Top 18 Apps Similar to Bubble Level Clinometer

TV Remote control 2017 10
Remote Control for All TV, converts easilyyourAndroid phone into a universal remote control for TV. It'ssimpleand easy to configure and use, the mode of use is exactlythe sameas Remote Control TV.Remote control for tv is a tool which can replace your physicaltvremote. Whenever you can not find your remote or want to funlikefooling your friends than Tv remote control will be there tohelpyou. It is always good and easy to use a single remotecontroldevice to control all you electronic equipment.Remote control supported all type of connection mode like IP,IRPort or Wifi connections. Tv Remote Control Supported allbrands(Samsung, Vizio, Sony, LG, Toshiba or many more)Intelligent Tv Remote Control can easily be a way to control yourtv. It is a simple and easy way to configure and use the mode inur tvit is exactly as your remote control of your tv.The difference between yhis app and other apps is that ourappsupports 90% of the television on the market in 2014How to uae this app is very simple first connect with awifinetwork2- If your Tv is a smart one have connected with the samewifinetwork as your device android3 - Install this app from Google play4 - Lunch our remote app and look at your network5 start using your phone as a remote controlHow to use1 Having a mobile phone or Android Tablet with infrared orbeconnected to a WiFi network.2 If your TV is a Smart TV have it connected to the sameWiFinetwork as your Android device.3.Install this app from Google Play4 Launch of our universal remote control for your TV Smart andlookat your network.4b. If you intend to use infrared for old TVs, set your modelinSettings.5.Start use your phone or tablet as a remote control.This application is compatible with:1 remote control for LG TV2 Remote control for Samsung TV3 Remote control for Sony TV4 Remote Control for Vizio TV5 Remote Control for Panasonic TV6 Remote for Sharp TVFeatures:• Power ON / OFF Control.• AV / TV.• Mute / Un-mute.• Channel Digits buttons.• Channel index and lists.• Volume Up Control.• Volume Down Control.• Channel Up Control.• Channel Down Control.• Menu Button with up / down and left / right Controls.• Red / Green / Blue / Yellow (Multiple purpose soft keys).TV Remote Control, easily convert your Android phone or tabletintoa universal remote control for your TV. It's simple and easy tosetup and use, the mode of operation is exactly the same as theTVremote control.We are constantly working hard on making the “Universal TVRemoteControl” app better and more useful for you. We need yourconstantsupport to get going. Please feel free to email us foranyqueries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello.Wewould love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature ofthe“Universal TV Remote Control” app, do not forget to rate us onplaystore.
تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد Prank 1.0
تطبيق التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد ، البدءفيالتحكم في تلفازك عن طريق تشغيل التطبيق توجيه الهاتف الىالتلفازواضغط على الزر أوكي ليتم الفحص و يبدأ التحكم عن بعد مباشرة.من مميزات التحكم في جهازالتلفاز عن بعد التيلي كومند :- التطبيق سريع في العمل وفائق في التحكم- التحكم في جميع أنواع أجهزة التلفاز- تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد و من مسافة بعيدة- التطبيق لا يؤثر على جهازك سواءا التلفاز أو الموبايل- عن بعد تحكم في اي تلفزيون بواسيطة هاتفك- تطبيق التحكم في التلفاز مجرد مزحة مقدمة لك* نتمنى أن يعجبكم فهو عالي الجودةتحكم في التلفاز عن بعد تطبيق ممتع سيجعلك تتخلى عن جهاز تحكمأيتلفاز، لتبدء في التحكم في تلفازك عن بعد يجب توجيه هاتفكمباشرةللتلفاز والضغط على الزر ليتم التحكم فيه مباشرة.تطبيق تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد :- سريع التفعيل و التحكم في أي تلفاز.- تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد عبر الهاتف.- التحكم في اي التلفاز عن بعد.- التحكم في اي التلفاز بدون أنترنت.إن أعجبكم لا تنسوا تقييمه.هذا التطبيق عبارة عن Prank.تحكم في التلفاز عن بعد تطبيق ممتع سيجعلك تتخلى عن جهاز التحكم فيأيتلفاز، لتبدء في التحكم في تلفازك عن بعد من خلا توجيه هاتفكمباشرةللتلفاز واضغط على الزر ليتم التحكم فيه مباشرة .