Top 2 Games Similar to 3D Volcano Island

Volcano Survival 4.5
> Description :Dans Volcano Survival vous allez être plongé(e) dansununiversvolcanique,sautez et calculez vos sauts sinon vous périrez enbrûlantdanslave.Vous rencontrerez différentes plateformes et autres pièges.Dans le mode survie vous allez pouvoir récupérez del’argentpouracheter despouvoirs et survivre à ces plateformes.Dans le mode histoire vous allez devoir acquérirdel’expériencesinoncertains niveaux vous paraîtront impossible à terminer.3…..2…..1.….Courrez !> Remarques :Vous pouvez télécharger Volcano Survivalgratuitementmaiscependant vous pouvez acheter des packs de piècesavec del’argentréel. Les pièces d’or sont la monnaie du jeu.> Caractéristiques :Vous possédez un joystick pour vous déplacer et unboutonpoursauter.Il y a des pièces dans chaque niveaux.Il y a pour l’instant 8 niveaux pour le mode histoire et3pouvoirspour le mode survie.Notre page Facebook : Twitter :> Description:Volcano In Survival you will be immersed (e) inavolcanicuniverse,skip and calculate your jumps or you perish in burning lava.You will meet different platforms and other traps.In survival mode you will be able to collect money to buypowers and survive these platforms.In story mode you will have to gain experience otherwiseSome levels will seem impossible to finish.3 ... ..2 ... ..1. .Courrez ...!> Notes:You can download Volcano Survival free but however youcanbuyparts packs with real money. Gold coins are the currencyofthegame.> Features:You have to move a joystick and a button to jump.There are parts in each level.There is currently 8 levels for the story mode and 3powerstosurvival mode.  Our Facebook page: Twitter:
Spooky Ghost Dungeon 11
Neil Wallace
Trapped in the Spooky ghost dungeon you have fallen into itsgrasp.Ghosts everywhere hunting your movement. Fight through thespookydungeons of ghosts with various challenges. The haunteddungeonsare filled with ghosts protecting treatures and trackingyourmovements. Hide within the candles light or use your magictobattle on. Progress through each level going deeper anddeepercollecting or gaining 3 stars. The spooky dungeons can twistandturn. Teleports, doors, gold quests all to challenge you eachstepof the way. Game modes include: Escape, Guard the stars, Goldrush,Survival, Boss. Features: 20 levels spooky lit dungeons. Powerups,health potions Ghosts, spiders, acid blobs, fire demons. 3dtopdown mazes Easy controls High score table Map Zoom Walk and run