Top 30 Apps Similar to uGrow baby development tracker

Pregnancy ++ 3.7.3
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1 PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for everyweekofpregnancy? Join more than 10 million users who alreadyusethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy++ App can also be personalizedfordads,grandparents and other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage ofbeingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims anyliability for the decisions you make based onthisinformation, whichis provided to you on a generalinformationbasis only and not as asubstitute for personalizedmedical advice.If you have any concernsabout your pregnancy,consult with yourdoctor or midwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you ahealthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Oje, Ich Wachse! 6.1.9
Domus Technica
Der weltweite Bestseller unter denBaby-Appsvon “Oje, ich wachse!” ist ein personalisierterWochenkalender zurmentalen Entwicklung Ihres Babys. Er bietet IhnenumfassendeInformationen zu den Entwicklungssprüngen undempfindlichen PhasenIhres Babys.DIE WELTWEIT BESTE APP=============================- Als “Coolste App für Mütter” ausgezeichnet.- “Best App Ever Wards 2013 & 2014”-Gewinner in denBereichenGesundheit & Fitness .- Gewinner des Verbraucherpreises “Consumer Choice &GoldAward”; verliehen durch MumIi.- “AppRx Awards”-Gewinner unter den 10 besten Gesundheits-AppsfürKinder.- Gewinner der “Besten App auf Elternwunschlisten”; verliehendurchden britischen Gesundheitsdienst NHS.- Durch Apple zum Gewinner unter den Top 10 der “Jahresbesten2016”in Australien, GB, den Niederlanden und vielen anderenLändernbestimmt.- Top-25-App in den Bereichen Gesundheit & Fitness indenmeisten Ländern rund um den Globus.KERNMERKMALE=============================Behalten Sie die mentale Entwicklung Ihres Babys im Auge.Erfahren Sie alles zu den Entwicklungssprüngen undempfindlichenPhasen Ihres Babys.Lesen Sie den Bestseller “Oje, ich wachse!” mithilfe der App.Verfassen Sie Notizen zu diversen Themen Ihrer Wahl.Diese App dient Ihnen als mobile Version des Kalenderdiagrammszuden Entwicklungssprüngen von “Oje, ich wachse!” auf einenBlick.Während das Buch detailliert und leicht verständlichdieerstaunlichen Veränderungen beschreibt, die Ihr Baby imRahmenseiner Entwicklung durchläuft, ist diese App IhrperfekterBegleiter in Kalenderform, was die mentalenEntwicklungssprüngeIhres Babys während seiner ersten 20Lebensmonate betrifft. IndemSie verstehen, was im Kopf Ihres Babysvor sich geht, können Sieihm helfen, den jeweiligen Sprung besserzu meistern und seineEntwicklung zu fördern.Die “Oje, ich wachse!”-App hilft frischgebackenen Eltern:- indem sie kalendarisch angibt, wann der nächstementaleEntwicklungssprung des Babys bevorsteht- zu verstehen, was ihr Baby nach dem jeweiligen mentalenSprungbegreifen und lernen kann- zu welchen Dingen ihr Baby nach dem Sprung befähigtistund...- zu erkennen, wie sie ihrem Baby dabei helfen können.Diese App dient frischgebackenen Eltern außerdem alspraktischesErinnerungstool für den jeweiligen Zeitpunkt, an demihrem Babyerneut eine Veränderung im Rahmen seiner Hirnentwicklungbzw. ein“Sprung” bevorsteht. Das Baby macht einen bedeutendenFortschrittin seiner mentalen Entwicklung und mit jedem Sprungvorwärts kommteine drastische Veränderung in der Art und Weise, wiedas Babyseine Umgebung wahrnimmt. Da diese Sprünge unvermittelteintreten,können dem Kind diese “neue Welt” und die neuerworbenenFertigkeiten manchmal beängstigend erscheinen. So äußertsich dieEntwicklung zu Beginn möglicherweise in schlechtemSchlaf,Appetitmangel, Weinen, anhänglichem Verhalten und schlechterLaune,was Mütter und Väter gleichermaßen als erschöpfend undfrustrierendempfinden.Internationale Experten bewerten “Oje, ich wachse!” als:“Überauspraktisches und unterhaltsam verfasstes Werk und Tor zurWelt einesBabys während seiner ersten anderthalb Lebensjahre. Vande Rijt undPlooij haben dieselben verletzlichen Phasen im LebeneinesKleinkindes beobachtet und identifiziert, auf die ichselbstunabhängig von ihren Forschungsergebnissen gestoßen bin undinmeinem Buch “Touchpoints” (Perseus Books Group) eingehe.Diegeschilderten Beobachtungen und praktischen Tipps der Autorensindausgezeichnet.” – Univ.