Top 6 Apps Similar to Parafuzo Profissional

Autonomos 1.0.4
Autonomos é um canal dedivulgaçãomultiplataformas que conecta rapidamente o profissional aclientesem São José do Rio Preto. De uma forma intuitiva erápidaestabelece um contato sem intermediários, do qual oprofissionalcom perfil mais interessante para o cliente sai nafrente de seusconcorrentes.Com mais de 100 profissões disponíveis, o sistema necessitaapenasde um breve cadastro, intuitivo e simples, que ao colocarasprincipais características de seu serviço, informações básicasefotos de perfil e serviços prestados estará disponível paraservisualizado pelos usuários da plataforma.As profissões são divididas por categorias, são elas:AssistênciaTécnica, Auto, Aulas, Casa, Construção, Consultoria,Esportes,Eventos e Festas, Moda e Beleza, Saúde e Tecnologia.Os benefícios destacados para os profissionais são: chat onlineedestaque do telefone sem nenhum tipo de cobrança, avaliações -oboca a boca 3.0 - melhorando o posicionamento do profissionalnalista de profissionais, qualificação do profissional - atravésdeinformações, dicas e capacitação por meio dos diversos pontosdecontato entre cliente e plataforma -, liberdade de negociaçãoeforma de recebimento sem taxas extras e cadastro grátis -limitadopor quantidade de profissionais -.Para os clientes os benefícios são: poder de escolha dentreváriosprofissionais e encontrar aquele com o perfil ideal, escolhadomeio de pagamento livre, liberdade ao conversar com oescolhidoatravés de chat ou telefone sem intermediários, ter acesso24 horaspor dia 7 dias por semana aos melhores profissionais dacidade etodos esses benefícios de forma grátis.Autonomos chega para girar a economia local e fazer os riopretensesnunca mais se preocuparem com contratação deprofissionais liberaisou autônomos.Palavras chave: Autônomo, Emprego, Oportunidade,Trabalho,Profissional, Diarista, Serviço, Limpeza, ReparoAutonomos isamulti-platform release channel that quickly connects the tradertocustomers in São José do Rio Preto. An intuitive andquicklyestablishes a contact without intermediaries, which thetrader withmore interesting profile for the customer leaves infront of yourcompetitors.With more than 100 professions available, the system only requiresabrief registration, intuitive and simple, to put the mainfeaturesof their service, basic information and profile picturesandservices will be available to be viewed by the platformusers.The professions are divided into categories, they are:TechnicalAssistance, Auto, Classes, Home, Construction, Consulting,Sports,Events and Parties, Fashion and Beauty, HealthandTechnology.The benefits highlighted for professionals are: online chatandhighlight of the phone without any fees, assessments - wordofmouth 3.0 - improving the position of the professional intheprofessional list, professional qualification -throughinformation, advice and training for among the many pointsofcontact between client and platform - freedom of negotiationandhow to receive no extra charge and free registration - limitedbynumber of professionals -.For customers the benefits are: power of choice amongmanyprofessionals and find the one with the ideal profile, choiceofmeans of payment free, free to talk to the chosen via chat orphonewithout intermediaries, have access 24 hours a day 7 days aweekthe best professionals of the city and all of these benefitsoffree form.Autonomos arrives to turn the local economy and make pretensesrivernever worry about hiring liberal or independentprofessionals.Keywords: Self Employed, Employment, Opportunity,Business,Professional, diarist, Service, Cleaning, Repair
Diarist 6.9.1
O Diarist vem com o objetivo deestreitararelação Cliente e Diarista em todo território nacional,comummodelo online de simples procura e maior agilidade esegurançanopagamento, buscando sempre oferecer o melhor serviço,comqualidadee transparência.Fanáticos por serviço e qualidade.O Lar é seu, o cuidado é nosso.The Diarist comeswiththeaim to strengthen the customer relationship andDiaristanationwide,with an online model simple demand and greateragilityand securityin payment, always seeking to offer the bestservice,quality andtransparency.Fanatics for service and quality.Home is his care is ours.
Professional Resume Builder CV 4.6.2
Apps Pitow
Make your professional resume, with more than 20 templates, CVinPDF
Resume Creator - Professional 89.0
Professional Curriculum easily created by your smartphone
Hub Family Calendar Organizer 3.0.2
Hub keeps your home & family organized. Sharecalendars,lists,tasks, photos & more. Everything that'simportant in oneplace.Get your housekeeping, chores and organizingdone. It's greatforparents, mom, dad and acts as a family plannerfor yourhousehold.The ultimate family organizer. The best app forsharingcalendars.The best app for sharing lists & tasks. ★SharedCalendar.Share events from your calendar and sync events intoyourcalendar.Works with all calendars. ★ Share grocery lists,shoppinglists,ToDos, any list you want. ★ Share notes, messages,photos,comments& more to stay connected. ★ Simple, fast &powerful- it'syour home & family organizer! SHARED CALENDAR&SCHEDULINGShared calendars and agendas help you stay in syncwitheveryonearound you. Manage events & meetings, and sharethemregardlessif your using google, hotmail, outlook, gmail, oryahoo.Hubintegrates with everything. Use month view or weeklistagendaview. Great for housekeeping, chores andkeepingeverythingorganized. It's your entire event schedule andagendamanager -your family calendar. SHARED LISTS & TASKSSharegrocery lists,shopping lists, todo lists & more. Fastandeffective listmanagement let you organize and share all yourlistsand help youget things done! Parents love hub because itkeepseverythingorganized! Check items off in checklists, assignthings,track whatneeds to be done. Set due dates, reminders and bemoreproductive.Manage chores, tasklists, to-dos with hubapp.BETTERCOMMUNICATIONMessages, notes and posts let you stay in touchwitheveryone inyour family. Whether they're at home, work orschool.Regardless ifyou have kids or not Hub is perfect for you andyourfamily. It'syour family organizer and home organizer. You'llwonderhow yourever survived with a calendar, task list andcommunicationsthatwasn't synced with your home. Parents andfamilies alike. It'sacozy way to keep organized with everyone. It'sgreat forcouples,families, parents, kids and anyone who needs tostayorganizedtogether. We all have todo lists and events to mange -hubis theultimate task manager. You'll be amazed at howusefulsharedgrocery lists, shopping lists and shared calendars areandhow yougot by without them. It makes parenting, home andfamilylife somuch easier. Everyone needs and home &familyorganizer.Appointments are automatically synced between usersandyou'llalways be up to date with your calendar, events, tasks,todolists,grocery lists, shopping lists and anything you wanttoshare.Organize everything! Get organized today with Hub. YourHome&Family Organizer!