Top 15 Apps Similar to OnnoRokom Pathshala

HSC’র পর পড়াশোনা Admission BD 2.0
HSC’র পর কি বিষয় নিয়ে পড়া যেতে পারে,যোগ্যতাকি, কোথায় পড়ায়, ভবিষ্যৎ কেমন ইত্যাদি জানতে পারবেন এইঅ্যাপ থেকে।শিক্ষা জীবন শেষ করে সবার স্বপ্ন থাকে পছন্দ মতো ক্যারিয়ারগড়ার।আর ক্যরিয়ার গড়ার জন্যসবচেয়ে গুরূত্বপূর্ণ সময় হল এইচ এস সি ’র পরবর্তী সময় টা। মূলতএসময়ই নির্ধারিত হয়েযায় একজন কি বিষয়ে উচ্চশিক্ষা নিয়ে ভবিষ্যতে কি হবে। তাইসঠিকসিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়াটা অত্যন্তজরূরী। আর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে উচ্চশিক্ষার বিষয় নির্বাচনেসঠিকসিদ্ধান্তের জন্য চাই সঠিক তথ্য। তাইআপনাদের সামনে নিয়ে এলাম ‘HSC’র পর পড়াশোনা’। এতে আছে প্রায় ৫০এরওঅধিক বিষয়(Subject) এর বিস্তারিত আলোচনা- কোন কোন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পড়ানোহয়,কি পড়ানো হয়, চাকরীরক্ষেত্র কি, বেতন কেমন হয়, স্কলারশিপ আছে কিনা, বিদেশে পড়তেযাবারসুযোগ আছে কিনাইত্যাদি। আশা করি এসব তথ্য আপনাদের সঠিক সিদ্ধান্তনিয়েবিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ভর্তি হতে সহায়কহবে।1. এমবিবিএস (MBBS)2. ডেন্টাল সার্জারি3. চিকিৎসার সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট অন্যান্য বিষয়ে4. সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং5. আর্কিটেকচার6. ইলেকট্রিক্যাল এন্ড ইলেকট্রনিক্স ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং7. ম্যাটেরিয়াল এন্ড মেটালরজিকাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং8. নেভাল আর্কিটেকচার এন্ড মেরিন ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং9. কম্পিউটার সায়েন্স এন্ড ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং10. মেকানিকাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং11. ক্যামিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং12. আরবান এন্ড রেজিওন্যাল প্ল্যানিং13. ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিয়াল এন্ড প্রডাকশন ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং14. Agriculture/ Soil Science15. পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (Physics)16. Applied Physics (ফলিত পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান)17. রসায়ন (Chemistry)18. Applied Chemistry19. গণিত ও ফলিত গণিত20. পরিসংখ্যান (Statistics)21. ভূ-তত্ত্ব/ভূ- তত্ত্ব ও খনিবিদ্যা22. প্রাণিবিদ্যা (Zoology)23. উদ্ভিদ বিজ্ঞান (Botany)24. প্রাণ রসায়ন ও অনুজীব বিজ্ঞান25. মাইক্রোবায়োলজি (Microbiology)26. জেনেটিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এন্ড বায়োটেকনোলজি27. খাদ্য ও পুষ্টি বিজ্ঞান (Food & Nutrition)28. পপুলেশন সায়েন্স29. ভূগোল (Geography)30. মনোবিজ্ঞান (Psychology)31. বিবিএ/ এমবিএ/ সিএ/ আইসিএমএ32. ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি33. সমাজ বিজ্ঞান/ ন-বিজ্ঞান34. মনোবিজ্ঞান (Psychology)35. সমাজকল্যাণ/ সমাজকর্ম36. আন্তর্জাতিক সম্পর্ক37. লোকপ্রশাসন (Public Administration)38. গণযোগাযোগ ও সাংবাদিকতা39. রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান (Political Science)40. শান্তি ও সংঘর্ষ (Peace & Conflict)41. ইতিহাস (History)42. ইসলামিক স্টাডিজ43. উইমেন এন্ড জেন্ডার স্টাডিজ44. শিক্ষা ও গবেষণা (Education & Research)45. Arabic/Persian46. অর্থনীতি (Economics)47. দর্শন (philosophy)48. আইন (Law)49. ইংরেজি (English)50. প্রাইভেট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পড়াশুনাAfter passing HSC exam one needs to decide what subject he/sheisgoing to take for higher study orstudy abroad or, IELTS/SAT/GMAT/GRE etc. Then he/shetakespreparation for university admission test.In fact, this decision is crucial as it dictates the careerpathhe/she is going to take rest of his/her life. So,the decision must be correct one. To make a correct decisionabouthigher study after HSC exam oneneeds necessary data of various subject options. This appcontainsall the necessary data like what istaught in a particular subject, what are the job opportunities,inwhich universities (among Dhakauniversity, BUET, IBA, Shahjalal university, privateuniversity,Medical etc.) the subject is taught,scholarship availability, study abroad etc. It will also helptotake BCS preparation or, government jobsbd from the beginning of university student life by knowingthepotentials. 