-Prof. Dr. (im Ruhestand) T. BerryBrazeltonvon der medizinischen Fakultät HarvardHaftungsausschluss: Diese App wurde mit größter Sorgfaltentwickelt.Weder Entwickler noch Autor haften für Schäden, diemöglicherweiseaus Ungenauigkeiten oder mangelnden Informationenherausentstehen.The worldwidebest-sellingBaby Apps of "Uh-oh, I'm growing!" Is a personalizedweekly calendarfor mental development of your baby. It offerscomprehensiveinformation on the development of cracks andsensitive phases ofyour baby.THE WORLD'S BEST APP=============================- The "Coolest app for Mothers" excellent.- "Best App Ever Ward's 2013 & 2014" winners in healthandfitness.- Winner of the consumer price "Consumer Choice & GoldAward";awarded by MumIi.- "apprx Awards" winners among the 10 best health appsforkids.- winner of the "Best app on parents wish lists"; awarded bytheBritish Health Service.- Determined by Apple as the winner among the top 10 of the"bestyear in 2016" in Australia, UK, the Netherlands and manyothercountries.- Top 25 App in the areas of health and fitness in mostcountriesaround the globe.KEY FEATURES=============================Keep the mental development of your baby in mind.Learn all about the leaps in development and sensitive phasesofyour baby.Read the bestseller "Oh dear, I'm growing!" Using the app.Write notes on various topics of your choice.This app serves as a mobile version of the calendar diagram oftheleaps in development of "Uh-oh, I'm growing!" At a glance.Whilethe book detailed and easy to understand describes theamazingchanges that goes through your baby as part of itsdevelopment,this app is your perfect companion in calendar form, interms ofmental leaps your baby during its first 20 months of life.Byunderstanding what is going on in your baby's head in front ofhim,can you help him to cope with the respective jump better andtopromote its development.The "! Oh dear, I'm growing" - app helps new parents: - by indicating to the calendar when the next mental leap babyisimminent- to understand what can conceive her baby on the particularmentalleap and learn- to what things their baby is capable of after the jumpand...- to see how they can help their baby there.This app serves new parents also as a practical reminder toolforthe specific date on which her baby is imminent again a changeinits brain development and a "jump". The baby makes asignificantadvance in his mental development and with each leapforward comesa drastic change in the way how the baby perceivesitssurroundings. Because these jumps occur abruptly, the childthis"new world" and the newly acquired skills can sometimesseemdaunting. Thus, the development at the beginning may manifestsinpoor sleep, loss of appetite, crying, anhänglichem behavior andbadtemper what mothers and fathers alike perceive as exhaustiveandfrustrating.International experts evaluate "Oh dear, I'm growing!"as:"Extremely practical and entertaining works authored and gatewaytothe world of a baby during its first year and a half years oflife.Van de Rijt and Plooij have observed the same vulnerablephases inthe life of a toddler and identified, to which I myselfcame acrossregardless of their research results and in my book"touchpoints"(Perseus Books Group) eingehe. The describedobservations andpractical advice of the authors are excellent. "-Univ. Dr.(retired) T. Berry Brazelton of Harvard medicalschoolDisclaimer: This app has been developed with great care.Neitherdevelopers nor the author shall be liable for damages thatmayarise from inaccuracies lack of information or out.
