Top 16 Apps Similar to Vision Resolution

Get rid of your reading glasses. 90% success rate forqualifyingusers.
Multifocal Tool 1.8.8
PureVision®2 For Presbyopia Fitting App by Bausch & Lomb
Eye Doctor Trainer - Exercises to Improve eyesight 1.05
BytePioneers s. r. o.
Would you like to improve your eyesight and get rid ofglassesortired eyes? Do you have vision problems(Tiredeyes,nearsightedness, farsightedness, headaches, eyestrain,…), areyoujust looking for eye health prevention from dailylooking atacomputer screen? We prepared 6 sets of exercises (from 3to20minutes per training set), composed by best eyeexercisesfromVision therapy, Eye yoga, Bates methods andothereyerecovery/training systems. Exercises were chosen tobeas“discreet” as possible to outside world. You candiscretelytrainduring the regular day activities (waiting for atrain, …) orworkactivities (3/5 minutes training break during theworking day).EyeDoctor Trainer implements system of eye testingthat recordyourcurrent eyesight and allows you to track yourrecoveryprogress.You can retest you vision anytime and compareresults witholderrecords. Graph of training activity and eye testresultsserves forevaluating efficiency of length of training pervisioncorrection.Eye Doctor Trainer cannot guarantee success ofeyerecovery,despite the fact that most people regularly trainingeyeexercisesare reporting successful results and at leastpartialimprovementof eyesight. 30-50% people referring 0.5 - 1.0diopterrecovery.(There is no magic in it – If you are training,yourmuscles aregetting stronger and are working better). Takeyourglasses orlenses off before each training or eye test. If youfeelanyproblems during the training rather stop and avoid trainingforfewnext days, if problems remains consult to your doctor.Beawarethat all exercises are performed at one’s own risk. Weholdnoresponsibility for using this exercises. Disordersthateyeexercise could correct: Nearsightedness(Myopia)Farsightedness(Hyperopia), Astigmatism, Eye straining,Blurred ordouble vision,Redness, Irritation, Dryness Headaches
EuroEyes 1.5.2
The EuroEyes App provides every pieceofinformation for a life free fromglasses and contacts. Whether laser eye treatment or lens exchange–theopportunity to live without the need of any visual aid is here.WiththeEuroEyes App, EuroEyes patients have access to dataconcerningtheirtreatment, appointments, clinic, as well as personal medicaldata.WithPush Notifications, you can get a reminder about anappointment,retrieveinformation regarding eye drops before a treatment, and much more.Features:• Personalized area „My EuroEyes“ with all informationaboutdiagnosis,and diopters before and after a refractive eyetreatment,instructionsfor e.g. eye drops, pictures of the cornea, video of thesurgery,contactperson in the clinic, and much more• An overview of EuroEyes' available treatments for thecorrectionofrefractive errors, such as nearsightedness,farsightedness,presbyopia,astigmatism, and cataract• Various means of contacting EuroEyes (Social media,callback,requesta quote, etc.)• Vision test for presbyopic patients• Patient statements and videos• Financing opportunities, savings calculator• Information about EuroEyes, technological innovations, suchasReLExsmile and Trifocal lenses, certified clinics, surgeon team,etc.
Healthy Vision
Mobile app from Kyivstar for the protection of vision –"HealthyVision"
ICARE Vision Test is user friendlyvisionchecking application. Developed by ICARE EYE HOSPITAL,Thisapplication is going to screen your present vision andglasses, anyuncorrected astigmatism, color vision , contrastsensitivity andany near vision distortion by AmslerGrid test apartfrom a plethoraof information about different general andspecialized eye testsand facilities available at ICARE.
Perfect Sight Without Glasses 1.0
By working on the Bates methodexercisesillustrated in this book at home for half an hour a dayandapplying some simple techniques in everyday life, most peoplehaveat least a 75 percent chance of achieving partial orcompletesuccess in restoring their vision. The Bates method ofeyesightimprovement is nonsurgical, completely safe, and quiteeffective.This simple and practical guide to using the Bates methodaddressesall the common faults of vision—nearsightedness,farsightedness,astigmatism, and “old age” sight.
