Top 7 Apps Similar to 孕婦小知識

自然發音速成寶典, 正體中文版 1.76
胎動〜陣痛時計 2.2
Aine LLC.
Cute illustrations Quickening counter labor Clock app. Withtheclick of a button, you can easily record.
Chinese Medicine Life 1.10
This software is designed to facilitate the need to query theusersof traditional Chinese medicine. The most content of softwarecomesfrom the Internet, books, and Chinese medicine practitioners,allcontent just for reference only; If the disease-relatedissuesplease contact the nearest to seek Chinese medicinepractitionersfor medical treatment, please do not to delay thedisease. Thestarting point of this software is not purelyprofit-makingpurposes, and the software from advertising revenuewill be donatedto charitable organizations. The exchange foradvertising revenuereceipts will from time to time posted on thewebsite, thanks foryour selfless sponsorship. If you have furthercooperation needsplease contact us by [email protected] Website: ReferenceSource:
大家學標準日本語:中級本 2.4.2
The intermediate level plans to develop the necessary stylesandconversations for the development of Japanese proficiency, withthegoal of mastering verb changes, combining style expressions,andexpanding the possibilities of conversation, entering themostcritical verb changes, combining forms of verbs, and movingtowardsmore diversified expressions!  
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
280days: Pregnancy Diary 3.2.7
Enjoy the gestation period build a pregnancy record &pregnancydiary in couple!
小熊美术 3.5.2
小熊美术是为全球少儿提供系统性美术专业课程的智能教育平台,遵从孩子的天性,采用人工智能技术,在学习过程中充满互动性与趣味性。以提升孩子的兴趣、知识百科、专注力为先导,来让孩子用画画认识世界。【全新模式趣味互动】 趣味动画教学加实景互动,个性化调整学习路线。 【专业老师同步辅导】专属老师一对一加点评,懂孩子更懂美术。【科学系统的教学方法】 场景化+生活化+游戏化设计,激发孩子的自主绘画兴趣。【立体化学习效果保障】丰富教具+课后练习+跟踪测评,稳定提高绘画技法。 【多元化的趣味教学随材】让孩子亲自动手操作,练习、巩固学习内容。