Babyentwicklung im 1. Lebensjahr
Mit dieser App bekommst du wöchentlichallealtersrelevantenInformationen zu Babys Entwicklung im1.Lebensjahr. Siesensibilisiert dich für die kleinen undgroßenFortschritte,schafft Verständnis in schwierigeren Zeiten undbietetjede MengeTipps und Anregungen für eure gemeinsame Zeit. ÜbereineVerlinkungaus der Wochenübersicht oder überdenentsprechendenKategorien-Reiter kannst du dir außerdemeinenthemenbezogenenÜberblick über Ernährung, Gesundheit,kognitiveEntwicklung,motorische Entwicklung, Schlaf,Schübe,Sinnesentwicklung, sozialeEntwicklung oder sprachlicheEntwicklungverschaffen. In denKategorien Spielideen und Spielzeugbekommst dualtersgerechteVorschläge, wobei die Suche durch dasFiltern nachFörderzielenweiter verfeinert werden kann. Die App kanndurchEingabe von BabysNamen und Geburtstag individualisiert werdenundenthält zu diesemZweck auch viele Checkboxen und Notizfelder.Nichtzwingendnotwendig, aber schön, wenn man später noch weiß, wanneszumersten Mal gelächelt hat, wann den ersten Brei bekommen undwannesan der Wand entlanglaufen konnte, oder? Viel Spaß mitunsererApp!Kirstin und Roman
Baby Care - track baby growth! 3.9.10
Track babies grow up, help to become more experienced parents!
WomanLog Baby Calendar 3.6.2
WomanLog Baby (Baby) is a calendar of child development forparents.
Baby + : your baby tracker 1.4.2
New baby? Track your baby’s development,andsave those special moments forever. Get the supportive Baby Appformoms and dads!Baby+ gives you everything you need in one App: helpfulDailyInformation, a Personal Diary, White Noise to help your babysleep,eCards that can be shared with family & friends, AmazingPhotoTools, Development Trackers, Reminders, and so muchmore!In this unique Baby App you will get:--------------------------------------------------INFORMATION - to reassure and support• A Personalized Homepage• Daily Activities for you to do with your baby• Week by Week Development Info• Activities and Toys by Age information• Parenting Guides• Breastfeeding Guides & Support• Breastfeeding Videos• After Birth Recovery TipsMEMORIES – record & share with family• Baby Diary• Special Moments• Create a YearbookPHOTO TOOLS – create beautiful images & videos• eCards• Face a Day (create a timeline video)• Add Stickers inc speech bubbles & milestones• Photo AdviceAUDIO TOOLS – to help baby sleep• White Noise• LullabiesDEVELOPMENT TRACKERS – log every step• Tooth Log & Chart• Milestones Log• Growth Tracker• WHO Growth Data• Weight & Height Tracker• Head Circumference• Diaper Changes• Breast Feeding• Bottle Feeding• Solid Feeds• Sleep PatternsHEALTH - support• Doctor Visit Planner• Meds Log• Vaccine Log• Mom’s Weight TrackerCHILDREN – tailored to your family• Multiple Children• Twin Option--------------------------------------------------Capture your little one’s special moments, share them on Facebookorexport them to a gorgeous Yearbook that this Baby App willcreatefor you!--------------------------------------------------Baby+ is developed by Health & Parenting, the makers oftheworldwide No.1 Pregnancy App ‘Pregnancy +’ with over 10milliondownloads to date.Health & Parenting supports you at every stage of beingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: ofUse: Baby App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadvice of a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims any liability for the use or misuse you make based ontheApp, which is provided to you on a general information basisonlyand not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. Ifyouhave any concerns about your health or your baby’s health,consultwith your doctor, pediatrician or healthcareproviderimmediately.
