Top 12 Games Similar to Blur X Photo Editor Wallpaper

XPhoto 0.7.22
O XPhoto é uma aplicação para organizarepartilhar fotografias. É especialmente vocacionado paraquandodiversas pessoas participam num mesmo evento (festa de anos,jantarde curso, casamento, etc.), e desejam partilhar asfotografiasentre si.Com o XPhoto é possível registar um evento, classificando-o comodeacesso público ou de acesso privado. Esse evento pode depoisserpartilhado por outras pessoas. Quando uma pessoa aceitaparticiparno evento, e partilha uma fotografia, essa fotografiaéautomaticamente acessível a todos os outros participantes.Nesta fase inicial, o XPhoto só funciona quando tem acessoàinternet. As próximas versões permitirão uma utilização local,sema obrigatoriedade de estar ligado à internet.Como usar o XPhoto:- ao entrar, pela primeira vez, é necessário registar-se. Umemailser-lhe-á enviado para confirmar o seu registo.- Após entrar na App, pode escolher tirar uma fotografia ouescolhera opção de eventos.- Se escolher tirar fotografias, após a fotografia deve escolheroevento ao qual ela ficará associada.- Se escolher a opção dos eventos, poderá criar eventos econvidaros seus amigos para participar neles.Problemas conhecidos (a resolver na proxima versão):- [Gestão de Memória] Ao visualizar fotografias em fullscreen,podecausar que as fotos não sejam mostradas em galerias commuitasfotografias.The XPhoto isanapplication to organize and share photos. It isspecificallysuitable for when several people participate in thesame event(birthday party, course dinner, wedding, etc.), and wantto shareyour photos with each other.With XPhoto you can register an event, classifying it aspublicaccess or private access. This event can then be shared byothers.When a person agrees to participate in the event, and sharesaphoto, that photo is automatically available to allotherparticipants.At this early stage, the XPhoto only works when you haveinternetaccess. Future versions will allow a local, without theneed to beconnected to the internet.Using the XPhoto:- To enter for the first time, you must register. An email willbesent to you to confirm your registration.- After entering the App, you can choose to take a photo orchoosethe events option.- If you choose to take pictures after the photograph is tochoosethe event to which it will be associated.- If you choose the events, you can create events and inviteyourfriends to join them.Known issues (to be resolved in next version):- [Memory Management] When viewing photos in fullscreen, cancausethe pictures being shown in galleries with numerousphotos.
Photo Editor - Pixerist FX Pro 2.2.7
Pixerist Studio
Pixerist FX Free is a Photo Effects appwithlots of cool filters to bring magic to your images. You canapplyseveral filters on the same image, creating unusual andstunningeffects. Combining filters, effects and frames you havevirtuallythousands of filters created by your own. Share your arton yourfavorite social network - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,Tumblr,Pinterest.If you're looking for new Instagram filters maybe you'll findsomevery unique filters in Pixerist.Pixerist was developed with the creative process in mind. Theappoffers a wide range of filters and effects variations to beappliedover an original image in multiple levels of complexity, nottyingthe user to only one filter or frame option.In a few minutes the user can produce many artistic variationsonhis / her photo and save or/and share on any social networkorcloud storage service. Pixerist is registered at Facebook asaFacebook app, you can share your filtered photos evenwithouthaving the Facebook native app installed on your device. Youcanalso share your photos on Instagram, as if you're using anewInstagram filter.There are many different filters styles as Toon , Pop Art,Vintage,Overlayed Colors, and Beauty Skin Cleaning effects.Toon filters make your image look like a hand drawn cartoon, gvingasketch look.Pop Art filters give you effects based on the techniques ofAndyWarhol and Roy Lichtenstein, with tinted colors and graphicprinteffects.Vintage filters turns your photo into 19th and early 20thcenturyyears photography look, with dust and old film textureeffects.There is also a 70's slide filter.What Pixerist offers as a plus comparing to other photofiltersapps:- Multiple crop formatsThe user is not tied to a square cropping format. There are 4otherformats other than the 1:1 square: 16 X 9, 9 X 16, 3 X4 and 4X3.- Full Screen previewThis is a simple feature not found in no other photo app.Clickingon the "Full Screen" button gives the user a clean bigpreview ofthe finished photo.