تطبيق تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد :في العديد من الأحيان يضيع لنا جهاز التحكم عن بعد بالتلفازاوالديفيدي او اي جهاز او يقوم بالتلف لهذا يجب علينا شراء واحد جديداوالبقاء لوقت طويل للبحث عنهتطبيق تحكم في التلفاز عن بعد بالهاتف هو تطبيق يمكنك من التحكمفيالتلفاز بالهاتف عن بعد في حالة ضياع الجهاز الأصلي ،عندما قرأت"بأيجهاز" فهذا يعني التطبيق يحتوي على أشهر ماركات الأجهزة مما يعنيانهلن تواجهك مشكلة ضياع جهاز التحكم عن بعد مجدداكل ماعليك سوى تحميل تطبيق تحكم في التلفاز عن بعد بالهاتفوالذخولإليه عندها سيتوجب عليك فقط إختيار نوع الجهاز وماركته بعدهاسيظهر لكالكونترول الشامل بالتلفاز بكل خصائصه كالصوت، تغيير القنوات،تغييرالمنفذ، إطفاء وإشعال ،البحث عن القنوات برقمها او الإسم.....كل هذا بدون الحاجة إلى وجود انترنت في الهاتف للتمكن بالتحكمفيالتلفاز بالهاتف لتستطيع تحويل هاتفك لريموت كنترولالتحكم في التلفاز عن بعدهل تعبت من البحث عن برنامج جهاز التحكم عن بعد في اي تلفاز ؟ريموتالتلفازالآن مع تطبيق التحكم عن بعد في اي جهاز تلفاز الإصدار جديد2016،يمكنك استخدام الهاتف الذكي أو الجهاز اللوحي للتحكم فيتلفازكوللحصول على تجربة المشاهدة المثلى وتسهيل تجربة العرض. يعملهذاالتطبيق بالتحكم في أجهزة التلفاز الذكية عن طريق الهاتف الذكي,ويتميز جهاز بأنه يتعامل مع كافة أنواع التليفزيونات الذكية ,ممايجعل أيضا الإزعاج والفوضى الناتجة عن تعدد أجهزة التحكم عن بعدهوأمر من الماضي.عن الدخول للتطبيق قم بالضغط على زر الاطفاء في الجهازأوتشغيله.مزايا هذا التطبيق :لا يأثر على الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.سهل الإستخدام و لا يحتاج الى إنترنيت لتشغيله.يريدون السيطرة على جهاز التلفزيون مع المحمول، والهاتف الخليويأواللوحي، ثم وهذا هو التطبيق بالنسبة لك. جهاز التحكم عن بعدلجميعالقنوات، يعمل بمثابة جهاز التحكم عن بعد العالمي.العملية هي نفس TV الحقيقي البعيد.هذا التطبيق مجاني تماما وأنها لا تحتاج إلى الأجهزة الخارجية.فقدتأطفالك جهاز التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد أو كنت ترغب فقط فيمجرىالمباراة في شريط، لا يزال بإمكانك استخدام الهاتف الخاصبك.جهاز التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد العالمي هو التطبيق الجديد الذي يسمحلكاستخدام الهاتف أو الكمبيوتر اللوحي باعتباره المسلمات عنبعدللتلفزيون، دي في دي، أو الأقمار الصناعية.مقالي هذا التطبيق كما عن بعد بالأشعة تحت الحمراء أو واي فايجهازالتحكم عن بعد. يمكنك استخدام هذا التطبيق مع أجهزة التلفازالذكية أوأجهزة التلفاز القديمة.الميزات الرئيسية:1. تقاسم وسائل الإعلام: نقل Simplay هاتفك الصور والموسيقىوالفيديوإلى التلفزيون الذكي الخاص بك إلى diskplay أو اللعب، لذلكيمكنكالاستفادة من شاشة التلفزيون الكبيرة.2. جهاز التحكم في التلفاز عن بعد: يتيح السيطرة على التلفزيونالذكيببساطة عبر الشبكة المحلية. الهاتف يمكن أن تكون بمثابة لوحةاللمس أوعن بعد TV (IR عن بعد).في الأخير دائما لا تنسى تقيم تطبيقنا ووضع تعليقك عليه و إن واجهتأيمشكلة لا تترد في مراسلتنا عبر بريدنا الإلكتروني الظهارفيالأسفل- سريع التفعيل و التحكم في أي تلفاز.- تحكم في اي تلفاز عن بعد عبر الهاتف- التحكم في اي التلفاز عن بعد- التحكم في اي التلفاز بدون أنترنتApplication ControlTVremote, begin to control your TV by running the phone direct totheTV and press the button for Aoki is a check and remotecontrolimmediately starts the application.Control over Jhazallvaz remote Aletili Komend features:- Quick application at work and high in control- Control all types of TVs- Control any TV remote and from a distance- The application does not affect your device, whether TVorMobile- Remote control of any TV Boisath your phone- Application Control on television just a joke providedtoyou* We hope you like it is a high-qualityControl TV remote application fun will make you give up on yourTVany control, start again in control of your TV remote shouldbedirected straight to your phone to the TV and press the buttontobe controlled directly.Application control any TV remote:- Quick activation and control of any TV.- Control any TV remotely via phone.- Control any TV remote.