Top 9 Apps Similar to Spiritual and General Question

Bhagavad-Gita As it is BGE1.6
Bhagavad Gita is knowledge of five basictruthsand the relationship of each truth to the other: These fivetruthsare Krishna, or God, the individual soul, the materialworld, actionin this world, and time. The Gita lucidly explainsthe nature ofconsciousness, the self, and the universe. It is theessence ofIndia's spiritual wisdom.In this application you will be presentedtranscendentalknowledge of the most profound spiritual nature asrevealed in theBhagavad Gita. It is the divine discourse spoken bythe SupremeLord Krishna Himself and is the most popular and wellknown of allthe sacred scriptures from ancient India. Always beingreferred asa true source of spiritual knowledge it reveals thepurpose andgoal of human existence.In a very clear and wonderful way the Supreme LordKrishnadescribes the science of self-realization and the exactprocess bywhich a human being can establish their eternalrelationship withGod. In terms of pure, spiritual knowledge theBhagavad Gita isincomparable. Its intrinsic beauty is that itsknowledge applies toall human beings and does not postulate anysectarian ideology orsecular view. It is approachable from thesanctified realms of allreligions and is glorified as the epitomeof all spiritualteachings. This is because proficiency in theBhagavad Gita revealsthe eternal principles which are fundamentaland essential forspiritual life from all perspectives and allowsone to perfectlyunderstand the esoteric truths hidden within allreligiousscriptures. The primary purpose of the Bhagavad Gita istoilluminate for all of humanity the realization of the truenatureof divinity; for the highest spiritual conception and thegreatestmaterial perfection is to attain love of God!We have tried to compile the chapters of Bhagavad-Gita as itisin this android app. If you find any mistake in this apppleasesend us an email and we will correct it.Special Features of AppSEARCH--------------You can search any text from the Purports or translation rightfromyour application. Hit the Search icon in the bottom of app orgo toOptions > Search.Tap help for more detail on how to search in the search page.FULL SCREEN-----------------------Get More space for reading on Shloka/Verse Page. Just clickthe"Fullscreen" icon on verse page and get more space toreadShloka/Verse. (Applicable only in Verse Screen).TEXT COLOURNow you can change the text color of Verse as peryourrequirement. Just go to Options Menu > "Change TextColour".Just select the colour and hit Save. The colour of VerseText andPurport will change as per your choice (Applicable only inVerseScreen).TEXT SIZEYou can change the text size of Verse as per your choice. Justgoto Options Menu and choose "Change Font Size". You can selectthefont size from smallest to largest. Just select and hit Save.Thesize of Verse Text and Purport will change as per yourchoice(Applicable only in Verse Screen).SHARE VERSE(Shloka)You can share the verse with your friends using any ofyourfavorite app like whatsapp, WeChat, Viber, Facebook, Google+,etc;Just go to Verse Page and tap the send icon(See Screenshot) atthebottom panel to choose apps for sharing.BOOKMARK FEATUREThis App supports multiple bookmarks. Forgot from where youleftreading or want to make any verse/shloka as your favorite? Nowyoucan resume reading Bhagavad Gita from the point where youleft.Just press the star icon[see screenshot] on the Verse Page andtheVerse[Shloka] will be bookmarked. You can resume readingbyselecting "Go to Bookmark" option from the Options Menu. Nowyoucan make as many shlokas as you want as your favorite.Version 1.6 - Added new Landing Page for users to seeallavailable options present in Menu.Please take out a minute to Rate and Review our app.Hare Krishna!!!
Daily Bible Verse
A message of God's word in a daily scripture within its owncontext.
