Top 22 Apps Similar to Personalized GPA Calculator

Grade Tracker Pro (Free!) 4.96
Track and predict your grades while managing your Assignments&Schedule. Free!
GPA Calculator 1.1
Jon Merwine
Simple, yet dynamic application that allowsyouto track your GPA for several semesters. Add course titles,creditsand grades and seamlessly move from semester to semester.Projectchanges in grades at the click of a button, and forecasthow youthink the next semester may turn out!
GPA Calculator 3.4
The easist way to calculate your GPA, for free!
High School GPA Calculator 1.1
Craig Kaeding
The only GPA Calculator specificallydesignedfor high school students! The simplistic interface of thisappmakes calculating your GPA as easy as possible. Calculate asmanyas 20 different grades!
Grade Calculator (GPA)
This application is for managingyourgrade.Below are new features implemented from feedback of users.1. Password2. Change font size with pinch-to-zoom3. put 0.5-based gradeNext Update.: exporting and importing courses.
Degree Planner: GPA Calculator 2.0.1
Jesse Norris
This is more than a simple GPA Calculator.Usethis to achieve your college goals.This is one of the most feature rich GPA Calculator apps onthePlay Store. You add semesters and then it shows you your GPAforthat semester, your cumulative GPA, and how many credits andgradepoints you currently have. You can mark a courses grade asinprogress so it doesn't affect your GPA scores.It stores all your data, so no need to ever reenter yourgrades.All saved courses can be easily changed or deleted. With theproversion all your data is backed up to the cloud, andautomaticallysyncs with all of your Android devices.The Assignments feature allows you to track the individualgradesyou get in a course. With this information it will tell youthelowest grade you can make overall, the current by using theaverageof your grades, and the highest grade you can make.With the Degree Plan feature you can track what courses youstillneed to take before getting your degree. Enter the coursesneeded toget a certain degree, and as you add courses in asemester the appwill automatically mark the course in your DegreePlan as taken.From there you're able to see what courses you stillneed to take.When adding a semester the course name will beauto-suggested fromyour courses that have yet to be taken.With the pro version you can keep track of multipleDegreePlans.Have a hard time remembering your class schedule? WiththeSchedule feature you can easily enter the locations, times,anddays that each of your classes meet for the semester. Nomoredigging through your binder to find your schedule.With the GPA Calculator available you can easily see hownewcourses will affect your overall GPA without affecting yoursaveddata. Have a 2.8 GPA and want to raise it to a 3.5? Usethiscalculator to see how many A's you need to obtain for thattohappen.Ads can be removed by purchasing the app called DegreePlannerPro Key. This is only a key to enable the pro version. Bothappsmust be kept installed for it to work.Please take the time to contact me if there is something youdonot like about this app, and I will try to resolve the issue.All the permissions are required for syncing.
Finals Calculator 1
Simple app to calculate a minimum final graded requirement basedoncurrent grade, target grade, and final worth.
GPA & Final Exam Calculator 2.1
This app will calculate what score you need on your final examinorder to receive a certain grade in your course. It willalsocalculate your GPA! It will also SAVE your GPA forfuturecalculations! You will enter your grading scale for yourschool andthese values will be used to tell you what you need onyour final.You have the option of using the +/- system when settinggradingscale. The final grade calculator has two options. 1)Calculatebased on sections points values (ex. if your homework isworth 200points of total course points) 2) Calculate based onsectionpercent values (ex. if your homework is worth 20% of totalcoursepercentage) You have the option of adding as many sectionsasneeded. Like adding your other labs/midterms/quizzes etc... FortheGPA calculator you can enter as many courses as need as wellashave the option to calculate your cumulative GPA. If youhavecalculated your GPA from previous terms, you can add thistermscourses to that GPA value and calculate your currentcumulativeGPA. You also have the option of how to weight your gradevaluepoints by thirds ('A-' = 3.33, 'B+' = 2.66), fourths('A-' =3.25,'B+' = 2.75), or you can now set your own CUSTOM WEIGHTS!NEW!!!Ability to enter grades for term and then save that term forfuturecalculations! Enter a term name and course names for easyreferencelater! See screenshots! if you have anysuggestions/comments pleaseemail [email protected]
COMSATS Calculator 1.2
Easy app to calculate your meritforadmission,GPA and CGPA. Not the most feature rich applicationbutone of theeasiest to use!If you're looking for a great, Simple merit, GPA andCGPAcalculatorwith just enough features to avoid overwhelming youthenlook nomore. This is perfect app for you.
GPA Calculator 1.3.3
Calculate your GPA within seconds with this app even with yourownunique scale!
My GPA 1.1
My GPA application allows you to compute your university gpa inaneasy way without putting limits on how many courses you add.Also,it allows you to convert between different gpa systems and allofthat is within a click of a button.features:* Add as many courses as you want* Compute your semester gpa and your cumulative gpa.* Convert your gpa between different gpa systems.
