Top 21 Apps Similar to Comparative Theology

Systematic Theology 2.0
Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge and The Bible (KJV) Oneofthegreat defenders of Calvinism, Charles Hodge is awell-knownandimportant theologian. He had a significant impactupontheintellectual climate of the 19th century. HisSystematicTheologyis his greatest work. Composed of three separatevolumes,itaddresses some of the most important theologicalquestions ofboththat time and our current time. The first volumecontainsanintroduction and then addresses Theology Proper--thestudy ofGod.The second volume examines Anthropology--the studyofhumanbeings--and Soteriology--the study of salvation. Thethird,andfinal volume, discusses Eschatology--the study ofendtimes.Hodge's Systematic Theology is clearly a work ofreformedthought,but is profitable for study even outside thereformedcommunity.Further, this unabridged version of his workretains themastery ofHodge's work. Since the first publication ofthesevolumes,countless theologians and pastors have found themhelpful.Use themas a study aid or for personal edification.
Theology History Apps 1
Joshua Inc
This application contain of the historyoftheology is designed to provide an introduction toChristiandogmatic literature and to describe its stages ofdevelopment. Thehistory of theology is, therefore, a branch of thehistory ofideas; it deals with the sources of the Christiantradition andexamines the development of ideas reflected therein.This apps contain :Chapter 1. The Apostolic FathersChapter 2. The ApologistsChapter 3. Jewish Christianity and GnosticismChapter 4. The Anti-Gnostic FathersChapter 5. Alexandrian TheologyChapter 6. Monarchianism: The Trinitarian ProblemChapter 7. Arianism: The Council of NicaeaChapter 8. Athanasius: The Formation of theTrinitarianDoctrineChapter 9. The Christological ProblemChapter 10. The Development of the Concept of the ChurchChapter 11. AugustineChapter 12. The Controversy on Augustinianism to the SynodofOrange, 529Chapter 13. The Transition from the Early Period to theMedievalPeriod; Gregory the GreatChapter 14. Carolingian TheologyChapter 15. The Lord’s Supper in the Early Middle AgesChapter 16. The Doctrine of Penance in the Early Middle AgesChapter 17. The Older ScholasticismChapter 18. High ScholasticismChapter 19. Late ScholasticismChapter 20. The Medieval MysticsChapter 21. LutherChapter 22. MelanchthonChapter 23. ZwingliChapter 24. CalvinChapter 25. Reformed Theology to and Including the Synod ofDort,1618–19Chapter 26. Reformation Theology in Lutheran Areas to the FormulaofConcord, 1577Chapter 27. The Formula of ConcordChapter 28. The Counter-Reformation: Roman Catholic TheologyChapter 29. Reformation and Post-Reformation TheologyinEnglandChapter 30. Lutheran OrthodoxyChapter 31. PietismChapter 32. The EnlightenmentChapter 33. Nineteenth-Century DevelopmentsChapter 34. The Theology of the Early 20th Century;ContemporaryTrends
Theological Dictionary 5.1.2
Charles Buck Theological Dictionary with Holy Bible
Theological Dogmatic Question 1.0
This Second Part includes theologicalanddogmatic questions that occupy the minds of the people. We triedtotackle them in an easy way as far as possible so that everyonemayunderstand them. However, we still have enough theologicalandbiblical questions for many books.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesabout the new books
The Study Bible 2.0.11
Grace to You
Bible text with thousands of study helps—including sermonaudio—toexplain it.
Got Questions? 4.6.1
Got Questions? The Bible has answers. We'll help you find them!
Bible Summary 4.0
Bible Summary Outline, Sinner Prayer, Jesus in Every BibleBook,Chat Healing
Commentary on the Bible 1.0
This App includes the complete ebook of Commentary on theBiblebyAdam Clarke. Adam Clarke (1760 or 1762-1832) wasaBritishMethodist theologian and Biblical scholar. Heisprimarilyremembered for writing this commentary on the Bible.Ittook him 40years to complete this work. Clarkeadheredtheologically to theMethodist founder John Wesley.Clarke'scommentary is largelywritten from an orthodoxMethodistperspective. The book is linkedto the King James Bible. Touse theKJV Bible simple click thelinks, to go back to theCommentaryon theBible use the returnbutton. The text version "Commentary ontheBible" is available asa HTML files (no ebook reader needed) andisoptimized for use onany mobile device. Please note: Withoutproperrendering support,you may see question marks, boxes, orothersymbols instead ofcharacters This is a FREE ad-supportedapp.***Disclaimer*** Thisbook has been published in 1831 and is outofcopyright and inpublic domain. Any content not owned bythisdeveloper belongs totheir respective owners and usesCreativeCommons License. If thereis an issue with this app contactus viathe email address and wewill look into it. All material inthis appshall only be used forpersonal, non-commercial purposes.
