Top 7 Apps Similar to GNR LSPCC

Guide leaders tackle firefighters.
Perte de Charge Pompier
Bruno Sayton
Cette application permet decalculerrapidementles pertes de charges hydrauliques engendréesdanslesétablissements de tuyaux des pompiers.Choisissez le type d'établissement, le nombre et le type delance,lalongueur des tuyaux, le débit de chaque lance, le déniveléetc..L'application calculera pour vous la pression derefoulementàl'engin et vous donnera tous les calculsintermédiaires.Utile pour les conducteurs pompier ou pour vérifier quel'onacorrectement résolu son exercice d'hydraulique.This applicationallowsyouto quickly calculate pressure losses generated inhydraulichosesinstitutions firefighters.Choose the type of facility, the number and type oflance,hoselength, the throughput of each spear, altitude etc. ..The application will calculate the discharge pressureofthemachine and give you all the intermediate calculations.Useful for drivers or firefighter to verify that wehavecorrectlysolved the hydraulic exercise.
EQSPF 1.0.0
Cette application est un guide mémoireàl'attention des équipiers des sapeurs pompiers de France.Elle n'a pas pour vocation de former les sapeurs pompiers,maisde participer au maintien des acquis et pour rafraichir lamémoiredes généralistes du secours.Elle peut néanmoins apporter une aide certaine aux JSP ou SPenFIA.Les spécialités ou interventions particulières ne sont pasévoquéesdans cette application ni le SAP qui fera l’objet d’uneapplicationdédiée.Les techniques ou procédures varient d'un département àl'autre(il faut croire que les feux ne sont pas identiques...),lesrèglements et procédures départementaux priment bien évidemmentsurle contenu de cette application.Conformément au référentiel de formation deséquipiers,l’application regroupe les thèmes suivants :• Des outils opérationnels : calculs hydrauliques et del’autonomied’un porteur ARI• Un module incendie :o Protection individuelle et collectiveo Sauvetages et mises en sécuritéo Alimentation, établissements et extinctiono Moyens élévateurs aériens• Un module opérations diverseso Moyens radioo Interventions diverseso Interventions animalières• Culture professionnelle limitée à la culture administrativeCette application sera régulièrement mise à jouretgratuitement.Bien que cette application ait fait l'objet deplusieursrelectures, il est fort probable qu'il subsiste deserreurs. Nousvous remercions de votre indulgence et vous invitons ànous fairepart de vos remarques pour faire évoluer cetteapplication dans lebon sens.N'hésitez pas à envoyer un mail à l'auteur si vous avezuncommentaire, une suggestion ou une question.En construction :• SAP• Chef d’équipe des sapeurs-pompiers• FDF – GN FDF• Mise à jour : CASPF – PRV ERP – PRV CDTMots clés : pompier, incendie, secours, intervention,feu,sapeurs, pompiers, sapeur-pompierThis application isabrief guide to the attention of the crew of firefightersfromFrance.It does not aim to train firefighters, but to participateinlearning retention and to refresh the memory of general help.It may nevertheless provide some assistance to JSP orSPFIA.Specialties or specific interventions are not discussed inthisapplication nor the SAP which will be a dedicatedapplication.Techniques or procedures vary from one department to another(wemust believe that the lights are not the same ...), regulationsanddepartmental procedures prevail obviously on the contents ofthisapplication.Accordance with training reference teammates, theapplicationincludes the following topics:• Operational tools: hydraulic calculations and autonomy ofacarrier ARI• A fire moduleo individual and collective protectiono Rescues and made safeo Food, institutions and extinctiono Means lift air• An operation unit variouso Means radioo Various Interventionso Interventions animal• limited to professional administrative culture CultureThis application will be regularly updated and free.Although this application has been the subject ofseveralre-readings, it is likely that errors remain. Thank you foryourindulgence and invite you to give us feedback to developthisapplication in the right direction.Do not hesitate to send an email to the author if you haveacomment, suggestion or question.In construction:• SAP• Team Leader firefighters• FDF - GN FDF• Updated: CASPF - ERP GRP - GRP CDTTags: firefighter, fire, rescue, response, fire, fire,fire,firefighter
Phelp 0.9.3
PhelpPhone Help - Emergency codes everywhere★ This application lists emergency codes for thecountryselected(SOS, Ambulance, etc...).★ List USSD codes for some operators.(if you know info wedon'thaveyet please contact us we will add it asap)★ Favourites coming soon.USSD codes:★ Free codes from mobile network that you can callforsomefeatures,like:★★ Ask for call.★★ Check for balance.★★ Money transfer, etc.ALSO:★ Totally OFF-LINE and ads free.★ The user can always choose the country and operator toseetheirsrespective codes.Feel free to contact us and help us grow.Email: [email protected]:✔ Almost every country (~99%)
IES Foam/Friction Calculator 1.0
App allows firefighters to be abletomakecalculations on the move to decide on the density offoamrequiredto put off a fire.
SP Grenade
Application officielle des sapeurs pompiersdeGrenade sur Adour.Photos, Statistiques, liste des intervention en tempsréel,niveau de l'adour. applicationoffirefighters Granada on Adour.Photos, Statistics, list of real-time intervention level oftheAdour.
Firefighter Rescue Tactics 2.1
The success of the operation standsandfallswith the decision of the officer-in-chargeduringtheoperation.The application should support the officer-in-charge ofthefireservice with their management decisions and thereforeassurethesuccess of the operation.The application is based on the positive experience duringtheworkassignment of the German fire services.Besides tactical regulations for special operations,theapplicationprovides as well a function for locating thecurrentposition, whichenables a top view of the map extract.A must for every firefighter!Fire , Tactics , Rescue , Nfpa , Captain , DepartmentThe success ofthesurgerystands and falls with the decision of theofficer-in-chargefallingon the operation. The application shoulderstand support the officer-in-chargeofthefire service With Their Management Decisions andTHEREFOREAssurethe success of the operation.The application is based on the positive experience fallingonthework assignment of the German fire services.Besides tactical regulations for special operations,theapplicationas well Provides a function for locating thecurrentposition, WhichEnables a top view of the map extract.A must for every firefighter!Fire, Tactics, Rescue, Nfpa, Captain, Department