Top 21 Apps Similar to Predictive Numerology HD

Numerology Energies Calculator
Learn more about yourself, yourfriends,family, your lover or your boss ;)You deserve to know yourself and know your capabilities. Thisisthe most complete numerology calculator on the market.Calculateall your numbers and also thepsycho-energetic-informational matrix(matrix known also asPythagoras Matrix). Also you receive someexplanations about thesignificance of numbers right in theapp.All numerology numbers calculated:*Birth Vibration*Expression Number*Cosmic Number*Interior Vibration*Exterior Vibration*Active Number*Hereditary Number*Dominant Number*Karmic NumberPsycho-energetic-informational matrix contains:*Character*Energy*Memory*Body Health*Intuition*Practicability*Talent*Sense of duty*Mental StateYou really deserve to know yourself from numbersperspective!
Numerology 1.5
Vivek Tiwari
Numerology is any belief in divine,mysticalorother special relationship between a number andsomecoincidingevents. It has many systems and traditions andbeliefs.Numerologyand numerological divination by systems such asisopsephywerepopular among early mathematicians, but are nolongerconsideredpart of mathematics and are regarded aspseudomathematicsorpseudoscience by modern scientists.Today, numerology is often associated with theparanormal,alongsideastrology and similar divinatory arts.Despite the long history of numerological ideas,theword"numerology" is not recorded in English before c.1907.The term numerologist is also used derogatorily forthoseperceivedto place excess faith in numerical patterns(anddrawscientifically unsound inferences from them), even ifthosepeopledo not practice traditional numerology. For example, inhis1997book Numerology: Or What PythagorasWrought,mathematicianUnderwood Dudley uses the term todiscusspractitioners of theElliott wave principle of stockmarketanalysis.Support Features-* Expression Number* Heart Desire Number* Love Attitude* Personality
Numerology Calculator Readings 7.7.0
Learn Interesting Facts About Yourself - Daily Horoscope&Numerology Readings!
Numerology Calculator 1.16
Numerology is the easiest of the occultartsand is easy to understand and use. All that is needed is thebirthdate and the complete name of an individual to unlock all ofthesecrets that the numbers hold and then the future course oftheindividual can be derived from it. All about numerology,numbers,1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, expression number, life pathnumber,destiny number, soul urge number, soul urge number,number.Multiple numerology tests and numerology calculator makes it amusthave app. tool for immediate reference.
Numerology App 2.1.2
Ashok Prakash
Every Human Being has a Lucky Number withtheirname and for their Birth. The chakras which is shown inthisapplication is inscribed in the old form of Numerologycheckingmethod, which is from the yantras. You can check youraccurateanalysis from this application. Don't miss to check foryour familymembers and lead a happy life.Check for updates as well!!Thank you
Birthday Numerology 1.14
Birthday Numerology calculator / Forecast for all days in an year
Numerology 1.0
The App, NUMEROLOGY, helps you know about how to know your LIFEPATHNUMBER. Just a click away to know about yourself. A click on“LET’SGO”, a wide ranging information about your character isawaiting foryou to respond.
Numerology Predictions 1.6
Andro Develpr
This is an application with which user can use this findthenumerology predictions for their Date Of Birth, 2014 SunSignPredictions, 2014 Numerology Predictions. User is provided withallthe necessary things to enter their DOB and can decide whethertheyhave to find the Birth date predictions/Life pathnumberpredictions. Both are associated for the same BIRTH DATE.User isprovided with the button, which is at the right side of thewhitetext box as shown in the above screenshot, click on thatbutton andenter your Date Of Birth and then check for bothLifePathpredictions and Birth Date predictions. Also you can checkfor theyear 2014’s numerology predictions and 2014’s Sun SignPredictionsWith this application the future is no more a mysteryalso all yourdifficult days will be no more. Just read this andfollow simpleguidelines mentioned there and you will see fruitfulresults inyour life and will taste the success. One should neverforget thathard work is the main key to success. If I say you willwin alottery of 1crore and if you don’t even try to buy a lotterythenyou won’t get, this is as simple as that. So therefore effortmustbe there from your side in reaching your goal, this will justguideyou by making things simpler by telling what are the thingsthatare favorable to you are and what are not. So never forget toworkhard in your life, use this just for guidance. ImportantNotice:The predictions mentioned here are general predictions whicharemade considering the time in which it is written and otherfewthings related to numerology, so this will be 100% true for fewandvice versa for few. True predictions can be made byconsideringyour kundli, the time you going to ask the question,current day,current planetary positions as per your kundli,sometimes have tosee palmistry to understand how your mind thinkingand all. Here Ihave just general predictions. If you have anyqueries please donot hesitate to reach me at [email protected] do notforget to give the feedback. This will help me a lotin makingthings much better. Thanks and have wonderful life to all.KeyWords: Numerology, Predictions, Astrology, AstroPredictions,Numerology Predictions, Kundli,
Numerus - Numerology 1.2
Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner inwhichthey reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, asanintegral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numericvaluethat provides a related cosmic vibration. Numerus it's an appthatpermits you to find the numbers of your life. The sum ofthenumbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived fromtheletters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.Thesenumbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life,whatmotivates, and where talents may lie.