Pregnancy + 4.2.1
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for every weekofpregnancy? Join more than 12 million users who already usethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy+ App can also be personalized for dads,grandparentsand other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage of beingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: ofUse: App is not intended for medical use, or to replace theadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltddisclaimsany liability for the decisions you make based on thisinformation,which is provided to you on a general information basisonly andnot as a substitute for personalized medical advice. If youhaveany concerns about your pregnancy, consult with your doctorormidwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you a healthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Baby Gesundheit Checklisten
Valuable Volunteer for Baby's First Year!
WomanLog Pregnancy Calendar 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar 5.3
Vipos Apps
Highly recommended period tracker, featured in the movie: I dountilI don't
Child Development 1.2
Mapri apps
This application is very useful to track the growth oftheirchildren in their first 10 years. You can determine yourheight,weight, body mass index (BMI) and head circumferencecompared toother children of the same age. 

It is based on studiesconductedby the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Centers forDiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. You cancompareboth studies. 
This application allows you to use imperial(Lb,inches) and metric (kg, cm) units. 

Warning: With thisapplicationyou can easily keep track of the growth and health ofyour child,but at no time replaces medical monitoring. Consult yourgeneralpractitioner or pediatrician.
Ovia Parenting & Baby Tracker 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Newborn daily health tracking - log breastfeeding, diapers,sleep& milestones!
Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Watch your baby grow, countdown pregnancy steps until your duedateand labor.
Ped(z) - Pediatric Calculator 3.8.0
Daniel Gräfe
Calculates percentiles, z-scores and much more things apediatricianneeds.
Temperature / Fever Reader 1.1
Temperature / Fever Reader!Through this app you can easily find out that you havefeverornot.Most of the people spend heavy amount of money byvisitingdoctorsjust to find out that they have fever or not, butapp willsave avery big amount of your money by checking that youaresufferingfrom fever or not.Specially people having small kids can definitely find thisapphelpfull for them.This app is not a thermometer device which detects thatyouhavefever or not, but this app can only calculate feverthroughthereadings given by users.App is very easy to use just provide the readingsfromyourthermometer to our app and app will calculate that youhavefeveror not.App is simply used in conjunction with babyandeldersthermometers.
Babyentwicklung im 1. Jahr PRO
The PRO version is ad-free and contains all the information to12months
Baby Heart Doppler - Obstetric 1.0
Baby Heart Doppler is the ONLY App thatenablespregnant mothers to listen to their baby's Dopplerheartbeat. Checkthe baby's heartbeat once a day.• Used by obstetricians.• Check your baby's condition daily.• Bond with your baby before he is born!• See the doppler sound tracing of your baby's heart.• Hear your baby hiccup, swallow, move, kick, push, tap,androll.• Predict if the baby will be a boy or a girl.• Save recordings of your baby’s heartbeat tracing, and sharetherecordings by e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter.• Let the baby's siblings hear the heartbeat so that they canbehappy about their new sister or brother.• Understand the meaning of the sounds.
Baby Tracker & Care 10.7
Track baby's daily activities.Breastfeeding, sleeping,diaper,health and more
SONON 300C 1.03.07
The SONON 300C is a mobile wireless ultrasound device with Android/ios App.
Baby Care 2.0.9
Dear users: “Baby Care” is a convenientanduseful tool for monitoring your baby’s development. We triedtomake it as easy and intuitive as possible.This app has the following features:User-friendly data entry and importTimersStatistics, reports, graphsUseful information and childcare tipsWith “Baby Care,” you can:Keep track of the important milestonesFirst smile, first tooth, first steps, first words—you can keeparecord of these and many other important events with the useof“Baby Care.” It is possible to transfer the data to a memorycardor another device.Write a blog and upload photosMake daily diary entries—save information about the mostprecious,amazing, or funny moments in the life of your baby. Do notmiss anyopportunities to take pictures of your little one andattach aphoto to every entry in your blog.Monitor baby’s developmentYour entries in the "Feeding," "Sleeping," "Walking,""Diapers,""Teeth," "Symptoms" and other sections will help youbetterunderstand the needs of your child and satisfy those needs.Theinformation that you enter in this application will also beusefulto your child’s pediatrician.Making entries togetherUse the app together with other family members. The nextversionwill have a feature enabling data exchange betweenmultipledevices. It’s not only the baby’s mother who can postentries fromher mobile with the use of the app, but also the dad,nanny,grandmother, and other family members. The website, whereyourinformation will be stored, is currently being developed.Yourrelatives and friends will be able to see how your baby growsonthis website.Please note that we are going to improve and develop theapp.Please do not hurry to give “Baby Care” a bad rating. If youarenot satisfied with something, send your comments and [email protected] can make this app even better!We hope that you will like “Baby Care!” We wish you everysuccesswith it!