The Spirituality of Fasting 1.0
Fasting is an important topic for all,asalmostall nations and religions practice some form offasting.Fasting waseven established in man's doctrine beforepeople becamedifferentnations. Fasting even goes back to the timeof Adam andEve.It is not the intention of this book to tackle the subjectoffastingfrom a theoretical point of view but for spiritualbenefit.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Spiritual Affirmations 1.0
"Get All The Support And Guidance You NeedToUnderstand Using Spiritual Affirmations For A Better Life!"This App Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The WorldWhenIt Comes To A Look At Affirmations and especiallySpiritualAffirmations!Is the fact that you would like to understand the way tousespiritual affirmations to get everything you want in life butjustdon't know how making your life difficult... maybeevenmiserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigureit out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplaguedwith:• Not knowing about how to achieve fame and fortune• Not understanding how to have financial success• Not knowing how to affirm yourself into being a greatleader• Not knowing how to live a better life• Not knowing how to use affirmations for spiritualityIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, butnotknowing how to understand how to use spiritual affirmations isfarmore common than you’d think.I ought to know, because I’ve been in the same spotbefore..."Some Of These Issues Are Really Crucial!"This is one area you must pay attention to…Research projects support the need for spiritual affirmationsandpositive thoughts to better leadership abilities. Utilize thisbookto help guide you in affirmations for better self-awareness,tensionrelief, innovation, productivity and better leadership. Bevocal andtransparent in your practice and help those that you leadto abideby your example. Do this - and you'll metamorphoseyourself and yourorganization.Many individuals are looking to bring in more revenue,boosttheir wealth, become debt-free, and financially free. A lotofindividuals question why a few individuals are blessed with lotsofrevenue and other people are not. Well, there are a lotofmysteries to life, however one principle that is as old astheages, is the Law Of Attraction.Affirmations and positive thinking work by drawing in energyandfocusing it with the subconscious to bring about change. Istronglythink this and we have limitless power to alter the worldaroundus, to produce the life we wish, to draw toward us positiveandadvantageous events, experiences and individuals. Similarly, wemayalso draw toward us damaging destructive events, experiencesandindividuals.An affirmation is something you say to yourself. Everybodyusesthem on purpose or accidentally. You get up in the morning,leapout of bed and proclaim, "I feel excellent". That's apositiveaffirmation. You drag yourself out of bed at first lightand whine"I feel crappy". That's a negative affirmation. Bothstatementshelp to sustain the emotional state you're in.Our self-talk, the things we state to ourself, is reallycrucialas it directly effects our conscious and subconscious brain.Wehear everything we say to ourself.Spiritual affirmations are merely favorable statements thatdrawon the power of The Higher Power to manifest whatsoever it isthatyou're affirming (saying).By affirming what you wish to have occur in The HigherPower'sname, you're effectively commanding the universe to 'rightthewrongs', and giving it the The Higher Power-power needed tofulfillyour request.Tags:Law of AttractionSpiritual AffirmationsSpiritual PowerAffirming and receivingReaching GoalsSelf GrowthDebt FreeSelf ImprovementSelf DevelopmentPositive ThinkingBeing PositiveStay PositivePositive OutlookSelf HelpSelf Talk
The ABC Of Our Spiritual Walk 1.0
This is an ebook for Christians regardingtheABCs of spiritual walk written by one of our past spiritualparentwho walked close with the Lord. It will help you establishthefoundation for your spiritual journey through a series ofrevealedrevelation concerning your walk with the Lord.A must read for any serious and devoted Christians who wanttoget a close and relationship with God.
Spirituality Articles 0.1
Rewards Guy
Spirituality Articles by Mr.A.P.AnandSpirituality articles are written by the famousauthorMr.A.P.Anand who has been writing such articles sincedecades. Byfollowing the spirituality articles, once can enlightentheir bodyand mind.The author's work has been published in variousspiritualitymagazines.The author is based out of Mumbai, India andcan becontacted on this telephone number / email id for anyqueries.
iPieta: Spiritual 2.1.5
Encyclicals and Council Documents andmanyspiritual works including: Imitation of Christ, the Dialogue,Introto Devout Life, St. Josemaria Escriva (©), St. John of theCross,St. Theresa of Avila, St. Louis de Montfort, St.Jean-MarieVianney, and Spiritual Combat.The data for this module is found in the V (Veritas) table.Allmodules are free. The app will take you to the store if youdon'thave the requested data on your device.
Spiritual Empowerment 1.0
What Is Spiritual Empowerment?A sense of freedom is something that we all want toachieve.Being independent in whatever aspect it may be definitelyboostsour confidence and makes us do better in life. We must allbeequipped with this certain type of positive energy within usinorder to have a major shift in the way we live.Spiritual EmpowermentSpirituality may be associated with religious thingsandceremonies but in this case, it does not necessarily mean thatweshould be hooked to a religion. Experiencing this state wouldmeanthat one’s consciousness is awakened. This enables the persontosee the person one really is and become aware of thecapabilitiesand limitations attached to it. This makes the personbecome happyand contented with the person that he is. Thus, he isable to takecare of and understand himself more than he used to.Beingspiritually empowered makes a person aware of what makes himhappyand makes him more sensitive to what would make otherpeoplehappy.Why Is It Important?Our society today has embedded in us stereotypes andperfectmodels as to how a person should be. This makes most ofusdisgruntled and embarrassed about our own selves. Some peoplehaveeven gone to worse conditions, sulked, get into depression,andlater on, even get suicidal tendencies.However, when a person becomes spiritually empowered, heseeshimself for who he is and who is not. He becomes aware ofhiscapabilities and thus he knows what actions are to bedone.Empowered people know their roles in society and they knowwhatthey can do to bring about change in their selves, in others,andin the environment.If we were just able to empower ourselves spiritually,thenfreedom, in whatever aspect of life, would just be withinourreach.