Calvin's Bible Commentaries 11.0
Igor Apps
John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible A classic commentary ontheOldand New Testaments, complete and unabridged. Written inaclear,lucid style, it combines a profound reverence for theBiblewith arare objectivity in its exegesis. One of themostinfluential biblescholars of all time, John Calvin,althoughcontroversial, is a forceto be reckoned with. Hiscommentariesreflect an incredible commandof the Scriptures, as hesought tointegrate the entirety of itsteaching by combining asolidexegetical method with a pastoralinsight that is oftenneglectedin commentaries today. Calvin strikesa balance betweenpassion andrestraint, often infusing his writingwith a distinctquality ofcontrolled intensity. Scholars nowrecognize Calvin asabove allelse a teacher. He sought to open theWord of God inscripture tothe common people from whom, he believed,the Bible hadbeenwithheld by the scholastics, monks and priests ofthe Romanchurch.By recapturing scripture's simple, genuine andnaturalsense,Calvin returned scripture to its rightful place inthechurch. Hissole object as a teacher was "to lay down a pathwaytothe readingof sacred Scripture for the simple and uneducated."JohnCalvin(Middle French: Jean Cauvin; 10 July 1509 -- 27 May 1564)wasaninfluential French theologian and pastor duringtheProtestantReformation. He was a principal figure in thedevelopmentof thesystem of Christian theology later calledCalvinism.Originallytrained as a humanist lawyer, he broke from theRomanCatholicChurch around 1530. After religious tensions provokedaviolentuprising against Protestants in France, Calvin fledtoBasel,Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first editionofhisseminal work Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvinwasatireless polemic and apologetic writer whogeneratedmuchcontroversy. He also exchanged cordial and supportiveletterswithmany reformers including Philipp MelanchthonandHeinrichBullinger. In addition to the Institutes, hewrotecommentaries onmost books of the Bible as well astheologicaltreatises andconfessional documents, and he regularlygave sermonsthroughoutthe week in Geneva. Calvin was influenced bytheAugustiniantradition, which led him to expound the doctrineofpredestinationand the absolute sovereignty of God insalvation.Calvin's writingand preachings provided the seeds for thebranch oftheology thatbears his name. The Presbyterian and otherReformedchurches, whichlook to Calvin as a chief expositor oftheirbeliefs, have spreadthroughout the world. Calvin's thoughtexertedconsiderableinfluence over major religious figures andentirereligiousmovements, such as Puritanism, and somepoliticalhistorians haveargued that his ideas have contributed tothe riseof capitalism,individualism, and representative democracyin theWest.
The Science-Theology Warfare 5.0
Read "History of the Warfare of SciencewithTheology in Christendom" by Andrew Dickson White!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Coptic Comparative Theology 1.0
Mariam Tawfek
Coptic Comparative Theology By HisHolinessPope Shenouda III
Bible Commentary Offline 1.2.0
Igor Apps
King James Bible with Matthew Henry Commentary Verse vy VerseandOffline
Word Christian eBooks 1.2
Download the free Word eBooks app,especiallyfor readers of Christian eBooks. Developed by WordBookstore forAndroid mobile and tablet devices. Search our growinglibrary ofeBooks published by Christian authors worldwide. The WordeBook appconnects to your Word eBook library and updates youreBookpurchases instantly.Reading on the Word app is quick and simple. Features singleortwo page reading, notes and highlights, bookmarks andreadingprogress status. Tune the app to your personal readingpreferences.Choose fonts, type styles and sizes, brightness,orientations andpage turn styles. Night reading is quick and easyto initiate.Check out our library of Christian eBooks in ourdetailedcategories and subjects, sorted especially for Christianinterest.Or search by title, author or book series. From theologyandreference to inspirational fiction and Christian living.Quick purchase codes are available in the app to help youeasilypurchase eBooks on Word's website.You can find an eBook by searching our subject andcategoriesspecifically tailored to Christian interest.