Fetal Doppler Baby Heartbeat 1.5.7
There's nothing quite like hearing yourchild'sheartbeat for the first time! This baby heartbeat monitorapp turnsyour phone into a mini stethoscope, allowing you to hearand recordstarting at the 20-24th week of pregnancy. Crisp HDgraphics for allhi-res displays! The zodiac predictions are free;making fetaldoppler heartbeat recordings can be unlockedin-app.Send all support emails to contactus @ ;helpus make this better!FEATURES- Live monitoring and recording of your baby's heart beat duringthelast 12-16 weeks of pregnancy.- Pulse estimation.- Live PCG (phonocardiogram) readout of the heartbeat;functionslike a baby doppler, but uses your phone'smicrophoneinstead.- Save, rename, and access your recordings for later.- Zodiac projections for your baby based on your due date. Whatkindof little person will they be? This offers infant andearlychildhood parenting tips based on their astrologicalsign.REQUIREMENTS- Headphones without an embedded microphone.TIPS FOR FINDING HEARTBEAT- Feel for the baby's back and place the phone's mic againstthatspot; it's closest to their heart. Monitor your own pulsetodifferentiate between yours and your baby's.- Record in ABSOLUTE silence for at least 30 seconds forthealgorithm to remove background noise.- Bigger headphones are better. The loudest frequencies of theheartare very low, and small speakers and headphones won't be abletoplay them.- Take your phone out of its case. Boost the volume if neededandtry to set the noise reduction so you can hear the beats butnowhite noise in-between.- If you've been pregnant for less than a few months, you mayhaveto wait until the baby's heart is big enough.NOTE: This is not a substitute for care from an obstetricianorother medical professional. Contact a licensed obstetricianforyour prenatal care. If you have an emergency, call 911.
The Wonder Weeks
Domus Technica
"The Wonder Weeks app can be a lifesaverforparents during those times of wondering what on earth isgoingon."A CALENDAR EXPLAINING THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR BABY: WHY YOUR BABYISFUSSY, SLEEPS POOR AND EATS LESS DURING SET TIMES AND HOW YOUCANHELP YOUR BABY.================================================THE BEST APP AROUND THE GLOBE• Awarded Coolest App for Moms• Awarded by Apple as top 10 ‘Best of the year 2016’ inAustralia,UK, Netherlands, and a great number of othercountries.• Consumer Choice & Gold Award by MumIi• AppRx Awards Top 10 Children’s Health App• NHS (UK) – Best App for parents listing.• Best App Ever Wards 2013 & 2014 (Health & Fitness)• Top 25 App in health & fitness is most countries aroundtheworld.================================================The Wonder Weeks worldwide bestselling baby app is now a(native)iOS app! A personalized daily calendar of your baby’sdevelopmentthat will keep you informed about the (mental) leaps andbounds andthe fussy phases of your baby -- any time of day ornight. Thisbaby calendar app won prizes in several countries asBEST PARENTINGAPP!

Think of it as a portable, at-a-glance version of the calendarleapchart in The Wonder Weeks. Where the book describes in-depthandeasy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changesyourbaby goes through, the app is the perfect leap calendarcompanionto track your baby’s mental development (during the first20months).