'What's the mattercanbe read, whether, where reading, etc. You can find out howthefuture of this app.The end of life is like a dream career. And to buildacareerThe most important time of the HSC "at the next time. Thiswasoriginally scheduled timeA key issue is what will happen in the future of highereducation.So the correct decision tooNeeded. The university is the right decision for highereducation,the right to information. Therefore,Before you got 'HSC' after the study. It is more than 50(Subject) alocana details of any university are taught, whatistaught, employmentWhat field, how are you, if you have a scholarship, if you havetheopportunity to study abroadEtc. I hope you made the right decision with thisinformationhelpful to be admitted to the universityYou.1. MBBS (MBBS)2. Dental Surgery3. Other issues related to treatment4. Civil Engineering5. Architecture6. Electrical and Electronics Engineering7. Material and Engineering metalarajikala8. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering9. Computer Science & Engineering10. Mechanical Engineering11. Chemicals Engineering12. Urban Planning and rejionyala13. Industrial and Production Engineering14. Agriculture / Soil Science15. Physics (Physics)16. Applied Physics (Applied Physics)17. Chemistry (Chemistry)18. Applied Chemistry19. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics20. Statistics (Statistics)21. geology / geothermal theory and Mining22. Zoology (Zoology)23. Plant Sciences (Botany)24. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology25. Microbiology (Microbiology)26. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology27. Food and Nutrition Science (Food & amp; Nutrition)28. Population Science29. Geography (Geography)30. Psychology (Psychology)31. BBA / MBA / CA / aisiemae32. Islamic History and Culture33. Social science / non-science34. Psychology (Psychology)35. Social Welfare / Social Work36. International Relations37. Public Administration (Public Administration)38. Mass Communication and Journalism39. Political Science (Political Science)40. Peace and Conflict (Peace & amp; Conflict)41. History (History)42. Islamic Studies43. Women and Gender Studies44. Education and Research (Education & amp; Research)45. Arabic / Persian46. ​​Economics (Economics)47. Philosophy (philosophy)48. Law (Law)49. English (English)50. private university studyAfter passing HSC exam one needs to decide what subject he /sheis going to take for higher study orstudy abroad or, IELTS / SAT / GMAT / GRE etc. Then he / shetakespreparation for university admission test.In fact, this decision is crucial as it dictates the career pathhe/ she is going to take rest of his / her life. So,the decision must be correct one. To make a correct decisionabouthigher study after HSC exam oneneeds necessary data of various subject options. This appcontainsall the necessary data like what istaught in a particular subject, what are the job opportunities,inwhich universities (among Dhakauniversity, BUET, IBA, Shahjalal university, privateuniversity,Medical etc.) the subject is taught,scholarship availability, study abroad etc. It will also helptotake BCS preparation or, government jobsbd from the beginning of university student life by knowingthepotentials.
Complete Biology 8.4
Complete Biology App is a complete reference guide for everybiologystudent
Biology XII 1.0
PanaTech Apps
Second year Biology Complete Notes
HSC MCQ Bangladesh 1.0
Bio, Chem, Phy, History, I. History, Civics, Finance,Economics,Accounting
HSC 2.0
What is HSC App?Give your best shot in Tamil Nadu HSC board examinationsbyattending more than 2000+ one-mark questions stored in ourupdatedHSC app for smart phones. Your search for HSC MultipleChoiceQuestions finally ends here.(This app is designed & developed using Google’sMaterialDesign)Who are we?After a successful launch of ‘SSLC’ App, which was aimed tocaterthe needs of SSLC aspiring students, our team has nowexpanded theirfocus to fulfill the needs of TN HSC aspiringstudents.What is the curriculum?1. Mathematics2. Physics3. Chemistry4. Biology5. Computer ScienceWhy do you need one?* With a huge repository of Question & Answers (morethan2000+ questions), you have the choice to attend as much numberofquestions as you can.* To err is human. Right? So you can review the attendedquestionwith the correct answers at the end of the test.* You have got a chance to RETAKE the SAME TEST withDIFFERENTset of QUESTIONS at the end of assessment & lotsmore.