Numerology 1.0
DSK Bank
Нумерологията е традиционна система от вярвания в мистичнатаилиезотерична връзка между числата и принципите, върху коитоепостроен света, закономерностите които го движат и проекциятаначислата в живота на хората. Тя води началото си отдревногръцкиямислител, философ и математик Питагор. Вашият личеннумерологиченхороскоп се пресмята въз основа на текущата дата иВашата рожденадата. За разлика от останалите хороскопи Нумерологияе базирана нанумерологични принципи. Освен рожденото числоНумерология изчислявачислото на Вашето име, неговото значение,„стрелите на Питагор” иинформация за „пирамидите на зрелостта”.
Money Numerology Report Chart 1.0
In numerology, each number has a energythatcan indicate how a person will deal with wealth andfinancialissues throughout their lives.Knowing the energy of each number and how it influencesandinteracts with Richness can give you some clues as to yourownmoney-making potential.Features include:You can conduct Money Numerology ReadingFree Numerology readingNumerology chartFree numerology ReportNumerology calculatorAstrology numerologyNumerology and horoscopeZodiac & Numerology PredictionPsychic Numerology Reading HoroscopeAstrology Zodiac NumerologyAlong with this, you can conduct reading for-Numerology Psychic ReadingNumerology PredictionsName NumerologyNumerology 2016Numerology Love CompatibilityBirthday Birth date Numerology
Numerology 2.0
Numerology analyse the inserted names anddatesto discover clues about the individual's characteristicsandcompitability with his/her partners.This is thought to reflect the person's true innerself,encompassing ambitions and motivations, judgment andattitudes, andfeelings.Although a persons name may change over the course of alifetime,the birth date is constant. That is why the analyzer isdevelopedto define individual`s characteristics and/orcompitability withhis/her partner, based on the both name and birthdatesinformation.
Vedic Numerology Lite 5.0
Features:- Name Number- Psyche Number (Full Version)- Destiny Number (Full Version)- Email results (Full Version)- Provides numbers, planet, day, color, gems,metal,friends,enemies, compatible numbers (marriage, romance,business)etc...Numerology is the psychic art and science ofinterpretinghownumbers influence our lives and destinies.Numerology has beenusedsince ancient times as a key to observingand understandinghumandestiny.Indian vedic numerology uses numbers as a key tohumanbehavior.All objects of the material world are related to thenineplanets.Vedic numerology is a sacred study as it enables onetolook deeplyinto the wheel of karma and adjust our attitudeandbehavior in theworld.Your NUMBER IS UP!!! So, don't delay gathering knowledgeinthisbrilliant tool.According to Indian Numerology, each of us has threenumbersthatare the most relevant:- Psyche Number: The psyche number reveals the way youlookatyourself. It is what you really want to be and whatdefinesyourbasic character. It represents your basicpredispositionsandtalents that lead you to interact daily in aparticularway.- Destiny Number: The destiny number indicates how you areviewedbythe world and is related to your samskaras -vibrationalpatternsacquired by past actions, or karma. It is alsothe youthat otherpeople see, especially if they do not know youverywell. And as youlearn the lessons in this life you will tendtotake on more of thecharacteristics of your destiny number.Although both psyche and destiny numbers areimportantthroughoutlife, between the ages of thirty-five and fortythepsyche numberrecedes in influence while the destiny numberbecomesmoresignificant.- Name Number: The name number is most importantinyourrelationships with other people and you can have more thanonenamenumber if people are addressing you with differentnames.Changingyour name and thus your name number may enhancecertainqualitiesof your psychic and destiny numbers or avoidconflictbetweenthem.
Your Numerologist 1.13
With this application you can learnwhatyourSpace Commitment. Your Numerologist will show you whatisyourdestination number, which can be calculated on the basisofdate ofbirth. It determines what your abilities and talents,whichis goodfor you and what you should avoid. The discovery ofthemeaning ofnumbers will allow you to better understand yourself,tobetterexploit the potential inherent in you and avoid thedangersthatlie in your nature. Explore the power ofnumerology!