JPA - GPA Calculator 2.1.6
JPA was originally developed forJUSTstudentsand that’s how the name was chosen we just replaced thegwith a jthat is taken from JUST.JPA is a grading point average calculating application butnotanormal application and that’s because it provides a lotoffeatureslike sorting and searching your courses since it cankeeptrack ofyour courses and keep them stored, you can also savenotesand muchmuch more.Main Features:1.Calculate your semester average easily.2.Keep track of your courses which allow you to calculateyourtotalGPA easily.3.Do a lot of processing on your courses like:sorting,filtering,searching, and replacing.4.Easy to edit, add or even remove any course.5.Notes taking app.6.Easy to add, edit and remove your notes.Others:1-Click the course to increment the grade by one.2-Auto-save and auto-load.
Material Grade Calculator 1.1
Panda Antlers
Grade Calculator includes a weighted grade calculator, a totalgradecalculator, a GPA calculator (high school and college), and afinalgrade calculator. The GPA calculator also calculatescumulative GPA.This grade calculator can be used either tocalculate your currentgrades or predict your future grades,helping you to obtain yourdesired grades in the easiest waypossible. Features: - Beautifulmaterial design - Easy-to-use andintuitive user interface -Completely ad-free - Light or dark theme- Instructions on how touse each calculator - College and highschool GPA scales Get thoseA's! Grade calculator can help you keeptrack of all of your gradesin all classes whether you're incollege (university) or in highschool. It's the perfect app forall students in all schools.
GPA Hub (GPA Calculator) 2.4.0
Omal Perera
GPA Hub is simple but powerful applicationtocalculate your GPA. Rather than calculations, it helps tomanageall your results by Saving and let you to edit asyourdesire.- You can save your results under each year and semestername.- In a case of repeated exams, you can edit the saved resultsbyloading them again.- You can have your customized grading schema to calculateyourGPA.- Allows you to switch between Default and customized schema.- Graphically illustrates your GPA level and the Class that youhaveobtained.- Provides a simple report on results.- Totally free and no Ads
GPA calculator 1.5.1
GPA calculator program for Android devices
Easy Grade Calculator 1.1
Atx Tech
Easy Grade Calculator will help teachers, parents, and students ...
PSG Tech CGPA Calculator 7.1
Preparing for exams looks facile than compiling the scoretoderivethe final CGPA!? We are here to make your life simple.PSGTechCGPA Calculator is a one stop solution to cater your needs.Allyouhave to do is just enter your grades and there yougo!Simple,isn’t it? So download this app at once and calculateyourCGPA atease. Do rate us, as your reviews and feedback caninstigateus tohelp you better.
STC GPA Calculator 1.4
STC GPA Calculator is a calculator thathelpsyou calculate your GPA and CGPA. The calculatorcurrentlyimplements the United Kingdom,Nigerian and americangradingSystemsIt has three features- Calculate GPA : calculate you GPA and CGPA- Get Target Grade: gets you the minimum grade you need to getinall your courses to achieve a particular CGPA- GPA Converter: converts your gpa and tells you your classofdegree or honors
معدلك المعدل التراكمي-YourGPA
تطبيق معدلك لحساب المعدلالتراكميوالفصليالإصدار الثالث والمطورمميزات البرنامج:* حساب المعدل الفصلي الحالي.* حساب المعدل التراكمي.* حساب مجموع الساعات الدراسية.* حساب جميع النقاط الحاصل عليها.* مشاركة المعدل مع العائلة والأصدقاء* التعديل على إعدادات التطبيق* تصميم مميز* سهل الإستخدام* عند وجود أي ملاحظات الرجاء مراسلتنا علىالإيميلالموجودأدناة:[email protected] applicationofhighschool average to calculate the cumulative grade pointaverageandthird quarterly and Developer EditionThe program features:* Current quarterly rate calculation.* Cumulative rate calculation.* Calculate the total hours of study.* All Points account obtained.* Average share with family and friends* Amendment to Application Settings* Special design* User friendly* When there are any comments, please send us ane-mailaddressbelow:[email protected]
UET Calculator 1.2
Easy app to calculate your merit foradmission,GPA and CGPA. Not the most feature rich application butone of theeasiest to use!If you're looking for a great, Simple merit, GPA and CGPAcalculatorwith just enough features to avoid overwhelming you thenlook nomore. This is perfect app for you.
GPA Calculator 1.4.1
Calculate your GPA, with a Material Design interface! Keep trackofclasses, semesters, and see how your GPA changes from semestertosemester. GPA is calculated using the standard US 4.0system.Features: Unlimited amount of semesters with up to 6 classesineach semester. Unit weights. Trend report. Semester andclassdeletion and modification.
Pointo: GPA Calculator 1.3
Brent Hazman
A well-designed way to keep track of your grades and your GPA