- Control any TV without the Internet.If you like do not forget evaluated.This application is a Prank.Control TV remote application fun will make you give upcontroldevice in any TV, to be launched to control your TV remoteexceptdirecting your phone directly to the TV and press the buttonto becontrolled directly.Application control any TV remote:In many cases, we lost the remote control to your TV or DVD orthehardware or the damaged For this we should buy a new one or tostayfor a long time to find himApplication control and TV remote phone is an application youcancontrol the TV phone remotely in case of loss of theoriginalmachine, when I read "any device," it means that theapplicationhas the most famous hardware brands, which means that hewill notexperience the problem of the loss of the remotecontrolagainAll you need only download the application control TV remotephoneand Alzjul him then you will have to choose only the type ofdeviceand upscale label then you will see the destruction CONTROLyour TVall the characteristics of real-time audio, change channels,changethe port, turn off the ignition, searching for channelsBno.ha orname .... .All this without the need for an Internet phone to be abletocontrol the TV by telephone, you can transform your phoneforRemote ControlControl TV remoteAre you tired of searching for your remote control software inanyTV? Remote TVNow with the introduction of remote control of any new versionofa television set in 2016, you can use your smartphone or tablettocontrol your TV For optimum viewing experience and facilitatetheviewing experience. This application works to control the smartTVsvia smartphone, features a device that deals with all types ofsmartTVs, which also makes the inconvenience and confusion causedbymultiple remotes is something of the past.From entering the application press the fire button on the deviceoroperation.The advantages of this application:It does not affect the phone unlike other applications.Easy to use and does not require a Wi-off.Want to control your TV with a laptop, cell phone or tablet,thenthis is the application for you. Remote control for allchannels,acts as a universal remote control.The process is the same term real TV.This application is completely free and they do notrequireexternal devices. Your kids have lost the remote control atthe TVremote or you just want to turn the game in a bar, you canstilluse your phone.Remote control at the TV Universal Remote is a new applicationthatallows you to use your phone or tablet as a Muslim for TV, DVD,orsatellite.Fryers this application as a remote infrared or Wi-Firemotecontrol. You can use this application with smart TVs oroldTVs.Key Features:1. sharing media: Moving Simplay your photos, music and videotoyour Smart TV to diskplay or play, so you can take advantage ofthebig screen TV.2. Remote Control TV remote: Allows control of Smart TV simplyviaLAN. Phone can act as a touch pad or remote TV (IRremote).In the latter always memorable assess our application andcommentsput him and, if you encounter any problems do not hesitatetocontact us through our e-mail at the bottom zihaar- Quick activation and control of any TV.- Control any TV remotely via phone- Control any TV remote- Control any TV without the Internet
Remote Control For Tv 8
What if you could control your TVwithyourAndroid device? Try this amazing Tv Remote For All Tvtoconvertyour android device into a universal TV remote. This appTvRemoteFor All Tv is really easy to configure for yourtelevisionand isreally easy-to-use. The “Tv Remote For All Tv” appallows youtoexperience a real TV remote like experience while usingtheapp.Our app supports most TV brands and models. Whether youhaveaSamsung TV, LG TV, Sony TV or any other branded TV, youcanalwaysconvert your android device to a remote for your TV.Remote Control for All TV, converts easily your Android phoneintoauniversal remote control for TV. It's simple and easytoconfigureand use, the mode of use is exactly the same asRemoteControlTV.Remote control for tv is a tool which can replace yourphysicaltvremote. Whenever you can not find your remote or want tofunlikefooling your friends than Tv remote control will be theretohelpyou. It is always good and easy to use a singleremotecontroldevice to control all you electronic equipment.This TV Remote Control app can also connect to your smartTVusingWiFi and configuration happens in seconds. This is amongthebestTV Remote Control apps available on