Free Me Numerology 1.2
Clarity=Power"I would like to change and take actions that wouldimprovethequality of my life. The problem is I'm unclear aboutthechallengesI need to overcome!" This is a typical story ofthetroubled personin competitive world.Use this app to get thorough clarity about the challengesyouneedto overcome in this lifetime to experience Success,Peace,Happiness,Health. Wealth and Wisdom.Once you have the clarity, you will have a choicetotakecorrective actions.Remember, more the clarity more actions you can take.Themoreactions you take, the more results you'll have--makingyousuccessful in life.For more details visit:
Birth Date Meaning numerology 2.0
sex prank
The birth date number is the sum ofyourbirthdate numbers and explains the nature of your existence.Thebirthdate number is also called psychic number and rulingnumber.It isthe best place to start for a better understandingofyourselfthrough numerology.The birth date number meaning indicates compatibility,harmonicsandaffiliate number of people. It also indicates yourluckydates,months, days, colours and harmonic numbers.Numerology and astrology deals with the nine major planetsSun,Moon,Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Marsandtheircharacteristic features. Each one of these nine planetsisassignednumbers ranging from 1 to 9, depending on whichplanetvibrates towhich number.Numbers from your birth date and name could bedifferent.Birthnumber is given more importance than Name number anditisadvisable in numerology that you choose a name that isinharmonywith your birth date number except for birth number 4and8.
Karmic Numerology 2
Know yourself through your date of birth! Excellentreports.Keepreading this report daily to become like that andfulfill onyourdestiny. Use the report to strengthen your resume.Use thesamereport to focus on converting weak points intopositivestrengths.Use the software to know strengths and weaknessesofpeople in yourlife. When visited weekly once, this serves asanexcellentreminder to focus on learning areas that need tobestrengthened.Use these reports to consciously transformyourselffor betterrelationships and achieve high level of successin yourlife
Numerology P12.T.3
Practice your numerology.
Horosoft (Astrology Software) 3.10
Astrology. Free Indian Astrology software by Triple-SSoftware(HOROSOFT ) English and Hindi Language Support ( अंग्रेजीऔरहिन्दीभाषा उपलब्ध ) Free Astrology App , horoscope appMainFeatures : *Accurate Calculations , Wide database ofGeographicalregions withDST time. * Reliable predictions fromHorosoft ( Since1986 ) *Yearly Predictions ( वार्षिक भविष्यवाणियां) *Interpretation ofplanets ( ग्रहों की व्याख्या ) * Sadesatidetails( Saturn TransitResults) ( विवरण (शनि पारगमन परिणाम) ) *NumerologyCalculations (अंक ज्योतिष गणना ) * Numerology Predictions( अंकज्योतिष व्याख्या) * Lalkitab Chart ( लाल किताब चार्ट ) *LalkitabRemedies ( लालकिताब उपाय ) * Dasha Prediction (दशाभविष्यवाणी) * KPSystem *Ascendent Chart * Nirayana Bhav Chart *Significators *PrimeSignificators * Aspects * Vimshottari Dashaupto Pran Dasha.*Prashari System * Avakahada Chakra * Ghat Chakra *Lucky Numbers*Shodash Varga Charts * Vimshottari Dasha * MatchMaking. *BasicDetails of Male-Female * Ascendent Chart * NavmanshaChart*Vimshottari Dasha Calculations * Match Result ( Points )*MatchResult ( Analysis )
Purpose Numerology 1.2
Find your "Purpose of Life" using this Numerology App.AlsocheckoutOpportunities in your LIFE in the current year! Gethintsabout thesuitable Career for you. Keep this Life-long Goalinexistence byreading it daily! Act consistent with YourLifePurpose toexperience 100% Success. This Numerology App is aresultof over 2decades of Research in Numerology--the OccultScience byShandilyaSushilkumar Mahadeoprasad, the MasterNumerologist. Hehas so farconsulted over 10,000 delighted customersworldwide. Theotherpopular Apps on Numerology by Mr. Shandilyainclude:PredictiveNumerology, Karmic Numerology and LoveCompatibilityNumerology. Doremember to visit Alsolike his FBpage at You canconnect to him onWhatsAppat +91.9900063216
Birth Numerology Check 1.0
ItCato Ltd
The Birth Numerology Check app offeredbyITCATO gives you with insightful and heavily funny statusandpredictions about you. Find out what your birthday, your nicenameand your shirt says about you.Your birthday number is one of your core numbers of life. Lookupwhat your birthday says about you. Birthday number indicateswhichskills you possess, as well as any challenges you may needtoovercome. Both are gifts that will help you along youlife’spath.Open the tub of suspense behind your birthday, name andshirtsand cheer up and share it with your friends.Use Birth Numerology Check application for getting thebestmeaning and status behind your name, birthday and shirt color.Findout what your mood is stated by Birth Numerology Check.Features:★★★ Share the suspense behind your name★★★ Share the suspense behind your birth date★★★ Share the suspense behind your birth month★★★ Share the suspense behind your shirt color