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Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Hebrew Bible + nikud תנך מנוקד 4.1.1
YO Apps
The Hebrew Bible with nikud! with original texts and hebrew fontandnarrating
The Holocaust History 2.3
The Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστος holókaustos: hólos,"whole"and kaustós, "burnt"), also known as the Shoah (Hebrew:השואה,HaShoah, "the catastrophe"), was a genocide in whichapproximatelysix million Jews were killed by Adolf Hitler's Naziregime and itscollaborators. Some historians use a definition ofthe Holocaustthat includes the additional five million non-Jewishvictims of Nazimass murders, bringing the total to approximatelyeleven million.Killings took place throughout Nazi Germany andGerman-occupiedterritories. From 1941 to 1945, Jews weresystematically murdered ina genocide, one of the largest inhistory, and part of a broaderaggregate of acts of oppression andkillings of various ethnic andpolitical groups in Europe by theNazi regime. Every arm ofGermany's bureaucracy was involved in thelogistics and the carryingout of the genocide, turning the ThirdReich into "a genocidalstate". Other victims of Nazi crimesincluded Romanis, ethnic Polesand other Slavs, Soviet POWs,communists, homosexuals, Jehovah'sWitnesses and the mentally andphysically disabled. In total,approximately 11 million people werekilled, including approximatelyone million Jewish children.Of thenine million Jews who had residedin Europe before the Holocaust,approximately two-thirds werekilled. A network of about 42,500facilities in Germany andGerman-occupied territories were used toconcentrate, confine, andkill Jews and other victims. Over 200,000people are estimated tohave been Holocaust perpetrators.
Audio Bible MP3 310.0.0
Edson Deda
English Holy Bible Audio Sound Voice MP3 - King James Version
Peninei Halachah 4.3.1
An application for the “Peninei Halachah” series of books onJewishLaw
塔木德智慧全书 5.02
研究犹太做生意的智慧、控制金钱的智慧,还不如学习犹太人的处世智慧,国为后者是前两者的基础。    此书既不是史书却在谈史,不是人物志却在述说人物,不是百科全书,却包罗万象。。。。。。。 塔木德智慧全书挖掘辉煌的希伯来文化遗产,诠释睿智的《塔木德》圣典精华。犹太人十分注重对宗教经典著作的学习和运用。《圣经》、《塔木德》等,规范了犹太人的行为,成了他们生活的准则,使他们能够沿着不断进取和追求卓越的轨迹发展。《塔木德》使人学会处世,领受智慧,仁义,公平,正直的训诲。使愚人灵明,使少年人有知识和谋略。使勤奋的人增长学问。塔木德智慧枕边书    犹太民族是人类大家庭中的伟大成员之一。她创造了以《圣经》和《塔木德》为代表的灿烂辉煌的希伯来文化,造就了一大批杰出的思想大师、科学巨匠、政界名流和工商业巨子,为人类的发展和进步做出了卓越的贡献。本书从犹太民族的修身、交友、为人、处事、谋略等方面入手,以品质、得失、积累、顽强等方面为切入点,通过精彩的故事和案例,全方位展示了犹太民族处世智慧的独特魅力。注:我们精心制作的合集,只为用户方便收藏而已。如果您只需要云端书库的功能,您可以下载我们同一款软件:“书香云集”,更多精彩等着你体验。
Talmud in English
Gemara Talmud Bavli in English