Top 3 Games Similar to Aprender inglés con animales

Práctica de Lectura 2 1
Este juego ayuda a aprender y aentrenarlecturaen niños de 5 a 10 años. El juego consiste en leery elegirel nombrede un alimento de entre cuatro opciones. Losprimerosniveles sonpara completar la sílaba final, luegosílabasintermedias yfinalmente la palabra completa.Hay más de cincuenta alimentos entre frutas, verduras ycomidasquese repiten entre los niveles para que el niño asimilelosnombresde a poco y finalmente distinga la palabracompleta.Aprende y entrena lectura utilizando el método de lassílabasyasimilando visualmente la palabra completa.A medida que se logran los primeros niveles sedesbloqueanlossiguientes para que el aprendizaje sea másordenado.This game helpsyoulearnand train reading in children 5-10 years. The gameconsistsofreading and choose the name of a food from four options.Thefirstlevels are to complete the final syllable aftersyllablemiddle andfinally the whole word.There are over fifty foods from fruits, vegetables and foodsthatarerepeated between levels for the students to take thenamesslowly andfinally distinguishes the entire word.Learn and train reading using the method of syllablesandvisuallyabsorbing the entire word.As the first levels are achieved the following are unlockedtomakelearning more orderly.
English Vocabulary Learning 1
This application is aimed at childrenandallwho are getting started in the English language."Learning English vocabulary" has over 190 words and isdesignedintwo stages: a list sorted by category in which thechildrenwilllearn to write and pronounce a word in English.The second part is a game by levels where the children willhavetoguess the name of each picture to advance to the nextlevelofwords.You can find vocabulary about colors, numbers,food,animals,household items, transportation, clothing, etc.
Kids Learning Numbers 1
Kids Learning Numbers is an easy to useappinwhich the kids will get used to numbers through severalgameslikecount, coloring, drawing each number shape or discoverthehiddenimage.