Top 18 Games Similar to The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions

The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions 1.2.6
The Twelve Steps and Twelve TraditionsAppexplains the twenty-four basic principles of AlcoholicsAnonymousand their application and contains a detailedinterpretation ofprinciples for personal recovery and groupsurvival.The 12 traditions grew out of the Alcoholics Anonymous(A.A.)movement and outline the means by which A.A. maintains itsunityand relates itself to the world around it.This app has tools u need to stay in recovery. Havethe 12 Steps with u to read anytime and take notes so u don'tforgetyour new sponsor's phone number. Easy to navigate and if youneed ameeting or a prayer on the go, you can find that here too.Features:~ 12 Step Prayers~ Internet access to find a meeting in your area~ Calendar functionality to keep track of meetingsandspeakers~ Notepad to take notes~ Share the App with your friends~ Search the app capability~ Bonus Puzzles
12 Steps AA Companion 3.2.8
Dean Huff
The ORIGINAL sobriety tool available for members ofAlcoholicsAnonymous
AA Big Book Study And Speakers 2.2
Anthony Nutter
Seamlessly stream Joe & Charlie,BigBookand Old Time Speaker audio files on the go.Joe & Charlie discuss the Big Book Chapter by Chapter.The12steps are elaborated on by Joe & Charlie to assisttheneverending step work.The Big Book is also played as an audio book chapter bychapter,pageby page.Old Time Speakers include : Bill W., Mary R., ChuckC.,MildredF....This app aids individuals studying on their own.Groupdiscussionand topics may be guided by these tapes, providingthemeeting chairwith endless points of interest.Audio files are public domain.
Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous 2.2.1
Reaching High
NEW Personal Stories just added. AndaNewSEARCH feature to find what your looking for FAST.The Story is the SECOND edition (available in US only)accountofhow many thousands of men and women have recoveredfromAlcoholismanswering the question "What is Alcoholism"?The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous App is a must have foranyoneinrecovery.Need an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting on the go, find it here.Orhowabout a quick prayer on the go, it's here too! Now withabonuspuzzle to help keep your mind clear.There NO PAGE NUMBERS because each EDITION has itsOWNPAGENUMBERS. They have been removed after NUMEROUS complaintsthatthepage numbers were wrong. Those users were not usingtheSECONDEDITION. This is the SECOND edition out of four.Features:~ The Big Book Text 2nd edition in its entirety.~ Recovery Prayers~ Personal Stories~ Internet access to find a meeting in your area.~ Calendar functionality~ Notepad~ Puzzle~ Search Ability*** If for any reason you are unhappy with this app,pleaseemailme! I will refund your money immediately with noworries.There NO PAGE NUMBERS because each EDITION has itsOWNPAGENUMBERS. They have been removed after NUMEROUS complaintsthatthepage numbers were wrong. Those users were not usingtheSECONDEDITION. This is the SECOND edition out of four.
AA Speakers (Alcoholics)
FREE VERSION NOW AVAILABLE: Speakers Free (Alcoholics) - See "More FromDeveloper"sectionThe AA speakers app allows you to listen to recoveryspeakers,workshops and audio books from Alcoholics Anonymous (a 12stepprogram) whenever and wherever using simply a wifi orcellularnetwork connection.The app includes300+ speakers speaking at Alcoholics Anonymous conventionsworldwidewith descriptions of where they are from and where theyarespeaking.The Joe and Charlie Big Book Study - a series of tapes talkingaboutthe Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Audio Book.The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics AnonymousAudioBookThis app is perfect for when you cant get to a meeting,takerecovery with you wherever you go!The content of this app is not being sold merely the softwarethatplays it.