the play сторе-----------------------------------------FEATURES--------------------------★ smart tv remote vizio★ universal remote control★ universal remote★ universal remote control for all tvs★ universal remote control for all ac★ universal remote control for dvd player★ universal remote control for vizio smart tv★ tv remote control app universal for non smart tv no wifinoirblaster★ universal sony remote control for sony blu ray dvd player★ universal remote control for all set top box in digital★ universal remote control for all tvs app free with nowificonnectfor samsung ★ blue ray dvd★ universal bluray remote★ tv remote control★ tv remote samsung★ tv remote for vizio★ tv remote control for all tv d2h videoconJust right before one of your favorite TV seasons or showisaboutto start, OR your favorite sports game is about to start,ORyou wantto watch news in your remote control for samsung tvsisnot withinyour reach. mobile remote tvCurrently world’s leading television brands (SAMSUNG,FUJITSU,LG,Panasonic, PHILIPS, SHARP and SONY Remote controls)havebeenincluded in this application. We are workingcontinuouslytoinclude maximum TV brands, and the remote control appwillbeupdated accordingly. If your brand is not listed or theTVremoteapplication is not working with your television, pleasedropus anemail with your TV brand and remote model and we will workontomake this application compatible with your TV brandThis application is compatible with:• Remote control for TV LG• Remote control for Samsung TV• Remote control for Sony TV• Remote control for TV thomson• Remote control for TV philips• Remote control for TV FUNAI• Remote control for TV Hitachi• Remote control for TV maxent• Remote control for TV aiwa• Remote control for TV hisense• Remote control for TV RCA• Remote control for TV Sanyo• Remote control for TV vizio• Remote control for TV Akai• Remote control for TV technics• Remote control for Vizio TV• Remote control for TV Panasonic• Remote control for Sharp TV
Bubble Level, Spirit Level
Level (waterpas), ruler. Measuring angles and slope.
TV Remote Controle 2017 12
TV remote control 2017 allows you to controlTVwith just a few clicks on your mobile phone! This useful toolworkslike a real remote controller for almost every televisionset! Nowyou can change volume sound and switch the tv channel withyourphone!Main features:- supports more than 70manufacturers,- easy to setup and use,- available for free!Your phone can change TV decoder's channels! Now you can usemobilephone to control TV decoder! Forget about physicalremotecontrollers! Steer decoder with just a few clicks onphone'sscreen!Control you Tv with your phone using our Remote control.Wheneveryou can not find your remote or want to fun like foolingyourfriends than Tv remote control will be there to helpyou.Remotecontrol for tv is a tool which can replace your can control your android smart tv with this UniversalTvRemote control.Welcome to tv remote controlRemote for LG TVRemote for Samsung TVRemote for Sony TVRemote for Vizio TVRemote for Panasonic TVRemote for Sharp TVGet rid of the annoying regular temper problems caused by:• Losing your remote,• Batteries worn out, remote for tv vizio• Smacking your little sibling for breaking it,• Biting and / or boiling your batteries in water hoping itwouldresult in magically recharging them, etc, you can control your Smart TV with this Remote Control V2TV,this is a very cool Android application that allows youcontrolyour Television with your smartphone or tablet. Your remotecontrolfor all channels, works as a Universal Remote.Smart Remote Control Tv is the best app which will help you toturnyour Android smart phone into an ultimate remote control forall TVavailable in the market. Have you ever wasted your time justforfinding your lost TV remote control? Do you want to easilycontrolany television in your home or your friends' house? If so,thiseasy TV remote control app will be your best app for yourphonewhenever and wherever you need!smart remote control It will allow you to control almost anytypesof TVs including Panasonic Smart TV, LG Smart TV and ToshibaSmartTV.
