Top 13 Apps Similar to Take Surveys for Cash Review

Cash Desk Pro 2.2.2
Tablet-Version: you looking for a cash desk app to support yoursmallbusiness? Or simply a cash desk app for your androidsmartphone?Then try CashDesk Pro. This app was designed to supportsellers intheir daily business.The appealing and supportive features include:• intuitive usability• appealing graphics• fast and effective navigation• up to eight different colors per button• integrated CRM• cash balance display• Import of Menus and displays• Organising tips• revenue display• short summary (can be switched off)• change calculation (can be switched off)• easy reversal of wrong input• export of revenue information into CSV format• user manual (free download)Cash Desk Pro is visually appealing and clearly designed togetan easy and concise overview on your smartphone. All functionsareeasy and and you can reach most through only one click.Buttons can be customised and configured to your needs.Theconfiguration is very simple and can be done without anypreviousexperience via simple long click to the correspondingbutton.Thanks to this, working with different menus is notrequired, whichwill save you a lot of time.CashDesk Pro can be operated intuitively and is thereforealmostentirely self-explaining. If you do need any support, afullexplanation is given in the user manual ( place great importance on easy usability for our users.Becauseof this, we have set up features such as modifying yoursettings,your selling summary or the change display so that theycan beeasily switched on or off and thus saves time. Wrong input,too,can easily be revered via a long click on thecorrespondingarticle. Therefore, time consuming searching andcancelling offeatures is not necessary with this app.Another important feature is the export of the revenues toCSVformat. This allows you to transfer your revenues to aspreadsheettool like Excel.If the app does not meet your expectations, you have theoptionof returning it to the GooglePlayStore within 2 hours ofpurchasingit. This gives you enough time to test all its functionswithoutcommiting to a buy. We highly value our customers´ opinion,whichis why we encourage you to give us your feedback and to giveit arating in the GooglePlayStore. Questions, feedback etc. mayalso bedirected to [email protected] hope you enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that thisappcontibutes to an easy, stress free work process for you!
QuickTapSurvey Offline Survey 8.5.2
Create beautiful surveys and forms in minutes! QuickTapSurveyistheonly survey app that lets you capture data anywhere,evenoffline.It’s the perfect solution for customer feedback,research,leadcapture, audits and interactive kiosks. In addition toagreatproduct, we’re a company known for our legendarycustomerservice.Our support superheroes will ensure you haveeverything youneed tomeet your objectives. See why we’re thehighest rated surveyapp,start your free trial today! HOW IT WORKS1) Sign up for afreeQuickTapSurvey account and CREATE a surveyonline. 2) Downloadyoursurvey to the QuickTapSurvey app and COLLECTresponsesanywhere. 3)Analyze, export and TAKE ACTION on survey datainreal-time. KEYBENEFITS - Replace paper forms, surveysandquestionnaires - Makedata collection easy, fast and engaging-Generate insightfulreports and take immediate action - Exportdatato Excel, CSV,Salesforce, MailChimp and other popular tools -Turnyour iPad intoa data capture kiosk - Built by engineers,designedby artists TRYIT FREE A QuickTapSurvey account is requiredto usethe app. Createa free account and try it now.
GoSurvey - Offline Survey 3.0.13
GoSurvey is a mobile & tablet based survey app to collectdataoffline
BizDrive® - Office Management 1.0.1
Vitas GmbH
BizDrive® isteinwebbasiertesOffice-Management-Tool für Freelancer,StartupsundKleinunternehmen.Um diese App verwenden zu können benötigen SieeinenaktivenBizDrive-Account®. Sie können kostenlos registrieren.Nach dem erfolgreichen Koppeln des SmartphonesmitIhremBizDrive®-Account erhalten Sie per Push immerzeitnahInformationenzu bevorstehenden Terminen, aktuellenAufgabenundBenachrichtigungen direkt auf das Smartphone und ggf.auch aufIhreAndroid-Smartwatch.Auch auf alle anderen Daten können Sie über dieAppschnellzugreifen. BizDrive® bietet Ihnen in der AnsichtfürmobileEndgeräte folgende Funktionen:- CRM : Kontaktverwaltung inkl. Kontaktchronik- FAKTURA : Angebote und Rechnungen betrachten- PROJEKTE : Projektdetails & -fortschritte einsehen- AUFGABEN : Aufgabenplanung mit Prioritäten- ZEITERFASSUNG : Arbeitszeiten protokollieren- KALENDER : Vollständige Terminverwaltung- NOTIZEN : Notiz- und Benachrichtigungssystem- PASSWORTMANAGER : Passwortverwaltung- FAHRTENBUCH : Protokollieren der Geschäftsfahrten- KASSENBUCH : Bargeldbewegungen mit Beleg erfassenMit BizDrive® sparen