Top 18 Apps Similar to Color Blindness Test

Color Blindness Test 1.5
Have you ever wondered whether you're color-blind or not?
Color Blind Check 0.7.0-1602051918
Color blindness test which finds any type & severity ofcolorvision deficiency.
Colour Blindness Test 2.2.0
The Ishihara test is a color perception test for red-greencolordeficiencies. The test consists of a number of coloredplates,called Ishihara plates, each of which contains a circle ofdotsappearing randomized in color and size.Within the pattern aredotswhich form a number or shape clearly visible to those withnormalcolor vision, and invisible, or difficult to see, to thosewith ared-green color vision defect, or the other way around. Thefulltest consists of 38 plates, but the existence of a deficiencyisusually clear after a few plates. But this test consisting only17plates.
Color Blindness Test 1.0
Color Blindness Test lets you to make the Ishihara Color Testonyour device.
Colour Blind Test 1.0
The most common cause of color blindnessisdueto a fault in the development of one or more of the threesetsofcolor sensing cones in the eye. Males are more likely tobecolorblind than females as the genes responsible for themostcommonforms of color blindness are on the X chromosome. Asfemaleshavetwo X chromosomes, a defect in one is typicallycompensatedfor bythe other, while males only have one X chromosome.Colorblindnesscan also result from physical or chemical damage totheeye, opticnerve, or parts of the brain. Diagnosis istypicallywith theIshihara color test; however a number of othertestingmethods alsoexist.[2]There is no cure for color blindness.[2] Diagnosis mayallowaperson's teacher to change their method of teachingtoaccommodatethe decreased ability to recognize color.[1]Speciallenses mayhelp people with red-green color blindness whenunderbrightconditions. There are also mobile apps that canhelppeopleidentify colors.[2]Red-green color blindness is the most common form,followedbyblue-yellow color blindness and total colorblindness.Red-greencolor blindness affects up to 8% of males and0.5% offemales ofNorthern European descent. The ability to seecolor alsodecreasesin old age.[2] Being color blind may makepeopleineligible forcertain jobs in certain countries. This mayincludepilot, traindriver, and armed forces. The effect of colorblindnesson artisticability, however, is controversial. The abilityto drawappears tobe unchanged and a number of famous artists arebelievedto havebeen color blindColor vision deficiencies can be classified asacquiredorinherited.Deuteranopia is a type of color vision deficiency wherethegreenphotoreceptors are absent. It affects hue discriminationinthe sameway as protanopia, but without the dimming effect.Likeprotanopia,it is hereditary, sex-linked, and found in about 1%ofthe malepopulation.[6]Protanomaly is a mild color vision defect in whichanalteredspectral sensitivity of red retinal receptors (closertogreenreceptor response) results in poor red–greenhuediscrimination. Itis hereditary, sex-linked, and present in 1%ofmales. Thedifference with protanopia is that in this casetheL-cone ispresent but malfunctioning, whereas in the earliertheL-cone iscompletely missing.[7]
Color Blindness Test 1.0
Color Blindness Test, a small game that allows you to checkyourcolor vision.
Child Color Vision Test Game 14.0
It is a game for young children.1-6-year-old is the age.Hero is correct and select the balls of the same colorasthe"chubby-kun".Unreadable I am now play without also described ininfantsofcharacter.When you enter the menu from the top screen, you canseepastperformance.
Color Blind Test 2.0.1
Reveal Red-Green & Blue-Yellow Color Blindness &ColorVision Deficiencies
Color Blindness Test 1.0
A small app that will help you determine if you suffer fromcolorblindness
ColorTest 1.0
Color Test is an Ishihara test for color vision deficiencies("colorblindness")
Simulasi Tes Buta Warna Baru 1.1
Aplikasi Simulasi Tes Buta Warna adalah aplikasi yangdikhususkanuntuk melakukan simulasi tes terhadap panca indra ataumataterhadap ketidaknormalan genetika pada mata, yaitukebutaanterhadap warna pada mata. Perbedaan dengan aplikasi TesButa Warnalainnya adalah aplikasi ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu Andadapatmenyematkan stamp/logo pada foto profil Anda pada social mediajikaAnda telah berhasil melewati Simulasi Tes Buta Warna inidenganhssil bahwa mata anda 100 % normal. Simulasi dijalankandenganmenampilkan gambar yang harus Anda lihat dan baca angkayangterdapat pada gambar tersebut. Jika Anda memilikiketidaknormalanpada mata, atau buta warna, maka kemungkinan akankesulitan untukmembacanya, namun jika mata normal maka dapat denganmudah menjawabjawaban angka dari gambar tersebut. Setiap simulasites buta warnauntuk satu pertanyaan diberikan waktu 3(tiga) detik,begitu jugauntuk memilih jawabannya. Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaatbuat Anda,terutama sangat berguna bagi Anda jika Anda dalampersiapan untukmengikuti Tes Ujian SIM atau Ujian POLISI, POLRI,atau TNI.
Color Blindness Test 5.0.0
Android AVM
Easily test and find out if you are color blind in seconds.
Color Blindness Test 1.1
- Recognize Number in different images- Enter the number of different images.- Set the check whether you can see image or not.- Get the result after completing test.
Color Blind Testing 1.1
Rambo Studio
Check your color visionLet's try it !!!
Daltonicam ( for colorblind ) Beta
It works as an extra help forallthosecolorblind people.You will be able to change the camera of you device toreplacetheproblematic colors. This way you can easilydifferentiateit.For example: If the red and brown areproblematicallysimilars,Daltonicam lets you changing the red to theblue. Application without advertising.Features  - Working mode by type of colorblindness:protanopia,deuteranopia y tritanopia.  - Allows the color sensitivity calibrationinreal-time.  - Flashlight for dark areas.  - Highlight-color mode.  - Take pictures with the processed colors. BETA.
Color Blindness Test 1.0
Color Blindness TestA simple app to check if you are color-blind or not.By completing this test, you will be able toknowitapproximately.
Colour Blindness Detector
All your wrongs answers are explained! 1/12 man hascolourblindness.It's more than 8% chance that you also can notrecognizecolours. Donot wait and start the test! Answers are notsentanywhere so be fairwith yourself. Good luck!
Eye Color Test 2.2
Eye Color Test is my first try to developasimple color blindness test. Eye Color Test is based on the ideaofthe real anomaloscope, made from two different light sourceswhichhave to be brought to a match.- Visual Acuity Test- Astigmatism Test- Duochrome Test- Colour Test- Far field vision test- Optician Finder- Eye Quiz- Eye Advice and factsCHECK OUT YOUR IDENTITY1. Click the box that have unusual colors with theremainingbox.2. The test begins when you click on the first box3. You have 15 seconds to answer each box4. When you press the wrong one box you will lose 3 seconds.