Top 8 Apps Similar to Period Daisy Widget

MyDays X - Period & Ovulation™
>> MyDays X is the ★ best rated ★periodtracker application in Google Play!Predict your most fertile days and let you track yourbasalmetabolic temperature (BMT), Cervical Mucus and alsoCervix.News: Now with boy or girl gender predictor !! (seesettings/generalon-off settings)*** MyDays Features ***✔ Daily Notifications for your next Period/Ovulation, PillorNuvaring✔ Create your own Calendar Themes and include even aBackgroundPhoto✔ Backup/Restore via MyDays Cloud Backup, Dropbox or PC✔ Pregnancy Mode, disable period predictions and keeps youinformedabout your progress.✔ Manually entered Ovulation Data recalculates yournextPeriodMyDays X - Period & Ovulation Calendar is the simplest waytotrack your female data.✔ NuvaRing and any other birth Control based on Insert/Removeafterx Days✔ Partneremail, email your Partner how u felt in the last daysandwhats coming next.✔ Choose long touch to change data and short to see more info oftheday✔ Disable Daily Options, for example for kids or when you don'tliketo come pregnantSimpler, Better, More Features and the best Community✔ Track more than 20 Symptoms and remember your BreastSelfexamination✔ Track when you had sex (protected/unprotected)✔ See the possible gender your baby may be✔ Track your Cervix position, openness, firmness &feeling✔ Track OPK Results (negativ, fertile, peak/ovulation)✔ Visualize MoonphasesThe new MyDays ROCKS! More innovative features than ever!✔ Password Lock for your Security✔ Add the actual cycle day to the calendar days✔ Disable the predictions for period or ovulation onthecalendar✔ Filter what you like to see in your History List (eg. onlyDatafrom 2014)✔ Multi User (track yourself, your daughter or close friend)
✔ Add text notes - remember if you took your pill✔ Overwrite the predicted ovulation with your manual set day.✔ Keep track of your blood flow and mood✔ Adjustable Luteal phase✔ Option to see old predictions 
✔ Reset preferences and data should you lost overview✔ Rename Symptoms Fields for your Needs✔ eMail your period History to your doctor✔ Get an overview by Chart for your temperature (BMT) andweightmeasures✔ Photo Memories for each Day✔ Choose the start day of the week✔ Cycle and Period Length can be calculated automatically✔ Unit Measures in Kg/Lbs/Stone Celsius/Fahrenheit 
✔ Multi Language: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, AR, RO, PL, PT, BG, HR,NL,CA, ZH, FI, NO, MK, UK, DA, KO, EL✔ It's FREE ! - without any hidden in-app purchases----------------------------------------MyDays, the easy tracking & prediction calendar for yourperiod,ovulation and fertility, with the most decent Flower forPeriod& Ovulation Tracking :)------Mention MyDays X at your doctor's visit or when you're unsurewhento expect your next period.-------- 
MyDays does pinpoint the 'highfertile'days.However, you can become pregnant also on other days! Usage isyourown responsibility.For more Help & Hint, see Preferences -> About ->VisitMyDays - Homepage--------✔ ✔ ✔ HealthTap AppRx Awards 2014 ✔ ✔ ✔Congratulations! Out of 100,000+ apps, My Days has been selectedbyleading doctors as a top health app. Based on its medicalaccuracy,its utility in supporting health or healthy living goals,andusability, your app has received the following award in the2014HealthTap AppRx Top Health and Medical Appsreport:
Once -A special period tracker 5.3.2
An app for girls surfing the crimson wave, once a month
First Response™ App 2.1.1
Tracking your cycle or pregnancy (based onuserdata input) is even easier with the free First Response App.Ourupdated app gives you access to exclusive pre- andpost-pregnancycontent, updated features and more when you purchasethe FirstResponse Pregnancy PRO Digital Pregnancy Test.Whether you want to track your menstrual cycle or tryingtoconceive, the First Response App offers simple navigation tohelpyou:• Eliminate guesswork by calculating your period dates andmostfertile days• Stay organized and in tune with your body with dailycalendarentries and use the PDF feature to track your cyclehistory• Answer common questions about the app and the Pregnancy Protestfeature in our new Q&A section• Save on other First Response products with exclusive offerswhenyou opt-in to receive notifications (only available in theUnitedStates)This app also gives you full access to the exclusiveinformationand tools that work with the First Response PregnancyPRO DigitalPregnancy Test (currently available only in the UnitedStates andCanada). * Plus, you’ll receive a special, limited-timemail-inrebate for a free** First Response Pregnancy PRO DigitalPregnancyTest & App when you download this app.This is the first and only Bluetooth® digital pregnancy testwithapp support. The app is simple to use and understand.