By knowing what is going on inside the head of yourbaby,you can help him to make the leap more easily and stimulatehisdevelopment.The Wonder Weeks app helps new parents by:
- Calendar Showing when your baby makes a leap in hismentaldevelopment
- What your baby can understand & learn after thismentalleap
- What your baby can do after this leap
- What you can do to help your baby
This app is also a handy reminder for new parents when theirbaby’sbrain is changing, or “leaping,” the baby is making asignificantadvance in mental development, and with each stepforward comes adrastic change in the way your baby sees the worldaround him.Because these leaps come so quickly, the “new world” andnewabilities can sometimes be scary, and the development caninitiallymanifest in poor sleep, bad appetite, crying, clingingandcrankiness – exhausting and frustrating mom and dad.
International experts on The Wonder Weeks:
 “This is averypractical and entertaining window into the baby’s first yearand ahalf. van de Rijt and Plooij have observed and found thevulnerabletimes in an infant’s development that I independentlycame to in mybook Touchpoints (Perseus Books Group). The authors’observationsand practical suggestions are wonderful.”
 -T. BerryBrazelton,M.D., professor emeritus, Harvard Medical School
"Anyone who deals with infants and young children will want toreadThe Wonder Weeks. This book will open parents' eyes to aspectsoftheir children's growth, development, changing behavior,andemotional responsiveness that they might otherwise not noticeorfind puzzling and distressing."
 -Catherine Snow, Ph.D.,ShattuckProfessor of Education, Harvard Graduate School ofEducation

This App is developed with the greatest care.Neitherthe developer nor the author shall nevertheless be liablefor anydamages arising from any inaccuracies or omissions inthisapp.Please send your feedback, comments or complaints to:[email protected] you liked the app, please leave a comment. Thanks for yourreview:)** Marco **
Breastfeeding Tracker Baby Log 1.1.12254
Baby Nursing / Breastfeeding Tracker isasimple and intuitive app to help you keep track of yourbaby'snursing progress and more!✭ Our easy-to-use timer lets you track your nursingrecordsreal-time. Simply press "Start" and "Stop"! And if you havestarteda timer and leave the app, you will receive a notificationtoremind you to stop the timer!✭ View detailed and useful info of your nursing progress -suchas the most recent nursing, daily averages and accumulativetotals!We even help you calculate how much in ounces you have fedyourbaby! Enter how much your baby weighs either before orafterfeeding or enter an estimate of "ounces per minute" and wewill dothe calculations for you!✭ Track your baby's growth progress! Record your baby'sheight,weight and head-size and we plot all those data onto agrowth chartfor you!✭ Use our Diary feature to record and review thedailyhappenings, milestones and special moments of your baby!✭ That's not it! By purchasing our in-app purchase features,youcan track even more things for your baby!!✭✭✭ In App Purchases ✭✭✭♛ Premium ♛Our Premium in-app upgrade unlocks EVERYTHING BELOW!! Atadiscounted price!!♥ Bottle ♥Bottle upgrade allows you to track bottle feedings for yourbaby!Formula, breast milk, juices or anything you want totrack!♥ Diaper ♥Diaper upgrade allows you to track diaper usage for yourbaby!Whether it’s dry, wet, BM or both Wet and BM!♥ Pumping ♥Pumping upgrade is for moms who'd like to keep track of theirbreastmilk pumping progress! Like Nursing, you can use our simpletimer totrack your pumping progress in real-time!♥ Sleeping ♥Sleeping upgrade keeps track of sleeping times of your baby!Again,use our simple timer to track sleeping in real-time!♥ Solids ♥Solids upgrade keeps track of your baby's eating routine!Selectfrom our comprehensive food list! There is also anintelligent"Recent" meal list that lists out recent keywords tospeed up theselection process!Stay on top on your baby's progress and have fun!