- Zoom image featureThe user can zoom in the image to check how a filter is actingoversome detail of the image.- Real thumbnails previewsWhat the user sees on the thumbnails is an actual miniature ofthereal image with the filter applied, not a tree or just a smallcropof the original image. The user can have an exact idea of whattheimage will be after applying a filter. Thumbnails are adetailedmenu of lots of possible variations.-Smooth and Easy to use interfaceAll the main buttons have captions. Although icons can beprettyobvious, sometimes they aren't. So why not make the interfaceevenmore simpler to use ?- Consistent workflowThe user is free to begin working at no predefined order,forexample by adjusting brightness and contrast, or applying afilterfirst. When the user is inside a module there are no otheroptionsthat could generate confusion, only "Cancel" or "Apply". Assoon as"Apply" is hit, the user is back to the main menu to saveand shareor continue to refine the image.- Superimpose filters and effects with thousands ofpossiblevariationsWhen the user hits "Apply" button, the new image isautomaticallyset as the base image to receive new filters andeffects. All thethumbnails are updated and the user is ready to trynew variationsover the "new" original image.- Multiple levels of interactionThe user can do a one click effect and publish on any socialnetworkin less than 30 seconds, or spend five to ten minutesrefining theimage applying multiple effects and frames. Pixeristdoesn't limitthe creativity of the user to a few filters andframes.- Freedom to save without sharingThe user can save the image to the SD-Card without sharing it toasocial network or site.
Dreamstime: Sell Your Photos 7.4.0
Earn cash for doing what you love: taking pictures!
Shutterstock - Stock Photos an 3.12.3
Find royalty-free content on your mobile device.
Snapwire - Sell Your Photos 1.7.1
Snapwire is a platform that connects a newgenerationofphotographers with brands and businesses aroundtheworld.Photographers get access to real-time, paid photoRequestsandChallenges. Photographers can also sell photos directlyfromtheirown portfolios and in our growing stock photoMarketplace.Snapwireis your home for selling all your creativephotography.Authenticphotography has been proven to boostengagement andincreaseconversions, so your best authentic photosare in highdemand.Start as an Explorer and submit your best photostoSnapwireChallenges. Level up to participate in paid buyerRequests.If yourphoto is nominated, you earn points and if itspurchased yougetpaid quickly and fairly. Build your reputation bygettingmorepoints and level up. Levels give you access to otherappfeaturessuch as: the ability to be invited to Requests,directcommissions,and better exposure. With Snapwire you can:–Participate inSnapwire Challenges and earn award money – Levelupand getexclusive access to paid photo Requests frompopularbusinesses andbrands – Submit photos from your gallery,camera, orcloud – Builda beautiful portfolio and sell imagesdirectly from it– Share yourpersonal portfolio with friends, fansand clients –Sell your bestphotos from our growing stockphotography Marketplace– Getreal-time notifications about Requests– Connect, communicate,andengage with photographers and creativesaround the world –Becomepart of this quickly growing community oftalentedphotographers –Get paid fairly with one of the highestmarketpayouts when yourphotos are purchased – Unlock features byearningpoints and levelup Looking for authentic photos tolicense?Register at as a buyer, and get on-demandcreativeimageryfrom a new generation of photographers. Havefeedback? Wewouldlove to hear from you at [email protected] Follow usonTwitter: Like usonFacebook: Find usonInstagram:
Shutterstock Contributor 1.20.2
Get the insights you need to master your craft
Stock Stats 3.3.3
Ray Woo
This is a mobile app to check your earningsatmicrostock agencies automatically and notify you when you getnewsales.The app crawls the agency and gets the image numberandbalance, it can also estimate your monthly earnings,dailyearnings, RPI per month according to these data.Supported Agencies: Shutterstock, iStock, Fotolia,Dreamstime,123rf, Bigstock, Alamy, Photodune, DepositPhotos, Veer,Canstock,Pond5, Stockfresh, GLStock, MostPhotos, ColourBox.Additional Agencies for Premium Members: Stocksy, Photospin,Zoonar,Canva, PantherMedia. More agencies will come soon.Premium members of this app can view download details andmonthlyearning trending statistics.All account information is encrypted and stored locally, theappvisits the agency web sites directly, your accounts and dataaresafe.