• Connect to the digital pregnancy test via Bluetooth® todisplayyour result securely on your phone• Access a dynamic experience that’s tailored to youruniquepregnancy journey and goals• View step-by-step instructions for using the digital test• Tap into support options during the wait time, with resourcestoeducate, entertain, and calm you until your resultisavailable• Use the app to estimate how far along you are in yourpregnancyand predict your due date (based on user data input)• Feel secure with our updated Privacy settings andconfidentialitynotice• Schedule doctor visits and create appointment reminders• View expert advice on fertility education, prenatalguidance,nutrition and much more• Track your period and ovulation dates withalertnotifications• Plan your pregnancy with milestones alerts and informationaboutwhat to expect as your baby grows (based on normalgestationaldevelopment)Buy the First Response Pregnancy PRO Digital Pregnancy Testtodayto access these exclusive features and understand your bodyandpregnancy like never before.*Not available in the UK and Australia. A basic version oftheapp is currently available in these regions, allowing you totrackyour cycle and/or current pregnancy (based on user datainput).**First Response Pregnancy PRO Digital Pregnancy Test &AppAccess via mail-in rebate. Valid on purchases made between6/15/16and 12/31/16. Rebate form must be mailed and received by1/31/17.Rebate for purchase price up to $22.00 (tax excluded). Seedetailsand full Terms and Conditions for offer FIRSTRSP33at Unlessexpresslyprohibited by law, payee authorizes reasonable dormancyfeesdeducted if check not cashed within 180 days.
Period and Ovulation Tracker 4.1
Tom Gustafson
Simple, easy to use program that allows women to enter theirperiodeach month and predict likely start of next period, likelydate ofovulation, and likely fertile window.Program icon courtesy of
Feminap - Woman Calendar 2.5
Woman Menstrual Calendar (Feminap) issimpleand easy to use. This multifunctional menstrual calendar willhelpyou track and monitor your menstrual cycles and take care ofyourhealth. Woman Calendar includes a number of other useful toolsforyou.Features:- This Menstrual Calendar is easy-to-use.- The calendar offers a very intuitive user interface.- The program is password protected which helps you keep allyourdata in privacy.- The calendar allows you to keep track of your menstrual cyclesandview that information .- The program helps calculate ovulation and your fertiledays.- Menstrual Calendar can be used to show you which days are thebestto have sexual relations if you want a baby.- With this Menstrual Calendar you can create yourtemperaturestatistics. It will help you to prognose your individualovulationaccurate.- With this calendar you can create your weight statistics.- Woman Calendar allows you to create notes very easily andevenassign reminder so you won't forget them.- In addition, by using our application, you can track yourowndaily biorhythm. With Biorhythms you can have more awarenessofthemselves and plan their activities in the most favorable.- This application has to offer is a complete analysis ofbiorhythmsmarked with different colors and they show inpercentages thephysical, intellectual, emotional. You can improvethe quality ofyour lives by monitoring the highs and lows of thesecycles andacting accordingly.- You can personalize it with your own dates of pregnancy,personalnotes, etc.- Woman Calendar includes a module pregnancy.- Each week of pregnancy includes a description of yourbaby'sdevelopment, as well as an explanation of the changes takingplacein your body. You'll also find recommendation that will helpkeepyou and your baby healthy.- This menstrual calendar will help you track yourpregnancysymptoms, monitor your weight throughout yourpregnancy.- Besides, Woman Calendar is a simple application to help youcountyour baby movements with Kick Counter. Kick Counter is an easywayto count your baby's kicks during pregancy. Kick Counter is awayto help you know if your baby is active and healthy. Simplyclickthe button and Kick Counter will stop the time and keep trackofthe number of movements.- Kick Counter lets you view all past kick counts which makesiteasy to see if your baby was more or less active thanusual.Counting and tracking your baby’s movements is a safe andverysimple way to monitor the well-being of your baby everydayduringthe third trimester.- This Menstrual Calendar offers you a guide to the pelvicfloormuscle training. Easy to follow Kegel exercises and dailyremindersmaking this the easy way for both women to strengthentheir pelvicfloor muscles. Kegel exercises can be done duringpregnancy orafter childbirth to try to prevent urinaryincontinence. Kegelexercises might also be helpful for women whohave persistentdifficulty reaching orgasm.- You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about any time. Foranykind of exercises to be effective and beneficial they need tobedone regularly and for a prolonged period of time. Dailyremindersto alert you to perform the exercises.- You can perform the scheduled events once per day, or more,justspecify the start, stop, and time between as needed. Youcancustomize the program to your needs.