EyeBlurMaster 1.3.1
EyeBlurMaster is an exciting newapplicationused to improve users’ vision. Some adults and childrennaturallyhave vision problems, and others who spend hours every dayon theircomputers and smartphones – which are short-distance visualtargets– often suffer from eyestrain and worsened eyesight.Throughtraining the eyes with quick movement cycles, EyeBlurMasteruserswill improve visual acuity and reduce eyestrain.In order to train users’ eyes and improve their vision,wedesigned a patented apparatus that keeps the retinalprojectionsize and brightness of a visual object constant bydisplaying theobject on a screen and adjusting its size andbrightness whilemoving it, in fast cycles, from a near (25 cm) to afar (70 cm)point and back. This allows the user (using one or botheyes) tocomfortably maintain a sharply projected retinal image ofthequickly moving object during fast cycles of near andfaraccommodation.Using a device based on our patent, we proved that mostchildrenthat trained on EyeBlurMaster significantly improved theirvisualacuity with as few as 2 training sessions of 3 minutes perweek(Clinical Ophthalmology 2010, 4:251-260). This Androidapplicationversion of EyeBlurMaster gives you a more affordable andaccessiblemethod to improve your vision. In EyeBlurMaster, anAndroid deviceheld by hand is moved by bending your arm from a farpoint to anear point and extending back according to the change ofa targeton an Android device screen. Audio alerts guide yourmovements ofthe Android device and match them with changes intarget size. Fora simple and effective application to enhance youreyesight, useEyeBlurMaster.
Presbyopia Disease 0.0.1
Droid Clinic
This Presbyopia disease apphavecompleteinformation of disease. To form an image, your eyerelieson thecornea and the lens to focus the light reflectedfromobjects. Thisapp have lot of information of symptoms,Mechanism,Treatment &etc.Please don’t forget to rate us. If you have any suggestionoropinionto improve the app please e-mail us.Note: All information on app is for educational purposesonly.Forspecific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment,consultyourdoctor.
Occhio e Vista 1.1
Il Dr Lucio Buratto con lacollaborazionedelCentro Ambrosiano Oftalmico di Milano metteadisposizionegratuitamente tutte le sue più recentipubblicazionifacenti partedelle collane "I difetti dellavista"(miopia,cataratta,astigmatismo,ipermetropia,presbiopia) ed"Occhioe"pubblicando periodicamente ogni nuovo librosempregratuitamentenell'app prima ancora che esca inlibreria.Dr Luciosifterincollaboration with the Centro Ambrosiano OphthalmicMilanoffersfree all his most recent publications that are part oftheseries"Visual defects" (myopia, cataracts,astigmatism,hyperopia,presbyopia) and "Eye and" publishingperiodically everynew bookthem for free in the app even before itcomes outinbookstores.
Vula Medical Referral 3.0.19
Secure medical referral & chat
Vergence Trainer free trial 1.1
Vergence Trainer is an appforAndroid-baseddevices that has been designed to allow trainfusionalvergences ina comfortable , dynamic and autonomous way.Anaglyphglasses(red-green or red - blue) must be worn by the usertoachieve 3-Dvision during the training task.With this application, the optometrist has a new tool totraintheirpatients in the office or at their own home. Theapplicationissuitable for mobile phones and tablets although due toitsbiggerspatial dimensions, the training vergence range willbegreater intablets in comparison with mobile phones.