Photo Editor Collage Pixerist 2.7.4
Professional Photo Editor Effects & Collage Maker, PopArtComicsCartoon Filters
Pixendr 1.2.0
Pixendr GmbH
Submit a picture to all majorstockphotoagencies in less than a minute!Select pictures from device gallery / Dropbox / Googledrive,addtitle + decription + keywords and upload via ftp toyourfavoritemicrostock agencies in three easy steps.We know how hard it is to find good keywords. So we'vebuildakeyword suggestion tool for you. Type at least 2keywordsandreceive more than 100 suggestions for you tochooseCurrently we support upload to followingagencies:Shutterstock,Fotolia, Dreamstime, Bigstockphoto,123RF,Depositphoto,Canstockphoto, Pond5. More to come in thenearfuture.
PhotoX 04.00.00
The photo accent editor
Free Stock Photos 1.0.0
Introducing the best way to discover imagesona mobile device. Free Stock Photos presents an elegant waytosearch and download beautiful stock photos, illustrations,andvectors.• Browse smoothly through the image library• Search by keyword to find images of any subject.• View high-res preview images• Download images directly to your deviceNo account needed. All images released under CreativeCommonsZero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and usethephotos for free, including commercial purposes, withoutaskingpermission from or providing attribution to the photographerorStock Photo.
Photo Editor HD 2.01
Photo Editor HD, effects and functions tomakeyour photos look the best! A wonderful way to create and shareyourbeautiful photos and make your friend jealous with yourunmatchablephoto editor toolsHighlight Features:1. Select picture from Photo Gallery2. Select picture from Camera.Effects:Original, Enhance, Daydream, Indiglow, Heat wave, Cinematic,AlwaysSunny, Code Red, NegativeCropRotate:0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degreesFlipx axis, y axis, x then y axis, y then x axisBightnessLow intensity, Medium intensity, High intensity, VeryhighintensityContrastLow intensity, Medium intensity, High intensity, VeryhighintensitySaturationLow intensity, Medium intensity, High intensity, VeryhighintensityMain ColorsRed slider, Green slider, Green sliderRed eyeSmall, Medium, Large, X-LargeStickersThinking, Square message, Circle message right, Circlemessageleft, Gold moustache, Long mustache, Beard, Cigar, Blackhat,Officer hat, Holiday hat,Crown, Monkey hat, Helmet, Pirateeyepatch, Beer, Brown eye glasses, White eye glasses, Blackeyeglasses,Sport eye glasses,Bandaids,Chinesestar,Circle,Arrow,Purple colors "HappyBirthday",Blue colors "HappyBirthday",Partydecorations,Gifts,Heart,Star,DrawTools:ZoomEraserBrushes:Small Hard,Medium Hard,Large Hard,X-Large Hard,SmallSoft,MediumSoft,Large Soft,X-Large Soft20 brush colorsAdd text20 text colorsSmall whiten, Medium whiten, Large whiten, X-Large whitenSmall blemish,Medium blemish, Large blemish, X-Large blemishSharpenBlurPhoto Effects:Tint, Black and White, Sepia, Thermal, Border, Edges, Emboss,SnowFuzz, Night Vision, TintDesigned exclusively for Android L, New aunch Devices,Tablateand smller device also support Touch.