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The Pc Constructor Pre-Alpha 1.9
With This Application you can choose from a number of PartsandAssemble A computer which can meet all your needs . You canalsoShare your build's with your friends (probably showoff a bit XD) .You can also use this application to make a computer to meetyouroffice need's . All you need is just your smartphone andtheinternet. Pc Constructor is the first of it's kind in theplaystore , Sadly we do not have enough funding to complete it . So,we are releasing it half way through which will earn us theamountneeded as well as implement the maximum amount of suggestionsfromall our users which will shape the application to be the bestone.Do Not Worry guys , many features are not yet implemented ..Therewill be Constant updates every week. This is just the BETAVersion.This can be Achieved Only If All You Users have trust inUs. Wethank all the people who have downloaded our application inadvance! :D. What you can expect in the coming updates is listed intheapplication , in the coming up section (navigation drawer) But,Some of them have been missed out so here is the full list:-CustomParts = Done. Offline Version = Done. 1. saving completedbuildsinto different slots. 2. motherboard specifications sectionwill beadded to every component , will take some time. 3. databaseonlypartially completed , there is progress made everyday and willbenoticed in the application without updating. 5.premium features-will be announced on Facebook and Twitter 6. Change inuserinterface. incl. (Colors , Looks , etc.) 7. BuildCompatibilityChecker. 8. User Accounts to store builds online. 9.BackwardsCompatibility to android HoneyComb and below. 10.Comparisons canbe made between different products. 11. SeparateProduct Page. 12.Direct Retailer Links to buy products. (ALMOSTDONE) 13.Choose frompredefined Build's , Edit Them Etc. Permissions:- INTERNET : - Todownload the Application's Database and Image'sof Products.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE :- Temporarily Cache Image's OfProduct's onExternal Storage. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE :- To check ifinternet isavailable or not.