Board Exam Solutions: 10 & 12 3.1.4
CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 Board Paper Solutions
HSC Science 0.1.1
For Students of Class XII ScienceofMaharashtra State Board-----------------------------------------------------------This app contains 1200+ Multiple Choice questions fromthesubjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Englishtohelp you revise for your exams. Some of the questions arenumericalproblems or long form questions and may require pen andpaper forfinding a solution.This app only helps you to assess your level of preparation.Itis NOT MEANT to teach you the subject matter. So the best waytouse this app is to study the subjects and then go throughthequestions in the app.
PCM Formulas 5.6.3
PCM Formulas serves as a quick reference for all yourformulaneeds,helps you learn and revise formulas quickly, it'sintuitiveuserinterface is easy to read and understand. • Get accesstoallPhysics, Chemistry and Mathematics formulas at one place.•Useanywhere anytime you need. • No more spending hoursonwritingimportant formulas on a paper. • Helpful forStudentspreparing forClass 11,12 Boards, PU, JEE, NEET andEngineeringStudents.Discussion Forum : An active base of thousandsof studentsjustlike yourself on one open platform to discuss allthe mattersofPCM and whatever you like. Using this you canpostquestionsrelated to the subjects or in general, getresponsesandunderstanding of others view points. 1. PostText/ImagesofQuestions/Doubts 2. Comment on Posts 3. Like/Share anyquestionifyou think it might be useful to someone 4. GetResponsesinreal-time! 5. Socialise among your PCM studentcommunity. MyNotesSection : Add your own notes subject-wise andaccess themanywhere,anytime. Add Images from your Gallery of yourBooks,Solution, etcTopics Covered: MATHEMATICS 1. Logarithm2.Trigonometry 3.Determinants & Matrices 4. Integration 5.Limits6. Sequenceand Series 7. Quadratic Equation 8. ComplexNumbers 9.Permutation& Combinations 10. Probability 11.Straight Line 12.Circle 13.Parabola 14. Hyperbola 15. Derivatives16. BinomialTheorem 17.Statistics PHYSICS 1. Circular Motion 2.Gravitation 3.Work,Energy & Power 4. Rotational Motion 5.Oscillation6.Elasticity 7. Waves & Sound 8. Kinematics 9.Kinetic TheoryofGases 10. Thermodynamics 11. Ray Optics 12. WaveOptics13.Electrostatics 14. Current Electricity 15. Capacitors16.MagneticEffect of Electric Current 17. Magnetism 18.AlternatingCurrent19. Electro Magnetic Induction 20. Atoms,Molecules &Nuclei21. Dual Nature of Radiation & MatterCHEMISTRY 1.PeriodicTable & Detailed Elements 2. AtomicStructure 3.Gaseous State4. Hydrogen 5. The s-block Elements 6.Hydrocarbon 7.EnvironmentalChemistry 8. Solid State 9. Solutions10.Electrochemistry 11.Chemical Kinetics 12. Metallurgy 13.Thep-block Elements 14.d-block & f-block Elements 15.CoordinationCompounds 16.Haloalkanes & Haloarenes 17. Alcohols,Phenols& Ethers 18.Amines Proudly Made In India By - AnilMakhijaTusshar
Physics XII 2.3
PanaTech Apps
Second year Physics Complete Notes
Book of Physics 1.0
Book of PhysicsThis book contains hundreds of multiple choice questionsonthefundamentals of physics.Once a correct answer has been chosen then an explanationtothatquestion can be viewed to help your understanding.Questionscan beanswered incrementally or specific topics can bechosen.There is a star rating system to help gauge progress andabarshowing your progress.Question topics include the following subjects:-EnergyForceElectricityWavesMagneticLensesMedicalAtomsGraphPress Next or Previous button to view a question.This app will help you understanding thefundamentalsofphysics.