The Daily Reflections 2.1.8
Written for AA members by AA members,DailyReflections offers you a daily collection of encouraging wordsandwisdom to carry forward through each passing day. NeedAlcoholicsAnonymous meetings on the go, find it here. Or how abouta quickprayer or daily devotions, it's here too! The DailyReflections appopens to the current dates reflection making it thebest dailyreading app for all in recovery.Features:Opens to current days Reflection.Ability to send SMS with share feature.Calendar to keep track of meetings and speakers.Ability to take notes.Brightness adjusting capabilities.Newly designed Search function.If you need support for this app pleasecontact:[email protected]
12 Steps and 12 Traditions AA 4.7.0
Reaching High
The 12 traditions grew out of theAlcoholicsAnonymous (A.A.) movement and outline the means by whichA.A.maintains its unity and relates itself to the worldaroundit.This app has tools u need to stay in recovery. Keep the 12Stepswith u to read anytime and take notes so u don't forget yournewsponsor's phone number. Easy to navigate and if you need ameetingor a prayer on the go, you can find that here too.Features:~ 12 Step Prayers~ Internet access to find a meeting in your area.~ Calendar functionality to keep track of meetingsandspeakers~ Notepad~ Puzzles
AA Speakers Free (Alcoholics)
The AA speakers app allows you to listentorecovery speakers, workshops and audio books fromAlcoholicsAnonymous (a 12 step program) whenever and wherever usingsimply awifi or cellular network connection.The app includes300+ speakers speaking at Alcoholics Anonymous conventionsworldwidewith descriptions of where they are from and where theyarespeaking.The Joe and Charlie Big Book Study - a series of tapes talkingaboutthe Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Audio Book.The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics AnonymousAudioBookThis app is perfect for when you cant get to a meeting,takerecovery with you wherever you go!The content of this app is not being sold merely the softwarethatplays it.
AA Big Book Free Audiobook
Free Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous audiobook. Listen whileyouread!
Meeting Finder 1.7
Meeting Finder will help you find AAmeetingsbased on location and time of your choosing. Our listingscontainthousands of meetings from all 50 states. Don't see yourfavoritemeeting in the search results? Not a problem! You cansubmitmeetings to us and they will be included in the results. Ifameeting we list isn't there anymore, or has an incorrect time,oraddress you can let us know with a push of a button and we'lltakecare of it. Meeting Finder is free and comes without any ads.You do not need to register/login to find meetings.You can invite others to meeting you find with MeetingFinder.Just select the meeting you like, click the share icon andapre-filled text/email message will pop up for you to reviewandsend.You can associate meeting types(Open, Closed, Big Book...)withany meeting you find or create. If you don't see a meetingtypethat you would like to use contact us and we'll happily addit.We currently do not have any meeting types associated withourmeetings, so please add them to the meetings you attend.
My Spiritual Toolkit AA Steps 4.4.2
12 Step AA App for Alcoholics Anonymous Members Daily ReprieveFromAlcoholism
AA Quotes 1.0.4
Daily dose of quotes and sayings from Alcoholics Anonymous!
SoberTool - Alcoholism, Addict 6.0.8-lite
Sobriety Counter, Trains you to be sober. Any addiction, alcoholorbad habit.
Alcoholics Anonymous 1.0
Alcoholics Anonymous - A quitdrinkinginitiativeThis virtual Alcoholics Anonymous app is made for people whowantto track their progress in kicking their alcohol habits.There'snothing too fancy, just a timer that'll keep track of howlongyou've been off the stuff and some milestone rankings to keepyoumotivated and on track. It's an alternative (or possiblyevensomething to supplement) going to actual AlcoholicsAnonymousmeetings.If you've got anything you want to comment on or if you findanybugs feel free to submit them with a review below. If you haveanyinterest in actual Alcoholics Anonymous meetings feel free tosendan email to the developer email below.
Joe & Charlie - AA Big Book
The Big Book from Alcoholics Anonymous study by Joe & Charlie+Free AA Big Book
CleanTime Counter 1.1
This application will be useful for recovering addictsandalcoholics. It calculates the amount of time that has elapsedsincethat date, in days, months and years, as well as the time inhours,minutes and seconds :) For personalization, in theapplication itis possible to specify the name and addiction. Thesignificance ofgender is used in some regions to correctly displaythedeclination. It is possible to set an image as the backgroundofthe program, or to choose the background color and font ofyourchoice. Ability to set a password to log in to theapplication,which would protect this information from unauthorizedaccess.Three screens: the first person, the second - with agreeting, andscreen the exact statistics. Switching between viewsby clicking onthe display or on the arrows. Application can make ascreenshot andallows them to share in social networks or anymessage. Forexample, the screenshot in the first person, with theability toadd your own text - slogan. There is a widget for yourdesktop withrunning minutes and seconds. There is the option ofcongratulationson jubilees in the statusbar. Permission to accessthe memory cardis needed to save screenshots to a folderCleanCounter. If you wantthis application to your language - writeto [email protected] application essentially free. Will remainso. Comments andfeedback are welcome) Wish you the day be clean andsober!