Clinometer + bubble level 2.4
The most accurate level for mobile devices!
Nevo Smart Phone
Please note this app requires an accessory to be purchased,youmightwant to try the free Nevo Home which works purely withWi-Fiagainstcompatible devices. Phone isa universal remote control app that worksinconjunction with aseparately purchased IR bridge. There aretwoprimary types of IRbridge products: A Bluetooth Smart to IR hubora WiFi to IR adapter.Either device will enable your Androidphoneto control home theaterequipment when using the Nevo SmartRemoteapp. Nevo can be used toalmost any home theater deviceincludingTVs, cable boxes, satellitereceivers, media streamers,gameconsoles, audio devices, Blu-ray/DVD players, covering over6,000unique brands. The Nevo Smart Phoneapp is designed forsimplicitywith a smart setup wizard and simpleactivity-basedcontrol. Inaddition, the Nevo Smart Phone appincludes anintegrated programguide, enabling you to browse yourlist ofchannels for upcomingshows, to get info on the show, cast,andcrew, and to tune to aselected show with the tap of afinger.Features: • RequiresBluetooth Smart-to-IR or WiFi-to-IRbridgedevice that can bepurchased separately • Smart setup wizardmakessetup fast and easy• Controls TVs, cable boxes,satellitereceivers, media streamers,game consoles, audio devices,Blu-ray/DVD players, and otherdevices o Covering over 6,000 uniquebrandso Setup is as easy astesting a function and answering YES orNO •Activity-based controlincluding WATCH TV, WATCH MOVIE, LISTENTOMUSIC, and customactivities o Volume controls assigned foreachactivity o Contentsource assigned for each activity o Autoinputswitching uponactivity launch • On-screen electronic programguideenablescontent browsing and selection to occur withoutimpactingthedisplay on the TV o Just tilt your phone sideways toaccesstheiPhone guide and tilt it back upright to go back toremotecontrolmode o Access to program info, cast and crew, andprogramphotos oTap “WATCH NOW” and the channel will change to theselectedprogramo Note that not all regions or TV service providersareincluded •Supports multiples rooms – a different IR bridgeisrequired foreach room • When paired with a Nevo PortalBluetoothSmart to IRbridge, the app enables Nevo Portal keyfunctions to beassigned bythe user • Note: Bluetooth Smartcommunication with theNevo Portalrequires Android v4.3 or higher
DISH/DTH Universal TV Remote 10
Dish-DTH Recorder & TV Remote-- RecordyourDish/Dth Tv programs .With Remote .now you can easily recordandwatch later the tv programs,also turn your android smart phoneto asmart tv remote.we are supporting almost all the TV brandsandDish/DTH can download the app and give us atry.findthe TV brands and Dish -DTH operators belowSupported TV BrandsLG TVSamsung TVSony TVPanasonic TVSharp TVxiaomi TVFire TV,itachiInsigniaJVCPhilipsToshibaRemote Control for dish tv is a Smart Mobile App which connectswithyour Dish-DTH SetTop Box Remote either through BluetoothorWi-Fi.DISH/DTH TV REMOTE-UNIVERSAL will helps you to operate yourDTHconnection in TV. Universal set top box remote control,one ofthebest app which helps you to turn your android smart phone toremoteto your can access the all of the major remote functions like Volumeupand down, channel up and down,power button functions,mute,homeandthere are some other cool stuffs for you.Supported Dish TV providersDish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DDFreeDish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv and 100 other dish Tv provider wearesupported.DISH/DTH TV REMOTE-UNIVERSAL will helps you to operate yourDTHconnection in TV.we will added more that 200 DTH/DISH connectioninthe can chose your connection and TV and once youdonethe selection you can start operate the Remote,you can controlyourTV through your smart need of any other remotejustdownload our app and start using the remote.before using theremoteyou need to select the DTH connection of yours and theTVtype,there is a number of option available there tomakeselection.Download our app and make your android phone