquid line components. Youselect anarea and next you will be able to search symptoms in thesystem.Once correct symptom is identified you will be presentedtopossible causes of this symptom and procedures required tocorrectit. It’s easy to move back and forward between thesymptom/causeand remedy pages.Trouble Shooter’s database is available at all times and doesnotrequire Wi-Fi to give full app functionality.Engineering TomorrowDanfoss engineers technologies that enable the world of tomorrowtodo more with less. We meet the growing need forinfrastructure,food supply, energy efficiency and climate-friendlysolutions. Ourproducts and services are used in areas such asrefrigeration, airconditioning, heating, motor control and mobilemachinery. We arealso active in the field of renewable energy aswell as districtheating infrastructure for cities and urbancommunities. Ourinnovative engineering dates back to 1933 and todayDanfoss is aworld-leader, employing 22,500 employees and servingcustomers inmore than 100 countries. We are still privately held bythefounding family. Read more about us at Trouble Shooter (“the Application”) is provided on an “asis”and “as available” basis for the intended purposes as determinedbyDanfoss only and any use hereof is at the user’s sole risk.TheApplication and results and information generated therebycannotsubstitute technical advice but must be verified by the user,theyare not promises and should not be relied on as accurate dataoranalyses.Danfoss disclaims all warranties and conditions regardingtheApplication, whether express, implied, or statutory, including,butnot limited to, conditions of merchantability,satisfactoryquality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracyandnon-infringement of third parties’ rights. Danfoss does notwarrantthat the Application will meet your requirements or thattheoperation hereof will be uninterrupted or error-free.To the extent not prohibited by law, in no event shall Danfossbeliable for any direct, special, indirect or consequentialdamages,whatsoever, including, without limitation, damage toproperty,damages for loss of savings or profits, or loss of dataarising outof any use of the Application.App support [email protected] visit for more information andcontactdetails.For more information about local support pleasevisit
Series/Parallel Resistors 3.3.30
Peter Ho
Find out combination of resistors in series/parallel makingadesired resistance
Mobile electrician 5.1
Basic electrical calculations on your mobile phone.
Meters reading 3.41
Simão Lúcio
Read your water, gas or electricity meter and calculateyourconsumption
LED Resistor Calculator & SMD 2.64
All in one app with the tools you need to work with LEDs,Resistorsand SMD LEDs
Filter Calculator (RC, RL, LC, 1.5
GDV Project
Application for calculation of RC, RL, LC and RLCelectricalcircuits
Units Plus Converter 1.1
Alan Mrvica
Best Unit and Currency Converter App With Imperial, Metric,Weight,Length, Area