How to Become Like Christ 4.0
Zavarise Apps
HOW TO BECOME LIKE CHRIST - Marcus DodsWithout question, modeling one’s life after Christ isthemostimportant discipline a Christian can undertake. Often itishardfor us to know exactly how Jesus would act in manysituations,andthese difficult questions are exactly what How toBecomeLikeChrist attempts to answer. In this book, ScottishtheologianMarcusDods explores what it means to truly live and actlikeChrist. Thisbook is a fantastic read for anyone who desirestobecome more likeChrist.- Complete Book- Holy Bible KJV- Audio Bible- Prayer Request- Share VersesLanguage: English
Oxford Dictionary of the Bible 11.1.544
The most acclaimed, accessible, and up-to-date bible dictionary.
Princeton Theological Seminary 4.6.0
Boopsie, Inc.
Access the library's catalog and otherresearchresources, manage your account and contact PTS librariansforresearch questions.
Bible Numbers with Meanings 8.0
Bible Numbers with Meanings is anandroidflipping book app which helps you to flip through the listof Biblenumbers and their meanings available in the best BibleBooks,Concordances and Bible Dictionaries. I pray it will help inyourstudy of God's Word.• Bible Number Meanings• Bible Number Dictionary• Bible Number Concordance• Simple and Hassle-Free• Fast Search• Navigate Content in Easy, Natural Real Time andAdvancedWays• Bookmarks with Custom Labels• Fully Customizable Colors, Line Space & Fonts• Fully Customizable Day/Night Mode• Flipping Book AppThis free app is ad supported.
Pentecostal Theology 1.0.4
Wesley's Notes on the Bible 1.0.1
Igor Apps
John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Bible Commentaries ontheWhole Bible Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on the Old andNewTestaments will give every reader essential information abouttheBible. The cardinal doctrines of the Christian life are setforthby Mr. Wesley in plain and simple language. The scholar,thepreacher, the teacher or the student will find a wealth offreshand invigorating material in this rare set of books. FEATURES-clickable links to KJV Bible verses! - smart design byAndroidGuidlines! - read King James Bible mode! - better perfomanceof thetext (supported italic words, bold, colours and so on) - full(eachelement) day/night support - easy navigation, 3 tap togetpaticular commentary of bible verse - red letter edition ofKJVBible - highlight/underline part of commentary -addnotes/bookmarks - convinient settings: changing font,fontsize,linespace, brightness, red letter - share part commentaryviaGoogle+, Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS and etc - new searchengine- landscape & portrait support - fast & easy to useJohnWesley John Wesley was a Church of England cleric andChristiantheologian. Wesley is largely credited, along with hisbrotherCharles Wesley, as founding the Methodist movement whichbegan whenhe took to open-air preaching in a similar manner toGeorgeWhitefield. In contrast to George Whitefield's Calvinism,Wesleyembraced the Arminian doctrines that were dominant inthe18th-century Church of England. Methodism in both forms wasahighly successful evangelical movement in the United Kingdom,whichencouraged people to experience Jesus Christ personally.Wesley'swriting and preachings provided the seeds for both themodernMethodist movement and the Holiness movement, whichencompassnumerous denominations across the world. In addition, herefinedArminianism with a strong evangelical emphasis on theReformeddoctrine of justification by faith. Wesley was a logicalthinkerand expressed himself clearly, concisely and forcefully inwriting.His written sermons are characterised by spiritualearnestness andsimplicity. They are doctrinal but not dogmatic. HisNotes on theNew Testament (1755) are enlightening. Both the Sermons(about 140)and the Notes are doctrinal standards. Wesley was afluent,powerful and effective preacher. He usually preachedspontaneouslyand briefly, though occasionally at great length.
Roman Mythology 1.0
Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertainingtoancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system,asrepresented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans.TheRomans usually treated their traditional narratives ashistorical,even when these have miraculous or supernaturalelements. Thestories are often concerned with politics andmorality, and how anindividual's personal integrity relates to hisor herresponsibility to the community or Roman state. Heroism isanimportant theme. When the stories illuminate Romanreligiouspractices, they are more concerned with ritual, augury,andinstitutions than with theology or cosmogony. This app containshowthe Roman myth created, the story of Romulus and Remus, Romangodsand many other Roman mythology, including the legendaryJuliusCaesar, The Punic War and Pompeii. Increase your knowledgeaboutRoman Mythology with this application! PS : If you havesuggestionsto improve this app, please let me know :D*****Disclaimer/LegalNotice***** We do not own any of thesematerials in this app. Wemade this app to help people reading RomanMythology easier, ifthere is any trademark or copyright violationthat does not followwithin the Fair Use, please contact us and wewill take actionimmediately.
Spurgeon's Sermons Offline 3.0
Igor Apps
Spurgeon's Sermons. All volumes 1-63. Sermons 1-3563