asTVremote,this is the one of the first DIsh/DTH remote app intheGoogle play. Follwing are the DTH/DISH Connection which we addedinthis remote,check whether your connection are available inthislist,if yes download our app and change your smart phonetoremoteSUPPORTED DTH/DISH CONNECTIONSDish/Dth Smart TV Remote for all ,Best universal SmartDish/DthRemote ever ,you can operate the Dish/DTH with your smartphone,download our app and lets start using mobile phone as atvremote,you can use our app for any dth/dish connection becauseitis completely universal tv remote,what all you can do withthisremote? You can change your Channels,you can operatevolumelevels,power on and off and VOD,menu ,Home and almost allthefeatures which is available in your normal remote,that alsoweadded here .let's become a completely smart user with yoursmarttv. following are the TV brands and DTH/Dish connections whichweare supporting.Videocon,Reliance,BigTv,Dish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DDFreeDish,Pittsburgh InternationalTelecommunications,DirecTV,DISHNetwork,Comcast,Glorystar,Spiritcast,SkyAngel,TopasTV,SEEMORE,NOVA Cyprus,SkyLink,CSLink,DigiTV,UPCDirect,Canal
AMOTE Pro - LIRC Client 5.5
Important! This app needs a running LIRCserveron a Windows or Linux system and you will probably also needspecialhardware for sending the infrared commands. I wouldrecommend usingthe Irdroid Wifi system that works out the box withAMOTE (find ithere your own system using a Raspberry Pi and a simpleDIYtransmitter like this one Pro is a client for LIRC (the Linux Infrared RemoteControl).Connect an infrared transmitter/blaster to your serverrunningLIRC, create or download a remote control configuration filefrom Andyouare ready to build your own network based Universal Remotecontrolout of your tablet or phone.Need help? Found a bug or have some ideas to share either contactmeat [email protected] Use colors to design your own remote. Select different colorsforbuttons, grid, icons, symbols and texts.- Macro support. Create favorite keys that issues multipleinfraredcommands from one or more LIRC servers. For example createa keythat turns off the tv in your living room and in your bed roomatthe same time.- Supports repeat on long press both real and emulated- Support simulated events, make LIRC server pretend it receivedtheevent over IR- Password protection on startup and/or on resume.- Hide statusbar and lock in portrait mode- Slide between views- 4 button home screen widget with your four most usedfavoritebuttons (macros are also supported).- Increasing the size of the layout will preserve theconfigurationyou have already done.- Use icons, text and symbols for each button- Configurable number of coloumns and rows and up to 10differentfavorite remote-pages- Different layout depending on screen orientation- Should work with any standard LIRC server including WinLIRC- Tested on Android versions 1.6 to 4.1- You will get future updates. AMOTE is always a work inprogressand there are additional features in the works.
Multi Clinometer 1.15
Three clinometers in one
Precise Level 3.0.6
E - Tools
Spirit Level or just Bubble Level with Calibration forSurfaceMeasurement
iSmart TV 2.0.015
The iSmartTV app is developedbyChanghongElectric Co., Ltd.Connect to the certain TV series of Changhong smart TV,toquicklynavigate the wondering channel, Sharevideos/photos/musicfrom thephone, and Control the TV.Easy navigation: Download the channel list of the TV andsetfor9catalogues according to the type.One wee EPG: Allowed to the check one week EPG of thechannelsinyour TV.Reservation: Reserve your favorite program, and will alertyouwhenit’s on in 5minutes.Share: Videos, Photos, Music in your mobile is easily to playintheTV and share with you family and friends.Control: All TV remote functions is available in the APP.More functions are waiting for you...Notice:Please keep your mobile device and TV in the same network.The application only support the certain changhongmodels,pleasecheck your instruction book or ask the supplierformoreinformation.