Sie sich viel Zeit und Geld, dennBizDrive®istsehr einfach zu bedienen und auf eigeneServer,Clientinstallationenoder Updates können Sie völligverzichten.Testen Sie jetzt den mehrfachen SiegerdesInnovationspreis-ITvöllig kostenlos und unverbindlich.Bei Fragen oder Schwierigkeiten hilft Ihnen gerneunserSupport([email protected]) weiter.BizDrive® isaweb-basedoffice management tool for freelancers, startupsandsmallenterprises.To use this app you need an active BizDrive-Account®.Youcanregister for free at anytime.After successfully pairing your smartphone withyourBizDrive®account you always get timely information aboutupcomingevents viaPush, current tasks and notifications directly toyoursmartphone,and possibly also on your Android SmartWatch.Also available on all other information can beaccessedquicklyvia the app. BizDrive® offers in view for mobiledevicesthefollowing functions:- CRM: Contact management including contact Chronicle.- FAKTURA: See quotes and invoices- PROJECTS: See the project details and progress readouts- TASKS: Task Scheduler with priorities- Time Recording: record working hours- CALENDAR: Full calendar management- NOTES: notes and notification system- PASSWORD MANAGER: Password Management- Logbook: Logging of business tripsDetect cash movements with evidence: cashbook -With BizDrive® save yourself a lot of time andmoneybecauseBizDrive® is very easy to use and at your ownserver,clientinstallations or updates, you can completely dowithout.Now test the multiple winner of the Innovation PrizeITcompletelyfree and without obligation.If you have questions or problems,oursupport([email protected]) to help you.
droid Survey Offline Forms 2.11.3
droid SURVEY is an offline market research survey app forinterceptsurveys.
SurveyPocket - Offline Surveys 10.0
Collect data anytime, anywhere using tablets andsmartphonesevenwhile offline! Unlike other survey applications,Survey Pocketisnot limited to doing surveys only when you areconnected totheinternet. Survey Pocket can collect data when youare notconnectedto the internet and the application will save yourofflinesurveysuntil you are able to connect to the internet. Withone tap,allthe survey data you have collected can be uploaded andbeinstantlyavailable to you using Survey Analyticssurveyingsolutions. Itsupports some unique question types likeBarcodescanner, Mediaupload, Net promoter score, Conjoint Max-diff.Italso supports thebranching skip logic, piping text,etc. *SurveysSurvey Pocket is asurvey app to conduct field surveys onyour iPad,iPhone or Androidtablet and smartphone devices. * WorksOfflineSurvey Pocket issimple and makes field surveys andinterviewspossible anytime,anywhere without internet. * Questiontypes Choosefrom over 50question types and various customizablelogic optionsto runsurveys on your smartphone and tablets. * KioskMode WithSurveyPocket Kiosk Mode, you can easily display variousforms ofmediaand collect survey responses at your kiosk locations.*OfflineLead Capture We are the only application in the marketwhichwillcapture Leads offline for you after qualifying them.OurEnterpriseconnector for SalesForce will synch up leads, casesoraccountscaptured on Survey Pocket after you establish aconnection.
iziSurvey Offline Survey Tool 1.3.0
iziSurvey LLC
iziSurvey offline, mobile and online surveys. Use it for a month-for FREE!
Mobi-Survey 1.9.36
Mobi-Survey est une application de saisie de questionnairesetdeformulaires sur tous types de mobiles et de tablettes,enmodedéconnecté. Mobi-Survey fonctionne à partir dequestionnairescréésavec le logiciel d'enquêtes en ligne Net-SurveyM et déployéssurune plate-forme en ligne Survey-Manager M(infossur Les questionnairessonttéléchargéssur le périphérique mobile pour permettre le recueildesdonnéessur le terrain (enquêtes, audits,collected'informations...).Plusieurs enquêtes et opérations peuventêtregérées simultanément.Au lancement de l'application, un menupermetde sélectionner l'undes formulaires disponibles ou de cliquersurle bouton desynchronisation. Cette fonction renvoie vers leserveurles donnéessaisies et récupère du serveur les nouvellesenquêtesouformulaires déclarés pour cet équipement mobile.Pourleremplissage des formulaires, Mobi-Survey produitunaffichageadapté au matériel utilisé et à la rotation del'écran,pour tousles types de questions : qualitatives à choixunique oumultiple,numériques, dates, heures, textes... Denombreusesfonctionsd'acquisition spécifiques aux matériels mobilespermettentdecapturer des photos, vidéos, sons, dessins ousignatures... Enmodedéconnecté, l'utilisateur (enquêteur,panéliste...) peuteffectuerpour chaque formulaire autant de saisiesqu'il souhaite.Le nombrede saisies effectuées pour chaqueformulaire est affichéavecl'indication claire de ce qui a déjà étérenvoyé au serveur etdece qui reste à synchroniser.
