Top 10 Apps Similar to Panduan Pramuka

Aplikasi Panduan Pramuka 1.0.0
Panduan pramuka praktis dalam bentuk aplikasi Android.Berisiberbagai materi kepramukaan yang sangat berguna bagi parapenggunadalam mengikuti kegiatan pramuka. Dilengkapi denganilustrasisehingga sangat menarik dan mudah dipahami.
Marbel Pramuka Indonesia 5.0.2
Educa Studio
Applications learn and play to support the scouts ★★★★★
AD ART Pramuka 1.0.0
Moh Chariri
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang AnggaranDasardanAnggaran Rumah Tangga Gerakan Pramuka berdasarkanhasilKeputusanMusyawarah Nasional (Munas) No:11/Munas/2013 Tahun2013 diKupang,NTT 2-5 Desember 2013.Thisapplicationcontainsthe Statutes and Bylaws of the Scout Movementbased on theDecisionof the Conference National (NationalConference) No: 11 /Munas /2013 in 2013 in Kupang, NTT 2 to 5December 2013.
lagu anak pramuka indonesia 1.0
Ini merupakan aplikasi Offlineyangberisikumpulan lagu-lagu anak pramuka Indonesia. sangat cocokuntukparaanak pramuka dan para pembimbing untukmengenalteknik-teknikPramuka diantaranya emahami sandi sandi.tekhnik talitemali dankesiapan menghadapi kegiatan dalam alambebas. Semogaaplikasi inidapat membuat kegiatan pramuka semakinmenyenangkandanmenggembirakan. Salam Pramuka! Jayalah PramukaIndonesiaFeatures :- Nada dering- nada alarm.- nada notifikasi hp- Aplikasi offline sehingga tidak memerlukan koneksi internet
pantun 1.5
Irwana Studio
Poem is a poetic form consisting of four lines that rhyme bersilih
Saku Pramuka 1.0.0
Kata Pramuka merupakan singkatan dariPrajaMudaKarana, yang memiliki arti Orang Muda yang SukaBerkarya.Aplikasiini berisi materi mengenai kepramukaan yangdapatmempermudah dalamproses belajar anggota pramuka. Adapun isidariaplikasi ini yaitumengenai:- Tri Satya dan Dasa Dharma- Lambang Gerakan Pramuka- Salam Pramuka- Bendera Merah Putih Sebagai Bendera KebangsaandanPancasilaSebagai Lambang Negara RI- Sandi dan Tali Temali- Semaphore- Tuntunan Menyelesaikan SKU, dan- Pramuka Bernyanyi.Scouting isanabbreviationof the word Praja Muda Karana, which means thatSukaYouth Work. Thisapplication contains material concerningscoutingthat can facilitatethe learning process scout members.Thecontents of this applicationis about:- Tri Satya and Dharma Dasa- Coat the Scout Movement- Scout salute- Red and White Flag as the National Flag and the PancasilaastheState Emblem RI- Passwords and Ropes Rigging- Semaphore- Completed Guidance SKU, and- Scout Singing.
Morse and Semaphore 1.0
Morse and Semaphore app designed foryouwhowant to Become an Amazing scout or trackers. You willlearnLearnSemaphore Flags and International Flags and Pennants.WiththisMorse and Semaphore app you can impress your friends or useitinemergency situation. On this app, anyone can be a greatboyscout!Just follow these easy intructional, and learn basic,andadvancedmoves!Semaphore Flags is the system for conveying informationatadistance by means of visual signals with hand-heldflags,rods,disks, paddles, or occasionally bare or glovedhands.Informationis encoded by the position of the flags; it isread whenthe flagis in a fixed position.The material will be presented in an attractive formcomeswithImage and Sound Narration to attract younger siblingsScoutsinlearning.This learn semaphore Application is made as simpleaspossiblewith a clean look that makes it easier for you toreadthisapplication. This application will continue to beupdatedandsupplemented with the latest tips and guidelines.Happy reading, may be useful, if you feel this apphelpsyouplease leave comments and rate.Thanks. :)
Dictionary Scout 1.05.13
Scout salute!As the development towards more modern technology, as wellaswithScout Movement is more shining, I Ade Sunendar of KwarranCilograng,Kwarcab Lebak, Banten Kwarda, trying to make an androidapp basedscout I gave the name of this application is the"Dictionary ofTerms Scouting".Surely this application in accordance with its name whichcontainslots of term words contained in the Scout Movement, myexpectationswith this application's brothers could be easier tomemorize thematerial scouting, not hindered by space and time forthisapplication was SmartPhone all.Amazingly lightweight application would require less memory andramonly requires 7 Mb of memory.In addition the application Dictionary of Terms Scout isalsoequipped with a scout song, so I'm sure will never be boredwhenreading the material contained therein.Please visit the download for this application I give free orfreeof charge for all, but I'm spare time to squeeze his fingersmovegives the best ratings in this application.
