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Red Carpets, Royal News and Celebrity Weddings That HaveEveryoneTalking!
Hong Kong Radio 香港電台 RTHK 香港數碼電台 DBC 新城電台MetroRadio D100 IBHK 澳門電台 Macau Radio 網台, BillboardRadioChinaHong Kong Radio RTHKRTHKHong Kong Digital Radio DBC Metro Radio Metro Radio D100 IBHKMacauMacau Radio network Radio station, BillboardRadioChina
香港人電台 Hong Kong Radio-免費新聞收音機 1.3
◆ 香港人電台簡介香港地區電台任你聽!無論是疲累時、下班時、運動時想聽音樂,甚或想隨時享受精彩的香港地區電台節目。如果你是這樣想的話,請立刻下載香港人電台盡情享受電台收音機FM廣播,隨時隨地24小時收聽自己喜歡的頻道。◆ 香港人電台的功能【節目收聽】24小時無地域、無時限制收聽FM、AM收音機和網絡電台。【收藏功能】收藏喜愛的電台後,下次便可快速地播放該電台。【不用註冊】不需註冊會員便可以直接使用。【香港人氣電台完整收集※】完整收集了所有香港人氣電台,包括「香港電台 RTHK」「新城電台MetroRadio」「DBC數碼電台」「IBHK網絡電台」「D100」「謎米香港」「恐怖在線」「民間電台」「香港花生」等等【睡眠定時器】設置睡眠定時器功能可以令播放器在所設置的時間後自動終止,令你在可以在睡眠時放心收聽廣播節目。※由於「商業電台」版權持有人不允許廣播內容收錄於其他APP當中,所以我們並沒有提供「商業電台」的串流服務。※基於不同的通信環境,電台播放有機會因信號接收不良而中斷,請用戶留意。
卓越的 香港收音機 香港電台
一個包羅萬有的香港收音機 (Hong Kong Radio),有齊全香港最好的廣播電台,包括新城電台, 香港數碼, 香港電台, 澳門電台, D100, 和鳳凰電台.An all-inclusive HongKongradio (Hong Kong Radio), with a full range of the bestradiostations in Hong Kong, including the Metro Radio, HongKongDigital, RTHK, Radio Macau, D100, and Phoenix radio.
DBC Radio 5.31
香港數碼廣播有限公司(簡稱DBC數碼電台)共設有七條數碼聲音廣播(DAB+)頻道,當中六條為粵語頻道包括旗艦台、me2、財經台、華語歌曲台、音樂台及戲曲台,及一條外語頻道笑融台,為全港最具規模之數碼聲音廣播持牌營辦商。現時股東為港區全國政協委員黃楚標先生,董事會主席為李國章教授,董事包括李少光先生、彭玉榮先生及行政總裁羅燦先生。數碼1台旗艦台 時政娛樂 生活導航內容包羅萬有的綜合廣播平台。容納社會各階層的聲音,不偏不倚剖析當今時政局勢。掌握最潮生活文化娛樂資訊,自製多元化節目,為聽眾生活注入歡樂元素。數碼2台me2 異想天開 青新力量90後主場,沸青非常吹水平台!由貼地網絡熱話到堅離地夢想起飛;由潮爆K-Pop韓風、日語J-Pop放送、到香港新歌串流;由朝朝GoodMorning到每一個晚上,日日空中傳情。貼地聚焦,香港限定,為本地沸青提供一個發光、發聲、發熱平台。數碼3台財經台 贏盡油、金、股、輪、匯、債、樓廣東話財經頻道。每逢港股交易日追蹤香港股市實況,時刻留意衍生工具市場最新動態,更提供美股、外匯、商品、樓市、窩輪、牛熊證、期指、期權等不同範疇的行情資訊,讓聽眾掌握第一手資料,贏在當前,賺之有道。數碼4 台華語歌曲台 華語歌曲 百聽不厭廿四小時播放華語音樂之頻道。由一眾資深音樂人,為你無間斷播放刻下流行之旋律、以及耳熟能詳之老歌。音樂導賞帶你走進廣闊的音樂空間,享受數碼廣播之非凡音色。數碼5台笑融台 多元文化音樂 民族共融為香港首條以服務不同族裔人士而設的數碼電台頻道。提供多種語言歌曲,包括印尼語、菲律賓語、巴基斯坦語、印度語、泰語、英語等切合各族裔聽眾需要,推動民族共融。數碼6台音樂台 外語歌曲 流行經典歐美流行音樂與經典歌曲廿四小時輪流播放,每週六、日更有流行音樂會、經典樂人與歌曲及舞不停時段,以數碼無暇音色帶你遊走浩瀚音樂領域。數碼7台戲曲台 傳統國粹 戲曲匯聚中國戲曲的電台頻道。播放粵劇、京劇、越劇、黃梅調,以及潮州大戲等各式中國樂曲,讓聽眾透過不同類型的戲曲,享受非同尋常的娛樂。dbcTV1綜合dbc1旗艦台及dbc2 me2 的電視直播頻道,全天候送上時事、娛樂、音樂及生活資訊的視象內容。dbcTV3現場直播dbc3財經台的電視頻道,交易日送上即市分析,假日則送上各類音樂及旅遊節目。Hong KongDigitalBroadcasting Limited (DBC digital radio) with a total ofsevendigital audio broadcasting (DAB +) channels, of which sixchannelsincluding the flagship station for the Cantonese, me2,Finance,Taiwan Mandarin song, drama and music station units, and aWesternchannel laughing financial units, for the whole territory ofthelargest digital sound broadcasting licensee operators.Existingshareholders Port CPPCC Mr. Wong Cho Bau, Chairman of theBoard ofDirectors Professor Li, directors include Mr. Luo Can Mr.LiShaoguang, Mr. Peng Yurong and Chief Executive Officer.Taiwan's flagship