Top 23 Apps Similar to Experiences in Life

Divinity Of Christ Arabic 1.0
Divinity Of Christ Arabicلاهوت المسيحH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Sermon On The Mount Arabic 1.0
العظة على الجبلH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
How To Relate To Children Arab 1.0
كيف نعامل الأطفال؟H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books.
Feast Of Annunciation Arabic 1.0
عيد البشارةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Jesus Christ Parables Arabic 1.0
Contemplations on our Lord JesusChristParablesH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Psalm 6 Arabic 1.0
المزمور السادس...يا رب لا تبكتنى بغضبكH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
The Anger Arabic 1.0
The Anger book is the third one ofthespiritualwarefare series.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
The Divinity of Christ 2.0
The Divinity of Christ is one of themostimportant and vital subjects in the Christian doctrine.Manyheresies rose against it in various eras, and the Churchconfrontedthem and replied to them.In the following pages, we will try to discuss the subject oftheDivinity of Christ in a positive light, and prove thisfundamentaldoctrine from the Holy Bible. We will discuss all theobjectionsand reply to them in due course.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of the SeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesabout the new books
Fruit Of The Spirit Arabic 1.0
ثمر الروحH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
How To Start A New Year Arabic 1.0
كيف نبدأ عاما جديداH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Feast Of Epiphany Arabic 1.0
عيد الغطاسH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Diabolic Wars Arabic 1.0
The Devil Wars book is the first one ofthespiritual warefare series.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesabout the new books
Monogamy Arabic 1.0
شريعة الزوجة الواحدة فى المسيحيةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Judging Others Arabic 1.0
ادانة الآخرينH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Life Of Righteousness Arabic 1.0
حياة الفضيلة والبرH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Jonah The Prophet Arabic 1.0
تأملات فى سفر يونان النبىH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Feast Of Nativity V1 Arabic 1.0
تأملات فى عيد الميلادH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Release Of The Spirit Arabic 1.0
انطلاق الروحH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Comparative Theology Arabic 1.0
اللاهوت المقارنH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
The Virtue life Arabic 1.0
What is the virtue?What are the sources of the virtue?What are the obstacles of the virtue?H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesabout the new books
Holy Zeal Arabic 1.0
الغيرة المقدسةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Coptic تأملات في أمثال المسيح 1.0
Mariam Tawfek
By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III كتابتأملاتفي أمثال السيد المسيح
Psalm 3 Arabic 1.0
المزمور الثالث ....يا رب لماذا..؟H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books