Pramuka Pintar 1.05.02
Aplikasi Pramuka Pintar iniadalahaplikasitentang pramuka yang terlengkap yang pernah sayabuatsampai saatini, kenapa di katakan terlengkap? karena semuatentangpramuka adadalam 1 aplikasi ini, mulai dari materikepramukaan,game, ujikompetensi/pengetahuan,ScoutSmartApplicationThis is an application of the most complete scout Ievermade untilnow, why at say complete? because all of the scoutsarein one ofthese applications, ranging from material scouting,game,testcompetency / knowledge,
Scout Code 1.2
Scout Code merupakan sebuah mediapembelajaranelektronik tentang Semaphore, Morse dan Sandi - sandidalampramuka. Anda dapat melatih ketrampilan tentang Semaphore,Morse,Sandi Rumput, Sandi Kotak, Sandi Kotak Ganda, Sandi Angka,SandiAN, Sandi AZ dan Sandi Kardinal dengan aplikasi ini. Beberapafiturpada aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internet agar aplikasilancardijalankan.Fitur Materi pada aplikasi Scout Code memberikan pengetahuantentangSemaphore, Morse dan Sandi - sandi Pramuka. Fitur iniberguna sekalibagi anda yang belum paham tentang Semaphore, Morsedan Sandi -sandi Pramuka.Fitur Translator membantu menterjemahkan dari teks keSemaphore,Morse dan Sandi - sandi Pramuka. Fitur translator inijuga dapatmenterjemahkan dari Morse, Sandi Angka, Sandi AN, SandiAZ danSandi Kardinal ke teks.Fitur Latihan menguji keterampilan anda tentang Semaphore, MorsedanSandi - sandi dalam pramuka. Untuk menggunkan fitur ini andaharusterkoneksi internet dan harus login terlebih dahulu. FiturLatihanini akan menghasilkan grade setiap kali anda mengerjakanlatihan.Grade tersebut bisa anda kumpulkan sebanyak banyak nya,karnasemakin banyak grade yang terkumpul maka semkin mahirketerampilananda tentang Semaphore, Morse dan Sandi - sandi dalampramuka.Kami juga menyediakan versi website Scout Code yang bisadiaksesmelalui http://www.scoutcode.web.idScout Code is amediaelectronic learning about Semaphore, Morse and Password -thepassword in the scouts. You can train skills aboutSemaphore,Morse, Grass Password, Password Box, Password Box Ganda,Sandifigure, Sandi AN, AZ Password and Password Cardinal withthisapplication. Some features of this app requires aninternetconnection for the app to run smoothly.The material features on the app Scout Code provides knowledgeaboutSemaphore, Morse and Password - A password Scout. Thisfeature isuseful for those of you who do not understand aboutSemaphore, Morseand Password - A password Scout.Translator feature to translate text to Semaphore, MorseandPassword - A password Scout. The translator feature alsocantranslate from Morse, Sandi figure, Sandi AN, AZ PasswordandPassword Cardinal to the text.Features Practice test your skills on Semaphore, Morse andPassword- the password in the scouts. To use this feature you mustbeconnected to the Internet and the need to login. FeaturesThisexercise will produce a grade every time you do the exercise.Thegrade you can collect as many of his, because each gradecollectedthen semkin your proficient skills about Semaphore, MorseandPassword - the password in the scouts.We also provide a version of Code Scout website that can beaccessedvia