Dinova Apps
Dish Remote and free television channels oneofthe best app which provide you with a TV .or IR WIFI remote.youcandownload our application and use the smartphone as a TVremote.alsowe provide services DTH / Dish DISH free / Remote DTHuniversal TVand receiver, our application is a universal remotefor your TV, Itstotally free.Download our application and turnyour smartphone forthe DTH receiver / DISH, it detects allconnections cloths andconnect with the selected once connected,you can use the remotecontrol with your remote app.turn oursmartphone to your TV Androidsmartyou can order your Smart TV with our remote TV remote .thisisuniversal and you can manage any brand of TV, and we addedalmostevery dish or DTH (direct to home) connections withintheDISH/DTH TV REMOTE-UNIVERSAL will helps you to operate yourDTHconnection in TV.we will added more that 200 DTH/DISH connectioninthe can chose your connection and TV and once youdonethe selection you can start operate the Remote,you can controlyourTV through your smart need of any other remotejustdownload our app and start using the remote.before using theremoteyou need to select the DTH connection of yours and theTVtype,there is a number of option available there tomakeselection.Download our app and make your android phone asTVremote,this is the one of the first DIsh/DTH remote app intheGoogle play. Follwing are the DTH/DISH Connection which we addedinthis remote,check whether your connection are available inthislist,if yes download our app and change your smart phone toremoteSUPPORTED DTH/DISH CONNECTIONSDish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DDFreeDish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv,PittsburghInternationalTelecommunications,DirecTV,DISHNetwork,Comcast,Glorystar,Spiritcast,SkyAngel,GlobeCast WorldTV,Home2US,AT&TU-Verse,VerizonFiOS,Indovision,TransVision,Aora TVsatelit,Skynindo,BigTV,Orange,K-Vision,Topas TV,IRIB,yes,SKYPerfecTV!,Astro,DDishTVLLC,UNITEL DTH,Dish Home,Dream SatelliteTV,G Sat,Cignal DigitalTV,Skylife,Dialog TV,Peo TV,DishLanka,TrueVisions,GMM Z,CTH,TOTIPTV,Sky NetDTH,Austar,Foxtel,SelecTV,UBIWorldTV,VAST,SKY,Freeview,Euro1080,Digit-Alb,SkyÖsterreich,ORF,Austriasat,TVVlaanderen Digitaal,TéléSATNumérique,Belgium SatelliteServices,Vivacom TV,Bulsatcom,MTel,DigiTV,SEEMORE,NOVACyprus,SkyLink,CSLink,Digi TV,UPCDirect,CanalDigital,Viasat,ABSat,CanalSat,TPS,BISTV,FRANSAT,TNTSAT,CanalDigital,Viasat,MagtiCom,SkyDeutschland,NOVA Greece,OTE TV Greece,DigiTV,UPCDirect,T-home,Hello HD,AustriaSatMagyarország,Sky,Saorsat,SkyItalia,TéléSATLuxembourg,CanalDigitaal,CanalDigital,Viasat,CyfrowyPolsat,nc+,Portugal[edit],ZON TV Cabo,MEOSatélite,Orange TV,DigiTV,Dolce,Focus Sat,Kosmos TV,NTV Plus,OrionExpress,RIKOR TV,RussianTV Time,Tricolor TV Sibir,NTV PlusVostok,TricolorTV,Serbia[edit],Digi TV,TotalTV,Digi TV,MagioSat,Skylink,CSLink,UPC Direct,Digital+,CanalDigital,Viasat,Satellite MediaSwitzerland,GLOBCOSSwitzerland,Digiturk,D-Smart,Sky,Freesat,iSatLTD,VirginMedia,Ukraine[edit],NTV Plus Ukraine,ViasatUkraine,ВОЛЯ(Cable),Максимум ТВ (MITRIS),Xtra TV,BellTV,ShawDirect,Spiritcast,Glorystar,Telus TV,DirecTV,Antina,TuvesHD,InterSatelital Bolivia,SKY Brasil,Vivo TV,Claro TV,OiTV,GVTTV,Telefónica TV Digital,DirecTV,Claro TV,MovistarTVHogar,DirecTV,Tuves HD,DirecTV,Peru[edit],CableMágicoSatelital,DirecTV Latin America,TuvesHD,TuvesHD,DirecTV,DirecTV,Movistar Venezuela,SKYMéxico,DishMéxico,Cablevisión México,Following are the some of the TV model which our appswillsupport--
Smart TV Remote for All Device 10