Chemistry XII 1.0
PanaTech Apps
Second year Chemistry Complete Notes
For BangladeshAll the necessary MCQ for HSC students of Science andBusinessStudies group will be available here (Humanities group willbeavailable soon). Students can practice through the app and alsocanattend live and practice model test.We have 50,000+ questions and 216 Model Tests (more arecoming)and LIVE Model Test. We are using dedicated high configured4thgeneration server to feed the questions.We own our questions and will be keep adding the questionseveryweek. BBA and CSE students are preparing the Model Testsets.More features are coming in next version. For details visitoursite and facebookpage
IIT JEE NEET 8-9-10th 11-12 CA MBA 2.3.4
Robomate plus
Robomate+ (Robomate Plus) is the world’s largest curriculumbasedexam preparation app for students. Irrespective of studentsgoingfor tuitions or coaching classes, this learning app provideshelpin studies and solving questions papers better for school/collegeor entrance exams such as NTSE Exam, IIT JEE Main, IIT JEEAdvanced(Engineering Entrance Exams), NEET (Medical EntranceExams), AIIMSEntrance Exam, CA IPCC, CA CPT, MBA Entrance, CAT,CMAT, CET, BoardExams such as Maharashtra Board (8th ,9th , SSC,11th Commerce,11th Science, HSC Commerce, HSC Science), FYBCom(MumbaiUniversity), CBSE (Class 8th,Class 9th, Class 10th ), ICSE(Class9th, Class 10th), Karnataka Board (PU 1, PU 2),includingsubjectsMathematics (Maths), Science, Physics, Chemistry,Biology,Commerce. Through this Study App, you can access videolectures byexpert teachers and best teachers of India, whenever youwant,wherever you are. These video lectures are the bestselectededucation videos compared to class room lectures and willhelp youunderstanding concepts and solving question papers insmarter way.The content is well organized by chapters and simplystructured foreasy navigation. Each chapter is broken into smallmodules of 5 to7 mins each to keep the lectures interesting and tothe point. Therelevant topic is explained thoroughly. Animation andpresentationhave been included so that you can understand conceptsbetter. Youcan even add notes to the video timeline and assessyourperformance with tests at the end of every chapter andmodule.Robomate+ (Robomate Plus) Features: • Video lectures byexpertteachers according to topics and concepts • Mapped tothecurriculum • Oriented towards Class examination and/ orEntranceExamination • Well organized by chapter & module •Videosexplaining problem solving methods & techniques • Small 5to 7mins videos for maximum impact • Simply structured foreasynavigation • Refer E-notes for better perception • Assessyourperformance and Recall multiple chapters with tests &RegularDynamic Tests • Add notes to the video timeline • Clarifydoubtsthrough study groups The following courses are availableonRobomate+ IIT JEE Main, IIT JEE Advanced (EngineeringEntrance)Preparation • Helping you for your engineering careerendeavour byproviding IIT mains, JEE mains, IIT advanced and JEEAdvancedcoaching. You can be rest assured about our best IITcoaching •This App will put in motion IIT JEE preparation for youto touchthe sky (akash) IIT JEE ranking. • The subjects coveredareMathematics (Maths), Physic, Chemistry in Science. • AlsoincludesMHCET or KCET NEET, AIIMS (Medical Entrance Exam)Preparation •Helping you for your medical entrance exam preparationfor CBSENEET exam preparation • The subjects covered are Physic,Chemistryand Biology in Science. CA CPT, CA IPCC (CA Exam)Preparation • TheApp will help you having a strong preparation topass CA Examsincluding CA CPT, CA IPCC • The subjects covered areFundamental ofAccounting, Quantitative Aptitude, Mercantile law,GeneralEconomics CAT, MBA Entrance exam Preparation • The App willprovidean all-round best CAT and best MBA entrance preparationstrategy,content, tools & techniques • The subjects coveredareQuantitative Analysis, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation&Verbal Communication. It covers Percentages, RatioProportions,Application of Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, PermutationCombination,Venn Diagrams Class 8th, Class 9th, Class 10th, Class11th &Class 12th • Maharashtra State Board Class 08th • CBSEClass 09th(NCERT Class 09th), Class 09th ICSE, Maharashtra StateBoard Class09th • CBSE Class 10th (NCERT Class 10th), Class 10thICSE,Maharashtra State Board Class 10th • Maharashtra State BoardClass11th • Maharashtra State Board Class 12th • SubjectsincludeMathematics (Maths), Science (Physics, Chemistry,Biology),Commerce, Geography, Civics, Social Science, French,English,Marathi & Sanskrit.
HSC English 2nd Paper 1.0.0
This application contains English 2nd Paper important topics forSSCstudents.
Physics Superbook 1.0
This book provides a much needed definitions, equations andformulason the go reducing the amount of time used to locate themin normaltextbooks.The conventional way of study and research on physics isstillmuch relevant and with the Physics Superbook alongside itsmakesthe understanding of physics much easier and fasterDownload the app or order for the book online and enjoythebenefits of having your formulas at your finger tips