Crystal Surveys 1.101.0
Crystal Surveys is a Web tool that is used to create,manage,process and analyze surveys in a fraction of the timetypicallyrequired with traditional tools. It allows easilydesigningintelligent surveys, capturing data, visualize and analyzecaptureddata using a sophisticated graphical toolkit and export thedatafor post-processing if necessary. This app will let you filloutany questionnaire created in Crystal Surveys as long as youhavesufficient permissions.
Surveys For Money 1.4.1 has a variety ofgames,APP’s& surveys for you to earn from with somethingforeveryone.When you play our free sponsored APPs & gamesorcompletesurveys you will be rewarded with coins to redeemforPaypal cashback & Bitcoins.Install the APP and start taking our onlinesurveysimmediately.You can take as many as you wish - it's up toyou.Share with friends and earn lifetime commissionsfromtheirearnings.
Merchandiser by 4.52.4
Earn real money by completing small projects connects you with paid retail services gigsthatyoucomplete in local stores. Gigs range from 15 minuteproductauditsto 8 hour resets. You get to choose when and where youwork.It’scompletely free to join, and top earners make thousandspermonth.If you have questions or would like moreinformation,[email protected]. Types of Projects: You’llgo to localgrocery,convenience, and big-box stores to completeprojects.Common tasksinclude: - Looking for promotional displays -Countinginventory -Taking pictures of products - Buildingpromotionaldisplays -Adding stickers to products - Stocking shelvesDetailed,easy tofollow instructions are available in our app, andoursupport teamwill help you if necessary. Choose When and WheretoWork: Ourproject team will contact you whenever we havenewopportunities inyour area. You get to choose which projects toworkon and whichstores to go to. How Do I Get Paid? And How Often?Youget paid bydirect deposit, or you can have your money put onapre-paid debitcard, through our partner Openforce.Completedassignments thatmeet all requirements are approved forpayment sixdays after youupload them. Once approved, you canrequest apayment, and paymentsare processed 1-2 business days afteryourrequest.’s on-demandretailintelligence andmerchandising services empower consumerbrands toincrease sales.With a fully-vetted national workforce,Survey.comensures itsclients' retail strategies are executedproperly, at alltimes. Formore informationpleasevisit, follow usonTwitter@MerchandiserApp, or visit our Facebookpageat Continued useofGPSrunning in the background can dramatically decreasebatterylife.The GPS feature is required to determine availablevisits inyourlocal area and to validate your visits.
Generation³ 1.1
Tetraeder to go! - Das Förderprogramm Generation³ fürdeinSmartphone oder Tablet. Ab sofort gibt es Generation³ nichtmehrnur für deinen Web-Browser sondern auch als App für deinSmartphoneoder Tablet. Dies bietet gleich mehrere Vorteile fürProjektträgerund -verantwortliche, für Teilnehmer-innen an AktionenundAngeboten im Rahmen von Generation³ oder einfach fürInteressierteam Förderprogramm: Durch die App sind die aktuellstenNews undInformationen aus der Programmstelle nur noch einenTastendruckentfernt. Mit ihrer Hilfe kannst du also noch schnellererfahren,wann die nächste spannende Veranstlatung stattfindet,welche Themenbesonders im Blickfeld stehen oder was dieReferent-inn-en in derProgrammstelle gerade bewegen. Außerdembietet die App einenschnellen Einblick in den Alltag der aktivenProjekte. Du findestStatusberichte, Fotos, Videos und natürlichalleRahmeninformationen zu jedem Projekt. Darüber hinaus kannstdumithilfe der App auch direkt nach Projekten und Trägern imUmkreisdeines jeweiligen Aufenthaltsortes suchen. Auf diesem Wegeerhältstdu hoffentlich viele Anregungen für neue Projektideen, fürdieGestaltung der Berichterstattung zu deinem eigenen Projekt oderzumöglichen Kooperationen mit anderen Projektträgern. Nebendiesenallgemeinen Optionen bietet die Generation³-App besonders fürdieProjektverantwortlichen einige spannende Funktionen: So lässtsichein Großteil der Projektverwaltung mithilfe der App auchvonunterwegs erledigen. Du hast die Möglichkeit, dich insProjektbüroeinzuloggen und bspw. einen Statusbericht noch währendeiner Aktionzu verfassen. Oder du machst einen Einkauf für deinProjekt undkannst noch an der Kasse den zugehörigen Beleg imKassenbucheintragen. Und du kannst selbstverständlich innerhalb derApp einFoto machen und dieses direkt in deine Galerie hochladen.Und auchauf der Ebene der Methoden hat die App einiges zu bieten.Übereinen integrierten Link kommt ihr auf direktem Wege indieneXTtools – die interaktive Datenbank desLandesjugendringNiedersachsen e.V für Methoden, Spiele und Ideenfür dieJugendarbeit Also: Mach dich auf den Weg... in Zukunft immermitGeneration³ in der Hosentasche!