Fever Alert Thermometer 1.0
Always take care to baby!Daily body temperature measurementMeasure the temperatureAccurately within a short time after contacting with skinEasy and safe to use for babiesAlways take care to baby!Daily body temperature measurementMeasure the temperatureAccurately within a short time after contacting with skinEasy and safe to use for babies24hours temperature monitoringContinue to monitor the baby’s temperature byBluetoothwirelesstransmissionParents and baby can have a good rest withoutcheckingthetemperature frequently.Abnormal temperature alarmCustomize temperature rangeWhen temperature is above or below the range, alarmwillremindparents to care timely.Intelligent alertsRemind the medication and care according to the setting time
Samen Voeden 3.0.3
Met behulp van deze app krijg je inzicht inhoevaak en hoe lang je baby drinkt, maar ook in hoeveel hijgroeit,plast en poept. Door dit bij te houden krijg je zicht ophet ritmevan jou en je kindje en hoe het met het voeden gaat.Daarnaastblijft het natuurlijk het belangrijkst om naar je baby tekijken omte weten hoe het echt gaat.Altijd bij de handDoor het gebruik van de app kun je altijd en overalgegevensinvoeren wanneer je je mobiele telefoon of tablet in debuurthebt.Using this app yougetinsight into how often and how long drink your baby, but alsoinhow it grows, pees and poops. By keeping this you get insightintothe rhythm of you and your child and how are feeding. Inaddition,it remains the most important thing to look at your babyto knowhow it really goes.Always at handBy using the app you can always and everywhere to enter datawhenyour mobile phone or tablet have around.
iMamma: Bimbo e Gravidanza 6.2.6
The app for the whole family: pregnancy, weaning, baby,activitycalendar.
Pregnancy Food Guide
Congratulations on your pregnancy! With this app we wouldliketogive you a helpful tool, which will make food safetyandgoodnutrition as simple as possible for you for the nextninemonths.What types of fish contain the least amount ofmercury?Which typesof cheese should you first strike off of yourshoppinglist? Andattending your next business lunch; what can youeatwithoutworrying whether you’ll get toxoplasmosis? This appfeaturesatraffic light food labelling system of almost 1000foodstuffs–they are categorized according to the level of danger totheunbornbaby. Due to the background information and advice, youwillfeelmore secure in the complex evaluation of the safetyofunknownfoods. How the app works: At first there is atheoreticpart, whichinforms you in a nutshell about the mostcommonfoodborne diseases(toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, andsalmonella.) Thecore of the appis the food search. Here you caninitially choosebetween analphabetic or a filtered search. At firstglance you canseewhether a foodstuff is classified as green, orangeorred.Green-labelled food means that pregnant women cangenerallyconsumeit safely - even if it is not necessarily healthy.Ofcoursecalories and nutritional value are another matter. Onthesamenote, the permitted foods are always allowed inmoderation.Thisapplies especially to spices, herbs, and nuts. Ifyou have avariedand balanced diet, you don't have to worry anymore.Orangelet'syou know that the safe consumption of the foodstuffdependsonseveral factors (time of pregnancy, personal situation,the artofpreparation, quantity, ...) But do not worry at firstaboutthequantity of the orange entries, but do note the advice.Justclickon the corresponding food label. You should absolutelyavoidallred-labelled foodstuffs. They affect the development ofyourbabyand damage it in the long-term. Using the filteredsearch,however,you can adapt the list of the various risks andfoodcategories toyour individual situation. You can easily browseallaccessiblefoods. Or you can filter through food categories andfindout whichcheese from your favourite camemberts you canreplaceduring thepregnancy. By clicking the star you can finallyadd thedesiredfood to your personal shopping list. By the way, withthehelp ofour hints and advice you will also get guidelinesforspecific foodcategories and several more ideas for everydayuse.That way youcan ensure even greater food safety withoutgettinghysterical. Wewish you a relaxed pregnancy. All the best!Kirstin& Roman