million users throughout the world.Thesimplicity which this app offers its users has beenacknowledgedand appreciated widely by our users.So, Get rid of the annoying regular temper problems causedby:• Losing your remote,• Batteries worn out,• Smacking your little sibling for breaking it,• Biting and / or boiling your batteries in water hoping itwouldresult in magically recharging them, etc.Smart TV Remote was downloaded over 19 million times and becameoneof the most popular unofficial Samsung TV remote apps!After 2 years being a network remote only for SamsungTVs(2011-2013)we risk the next step and make this app to be anuniversalremote.Thus, it is now possible with your infra-red capable phonetocontrol all TVs.Do you have an additional cable box, an audio receiver, or amediaplayer? No problem, Smart TV Remote can control up to 4devicesover IR.Smart TV Remote as network remote for Samsung TVs(2011-2013):★Controls Samsung TVs from the years 2011-2013: B,C,D,E undFSeries☆Due to changes in the network communication protocol, SamsungTVsfrom 2014 and later are not supported: H and J Series★Define your favourite channels and control your TV simplyviachannel logos. No annoying channel sorting is neededanymore☆By using widges, notifications, and the Smart Action Bar, thisappis always available, even if the app is not runninginforeground★Lot of cool functions, which ease the use of your TVSmart TV Remote as universal infra-red remote:★Controls up to 4 devices without annoying remote switch: TV,cablebox, audio receiver, and media playerSmart TV Remote for Samsung is one of the best remote controlappthat allows you to turn your Android device into remotecontrollerto replace your Samsung TV remote.Connect your Android device to your Samsung Smart TV to thesamewireless network, and enjoy the several predefined remotecontrollayouts – customized to your needs, multiple themes and thehomescreen widget support.A Smart IR Universal Remote Control for Android.Smart Remote control for electronic devices with your SAMSUNGGalaxyS4, S5, Note3, Galaxy Tab / HTC ONE Smart phone withIR(Infra Red)Remote.Please check supported SAMSUNG GALAXY/HTC smart phonelistbelow!!!You can use your smart phone as IR Smart Remote Control forTVSettop BoxAir ConditionerDSLR CameraDVD/Bluray PlayerProjectorStreaming BoxSmart Remote Control Tv is the best app which will help you toturnyour Android smart phone into an ultimate remote control forall TVavailable in the market. Have you ever wasted your time justforfinding your lost TV remote control? Do you want to easilycontrolany television in your home or your friends' house? If so,thiseasy TV remote control app will be your best app for yourphonewhenever and wherever you need!smart remote control It will allow you to control almost anytypesof TVs including Panasonic Smart TV, LG Smart TV and ToshibaSmartTV. We have also tested this app with Sony Smart TV and VizioSmartTV. Besides these, Samsung Smart TV and Sharp television arealsosupported.Supported Devices- Smart TV
Remote Control for Tv 1.3
Control you Tv with your phone using ourRemotecontrol. Whenever you can not find your remote or want tofun likefooling your friends than Tv remote control will be thereto helpyou.Remote control for tv is a tool which can replace yourphysicaltv can control your android smart tv with thisUniversalTv Remote control.Remote control supported all type of connection mode like IP,IRPort or Wifi connections.Tv Remote Control Supported allbrands(Samsung, Vizio, Sony, LG or many more).How to Configure Remote Control for Tv :- Select TV from Tv List- Select Connection like IP, IR Port or Wifi connection.- Wait for a seconds until your connection done successful.Awesome Features of Tv Remote Control :- Power On / Off control- Channel Up / Down control- Volume Up / Down control- Menu Button with Up / Down and Left / Right controls.Thank for choosing TV Remote control !
Clinometer 1.5
Simple Clinometer Display an angle of inclination like aroadtraffic signs.
App lock - Real Fingerprint, P 41.0
Kohinoor Apps
Fingerprint applock real to protect apps by fingerprint with PINorPattern.
Clinometer - Bubble Level 3.5
Clinometer is an application that reports slopes according totheposition of your smartphone or tablet. It has the bubble modeandalso reports in isolation the slope of each axis.