Офтальмология/офтальмохирургия 2.2
Modern ophthalmology and ophthalmic hospital in the Volyn
MyEyeMatters 1.7
The human eye is the organ which gives usthesense of sight, allowing us to learn more about thesurroundingworld than we do with any of the other four senses. Likeany otherorgan in the body, the eye is also susceptible to variousdiseasesand infections. Many eye conditions can be remedied if theyaredetected and treated early.The MyEyeMatters app, developed by the Singapore NationalEyeCentre (SNEC), offers comprehensive educational informationonvarious eye conditions, symptoms, prevention, treatment andusefuleye care tips. With a simple-to-use user interface, the appoffersthe ability to view, explore, learn, locate and sharetheinformation.This app will:1. Allow easy access to eye-related information such as commoneyesymptoms and eye conditions.3. Offer educational information to keep patients andtheircaregivers informed about pre and post-surgical care.4. Provide convenient, mobile availability of educationalvideoandeveryday eye care tips.5. Enable users and patients to find their specialistsin SNECandmake appointmentsA great tool for addressing patient education, this app willhelppatients and their caregivers better understand what is goingonwith their eyes, why they are receiving certain proceduresormedications, and how to take care of themselves after theireyeoperations.Download the other useful apps developed by SNEC:• MyEyeGym – Eye Exercises for restoring binocularvision/stereopsisor 3D vision, for persons suffering from squints(strabismus).• MyEyeDrops – Medication/eye drop reminder for glaucomapatientsand their caregivers. The app will indicate the right eyedrops forthe right eye at the right time.About Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) is the designatednationalcentre within Singapore’s public sector healthcare network.Itspearheads and co-ordinates the provision ofspecialisedophthalmological services with emphasis on qualityeducation andresearch.SNEC’s facilities include an 8-storey tower block andafour-storey podium block and it consists of three floorsofoutpatient clinics supported by comprehensive ancillaryfacilities,nine operating theatres with expanded day recoverysuites and twofloors housing the Singapore Eye Research Institute'sresearchclinics and research laboratories.Ten subspecialties have been established to provide a fullrangeof eye treatment from comprehensive to tertiary levels fortheentire spectrum of eye conditions:1) Cataract2) Corneal and External Eye Disease3) General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology4) Glaucoma5) Neuro-Ophthalmology6) Ocular Inflammation and Immunology7) Oculoplastic and Aesthetic Eyeplastic8) Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus9) Refractive Surgery10) Vitreo-RetinaSNEC is actively involved in clinical trials and researchintothe causes and treatment of major eye conditions such as myopiaandglaucoma. Thousands of ophthalmologists from neighbouringcountriesand beyond have participated in the Centre’s teachingcourses andinternational meetings. To advance ophthalmic scienceand service,and to increase opportunities for professionalinteractions andcollaboration, SNEC has also fostered strategiclinks with leadingeye institutions around the world.The centre’s one-stop multi-subspecialty approach to treatmentofcomplex eye conditions, a quality assurance programme that isbackedby 100% audit of outcomes and its pursuit ofhigh-impacttranslational research have placed SNEC as one of thepremier eyecentres in the region.Singapore National Eye Centre11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751Tel: (65) 6227 7255Fax: (65) 6227 7290Website:
Myopix 1.1.1
Focus Productions
A set of exercises to treat myopia by means ofincreasingfocusingability of ciliary muscles which are used inaccomodationof theeye. 1- Easy and effective eye exercises that canbe done inaliving room. 2- Medical doctor forconsulting:[email protected] Dr. Onder TasyenenM.D.Ophthalmologist3- Explaining the cause and mechanism of myopiaindetail andcurrent treatment modalities. Egzersizlerlesiliyerkaslarınodaklanma gücünü arttırarak miyopinin tedavisinisağlayanbirprogramdır. 1- Gösterilen egzersizlerin evdeuygulanabilirveetkili olması. 2- Danışmak için :[email protected] Op.Dr.Önder TAŞYENEN Göz HastalıklarıUzmanı 3- Miyopinin sebebinivemekanizmasını ayrıntılı olarakaçıklaması, ve güncel tedavileri4-Türkçe dil seçeneği.
Eyes Pause Pro 1.2
Always wanted to have a good eyesight?Eyesbecome tired after working in front of the computer, watchingTV orreading a book?     We found a good solution to fixthisproblem. We have created a unique app which contains differentsetsof exercises for a good sustain of visual skills. Theseexercisesare very easy to use. After doing sets of exercises, youreyes willbe ready for new challenges.     Advantages of Pro version:-No Ads-Unlimited number of exercises available for youIn order to do the exercises just in time, you have theopportunityto set the schedule for the whole week ahead. Meanwhileyou willget not only exercises, but at the same time you willreceiveimportant tips for maintaining good eyesight.Why EyesPause:-A unique program for the maintaining of a good level ofyoureyesight.-Constant reminders and notifications about exercises whicharesupposed to be done at certain time.-Easy to use.-Forget about the pain and eyes tiredness after a long workingdayin front of the computer.