Pregnancy Checklists
Your useful assistant for this special time in your life
Pediatrics App 1.6
Andrew Fang
Making Pediatrics Easy For Doctors
Gestamed 2.3.9
Gestamed es un software médico para clínicasyhospitales cuyo objetivo es digitalizar todo el seguimiento delagestación de sus pacientes.Respaldado por un gran equipo médico, Gestamed le permitirádarun valor añadido a sus servicios y cambiar la forma en la quesecomunica con sus pacientes.Permítanos a continuación, presentarle todosnuestrosserviciosSEGUIMIENTO INTELIGENTESeguimiento en tiempo realLa App sabrá en qué día y semana de la gestación se encuentralapaciente y mostrará información, ilustraciones, ecografías 2D y3Ddel momento actual.Cada semana dispondrá de una detallada información,desarrolladapor nuestro equipo médico, de todo cuanto ocurre en eldesarrollodel paciente y el bebé.PLANING DE SEGUIMIENTOSus pacientes dispondrán en todo momento de un planing dondeseorganizan las principales pruebas médicas e hitos de interés.GESTIÓN DE CITASSus pacientes podrán consultar en cualquier momento todas suscitasconcertadas con su centro e incluso recibirán notificacionesyrecordatorios.ECOGRAFÍAS MULTIMEDIATodas las ecografías de imagen y vídeo perteneciente acadapaciente, estarán siempre disponibles en su bolsillo a travésde laApp.Ahora puedes compartir tus fotos y tus ecografías contusfamiliares y amigos en Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp einclusoenviarlas vía email o sms.CONTROL DE PESO, TENSIÓN Y GLUCEMIADe manera autónoma, la paciente podrá registrar su peso, tensiónyvalores glucémicos. Dispondrá de detallados gráficos de controlquegarantizan una ganancia de peso saludable.HISTORIAL MÉDICOAhora las pacientes podrán consultar su historial médico completoatravés de la aplicación.GUÍAS Y RECOMENDACIONESSus pacientes dispondrán también de detalladas guías yconsejosmédicos referentes a su nutrición, ejercicio físico asícomo otrasdudas más comunes que suelen plantear los pacientes a suequipomédico.EVOLUCIÓN GRÁFICAIncluimos fotos genéricas de la evolución mensual del desarrollodela gestación en la madre y en el bebé.Además, sus pacientes podrán añadir fotos semanales de suestadoy disponer así de un histórico de su estado físico durantetodo elembarazo.Gestamed is amedicalsoftware for clinics and hospitals which aims to digitizeall themonitoring of gestation of their patients.Backed by a large medical team, Gestamed will allow you toaddvalue to their services and change the way you communicatewithyour patients.Let us then introduce our servicesINTELLIGENT MONITORINGReal time monitoringThe App will know on what day and week of gestation, the patientisand display information, illustrations, 2D and 3D ultrasoundsofthe moment.Each week will have a detailed information developed byourmedical team, for everything that happens in the development ofthepatient and the baby.PLANING TRACKINGYour patients will have at all times a planing where themainmedical tests and milestones of interest are organized.MANAGEMENT APPOINTMENTSYour patients may consult at any time all arranged with itscenterand even receive notifications and remindersappointments.sonograms MULTIMEDIAAll ultrasound image and video belonging to each patient, arealwaysavailable in your pocket through the App.Now you can share your photos and ultrasounds with familyandfriends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and even send them viaemailor sms.WEIGHT CONTROL, STRESS AND BLOOD GLUCOSEIndependently, the patient can record your weight, bloodpressureand glucose values. Provide detailed graphical control thatensurehealthy weight gain.MEDICAL HISTORYPatients can now see your complete medical history throughtheapp.GUIDES AND RECOMMENDATIONSYour patients will also have detailed guidelines regardingnutritionand physical exercise as well as more common questionsoften raisedby patients to their medical team medical advice.GRAPHIC EVOLUTIONWe include generic photos of the monthly evolution ofthedevelopment of pregnancy on the mother and the baby.In addition, patients may add weekly photos of their statusandthus have a record of your fitness throughout pregnancy.