current affairs station digitalentertainmentnavigationContent-inclusive integrated broadcasting platform.Soundaccommodate all levels of society, impartial analysis ofthesituation in today's politics. Grasp the tide of cultural lifeandentertainment information, homemade diversificationprogram,element for the audience life into joy.Digital 2 me2 whimsical new green power90 home, very green boiling Chit internet! Affixed by anetworkof hot words to firm ground off the dream; by the blast waveofK-Pop Famous Japanese J-Pop running, streaming songs in HongKong;the ChaoChao Good Morning every night, every day airteaser.Affixed to focus, Hong Kong Limited, a local boiling greenlight,sound, heat internet.Digital Finance do to win three oil, gold, stocks,wheels,exchange, debt, HouseCantonese CNBC. Every track Hong Kong stocks Hong Kong stockmarkettrading day live, always pay attention to the derivativesmarketupdates, provide more stocks, foreign exchange,commodities,property, warrants, CBBC, futures, options and othermarketinformation in different areas for the audience to grasp thefirstfirst-hand information on the current win, earn a properway.Digital four Chinese song Chinese song never tired TaiwanTwenty-four hours of playback Chinese music channels. All music byasenior person, you play without interruption carved Pop melodies,aswell as the familiar songs. Music guided tours take you intothevast world of music, enjoy the extraordinary timbredigitalbroadcasting.5 Digital laughing financial units Multicultural MusicRacialHarmonyHong Kong's first to serve different ethnic people usingadigital radio channels. Provide multilingual songs,includingIndonesian, Tagalog, Urdu, Hindi, Thai and English to meettheneeds of the ethnic audience, to promote racial harmony.Six sets of digital music classic pop songs inforeignlanguagesEuropean and American pop music and songs round the clock turnstoplay, every Saturday, more pop concerts, classical music andthesong and dance man kept time to the digital audio ribbon youhavetime to walk the vast field of music.Digital seven Drama Desk quintessence of traditionaloperaconvergenceChinese opera radio channels. Play opera, opera, opera,Huangmei,Chaozhou and other kinds of Chinese opera music, theaudiencethrough different types of opera, enjoyextraordinaryentertainment.dbcTV1Comprehensive dbc1 flagship station and dbc2 me2 livetelevisionchannels, video-content around the clock to send currentevents,entertainment, music and lifestyle information.dbcTV3Finance dbc3 live television channels, that is sent to the cityofanalysis trading day, the holiday brought all kinds of musicandtravel programs.
Weird People 2.0.0
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