Free AA Speakers App 2 1.0
Download the Free AA Speaker App to listentoAAspeakers 24/7, anytime, anywhere that you need to connectandcantget to a meeting. Enjoy:Includes 1000's of Free Recordings like the below:1. AA Speakers added in 20142. AA Speakers added in 20153. Joe and Charlie Big Book Study4. AA Big Book in Audio5. Chuck C. A New Pair of Glasses6. Big Book Adventure with Chris S. and Dave F.7. Clancy I. from Venice Beach, CA “the best of”8. AA Speaker Sandy B. “the best of”9. AA Speaker Ray O. History of AA and the 12 steps10. AA Speaker Earl H “the best of”11. AA Speaker Mickey B “the best of”12. AA Speaker Bob D. from Vegas “the best of”13. AA Speaker Gene Duffy “the best of”14. AA Speaker Joe McQ “the best of”15. AA Speaker Keith D “the best of”This app is devoted to those who have, and those who wishtorecoverfrom seemingly hopeless conditions of mind, bodyandspirit.Our intentions are to make the best mobile friendly, Freetoall,AA Speaker app available. To carry the message is thisappsmainfocus. It bugged us that many people on the internet andeBaysellthese tapes. Even though it is not illegal it bothered us.Youcanspend upwards of $40 on the Joe and Charlie Study Tapes, or$25andup on the Big Book Audio. No more!This app is not AA approved or sponsored. This app wascreatedbymembers for members. Remember: Our primary purpose is tostaysoberand help another alcoholic.App content courtesy of www.aa-speakers.comApp courtesy of
Три Руки - вязание и рукоделие 1.0.3
В этом приложении вы найдете описаниеподелоксвоими руками и разнообразные идеи, поражающие воображение.Вязаниеспицами и крючком, выкройки для шитья и схемы для вышиваниянеоставят вас без дела. Вы узнаете, как легко и очень простопридатьодежде новый вид самостоятельно и какие хитростиприменяютизвестные дизайнеры. Мы поможем сделать гардероб иокружающий мирпо-настоящему оригинальным!Для любителей рукоделия характерны доступность и компактность.Нокак часто мы понимаем, что на все “не хватает рук” и гдевзятьвдохновение? Эту проблему поможет решить приложение “Три Руки–HandMade”.Сегодня многие с успехом находят себя в творчестве:вязании,бисероплетении, декупаже, рисовании, вышивании, лепке ипрочихвидах рукоделия. Такой вид занятия не требует особыхфинансовыхзатрат и больших физических усилий, зато удовлетворениеотhand-made - колоссальное.- Новая информация каждый день.- Сохранение фотографий на устройство.- Доступ к избранному без доступа к интернету.- Удобная сортировка избранного по категориям.- Обсуждайте интересные новости и делитесь с друзьями всоциальныхсетях.-Официальное приложение сайта три рукиIn this app you willfinda description craft their own hands and a variety of ideasisamazing. Knit and crochet patterns for sewing andembroideryschemes will not leave you without cause. You will learnhow easyand very simple to make a new kind of dress yourself andwhattricks are used by famous designers. We can help make the worldawardrobe and a truly original!For lovers of crafts characterized by affordabilityandcompactness. But how often do we realize that all the "do nothaveenough hands" and where to get inspiration? This problem willhelpsolve the application "Three Hands - HandMade". Today, many find themselves with success in the work:knitting,beading, decoupage, painting, sewing, modeling, and othertypes ofneedlework. This type of employment does not require anyfinancialcosts and great physical effort, but the satisfaction ofhand-made- huge.- New information every day.- Save the photos to the device.- Access to the favorites without access to the Internet.- Easy sorting chosen categories.- Talk about interesting news and share with friends onsocialnetworks.-The Official application site three hands