----------------------------------------To our valued customers,An announcement and an apology regarding the cancellation ofanapplication----------------------------------------Yahoo! JAPAN has decided to cancel all applications that don'tmeetits general requirements.Therefore, the "Petatto Calendar" application will no longerbeoffered by the end of 2015.We apologize from the bottom of our hearts to all those whohaveloved it for a long time.*Until the application is uninstalled, you may continue touseit.*****♥ Very popular! The no. 1 cute calendar ♥Has appeared many times in fashion magazines and inthemedia!A calendar app used by 4 million people ★Just stick the stamps on!Manage your plans in a simple and fun way♪+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:We have provided a selection of adorable stampsfor girls who are busy with lots of plans everyday*.+*For students with part-time jobs, societyactivities,seminars…It keeps you on track in your school life! For office workers with daytime shifts, early shifts, paidholidays,and tasks…It can add a touch of color to any dull job! For moms with nursery school, pre-school, pick-ups, and othereventsto remember…You ca+D6n also use animal icons to make looking after yourchildrenpart of a happy lifestyle!Stamps will be added continually. We look forward to receivingyourrequests."゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.+.゚ *:.There are many other features too♪○ A comprehensive range of basic settings○ Title and note functions for each stamp You can also write notes of up to 200 characters To use this app as a simple diary or notebook(≧ヮ≦) The password lock function makes it good for private matterssuch as dieting records and menstrual cycle notes○Recording and copying is very simple○ Even busy women who aren’t tech-savvy can record noteseasily just by touching the screenYour schedules recorded on the stamps can easily be copiedandmovedwithin the calendar too!○Vertical scroll○ If you have a smartphone, the vertical scrolling calendarmakes it easy to see, at a glance, plans made weeksinadvance.And you can lower the date to a positionwhere it is easy to place a stamp,so even women with small hands can use this app easily."○A very useful alarm setting○ If you have a lot of plans,sometimes you tend to forget them…There is also an alarm function that will help you remember.○Other settings○ There are some helpful functions such as the ability to setstartdates and holidaysThere is a function to change the theme settings too,so you can add your own style to your calendar!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■We are adding more functions as we receive users’ opinionsandrequests!Try it out – it’s free and doesn’t display ads.[Operator] Yahoo! JAPAN Please also try“DECOPIC”, our pretty photo-decoration camera used by over12million people, and"Petapic”, which makes it fun to browse photos. "-----------------------------------------------Use this application after agreeing to the Yahoo! JAPAN Terms ofUse(including the Software Guidelines).■Yahoo! JAPANTerms of Use
■Privacy Policy■Software Guidelines■Community service rules (guidelines)
OVULA Women Fertility 1.0.5
Aplikasi Smartphone untukmembantuSahabatPerempuan Indonesia yang ingin cepat hamil,menjarakkankehamilanatau memahami kesehatan reproduksi dengan KBAlamiberdasarkanMetode Ovulasi Billings (MOB). Kuasai rahasia caracepathamildengan alamiah dan mudah.Smartphone apptohelpFriends of Indonesian Women who want to getpregnant,menjarakkanpregnancy or understand the reproductive healthwithNatural familyplanning is based on the Billings OvulationMethod(MOB). Masterthe secrets of how to get pregnant with anatural andeasy.
Novine BiH 4.0.13
Milan Bibic
All daily newspapers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in one place